《The Great legend of Fafnir: The Beginning》Chapter 11: From where legends are created.


Long ago, there was a legend, a different one from the one we know of, and one the Fafnir has yet to find out. A war that nearly destroyed the entire world. The gods above against the daemons below.

There was one omnipotent god that balanced the scales between the two opposing powers, but war could not be avoided. The lord of hell waged open war upon the gods above.

A frontier opened up. The great gods of high haven: Regin, The goddess of the heavens.

Leoric, the God of rebirth and resurrection.

Andour, the great God of war and justice.

Calidon, the god truth and father of man and woman.

Sarris, the goddess of the past, present and the future, and the mother of man and woman.

Lastly the god of gods and the keeper of balance. Ylur, the god of infinite possibilities.

As the frontier of the gods had opened up, those down below were desperate for gods of their own.

They emerge when the gods above were at the peak of their strength. Cyan, The daemon of souls and the origin of gluttony.

Samael the forgotten god of greed. Legends say that he erased his very existence from the minds of every being and god or goddess that ever existed, thus he is not mentioned in the book of myths.

Marchosias, the daemon of loyalty and power, the origin of pride.

Kael, the daemon mysteries and curiosity, the origin of sloth.

Miarus, the daemoness of darkness and void, the origin of lust.

Thaddeus, the daemon of possessions. "All are mine, and all that are not mine will be soon enough." He is the origin of envy.

Lastly, but not the least. The one who stands above all the daemons. Uriel the daemon of wrath, torment and destruction, but those are the only rumored powers that Uriel has for it is said that he can rival all the gods when he goes all out.

There are many more daemons, countless of them, but these are the strongest daemons. They are the only ones that fought against the gods of high haven on equal footing, and the only ones rumored to live through it all.


Unfortunately, those are the only things in the book of myths, but it it said that the one who completes the book itself will be enlightened by the truth of the world.

~The conflict ensues~

The two face off in a fierce battle while another is taking place outside the capital.

"Haa! Alz, mei'r, ruvant! Hail to the daemons of greed." Samael chants off into the air and his left hand glows dark, he summons two circles, one above and the other below Fafnir, and from the circles emerge chains that take hold of fafnir's arms and legs. He begins to chant once more. "I do not like prolonging the inevitable. I shall finish this no-what!?"

As Samael communicates with Fafnir, the child in question breaks the chains that bound his right arm. Blue flames begin to engulf his fist, and he grabs the chain with left, breaking it with ease. The chains that bound his legs pull him down. He slams his palm on the ground and a vortex instantly form around Samael, consuming him.

Samael breaks the vortex and he now levitates in the air . "Not bad... How about this? Alz, Ur, Hel!" Samael's right hand glow dark once again, and he rushes Fafnir in a blink of an eye, smashing his palm on Fafnir's chest, sending him flying towards the wall of the third circle boundary, destroying everything that fafnir's body passes in the process including a hole in the wall of the second circle district.

"No time to rest young Fafnir! Show me how strong you are! It has been a while ever since someone landed a clean blow on me!"

Faster than the wind, Samael rushes Fafnir once again, stopping in front of the rubble where the Fafnir may be buried. "Alz, Deus, Magna!"

Samuels incantations summon a gigantic gate that floats horizontally facing the rubble below.

The gate is opened by an enormous demon. It only peeks his head out, releasing a velvet colored beam that emits a high pitch tone as the beam becomes stronger. The demon finishes the order that it was given and it closes the gate that it came from fading into night, but the aftermath however was eyes opening.


A hole has been created on the ground, not just on ordinary one. This one in particular is a gigantic pit who's end cannot be measured by mortal means.

Samael looks at the pit that he created with a grim expression. "...I seem to have overdone it. Are you alive in there Fafnir?"

Samael approaches the crater peering into it, something lunges Samael suddenly...

~meanwhile outside~

The gates are close for I can hear the sound of battle being waged outside. Wait for me my people I will be there soon.

The soldiers raise their guard, cautious about the man who runs towards them intently. "Halt! Identify yourself."

King Lazarus stands still, the light illuminating his presence. "No time to explain, let us push back the enemy at once! Tell me the situation that is taking place in the battlefield."

He is informed of the developments especially the arrival of general Luke Galehearth. Eager to join the fight, he rushes outside along with soldiers who are now filled with vigor and energy as they rush into battle with their king.

"Rally everyone! The king is here!" The news spread like wildfire. The generals approach the king with newfound purposes. "We are just barely pushing them back. Your orders king?"

"Form a straight rank, I want footmen rearranged into an arrow formation, rush them straight onto their vanguard, leave the entirety of the cavalry to general Galehearth."

They move in perfect harmony as Lazarus orchestrates the decisive comeback that will decide the future of the Ardrasthrur.

"What is that up there!?" A soldier points out an anomaly that appears in the sky. A gigantic gate, one that looms over a fraction of the third circle boundary.

Everyone present in the battle held their breath. "By Ylur, what is this?" A monstrous being emerges from the gates emitting a beam that comes from its mouth.

Tremors are felt throughout the entire kingdom, terrorizing the everyone within its vicinity. But it disappears after it has done its task.

One man in particular does not become fazed by this. "That kind of sorcery

The soldiers are distracted, take this as a chance. "Charge them while they are in disarray!" The allied soldiers regain their momentum and charge the now obvious opening in the enemy's defense crushing their erratic advance.

"Wipe them out! no survivors!"

"Death to the cowardly attackers!"

The battle slowly comes to an end as the sun rises on the horizon. Utterly defeated and annihilated, the army of Vasantria suffers a humiliating defeat.

Banners of the victor are raised everywhere as they have successfully defended their home. Cries of sadness are present as many have lost precious comrades in battle, roars of victory echoes throughout the capital as citizens celebrate their triumph.

~from inside the third circle~

"Truly amazing! You withstood my attack head on you bastard." Samael staggers slightly to the side as he has just felt the brute force of fafnir's attack from when he lunged Samael a while ago.

Fafnir rushes at Samael once again without the slightest hint of hesitation, it connects, but it was ,eerily an after image. "Too slow!" Samael lands a fierce blow to fafnir's neck, knocking him out cold.

*sigh* "finally it's done, you know that your more trouble than you're worth." He picks up the unconscious Fafnir and whistles into the air. "Let's just hope our horse friend is still alive after all this chaos."

Samael looks at the destruction that they have caused with their battle. "It looks like we can't return to this place anymore, such a shame. It was a very beautiful city too. I guess it's back to wandering the wasteland for us."

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