《The Great legend of Fafnir: The Beginning》Chapter 22: The puppets of fate. Pt. 2


I awake from the breeze that blows throughout the dungeon cells. I open my eyes slightly to the surprise sight of a torch being lit up near what seems to be the dungeon's main door.

Wiping my eyes I look around and see prince Nerian sleeping with his back to the wall. He doesn't seem that old. I'd assume 20s? He wears worn out clothing, one a civilian would wear. His face is covered in dirt scars and bruises. Clearly they do not practice subtlety here.

I look around memorizing outlines of the dungeon where we are being kept as best as I can. Large cages with metal cell bars, The floor tiles are wet, Odd animals with long tails and dark fur run about the dungeon.

I cannot clearly remember for how long we've been kept here. If I had to assume, maybe a week. I look around some more and identify Alfreed. Well built and tidy despite being here for as long as prince Nerian, but you could see that his face is worn out as he sleeps. His hair is a mess and runs down his face, covered in dirt.

No sign of Samael anywhere... Could he be kept somewhere else? I lose all motivation for escaping as we've had hardly anything to eat. They would give us water occasionally, but there was a chance that it would be dirty or in drinkable at times. The cold would break you if you had nothing to wear.

My eyes still try to adjust to the surroundings as 7 whole days of total darkness has changed my perception. Just being inside here has definitely worn me out.

The winds blow inside. The echoes of footsteps are common. The smell of the dungeon is unbearable.

I follow Nerian's example and lean back on the wall and simply wander off in my own world of imagination...

When I thought that I could enjoy some peace and quite a guard holding a torch enters the dungeon, slamming the door close. It clearly wakes up Nerian, Alfreed and all the other prisoners.

As Nerian shakes his head in confusion. The guard knocks his shield loudly on the Nerian's cell bars. "There's been a notice from the king."

He moves to the center of the dungeon, and yells to wake everyone up. "Wake up you lot! In a few hours, you're all going to be taking a trip outside. A decision made by the king himself. I don't want any trouble when we let you out. Otherwise there'd be bloodshed."

He exits the dungeon, slamming the door close once again. The sound echoes, but is then followed by various people mumbling to one another.

"They're letting us out?"

"Maybe we've been pardoned."

"Thank Ylur! I can finally see my children."

Those are just some of the things I can hear from the people here. I look at Nerian to see what he thinks of this, but he looks at me with a puzzled expression. "So that is what you looked like. I thought that you were a bit more mature in terms of appearances with the way we conversed with each other, but apparently I was wrong."

"What is wrong Fafnir? Is the something wrong?"

"Nerian. What do you think of all of this? I've heard your stories about how ruthless your uncle can be. I don't think that they'll merely let us out just like that."

Nerian pauses putting his hand on his chin, thinking about something. "You're correct. I doubt this move as well. I have a fearful thought in my mind. Come closer, I shall tell you quietly as to not alarm the others here."


I do as Nerian says and sit at the very corner of the cell near Nerian's. He whispers a softly as he could. "I assume the worst. I think that he will take all our lives the way he took the lives of our parents."

"What do you think we should do?"

Nerian looks down, sadness apparent in his expression. "I don't think we can do anything I'm afraid. If it all comes to that I am clearly powerless."

"But why would he do that instead of just leaving you here? Surely he thus that he'd be better off with everyone just imprisoned here."

"That's not entirely true Fafnir. You see, just after the events of my parents death a rebellion started. They consisted of people, nobles who thought good of the previous royal family. They fought to bring down my uncle and to return Vasantria to its former glory. A prosperous one."

"Small skirmishes here and there had happened. This was before he had us imprisoned. Apparently the rebellion became a thorn in my uncle's side. So he amassed to kill the ones that the rebellion is fighting for, and that is the people. Random people, innocent strangers that lived in Vasantria. He made an example of all of them. The rebellion attacked less due to this."

Thinking that I have pieced it all together. I interrupt Nerian to try and prove my hypothesis. "So that means that the rebellion has begun to move once again provoking your uncle to take the lives of yet more Vasantrians?"

