《The Great legend of Fafnir: The Beginning》Chapter 8: The first of many.


I awake to the sound of a horse galloping. As I open my eyes, Samael rides Sleipnir into unfamiliar lands.

"Where are we?

(Samael) "Ahh you are awake I see. Right now we are heading to a place I know of, and you might know of as well. The capital city of Ardrasthrur. Now ruled by king Lazarus I. However, royalty will have nothing to do with our destination. Rather I would like information on our next journey, in which you will decide of course.

After a while, we arrive to the city of 'Atlas-Azure'. The sun shines over the capital of the kingdom Ardrasthrur. It's boundaries are immense. I am in awe, as the magnificence of the massive city captures my full attention.

It's bounds are walled off, and the city is of a rounded shape, and in the middle is a very tall tower, pure white, and it almost looks like it could reach the heavens.

(Samael) "I think it would be better to just enter the city, rather than stand here upon the mountain overlooking the city."

We approach the city slowly, and with every mile, the city becomes larger and larger until we reach its gates. Far from the reaches of a human.

The city is open for all to enter, but it has 3 circular boundaries. The first boundary is where the markets, and other types of entertainments are located, it is the most busiest boundary of the city. The second is where the residential area is located, parks and great manors are located here, housing many of the cities populations. No diversity, and it gives off a utopia-like feeling. The 3rd, but certainly not the least important, is where the king resides, the place with the heaviest amount of security. Samael told me that that tower is part of the royal castle, where the royal family lives in, and there rests the daughter of the king. Up there is where she resides, as the king is waiting for someone worthy to wed her.

"Marchosias you should see this. It's truly something... *sigh* how long are going to keep sleeping there?"

I ignore Marchosias. We leave Sleipnir to another stable, but this one is far fancier than the last one, and follow Samael as we navigate through the dense crowd of people, making our way somewhere. He speaks as we struggle to make our way.

(Samael) "I advise that we stay here for at least 3 days, but you can decide if you want to. There is a lot to see. Lots or things to learn. Who knows, you might find something that piques your interest."

We turn into an alley, and I become unsure whether we should head to these parts of the city. The atmosphere became dark, it felt that eyes were on us all throughout our walk in the alleyway, but we exit after sometime.

He stops to point at the building. We seem to have reached the place we are headed. It does not quite stand out as the other buildings, but it sounds quite lively from the outside. Samael enters, opening the wooden doors, and we are greeted with the sight of rowdy people, singing, toasting their drinks. Ignoring them, Samael proceeds forward to the long desk, talking to the man in charge of it.

(Bar master) " welcome to the dragon's den. What can I help you with sir?


(Samael) "Room for two please. We'd like to stay for two days and three nights."

The man gives Samael a key, and he gestures to me to follow him, and we head upstairs. You'd think it was less decorative just because the building was made of wood, but wrong. The room we enter is quite spacious, and in it are well made wooden furnitures.

(Samael) "from this tavern, you can a get a good room for a good price. Plus, the information that you receive from here are more than valuable, and trustworthy, which is quite terrifying considering that the information that goes through here never goes wrong."

"I'd like to take a look around the city for today."

(Samael) "Very well, but I must accompany you. Not many know of this place after all, and besides, this is a very large city. You would get lost if you do not know the city streets well enough."

"Very well, let us go then. We'll ask for information when we return."

I feel eager to sightsee. This is the first capital city in been to, but why does it feel as if I've been here before.

As Fafnir and Samael go around the city; sightseeing, a silhouette watches them from a distance, and trails them from afar.

We look around the town, with specific goal in mind, other than to look at what the capital city has to offer.

Stands of different sizes fill the streets, the bustling city streets are always crowded, people on the streets are doing some kind performance, but I'm too short to see through the crowd. There are buildings that smell appetizing from the outside as they sell different kinds of delicacies, Somme I've never seem before, but it feels like I have.

We enter gates heading into the second circle of the city, or the residential area for short. Guards stand ready for troublesome miscreants. With the way I look like, you may as well assume that I might do something bad. Although I've already taken lives of many people, the guilt is still there as we walk through the guard checkpoint.

Once we enter the district, I can feel people staring much harder than before, but I realized that it was not at me, rather the stares were pointed at Samael. All of them are women of course. I look at Samael who continually looks forward, and ignoring the crowd staring at him, but he tells me something while facing forward.

(Samael) "If you do not look at them, they will not make the first move. Just keep moving forward until we reach the plaza."

We indeed reach the plaza, it is as crowded as the third circle.

(Samael) *Sigh* "I had thought that we would get some peace and quiet here, but could it be true that we are safer inside the tavern?"

It is indeed crowded, mostly women walking with what looks like their spouses. I laugh internally at what I see. Since from my perspective, it looks like the women are more interested in Samael rather than their own romantic interests. I look at Samael, and he simply 'sighs' in disappointment.

We reach the 1st circle of the capital. The walls of the circle are decorated with colorful banners. Is there a celebration being held today?


As we think about that, two guards approach us.

