《I maxed out my Stats, so why am I still a loser?》Chapter 7 - Lina


{[Sometimes all it takes is one moment to define who we’re going to become.]}

Two shells bounced on the ground as two souls found freedom from their flesh.


The busty elf's eyes studied Ashner's resolve… Her heart raced, and her lips parted, making a smile.

“You asshole!" One of the humans reached for a battle-ax. Two lifted their palms, and one turned invisible. They all moved towards Ashner and Risa. The only one that stayed put was the man who was about to force himself on the busty elf.

Ashner holstered his sidearm and aimed his assault weapon at the men, careful to memorize where each elf was. Harming them was inexcusable.

Beneath the feet of one of the men, earth lifted up and hardened into three bullet-shaped boulders. Ashner's weapon's sight stopped on the man's chest. They both fired their attacks.

The bullet brought the man down to his knees. All the while, the bullet boulders rushed towards Ashner. Before they impacted Risa intervened, she used the dagger to shatter one going directly to Ashner's head. It crumbled the rock and shattered the knife. The other two boulders smashed against Ashner's armor, shattering the bulletproof plates inside it.

He slid back and endured the attack while the man moaned loudly.

At his feet, a drawn sword caught his eye. He used his boot and tossed it towards Risa. She caught it casually.

The second man with his palm wasn't manipulating the earth. Instead, two wolf-like shadows emerged around him. Both of them sprinted towards Ashner.

He fired at them.

The bullets passed through the dogs.

Bullets are ineffective!

Risa’s body moved forward, almost like a flash of light. Her sword glowed a lime green and came down on the wolves, erasing them.

Bullets ripped through the caster’s neck and head before he had a chance to recover.

Holy shit! Risa’s fast as fuck!

She disappeared again, this time killing the man with the ax. She only became visible when she pulled the blade out of the man's chest. Once she stopped, she was open to an attack. The shortest of the slavers rushed her with a curved blade.

So that’s her weakness.

Ashner controlled his breathing and slowly pulled the trigger.


That's four… Now, where's the invisible cunt?

Ashner kept his weapon at the ready, scanning everything. His ears were ringing due to the gunshots, so he couldn’t rely on them…

He can erase his body heat as well… Don’t panic… Study everything… Find him…

A branch snapped somewhere behind Ashner.

Bringing his weapon down and switching his footwork, he focused behind him. But nothing.

A sword ripped through flesh.

Risa had used her incredible speed to save Ashner.

The sword became red with blood. Then the spell broke, revealing his body. Risa twisted her blade inside the man's chest. Then ripped the sword out, taking more blood with it.


She saved me… How did she find him?

Risa's cat ears slanted forward and back. She was panting and out of breath.

Now only one remained.

The one with his pants off.

Ashner marched towards him, eyes sharp with rage.

“What are you doing? We're humans! After what their kind did to our ancestors…" Fear overwhelmed the slaver, he dropped his sword, and his erection faded. "I surrender."

I couldn’t save Melissa… Back then I was overwhelmed… I was beaten down by men I considered friends… Ashner recalled the woman who died under the weight of stones. I couldn’t save her either… I wanted to keep peace with murderers… In the end, it still cost us several lives… But now… Right now… I have a fucking choice.


Ashner slung his weapon behind him and stopped about a foot away from the slaver. The man shook with fear.

Bringing his body back, then forward, Ashner’s helmet smashed into the man’s head, knocking him down on the cold earth.

For a while, people called me a hero. I never understood why.

Ashner punched the man’s face, breaking his nose against his fist.

Behind them, the naked elf, the one Ashner saved in the nick of time, smiled devilishly.

I killed strangers, all in the name of home and country… How can anyone praise someone who has committed my sins?

"Stop!" The man begged as blood ran down his nose into his mouth and down his chin. "I'll give you the slaves. They'll bind to your soul… If you kill me, they'll die alongside me!"

Ashner punched his cheek, then his chin, and lastly, his lip, parting it. "Please don't kill me." He begged while his tears mixed with his blood.

The blows came to a stop.

Their owner spoke in a language Ashner didn't comprehend. The chests of all the elves lit up with the slave's crest in a vivid red glow.

Fourteen New Slaves Acquired.

Some of the elves flinched. Their new master was Ashner. It was only reasonable they would be terrified since he had beaten their former master to a pulp… Only one elf smiled, even admired Ashner for his violence.

“Please…” The man had played his only card. “I’ll go… You’ll never see me again…”

Monsters can't be swayed. They can't be convinced to change their ways… Strength controls this world, same as mine… The only way to stop a monster is to become one worse than them… Violence will be met with violence… I will protect these women… With my hands.