"Correct. It seems that we are his next victims..." He looks around the slightly lit dungeon room and sees the people. Some have smiles on their faces thinking that will be freed from this. There are some who have families in here with them and there are some who are elderly. Various types of people.

Nerian looks at me with a stern expression. "I don't think I can save anyone here, but I think I can save you. I shall help you escape my uncle's wrath for you do not deserve this kind of fate."

"What? Neither do you nor anyone else in this room. I may not look like it, but I have experience in fighting. I'll fight our way out and and I'll-" Nerian puts his hand in front of me, and I stop, and he smiles.

"I appreciate the thought Fafnir, I really do. You have courage that only few posses. I am glad that I have met you, but alas, those who do not posses the courage that you have might become envious and try to imitate it. I have thought of myself as weak, but I think now is an opportune time to change all that."

"I've always thought of something so cliche, but it gives me strength nonetheless. Courage is something that pushes you to do something for the sake of others. You don't decide on when to have courage. It comes from within you. It wakes your soul, making you do the impossible."

I can't say anything else. I want to, but I can't find the right words to say. I've been traveling for so long to become stronger... Have I not become strong enough to protect anyone at all? Do I have no potential of being strong as Andour wants me to? What about my quest to ascending the heavens? All for nothing?

I mull over the thought of weakness for a long time. Depressed, I lose track of time. Nerian at one point tried to talk to me, but I may have ended up ignoring him. I was lost in my own world. At what point could you say that you have become stronger? All I wanted was to have the strength to protect someone...


Someone wakes me from my daydream. I see a handful of guards all assembled inside the dungeon room. "Get up kid! We're going to have to tie you all up you so that you don't crowd the streets before you get out."

He opens the gates, and I simply stand up. I think of trying to resist, but what good will that do? I don't think it'll make a difference even if I tried. I halfheartedly resign myself to fate and follow the guard's instructions.

They bind me with ropes connected to another long a rope, and each one connects to another person also bound. I do not have anything but my normal clothes on me. They stripped me of my armor and other possessions before they locked us up. I try to feel my neck to try and find my only memento, but it's not there...

I panic slightly not outwardly showing it. Someone calls my attention as we line up outside our cells, ready to depart. It is Nerian, and he is in front of me calling my attention quietly.

I tell Nerian my final piece. "Don't risk your life for mine Nerian. I am far weaker than you are. You do not hesitate to help at all while I do. Maybe it should all be fine here. It'd make no difference if I were to disappear anyway."

"Quiet of over there! No talking!" The guard scolds us, but immediately tells us to move forward, following the guard infron of us.

We walk for a long while. I lament the thought of what I have gone through. Minutes pass as I think, and we arrive outside.

I lower my head as my hands are still bound. The sun shines brightly outside forcing me to do just that. It takes a while before I could adjust to my surroundings once again.

There we are greeted by a crowd of people all gathered in front of a platform where two people stand. One wearing all black wielding a giant halberd axe, and the other wears extravagant clothing and carry's a book of some sort. Soldiers armed with various weapons are also present in the gathering.

I could suddenly hear cries from behind me. "Wait! What is this? Didn't you say that you'd let us go free?"

"What is the meaning of this? Are we going up there?"

At one point I hear a child ask "what's going to happen to us mommy?" The one the kid asked simply cried in hopes of consoling him with her presence alone.

Nerian leads our row. He walks forward where people look at him with malice. Do they really hate Nerian and the royal family like that? They don't even know the truth yet they judge freely. Well it doesn't concern me anymore. I've already responded myself to what may come.

Soon we are beside the platform awaiting our fate. The prisoners behind us simply cry. I notice that Alfreed stands behind me, intently looking at Nerian.

Nerian is unbound the guard. He steps forward, holding his wrists. The guard turns his back on Nerian and he quickly grapples him in a strong arm lock. He grabs the guard's sword with his right hand and turns to me.