(Guard) "What brings you two here? Here for the contest?"

(Samael) "A contest? Interesting, please tell us more."

(Guard) "Well, King Lazarus has made this a momentous event, for he aims to find a worthy husband for the princess. The contest is sadly limited to children with a maximum age of 15 years old. All you need to do is to meet with the king. You need to request an audience with him, then the king himself will tell you the task that you need to accomplish. The prizes are rumored to be gold, more than you could ever earn in years of hard work, a sword said to be blessed by the Gods, but I am not sure. Lastly is the hand of the princess, and the position of King when King Lazarus abdicates his throne.

(Samael) "Interesting... Gold as far as the eye can see. We would like to request an audience with the king."

(Guard) "Uhh... Where you listening? Why is gold part the one that you noticed the most? Didn't you hear me? The chance to become the king."

(Samael) "King is only an honorary position. I wouldn't like to be tied down inside a castle, doing tedious things. I'd rather spend my riches and live in luxury."

"Wait, I don't have any say in this?

(Guard) "What an odd pair. Very well. Please wait here with the guard, while I request an audience with King Lazarus."

I look at Samael with eyes of concern. What have I gotten myself into. Samael simply smiles at me as he happily waits for the guards return.

(Samael) "I must be honest with you. I am a very greedy person, and you might become stronger if you win this contest. It will be a win win situation if you win."

I sarcastically say "your true self is somewhat showing. I hope this doesn't happen often." And breathe a *sigh* of dejection.

The guard comes running after waiting for a while. He gestures for us to follow him, and we walk inside the castle. Statues, fountains, soldiers you name it. This is truly something else. Inside, are people dressed in grand clothings, dresses, and I can see children the same height as I am dressed up for this event. The guard stops in front of the grand door entrance

(Guard) "My King, queen, princess. I present to you another contestant for our grand gathering. Uhh, what are your names again?"

(Samael) "My King, please call me Samael, I am the current guardian of this young child I am with."

At that moment, all eyes are on us once more. For the females, their eyes are on Samael, while the royal family that sits on the grand throne in front of the many guests gathered, have their eyes on me. Suddenly, I start breathing heavily, I try to grasp for air, but cannot. Why? Why does this place seem so familiar to me? It looks like I've seen this in my dream, but not in a good way.

"Marchosias... Help me control my breathing."

He does not answer back. Just where is he? I try to control my breathing myself, and it somewhat works, but my soul feels heavy. I try to look straight.

The king stands with grandeur. He walks towards us, stopping in the middle.

(King Lazarus) "Child what is your name?"

I freeze up, unable to answer. I hear murmurs from the people gathered from within the throne room.

"Look at that child, freezing up in front of the king. How shameful"

"What is wrong with him?"

"That's quite an odd child there."

I try to answer, but I ember that I had forgotten my name. Think hard for an answer.

"My name is Fafnir, King Lazarus."

I answer using the name that Andour had given me. I don't have anything else to say. In return, the murmurs begin to get louder. Is that an odd name?

(King Lazarus) "Very well Fafnir. Everyone please listen. Tomorrow will officially mark the beginning of this momentous event, and it marks the beginning of my abdication. This I have made this event solely for the purpose of selecting an heir to this great kingdom, and to ensure that the future king will be one that can make this kingdom prosper. I will be in charge of the tasks and challenges that they will have to go through tomorrow. So please everyone, return here once again at the first light of dawn. At that time, I will give out the tasks that every contestant will have the complete in order to reach the finale. I will refrain from saying more than you should know. So for now, you are all dismissed!

The people begin to clear out, leaving only me, Samael, the king, queen, the princess, and a handful of guards inside the throne room, watching us closely. After a brief moment of silence, we clear out as well, heading back to the tavern from where we rented our rooms.

(Samael) "I wish you luck on tomorrow's event." He smiles as he says that.

"Just remember that you brought me into this. I'm not even sure that I will win."

(Samael) "Well I'm sure those impoverished nobles are just saving face, training their kids until they collapse from exhaustion, all for the chance to be king. Believe me, I've seen some nobles do these kinds of things for greed. Be wary in these cases, humans become stronger with desperation in their hearts.

We return to the tavern just as dusk settles in, Samael still ranting about the nobles, and how he dislikes them. 'The dragon's den' became a bit more tame as the customers started to thin out. Well I guess I everyone's excited to see how tomorrow's event turn out. I wonder how I'll do.

(Samael) "it is best not to think too much about it, do your best. I know we've just met yesterday, and Suddenly I am pitting you against other children right after your battle. I am the one who's most amazed although. It seems that you are not as bothered by it."

"I'm used to it somewhat. I've been trained by my second father. It's a long story, would you still want to hear it?"

(Samael) "Well this is a good start for a bonding experience. Sure, I'd be more than happy to hear about you."

This the night is drawn out, as I tell Samael about my past, all that I remember, and some things that I had doubts about. We ended up talking all night long, until we slept because of exhaustion.

~And so the day of the grand event came~

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