Ashner mounted the man and punched his neck, eye, and knocked a tooth out of his mouth. Each blow made the man grunt loudly. Ashner’s new slaves huddled together.

Risa witnessed this with her sword dripping blood. Her hair covered her eyes… Taking a risk, her hand reached towards Ashner, but she stopped halfway and took a step back. Allowing the beat down to continue.

“Why do men like you exist?" Ashner asked the man who was too broken to reply. "Men like me daydream about saving the girl! Surrounding ourselves with true and dedicated friends! Becoming a hero!"

Ashner’s blows were powerful, even if his fists were now dripping blood. The man’s grunts were becoming softer.

“Assholes like you continue to rob others. While men like me suffer when we take a stand against shitbags like you!" Ashner recalled Ensley's face, and his body burned with rage. "No more… I can't change my world… Or this one… But I can kill you…"

Ashner's hands gripped the man's throat. He squeezed so hard he sensed the outline of the man's spine bones around his fingers.

The man didn't fight back… His eyes widened, and then nothing.


Ashner's fists pulsed with pain, he stood over his dead prey. Blood dripped down his fists. His head tilted towards the elves. His new slaves. They panicked and covered their faces. All except for one. She was still naked, but that didn't phase her. The girl's purple eyes lit up when Ashner checked her out.

“Risa," Ashner spoke, he wasn't out of breath, but he still needed a minute to catch it. "Will you die upon my death?"

Risa took a few seconds to reply. "Yes… Unless a slave is passed on. Alex and I will die if you perish."


Menu, is there a way to change that?

The menu popped up and spun.

Use your Authority as their Master to Prevent their Deaths upon your own. - Cost 0:XP

“I use my authority as your master… None of you will die, should I perish.”

Their slave crests lit up from vivid red to deep blue.

Risa rushed forward and pushed Ashner behind her. The naked elf reached for the corpse’s sword and took an aggressive stance against her own people. She spoke in a beautiful dialect, obviously giving a warning to her sisters.

“What were you thinking, Master!" Risa eyed all the elves. None of them moved. But something new lit up inside their eyes. "If you die, they're free… Now they have every reason to kill you!"

The busty elf girl didn’t say a word, but she stood ready to protect Ashner.

None of the elves moved. They were too frightened.

Control through fear… What a terrible way to live… Even so… Sometimes you need fear.

“That's enough," Ashner spoke to everyone. "None of you have to serve me. You can go on living your lives however you see fit… And you have every right to try to take my life… Just know if you do."

Ashner spat on the corpse at his feet.

“You’ll end up worse than him.”

The elf's eyes widened, and some of them shed tears.

“Master?” Risa gave him a head tilt. “Is that wise?”

“I don’t know… But I plan on giving them a chance to survive… I can’t do that if I’m dead.”

Ashner grabbed the torn clothes and handed them to the elf that was defending him. She took it and covered herself. None of them wore bras, and Ashner presumed they didn't wear underwear either. It was just a thin layer of white and green fabric.


The blue screen manifested itself and spun, giving suggestions.

Show Stats – 10XP Per Slave.

Buy for all slaves.


Fifteen? Oh right, I never bought that for Risa. Killing humans gives me more or less one hundred XP. With this much, I can only bring one girl to my world. But they're terrified… That would be a terrible idea. Menu, show me all their stats.

Fourteen Slaves are close to Dehydration.

Fourteen Slaves are Malnourished.

XP Share Per Slave – 100XP

Two Slaves are Wounded – XP Required to Cure – 200XP

Seven Slaves are Traumatized – XP Required to Cure – 700XP

Eleven Slaves are Sick – XP Required to Cure – 650XP

I don't have enough XP to cure them… If I ditch them, they'll succumb to their wounds… I did save them, and I might as well take responsibility… Even if I risk getting a knife in the back.

"Let's take them to the white room," Ashner spoke to Risa. She lowered her weapon, still keeping her guard up, in case one of the elves planned to attack Ashner. "I have a friend who can help them recover from their wounds."

“Are you planning to take them all into your world, Master?”

“No, I don't have enough XP to bring them all. Instead, we'll keep them in the white room until they recover. Then we'll let them go."

Ashner reached into his medic bag, it was small, and he kept it on the left side of his armor. He reached in and brought out gauze along with a few other supplies. He closed the distance with the elves. They closed their eyes and glanced away.

Ashner grabbed the arm of a wounded elf. Her ears came down as he grazed her skin.

She’s going to need stitches.

“Master,” her voice was petrified. “I’m still useful. Please don’t abandon me.”

