《The Great legend of Fafnir: The Beginning》Chapter 17: The ones who opposed the absolute.


The forest of wonders, a vast land sprawling with trees as far as the eye can see. After our meeting Sion, a man of a tragic past and strong resolution. We venture forth once again to find the strength to ascend the heavens or that's what I've been told to do.

When you say the heavens, you must think of a fictional place where people go after death. Well after encountering some anomalies such as a daemon from hell, a fabled eagle the size of a house and magic. Maybe the heavens isn't such a distant place than I thought. It may even be close without you knowing about it.

Or I might even be chasing after something that I can't fathom. Something that's out of arms reach for me. I've yet to become strong, somehow depending on other people when it all comes down to it. People such as Samael for instance, who revealed himself as someone who can use magic to a certain extent or so he says.

Our travels have brought us this far, I can't back down now.

We've been traveling in the forest of wonders for a day now and I think about how long the reaches of the forest are. But as I think of that, Samael puts his arms in front of me, stopping me from advancing. "Stay on your guard, we're being watched."

Aware of Samaels warning I look around me to see strange beings covers in bronze, metal and gold. They possess four arms, holding a blade and shield in two hands and a bow and arrow on the remaining ones. They point their arrows at us. Sleipnir begins to become restless.

"What do you think should we do Samael?" I ask Samael As I think of a plan in case they become aggressive. Considering my options, my worn-out leather armor won't be able to protect me from those arrows, those are sharp looking arrows designed with odd looking patterns as well.

I still don't have a weapon that can parry their arrows... Can I really parry an arrow yet, well maybe I could if I use Marchosias's enhancement, but he won't respond at all it's as if he's gone.

"Hey listen, do you think you can take them out? I'll do something to get their full attention or maybe just blast them all together. What do you think?" Samael gives me options to choose, but they had not even fired at us at all.

"Maybe we should talk it out, they look pretty skilled with those weapons." Samael nods in agreement and we stand down, lowering our guards.

More of them begin to emerge from the large trees, some silver and bronze. But there is one that stood out, one giant of a strange being also with four arms carrying only a large buster sword in one arm, the rest of his arms are empty. He's colored in gold. He speaks in a serious low voice. "What are your reasons for trespassing?"

Samael and I are confused. Leave this to me young Fafnir. "Trespassing? We never knew that there were beings like you residing here."


He looks us over mostly focusing on me staring intently as if recalling something. "You there, the young child come forward at once!"

I do as he says while the rest point their weapons at me ready to strike at any moment. I stand inches away from them and one of his companions speaks to the golden one. "It must be him, I cannot be mistaken. He is the one written in our ancient verse."

"Ancient verse? What do you mean?" I ask, curious as to what all that rambling might mean.

He responds to my question. "If you do not bring any malice to my people then I shall show you.

"We bear no malice whatsoever, we came here only to pass through." Samael simply watches me negotiate with these mysterious race of humanoids.

"Then Follow me." We begin to walk further into the forest following the golden humanoid and we are escorted by cautious guards who point their weapons at us still.

As we walk further into the forest, the number of guards that stalk the tree branches begin to multiply. The next tree that we passed had a well hidden guard house camouflaged in the leaves of the tree, although not well hidden anymore as I see the humanoids emerge from their hideouts.

From the darkness of the forest is a large golden gate illuminated by the weak sunlight that passes through the thick leaves of the forest of wonders' trees.

All around are fields of green trees and grass but not another specie in sight other than the humanoids. Only the faintest sound of a birds chirping could be heard but only if there is complete silence.

The golden humanoid that accompanied us here orders the others to open the gates. They do as they are told, but as they open the gates I couldn't help but notice the pieces of broken walls with odd images inscribed on them, and what's more is that the humanoids that we are with right now resemble those painted on the ruin walls.

I decided not to question anything yet as I have yet to know what they are at all.

The gates are finally open, and in it is a well lit hall passage that goes who knows how far. The giant golden humanoid enters and gestures for us to follow, but Sleipnir hesitates, pulling its reigns refusing to go inside. The golden humanoid speaks. "Leave it here, I will have it guarded closely."

I hesitate for a split second for our rations are there and so is our other belongings. But I part with it removing the worst case scenario from my head. We delve deeper into the passage with only torches to light the way.

They are silent the whole way not making a noise, only the sound of our footsteps could be heard echoing through the passageway.

After a while, we make it outside where it is spacious. The passageway leads somewhere outside where the trees could still be seen, the halls only acted as a clear way to get here. But through it is a village filled with humanoids who now have all their sights pointed at us.


