《Heroes of The Collective Volume Two : Regret》Forum post reply : Sell your story, but make it rhyme


In a series about people with different superpowers

It's not all sunshine, bunnies and flowers.

The goal is to protect their U-S-A

And along the way, save the day.

Threats come from within the States,

other countries... even outer space!

But amongst the team, not all is well.

The friends, they fight. And for some, it's hell.

Our team is made up of member after member

But there's a character index chapter to help you remember!

Below I'll tell you about some of them

And maybe amongst them you'll find a gem.

There's the English Kimona who's considered the protagonist,

As it's her story we begin with and is the catalyst.

Crashing her plane and resurfacing nine decades later

We follow as she learns about the life that awaits her.

Controlling water and talking with sea creatures,

Are just some of the things that her skillset features.

Terri's our strongest, tough as a rock.

She can take on anyone, but watch for the shock.

Occasionally, she needs a gentle reminder

To make sure she doesn't destroy that diner!

She doesn't mean it... it's just the ground she moves.

It just sort of happens, but with time, she improves.

Brad's the stretchiest, a national treasure,

His limbs will go grow further than one can measure

His behaviour though in some will irk

'Cause behind the scenes to some he's a jerk

As the series progresses he makes amends

As he lengthens, stretches, twists and bends

Our triplets from another earth

are more than we truly deserve.

Overpowered Holt, Mindy and Blane

Are the ones to rely on to deliver pain.

They're new to our customs and are a lot of fun,

But oh boy, I cannot wait as their stories have just begun.

It's Do’Lânqwa who will know if you are one to lie

And it's in his armoured suit that he can fight and fly!

From another earth, sent on a mission

To The Collective, he is a worthy addition.

Not one to want to be in the limelight,

It's The Sheriff I'd want in my corner to fight.

If you want to read more then the signature has a link.

Go on, just click it. Don't even think!

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