《Heroes of The Collective Volume Two : Regret》20. The Astral Sheriff #9 : Inter-Galaxy Diplomacy Part 2


“Holy sh-!”

“Purcell, language,” The Secretary politely advised quickly. She had the exact same thought as the Vice President had had and whilst cursing in awe on the ship during the journey was ok, she felt they had to check themselves now they were on the ground on Earthsle.

“Welcome to Earthsle! You find yourselves in the metropolis that is Plalia in the country of Striaduen,” announced a guard who received the human, tunman and grëhman mixed party. “If you will follow me and I’ll take you straight to the Council representative who is excited to meet you.”

He led them from the landing dock across a glass encased bridge towards a grand and extraordinary looking building. The city was spread out far and wide and was a mix of lush green spaces, buildings that towered high and some that were domed. On the outskirt of the town was a lone mountain and on the other side, crystal clear waters lined with burnt orange sand.

“This really is something,” whispered Glói Valtersson to Blane. This was the tunman’s first to Earthsle as well, but he was more nervous than excited. He had a lot of responsibilities on his shoulders for this trip.

Do’Lânqwa walked ahead of the group with The Secretary just behind him. Behind her were Glói and Purcell with Blane bringing up the rear, able to keep an eye on everyone.

After five minutes of walking through corridors and elevators and breath taking views, the group arrived to massive double doors that opened into a regally decorated office. Opposite them at the far end was a huge desk placed in front of a flag on the wall, presumably representing the country they were in.

There was a table with ten chairs around the outside of it in the middle of the room. On the walls and in cabinets were weird and wonderful artefacts and objects that the keeper of the office was keen to show off.

Waiting for them behind the desk was a woman with youngish facial features that made her look Blane’s age, but she had grey hair which made her look older.

“Greetings! Welcome!” she cried out enthusiastically, getting out from behind the table. “Please, come in.”

She fussed around the group and motioned for them to sit in the chairs. “I hope the last few days haven’t been too uncomfortable for you. I also hope you understand why it is that we required you to remain in our holding station.”

When the visiting party approached Earthsle’s orbit, they were detained while it was established what the purpose of their visit was and to wait while the other Council members were summoned to Earthsle. There were perhaps quarantining motives behind it too.

But instead of the woman letting them answer, she continued. “I am Jodeth Radtno. Earthsle’s representative to the Council of the Universes. I must say, your appearance has caused quite the stir. I’ve been rather enjoying seeing the elders get in a flap about it all!” She smiled warmly, looking at each one of them sat across from her. “I’m sure you have lots to ask and we have a bit of time before we go to the Council Chambers.”

The group remained quiet, out of awe and anxiety. Normally quite a bubbly and talkative Vice President, he was now a bit shy and retiring.

Sensing this, Jodeth went on. “Well, your questions can wait if you think of anything. You’re all invited to a dinner this evening with the Council and some other officials. This is quite the occasion!”


“You’re so young,” Purcell stuttered, who then realised that we was vocalising his inner thoughts.

She smiled. “As is the way here. We treat the elders with respect but the young are looked upon more favourably for their new ideas and fresh approaches. We are a liberal planet, although some nations on it could do with more work than others. Oh… that’s the time. Please follow me!” She got up and walked off at a pace, leaving the visitors from Earthuu to have to keep up.

The Council room they were led to was situated in the basement levels of the building for security reasons. They were led through the two check points and gestured towards the reserved seating along one side of a long table. The room was the size of four tennis courts and had a ceiling that was high and ornately decorated.

The table and chairs they were now sat at faced a semi-circular platform where the Council members sat, facing at and down upon their visitors. There were seven seats, and Jodeth took the elevated one in the middle.

“Welcome members of the Council of the Universes. Thank you for being available at short notice. To our guests, I will introduce each of the Council members. As is honour and tradition, and in keeping with harmonic practices, they will greet you in their native languages.”

Do’Lânqwa looked sadly at the empty seat on the platform, where the visible absence of a grëhman was obvious.

Blane was equally nervous looking at the representative from Earthtun, recalling their trip back and the hasty and aggressive retreat they made when they found out from their uncle that he was going to detain him.

“At the far end, from Earthriq, I introduce Prince Luqrit Kanjankmal Yodmin.”

“Salasdee,” he said bowing his head.

“From Earthzab is Theoreas Persemund.”

“Chailoa,” he boomed in a deep voice.

“From Earthnek is Woodnushree.”

“Yaastema,” he said, placing his hands on his temples and extending them away in greeting.

“On the other end is Demallo Preloano from Earthrab.”

“Luresedela,” she replied. She nodded upwards twice slightly, but due to her decorative head scarf covering her mouth, it was difficult to know if she did with warmth or obligation.

“Then there is Sammeron Mack from Earthtun.”

“Welcome,” he said rather bluntly and dryly, with a glare towards Blane.

Jodeth looked at Do’Lânqwa and said, “Earthgrë’s representative, Ba’Kleeváno Pe’lami is... unable to join us.”

We all know why that is, Do’Lânqwa thought to himself.

Jodeth then introduced the guests for the Council member’s benefit. “So do you come to us with an agenda you would like to discuss? Would your spokesman please stand and proceed?”