The houses in the village are well made as they hang by the tree branches, suspended by strong ropes or vines, but some houses are grounded. The boundaries of the village are tall broken walls now turned into ruins. Humanoids could be seen doing what normal people in towns do.

We walk forward still following the golden one in front of us heading towards somewhere.

We make our way through and we see humanoids of different ages. The golden humanoid comes to a halt and speaks. "I welcome you to the sacred dwelling of the Kaali, Beings banished to the forest of wonders by the gods because our ancestors and forefathers defied them in the war."

"I am known as Gathar and I am the leader of our tribe. We are a warrior race that has lived on for ages, our lifespan far exceeding that of a mortal. But to lecture you is not my goal. Introduce yourselves." The Golden humanoid that introduced himself as Gathar sits down on a golden throne leaning forward and putting his arm on his leg.

As we present ourselves infront this mysterious race of humanoids now known as the Kaali. Many of them begin to appear, some shy to see outsiders enter their sacred dwelling and some curious to see as to what the commotion is all about.

"My name is Fafnir"

"And I am Samael, pleased to make your acquaintances."

"Fafnir... And Samael. Interesting names. Look around you, these walls have the prophecy of your future written in them." We look around the open housed throne room, where it is surrounded by ruined walls with strange I ages drawn on it. Bronze, silver, gold and one person with only two arms wielding a glowing sword.

Gathar proceeds. "Years after our first ancestors were banished here they had a wise and great sage, one that could predict the future vaguely but surely. He predicted that 'when our people face their darkest times, a golden haired savior will come riding a mortal steed, he will wield the blade of our ancestors vanquishing the enemy of our race'."

He stands turning around now facing the throne and the ancient verse or ancient wall. "I believe that it is not a mere coincidence that you came here when we are at our darkest time of need."

I still have lingering doubts about this. "Darkest time of need and an enemy of your race? Are you sure that it should be me? I don't look the part of a hero, I am merely one who seeks the strength for my selfish goals."

"Please help us. You might be our only hope." Gathar prostates himself in front of me.

Panicking a little I urge him to stand up. "You don't need to do that. Please stand, you have no reason to kneel to me." But out of ideas, I look to Samael in hopes of finding a solution for this.

He responds. "If strength is what you're looking for, think might be one that will make you stronger. Who knows if you're the savior or not. I think you've grown a little to be able to handle an enemy of mythical beings."

I sort of knew that he would give me a pretty vague answer. But I can't think of anything else anymore. I don't think we'll get away either if I refuse. It'll turn into an absolute devastation if Samael and I fight them here. I might lose my life as well see as they look obviously skilled.

I ask Gathar. "How could a race that openly defied the gods have an adversary that they cannot defeat? Surely you are skilled enough to take down any enemy presented to you."

He looks down as I ask him my question and returns to face me. "With our sheer numbers we should have been invincible, but that was an enemy far beyond our strength, it is massive and deadly. Our last leader managed to mortally wound it, but it regenerated at a fast speed. Truly a monstrous pet of the gods. He lost his life leading to my succession to the throne of our tribe."

He continues, this time approaching the walls where the so called savior is, wielding a glowing sword. He points at it. "This is the legendary sword of our ancestors. It's story has been passed down in our tribe from generations to generations. Its story goes as..."

Vashara the great stood against the gods alongside his brethren.

He opposed the gods' when they threw our people away for they were mere monstrosities.

He stood alongside the daemons on the fated day. The Kaali fought viciously.

Managing to wound the sun god Soliferrun with his blade.

But in the end the sun god stood in triumph as he took down Vashara.

He gave his blade drenched with the sun gods power to the wisest Kaali, Le'ato the oracle.

Le'ato sells the blade to be wielded by one who is worthy. A savior of our future.

"That is a part of the sacred verse written for our descendants to read and pass on. The verse goes on about our tribes' future and the wielder of the blade. The blade in question is named the 'incandescent' a Kaali blade that received powers of the sun due to the blood of Soliferrun." Gathar faces us once again.

"Will you please save our race from being reduced to nothing? I believe that you are our savior. It cannot be a coincidence." He looks at me with an assertive gaze.

"We've been talking about this one that will bring you your demise. Just who or what is it that you fear?" I ask Gathar, curious as to just why they are so frightened by this end bringer.

He responds with suspense. "It is the spawn of the gods themselves. A creature made just to eradicate the last of our kind. Its name is 'Ladon' the great serpent of the forest."

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