He cuts my bindings. "Go! Run away from here Fafnir!"

I freeze. He disregarded what I had told him earlier and still tried to save me. My hands are free but I merely look at Nerian with eyes of sadness. I close my eyes and I remember an image of Nerian and what he had told me inside our cells before we left. 'You don't decide on when to have courage. It comes from within you. It wakes your soul, making you do the impossible.'

I open my eyes to the sight of Nerian being knocked down by the guards. One punches him on the stomach and the other punches him on the side of his face, forcing him to reel down on the ground.

The guards hold me down as to prevent my escape. Nerian faces me with a bloodied face. "Why Fafnir? You have so much to live for."

They drag him away by force up to the platform. They push him down on a block of wood where his neck fits perfectly. The people all watch silently with looks of malice still.

The man dresses in black approaches Nerian. Something beats from inside me as the man I black takes a step forward. I feel a burning sensation welling up from inside me everytime the man takes a step forward. *thump* *thump* *thump* my heart beats fast.

I try to inhale and exhale as deeply as I can to calm myself. I can't... The feeling won't go away... *inhale* *exhale* I can't stop it. I look at Nerian and the man once again. He closes in on him. He prepares to lift the giant halberd in the air.

I feel my body begin to harden. my perception increases and I can clearly hear the birds chirping, I can see farther away. I feel my hand begin to burn. It's a warm sensation. It doesn't hurt, but as I look down. Blue flames begin to engulf both of my hands.

The guard holding my hand in place, start to notice as all eyes are on Nerian's near execution. "Ah! My hands! What the-"

He notices the source of the flames and jumps back, stumbling to the ground. I am the source. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. I'm am calm. As if by reflex I put my hands forward facing the man wearing black clothing, and in the exact moment a ball of blue flames speed towards him, knocking him off into the air while he burns away, screaming in pain.

All eyes are on me. The begin to scream once they realize it all. They run away in panic and the guards all begin to flood from every direction. There must be at least 100 of them. All well armed soldiers, but I don't panic or rather I can't panic. I don't even tremble at the sight of mere numbers.

I hear voices as the crowd runs away.

"The gods have brought a champion to purge us!"

"Run! The gods have forsaken us!"

"Forgive us gods above! We repent."

The people behind me run away as well. Alfreed frees them by taking the sword that Nerian snatched from the guard earlier and cutting the ropes, freeing the prisoners.

I hear Alfreed's voice behind me. "Save Vasantria O chosen champion of the gods." And leaves the sword on the ground.

Soon I am left by myself surrounded by soldiers everywhere. I know what must come next. I pick up the sword with my right hand as my left hand still emits a blue smoke from my earlier attack. No time to dwell on that for as I pick up my sword the guards rush me with sheer numbers, their weapons drawn. Bows and arrows pointed at me. Spears at the ready and swords raised for battle.

The close in on me. 10 or 20 of them. I duck picking up the sword and spinning twice while I move forward with my right foot. I take down 3 people at once. They bleed on the ground, their stomachs cut open due to my attack.

It doesn't need there. I dodge a sword attack from my left and fire a ball of flame at the soldiers to my left.

I immediately turn my attention to the guards on my right. With my enhanced perception I count 4 spearmen and 3 swordsmen all rushing me from the side. I quickly glance to the side from where the archers are. They ready their bows taking aim at me.

I strafe my upper body left, dodging the spear man's strike. I rush forward with great speed, stabbing the spearman with my sword that goes through him. Next is the 2nd, 3rd and 4th spearman. I spin clockwise to retract my sword from the soldiers's body quickly. I pull his body backward from his collar, sending him tumbling towards the spearmen.

The archers fire on my position and i leap forward landing behind the spearmen as they collide with the body of the lifeless soldier. I burn them all once again with a blue ball of fire and they are instantly engulfed in flames.

I turn around and I see the remaining 3 swordsmen approaching me quickly. 2 soldiers run forward carrying a shield and the other one carry's a great sword with two hands.

