《The Great legend of Fafnir: The Beginning》Chapter 21: He who returns and he who is lost.


Fafnir and Samael are bound in chains inside Vasantrias' dungeon, their fate unknown. Arrested for carrying weapons.

Meanwhile in Ardrasthrur, something momentous is about to happen. An event that will make the tattered country quake in change. The rumored son of the late King Arthur, former king of Ardrasthrur, has returned to His home. The people of of Atlas-Azure celebrates his arrival.

A chile of pure silver hair, clear blue eyes reinforced by his imposing aura of royalty. Is this truly the son of King Arthur?

King Lazarus escorts the said 'child of return' inside the palace. "Come young prince we I shall show you your quarters, you must be tired from the journey."

He is welcomed by the current queen and princess of Ardrasthrur.

Juliette, King Lazarus's daughter opened her eyes wide in surprise, briefly reaching out to him with her hand but hesitating. "Fafnir! is that you?"

The prodigal child looks at Juliette as she catches his attention, halting his entry into the palace. He speaks in a confused tone. "Fafnir?.. Me?" He absent-mindedly points to himself as he speaks.

King Lazarus interrupts. "Fafnir my dear? You must be hallucinating. The young prince does not look anything like... Fafnir..."

He thinks to himself as he takes a good look at the child in front of him. "How odd. He slightly resembles him. The only difference is the hair. I am sure your beloved will return my dear, but your hand might be given to the young prince in order to ascend the throne peacefully. We shall talk about all this later, but for now I shall escort prince Gram to his room."

Juliette reels from the new that she had just been told. She looks to her mother who's next to her for a comforting presence. She whispers softly in the wind. "When will you return Fafnir? You promised your return, so I shall wait."

~returning to Fafnir and Vasantria~

"Samael! Are you there? Answer me." I try to shout as loudly as possible in hope of Samael hearing my voice, but it merely agitates the other also being held inside here.

A voice of an elderly man could be heard from a distance. "Shut up will you! Some of us are trying to die in silence here."

I sit back in the corner of my holding cell and close my eyes as I cannot see anything at all. Not even a torch is lit here, the light doesn't even pass through the crevice of these rocks. That must mean that we are very deep underground.

The smell is rotten. The room feels cold and damp. I curl myself up in order to stay warm. I talk to myself in silence. "I hope Samael come for me."

Suddenly a voice speaks to me, although what I said is not pointed towards him he replies anyway. "No one can get out of here. Those who've tried have met a terrible fate."

I cannot clearly see the man who speaks to me, the darkness here is horrid. He continues to converse with me anyway.

"You sound like a young soul. Pity you have to be sent here. I assume that you committed no great crime correct?"

I think for a few seconds if it is alright to talk with this man. He seems well mannered in the way that he speaks, although his voice is the only thing giving me a clue about what he might look like. A nobleman maybe?

With nothing else to keep me occupied with, I instead talk with the mysterious man. "Arrested for carrying something bad into the city."


"Something bad? Like what?"

"A sword."

He pauses for a while. "Preposterous! Arresting someone for merely carrying a blade without asking for a reason. How old are you child?"

I try my hardest to remember. I had forgotten after all these months that had passed. I squeeze out an answer that I was slightly sure to be correct considering that a year has passed during our adventures. "11 years old"

How replies with a angry tone. "So young and you have to rot here? O how deep you have fallen Orbus. You've grown corrupt, but the you from the past does not make you into a bad person."

"Pardon me if I have yet to introduce myself. My name is Nerian du Leroux. What is yours, my friend?"

"Fafnir, just Fafnir. I don't remember what my real name is. It's a long story, slightly complicated as well."

"Well I don't mind hearing you out if you don't mind. I don't think anyone will let us out of here as far I'm concerned. Some other friends of mine, including me have been imprisoned here for a year and a half now ever since the death of Ardrasthrurs King. He was supposed to rule the country, but now look at what's become of it, a war torn wasteland filled with strife and greed."

"I'm sorry to hear about that. How have you lasted here so far? It seems unbearable."

As I speak with the man now named Nerian. The voice of the old man I heard from a faraway cell earlier has come back. "Watch your mouth there lad. You speak with the rightful crowned prince of Vasantria. Prince Nerian of the royal house of du Leroux."

Nerian speaks against the old man. "No need for hostilities Alfreed. We had just met after all. I apologize for that Fafnir. That trustworthy man is Alfreed. He has served our family through the years that we have ruled, but it is as he says. I am the crowed prince of Vasantria."

"Would you like to hear the story? It might bore you, but it's not that lengthy."

"It's alright tell me Nerian. Tell me."

"Very well."

Nerian comes to a moment of silence, clearing his voice. *ahem* "it all began when the fall of King Arthur, the one supposed to rule the country had died due to an unnamed assailant. When the word spread like wildfire the other kingdoms started to emerge once again, all vying for a throne to rule the country."

"A few months after the attack, my father's brother took this as a chance for him to rightfully ascend the kingdoms throne. He planned a coup de' ta, but first tainted my father's reputation by spreading propaganda about him being a corrupt man. Sure enough, he had enough men to ensure a victorious uprising, leading to my parents death. They were ordered to be... Beheaded."

"My little sister and I were forced to bear witness to a traumatizing sight. We were looked upon as sons and daughters of the horrid royal family. We lost both out parents. I tried to be strong, protecting my sister from Orbus, my father's brother. All my efforts in the end were in vain. I tried using words to reason with him, but it all led to the downfall of this kingdom of ours."