This was it for Glói Valtersson as the man literally speaking on behalf of Earthuu. “Thank you, members of the Council. I am Glói Valtersson, President of the United Nations General Assembly , speaking on behalf of the nations on Earthuu. We come here before you out of fear. Over the last couple of years we have come to learn about the marvel and wonder that exists beyond our Milky Way. We have now also welcomed to our planet four beings from two of these worlds that we have since learnt about. With these wonderous discoveries and shared learning, it is also where our anxiety stems from. We have learned of the Cross Galaxial Multi-Planetary Alliance Pact and we are concerned that our exclusion is under threat due to past excursions made by our friends from the other earths. We come to seek assurances that we will continue to be left alone and will come to no sanction or threat for past indiscretions. In turn, we can assure that no way will there be any more attempts to enter the forbidden area outlined in the Pact from Earthuu. Our one term is that we will continue to provide a home and safety to Do’Lânqwa, Blane, Mindy and Holt. I thank you for your time.”


“Thank you, Glói Valtersson. Concise and to the point. Will you all please step out while we discuss your matter?” Jodeth asked.

As they left, the semi-circular platform extended from both ends to form a circle for which the Council could engage with each other.

After half an hour, they were summoned back into the room, the Council member’s platform reverted back to it’s semi-circular form.

Glói Valtersson remained stood to hear their thoughts.

“Thank you for waiting,” Jodeth started. “I sympathise with you greatly. As you were probably aware, the Pact was put in place over failings to protect and preserve the life of Zaraafinah Zomsai when she visited your earth in good will. But, this was centuries ago, at a time where our ancestor’s ancestors lived and ruled. Is it even right that the Pact continues? Is it not to our benefit to lift the Pact and begin a new relationship, formed in the desire for the sharing of knowledge and culture?”

“You make some valid points, Councillor,” said Glói, “but we came here to ask that the Pact remains and we can continue on, as a separate entity. We are here to ask to be left alone and to offer apologies for the mistakes those we keep safe have made in breaching the Pact.”

“And whilst we understand, this and the events on Earthtun have given rise for thought and so we do decree that the Pact will be going through a review process regardless.”

Glói glanced to Purcell who started to get out of his chair, but Do’Lânqwa stopped him by quickly putting his hand on his arm. The Vice President actually looked terrified by the news.

“A review?” Glói asked nervously.

“Yes. In time we will send a specialised representative to Earthuu in the same way that Zaraafinah did, centuries ago. They will spend time on your Earth, and will report back before we make a decision.”

“Will we get a choice in the matter?” VP Purcell couldn’t help but call out.

“There will be a factoring in of your views involved, of course. In the meantime, until we can make that happen, we will maintain the conditions of the Pact, accepting your apologies and accepting your word that no one else on Earthuu will cross the boundaries of the Pact.”

Purcell and Glói looked at each other and all Purcell could do was shrug in semi-agreement. This was not the ideal outcome they had come for but there did not seem to be a lot of wiggle room.

“Okay, we accept,” Glói finally announced.

“Excellent! The Council are very happy with this outcome. And at the banquet later, we can celebrate and mark this moment,” Jodeth exclaimed, smiling warmly. “We will have our staff show you to your quarters in the meantime.”


Do’Lânqwa knocked and waited. A flustered Madam Secretary opened the door. She had her head tilted with her hair flowing down as she put an earring in her left ear.

“I’m nearly ready. I had a nap and woke up later than I hoped and it took me ages to realise what I could used to dry my hair,” she ranted on.

“You look… different,” he stuttered, taken aback by her appearance.

“Different? Gee, thanks Do’Lânqwa!” she said laughing.

“No, well I mean like a good different. Ok well, um you look beautiful and I was just caught off guard, sorry.”

“Don’t apologise. All you ever see me in is a skirt and shirt or power suit combo.” This time, The Secretary was dressed in a gold and red jewelled sari. The human members of the group had taken with them traditional national costumes that represented their heritage. The Secretary was in traditional Indian dress, Purcell was wearing a formal black Dashiki which had gold detailing on the front and Glói had brought with him a Hátíðarbúningur, a modern version of the traditional men’s dress for formal events, like how this banquet turned out to be. Do’Lânqwa and Blane were wearing stylish tuxedos from Earthuu.

“You don’t look so bad yourself. You scrub up well,” she added, grabbing some gold heels from her case. “Can you hold me up while I put these on?”

“Of course,” he said, placing his hand supportively under her forearm while she stepped into the shoes one by one. She looked up at him, smiling as they made eye contact briefly.

“Thank you.”

There was a knock at the door.

“It’s probably Blane. Although he’s meant to be taking Purcell and Glói down to the banquet hall.”


“Excellent! You’re here!” Jodeth cried out as she welcomed Blane, Purcell and Glói who had entered the banquet hall. The oval table was made from a marble like material and was adjourned with plates and plates of food. There were twenty, high backed seats around the table, some of them sat in.

“Thank you once again for extending this invite to us,” Glói said, taking her hands warmly. “This really is generous.”

“Well we couldn’t let you leave without an Earthsle feast. Please go and talk to people. They’re very excited to see humans! We’re still waiting for a few people.”

“Do’Lânqwa and The Secretary should be here by now,” Purcell whispered to Blane.

“Yeah, I know,” he muttered back. “It’s five past seven. We’ll give them ten minutes and I’ll go and look for them.”



“Can you get it? I just need to spritz some perfume on.”

Do’Lânqwa went to the door and opened it. “I thought we were-” He was instantly hit with something in the stomach that sent a high electric charge through his whole body. Six armed people all dressed in black barged into the room. Do’Lânqwa fell lifelessly back onto the floor as The Secretary let out a scream. It was soon stifled by one of the room invaders as he covered her mouth with their hand. She thrashed against the person who was now holding her in a tight grip.

The door to the room as shut and Do’Lânqwa’s body was searched. They knew what they were looking for.

His badge, found on his waist band.

The same electrocution device that got Do’Lânqwa was then jabbed into The Secretary’s side, causing her to convulse and go limp.

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