I plant my feet firmly on the ground and launch myself forward and breakneck speed, I speed forward, punching a hole through the soldiers's round metal shield. The man is knocked back slamming into a wall, crushing his body from the impact.

2 more... They change their plans suddenly. The archers bring out their swords and rush me. I count 50 of them.

I finish off the soldiers still near me. The swordsman tries to slash diagonally, but fails as I recline my body backwards. I force him to fall down using my right leg and I impale him with my sword.

Lastly. I take the round metal shield still attached to my arm and throw it with my left arm sideways like a discus. I goes flying fast that it beheads the soldier in an instant. The body falls lifeless on the ground.

All around me is a bloody mess. But the fights hardly over. I've got more company. I burn them with another ball of blue flame and majority of them goes down.

I hear them hesitate. "Just what is that?"

"Is it truly a champion of the gods that's come to punish us?"

"That's not a kid, that's a monster. Taking down a squadron of soldiers instantly."

The commander of the group revives their morale. "Champion or not a kid's a kid. Finish him off now!"

Soon the remaining soldiers run forward with fervor in their eyes and they bear down on me. I slice and parry effectively as they surround me. Each parry knocks them back, giving me a chance to strike fast into their hearts, ending them quickly.

I have no shield to defend myself with so I depend on knocking them down or using my arm to defend. One soldier manages to get though an open slash, but I defend it with my unarmored left arm. Surprisingly it doesn't cut that deep. It's either the blade is blunt or it's because of these strange scale like patterns forming on my skin.

Suddenly they all go down one by one quickly until none of them are left. All of them have arrows lodged into them. I try to find out where it came from, and there on the rooftops of the buildings! Multiple Men with bows and crossbows covered in cloaks. The sun shines behind them making it harder to see clearly. They surround the plaza.

They descend by jumping from the rooftops. I don't lower my guard as I haven't identified them as friend or foe yet.

They scatter everywhere pillaging the deceased soldiers of their equipment. One of them steps forward slowly lifting her hood off. She seems familiar.

She runs toward me with a face of concern. "Are you alright? What were those soldiers thinking! Attacking a lone child with a group of soldiers..." She carefully removes the sword stuck in my left arm and dusts me off. She looks at my face and begins to realize something. "You look familiar. Wait... Are you the one I met in the village? The one with the arrogant man?"

"You... You're Camille right?"

"Yes! But what are you doing here? And why were you fighting those men?"

I hear a voice from the distance. "Camille! Is that truly you?"

Nerian still remains on the platform, bound with ropes on his wrist. Camille rushes towards Nerian. "Borias! Tend to the child's wounds immediately"

The one that Camille orders to tend to me wears custom armor, has a weird dark hair style. One that is swept all the way back. He looks overconfident just by his expression. "I got you covered lil buddy! I'll get you up and running in no time!"

He brings out various medical equipment and tends to my wounds.

It seems that Nerian and Camille are acquainted with each other. Or maybe more than just acquainted. Camille steals a kiss from Nerian surprising him. "I've missed you so much my love. I thought that I would never see you again."

I ask the busy man while the man named Borias wraps my arm up in bandages. "Nerian. I though you left along with Alfreed."

"I saw how you battled. Are you a champion of a god Fafnir? How did you do all of that?"

I question myself on how I did all that as well. It must be machosias! It must be. Although he still hasn't made even a sound.

Camille opens her eyes in surprise. "Wait... Do you mean that this young child did all this before we arrived?"

Nerian simply nods.

"Such power. What are you?"

"Now now. Let's not be rude. Fafnir is my friend. A close one at that." Nerian approaches me, jumping off the platform. He kneels beside me and speaks. "You rescued me. I know words are not enough but. Thank you"

A man suddenly runs from the empty streets, clear tired from running. "Boss the soldiers are coming! And they're accompanied by the judicatories."

"I have many questions for you Nerian, and that goes for you as well mysterious child."

She faces the courier and loudly exclaims. "Signal the rebellion that it is time to strike! We take back Vasantria!"

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