"He corrupted it through these years. My sister might have yet to recover from our parents death, but she is locked away somewhere else. I want to rescue her badly, but I'm too weak. Orbus's hunger for domination led to him to recklessly attack Ardrasthrur, and in return we lost a lot of lives. Many families were devastated that day.


I could hear them weep even from inside my cell. Those who did return, however, told the story of what happened there. They were all imprisoned under the assumption of cowardice, and some were executed to make an example."

"I could not forget, however was their stories about a demon and a monster emerging from Ardrasthrur. One emerged from a gate in the sky, and one was like a blur in the night, quickly taking the lives of his victims. Those who were able to outrun it identified it to have yellow viper-like eyes, and it breathed blue flames... Hard to believe right? It sounds ridiculous."

"I'm sorry if my story is not quite in depth. It still pains me to say or think about our parents for i miss them very much. I still remember that day. I can never forget no matter what I do. Some of the palace staff were beheaded along with them except Alfreed, who was allowed to take care of us."

Alfreed interrupts from afar. "I am terribly sorry for I'm not doing that much to take care of the young princess and you, young master. It's all because of these accursed guards and your corrupt uncle. Pardon my rudeness young master."

Nerian interrupts. "That's alright Alfreed. I'd like to help you all, but I don't know what I can do from here. Should I merely resign myself to a cruel fate? I apologize for letting you hear my ramblings Fafnir. I know it must bore you to hear such stories."

Nerian laughs it off while I listen wholeheartedly to his tragic story, but it's weird. I seem to have memories of my parents, but I can't remember clearly. It's as if the memories are fading anytime I try to think back on my past. Is it the reason as to why I can't remember anything?

"Fafnir, are you still there?" Nerian wakes me from my daydream.

"I am. I was listening to the entire time Nerian. I am sorry for your loss. I know words can't help much, but it's all I can do for now."

"Thank you Fafnir. Words are enough."

We spend the next few hours with small talk, not noticing that the days pass by in an instant. We can't tell for the dungeon has now a bit of sunlight piercing through it, and Nerian says that they only occasionally put torches to light the dungeon when inspections are being held.

~return to Ardrasthrur~

2 days pass and the celebration has come and gone. The young 11 year old prince gram has roamed the entirety of the city, getting to know some of the villagers and the sights as well as the people inside the palace.

King Lazarus formally introduced him yesterday, and the events that transpired are such...

"I introduce you all to the son of King Arthur Kal-Ardonia! Prince Gram!"

"To prove the authenticity to my claim, I present to you a letter written by King Arthur himself about the whereabouts of prince Gram and where he was sent after King Arthur's life was unfortunately taken."

"The letter states where we should find the young prince, and there he lived for these few years."

King Lazarus went on about what will happen next to the kingdoms welfare and recovery from the recent attack from Vasantria.

Now prince Gram roams the palace, thinking about what he should do. Those few years he spent living in librarium Arcadia, a library with the largest collection of books. There, Gram learned and read books giving him knowledge so vast that he can outsmart an adult far wiser than him. It may be possible that he is the wisest of them all now.

For someone who has intelligence in his arsenal, what should come next?

He heads to a school in the second-circle district to further increase his knowledge, but instead of learning he was made to teach even the teachers of what they should be teaching about.

He heads next to the city's local library to read, but finds nothing of what he has not read about. He changes his direction to the great achieve library located in the palace to read and further his intelligence. There, many scholars and sons of impoverished nobles instead were begged taught by Gram in things such as advanced mathematics, history, science, philosophy you name it.

He could not find anything to pique his interests anymore. So what should come next?

Gram heads to the barracks in the palace. He comes to a sight of soldiers sparring with swords, training with bows and arrows and some are resting.

He tugs on a man who looks like he's in charge, wearing civilian clothing and armor only on his lower body. He drinks on a wooden mug filled with water, feeling a tug on his shirt he turns, but sees no one. He feels the tug again, but still sees no one.

"Down here."

He hears a voice below and to his amazement he sees the young prince Gram. The man spits out his drink in surprise and tries to make himself look presentable and ready for anything. He salutes the prince.

The young prince speaks. "You are general Marduk of the 7th phalanx division, age 43, and known to be a skilled fighter correct? Train me on how to fight."

General Marduk fumbles in his words, furrowing his brow "Fight, Young prince? But what can I teach you?"

"I know what you're thinking. 'There's no way I can harm the prince, it'll get me in trouble.' Don't worry about it for I shall vouch for you."

General Marduk opens his mouth to say something but it seems that prince Gram has taken the words right out of his mouth.

The men who were busy training now have their eyes on General Marduk and prince gram. They all try to make themselves look presentable as well, standing at attention.

"You can't disobey an order can't you? Very well. I have made me resort to using my power." Gram makes a wield pose indicating a commanding stance. "General Marduk. I order you to teach me how to fight."

The general unable to say no agrees to the young prince's demands and thus his training begins.

He talks to himself before beginning his training.

"Merely learning how to fight in books serves no purpose, but it does tell you where a man's weakness is. A man's body no matter how well built you are, you will have a weakness. Both physically and mentally. Exploit that and you are one step closer to victory. But will my knowledge enough be alone to help? We shall see."

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