《The Great legend of Fafnir: The Beginning》Chapter 12: A fragment of his past unveiled.


It has been 2 days since the incident. The king comes to speak with his daughter concerning her request. "I am sorry Juliette, but I was unable to find him. There was no trace of him anywhere."

"Please do not apologize, It is fine. He will come back, I feel that he will." She clutches her chest as she hopes that Fafnir would return someday.

King Lazarus notices something. "What is that you are holding in your hand?"

"Oh this? I had accidentally taken it from fafnir as it hanged from his neck but then he left protecting me from the soldiers. It is very odd indeed, it has the kingdoms crest inscribed on it." She shows it to the king.

"Hmm that seems awfully familiar. May I borrow that for a while? I shall return it when I am finished." Juliette parts with it halfheartedly as she seems to have a connection with the child through this key.

The king leaves the room bidding a good day to his daughter. He wanders about the palace halls as he tries to figure something out, something that is on the tip of his tongue, but can't quite tell what it is that is bugging him about this key. "Wait... I may have an idea."

King Lazarus runs around the palace with a certain place in mind, the castle staff clearly confused as to why the king is in a hurry. But he finally reaches the place he thought of as he stands in front of it breathing heavily from exhaustion. "The grand archive room... This may have the answers that I am looking for. Maybe, just maybe..."

I have a feeling, but I do have doubts to whether that it is true. I look around in the room trying to remember where I found the door with the two strange chests. They seemed to be made of strong steel no doubt as I tried opening them countless of times, unsuccessful with each attempt. "This must be it." The door that i entered, has a stone carving of Ardrasthrur's kingdom crest above it.

It has been a year since I found this secret door hidden within the archive room behind a bookshelf. "It is still as dusty as the day I found it." I light a torch illuminating the small room. I look over the room, trying to find the object of my curiosity.

"It is a pity what happened to the king. Murdered the night of his victorious celebration." I point the torch towards a painting that I had not noticed before. "What a happy looking family. Wait... I thought the king only had one child, why are there two?"


I notice the painting, it consists of King Arthur Kal-Ardonia, queen Meridia and their son, the young prince Gram... Why does it feel like i know someone who looks like prince Gram?

But who is this, a second son? He is as tall as prince Gram from what I can see in the picture, similar facial features, but this child has golden hair. Prince Gram has silver hair so clearly they must be two different personas.

"Wait this is not what I was here for." I try to remember where I last put it and as I think to myself, there it is, laying on top of a shelf. A strong metal chest that has a light blue color and another that had has a gray layer to it. I look over the key that Juliette gave me one more time and it matches the chest with the blue color. The gray chest having a different image inscribed on it.

I insert the key into the blue chest and it fits perfectly making a soft *click*. Slowly opening the chest, I find a scroll and an old one at that. "It appears unopened." I hesitate if I should open the scroll to look over the contents or not.

But curiosity takes over me and I open the scroll, it is worn out, but the writing is still legible. I slowly read the contents intently...

"B-by Ylur's enlightenment!" I drop the scroll after I finish reading everything written in it. I quickly take the torch, close the door leading to the secret room, then placing the bookshelf back to its original position. I rush again towards the exit.

I try to yell the words that are in my mind, but they won't come out. I can't begin to describe this feeling of mine after reading that scroll. I manage to say something at least. "C-call all the generals to the conference room at once! Tell them to drop whatever they are doing for this is urgent!"

The generals gather at once speaking with once another as being called without notice is very rare. Outside the doors, the castle staff are worried that this discussion might have something to do with the war against the attackers 2 days ago. A counterattack might be inevitable.

"Order! Please gentlemen hear me. I have found out something that might change the future of this entire country." Suddenly the generals go silent. The suspense is apparent in the room, but the king finally opens his mouth.


"The son of the deceased King Arthur Kal-Ardonia is alive..."


"Ahh the the fresh scent of the morning wind is invigorating!" A man stands tall upon a mountain slope, inhaling the refreshing smell of nature. His clothes are torn and in terrible burnt condition.

"You do know that you're going to have to replace these tattered clothings of mine." He speaks to a child still unconscious on a horse's back. "Don't tell me your going to be sleeping all day, I mean it's been 2 days already ever since we left."

They have traveled to a place where trees grow rampant. The forest itself seems to have life flowing from its very roots. A forest that covers an immeasurable distance.

"Will you look at that, you can't see where the forest ends. We can't proceed like this, I'll need a conscious companion for starters. *sigh* might as well take our time and enjoy the scenery.

"By the way this isn't my fault, you attacked me all of a sudden. I just had to do what was right, which was to return the favor... *sigh* why am I talking to an unconscious kid?"

Samael wasted half the day waiting for Fafnir to wake up, nothing noteworthy happens.

"Ugh.. Where am I?" I struggle to get up, my mind still foggy and out of sorts. I do notice the smell of clean air wafting towards me.

(Samael) "Well finally, I thought you'd never wake up." Get up, we need to move. You'll never get stronger at that rate."

"Wait! Why are we here? What happened to the capital city? To Juliette? And what happened to you? Your clothes and appearance are a mess." I struggle to get up from Sleipnirs back. I recognize the voice of Samael, which makes my mind at ease knowing that he is still accompanying me. I shake my head, trying to regain all sense that I have lost.

"There's something that came up and it looks like someone else won the prize money and therefore we can never ever return to the capital city(we might get fined because of the damage we did, but...)"

"What was that?" I ask as I hear him say something from under his breath.

(Samael) "Oh uh.. Nothing... But the way, who is this Juliette person? You've never told me about her. Romance emerges from a young 9 year old child, I see."

"Romance? I don't believe I know a lot about it. I think it's about two people eating together right?" But as I finish my sentence, Samael frowns clearly not pleased with what I just had said.

(Samael) "Honestly, what did they teach you when you were a child?"

"Well remember that I had very little knowledge of anything as I was always sheltered. Because of my weak body I had very few interactions with anyone well other than books, but it was not enough to fill my mind with knowledge that could help me.

The bushes behind them rustle in which it catches both of their attention quickly. Samael looks nonchalantly while Fafnir raises his guard as he does not seem to have a weapon or a sword to help him.

For those very bushes emerge a man with a large stature, wearing a black bandana and makeshift leather armor, slick short black hair and he has a scar on his right eye thus it remains closed.

(???) "well well well, what do we have here? Adventurers?"

The mysterious man stands tall looking intently at us.

(Samael) "who are you mysterious man?" Samael does not move from his position as he feels that this man is quite deadly from how he looks.

I also feel a strong presence from him, but knowing that I do not let my guard weaken in case something happens.

(???) "No need for hostilities. Why don't you two come with me, I don't get many people roaming these parts. I can give you shelter if you need, you both look like you need the help."

(Samael) "Well I don't see the harm of accepting you offer of hospitality. Come Fafnir, we can't turn down a gracious offer now can we?"

I take Sleipnir's reins and proceed to follow Samael, although I am still cautious about this strange man that had appeared out of nowhere.

I have many questions in my mind right now, but I hope that I can ask Samael about it sometime in the future.

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