“Call me Ashner." He studied her wound. This was out of his league. "I won't abandon any of you. And I can save your arm."

Ashner cleaned her wound with water and stuffed gauze in her wound. Lastly, he wrapped it.

The others eyed him closely. Ashner may have saved them, but he was still human. None of the girls trusted him.

One of the elves started coughing.

I can help with their immediate wounds, but illnesses are a whole other problem. Wong is a surgeon, so he might have some idea on how to help them.

Ashner went to another elf. Her leg was cut. He used what was left of his gauze on her.

The busty elf dropped the sword once she was sure her people wouldn't attack her new master. She walked towards the body of the man that almost raped her.

Her hands glowed white, and a bright light overtook the corpse. It disappeared slowly. Only his body faded, the rest of his clothes and belongings stayed.

“What are you doing?” Ashed Ashner, mostly out of curiosity.

“The Dead God devours the corpses of all beings. If his power grows, he’ll return to this world and devour all of us…” The busty girl stepped towards the next corpse and started using her power. “Even evil souls shouldn’t become one with the Dead God.”

She didn't ask me for permission to cleanse their corpses… So in this world, everyone fears the Dead God…

Ashner continued patching up the wounded elf. Once he was satisfied with his work, he lifted her up into his arms, which startled everyone, including that elf, her ears shot down. And her petite body shook in his arms.

“Follow me.”

Ashner's voice was calm, but his aura was menacing to the natives of the world. No one dared to challenge him.

Risa kept her weapon out, glaring at the elves.

The busty elf started cleansing the bodies of her dead kin. The slaves monitored closely, and none shed a tear. But their pain was there.

When they entered the white room, his new slaves sat against the walls. Most of them were sick and huddled together. He put the two that were wounded on the bed.

Ashner closed the door into their world and headed to his own world.

“Risa, watch over them. I’ll be back soon.”

“As you wish.”

Ashner walked into his world, and Risa leaned against the door, with her weapon ready.


Walking into his old world, Ashner's body shook. He let himself collapse against the door to the magical world.

I killed again… Even with my weapons… Facing against magic users is a challenge… I should never overestimate myself… Or next time, I'll end up dead.

Ashner removed his gear and changed into his worn-out cargo pants and a gray shirt. After a few steps, he walked out of the apartment, he just about tripped, but an arm caught him. It was Alex.

“What happened?”

“I need to get to the hospital. I’ll tell you on the way.”

It was still mid-afternoon, and the cold of winter stung Ashner's lungs. Luckily Alex was a step ahead and chased after Ashner with two jackets. They walked towards the hospital, avoiding the worst the city had to offer as they passed some local working girls. They all flirted with Alex.

Alex ignored them.

"I wasn't aware trading a slave was that easy," Ashner admitted.

“Humans rarely do it, but you’re terrifying when you get serious… And now you have more servants. Will they be part of your harem?”

“No… I think I’m going to keep that idea in the back of my head for a while. I also released them... And you."

"My slave crest became blue… So I know our souls are no longer bound to each other." Alex stopped and glanced back. His hand reached for a pocket knife.


The demi-dog sniffed the air. “Ashner… I keep getting a whiff of someone… Almost like someone is following you.”

Ashner squinted back. The street was empty except for a few homeless men and their dogs.

“Hobo’s all have the same scent. And this city is littered with them. Do you think your nose might be wrong?”

"No," Alex reassured. "Whoever it was… They're gone now."

The demi-dog relaxed and kept pace with Ashner.

“It might be a thief. Either way, if you smell him again. Let me know. People in this city are not kind. They’ll take anything they can from you. And they will use force.”


“It’s Ashner.”

"How did you end up so kind in a world like this?" Ashner stopped at his odd comment. "My world has its flaws, violence against all demi-humans is common… But in this world, humans commit violence against other humans. Yet you…. You're so kind."

"Don't be naive, Alex." Ashner lectured. "I'm far from kind… Don't forget what I am…"

“What are you?”

Ashner ended the conversation there.

"Master." Alex stopped and gawked at him as he walked off. His tail started wagging, and he spoke so lightly only he caught his voice. "You'll understand how powerful your kindness is… Not today… But one day… And when you do… I'll stand by your side… And hopefully, I'll see you with a genuine smile."

Behind them, a figure in a gray sweater spied on them as they walk away.


Ashner found his army friends. Gio was watching his show, and Wong was sleeping on a seat. He was more than likely taking a nap between his shifts. The sun had started setting about an hour ago.

“Ashner? Did you know?” Gio’s eyes were filled with tears.

“Know what?”

“They kissed… They actually kissed… I’m both heartbroken and pissed off… I need to burn some of this rage off. Where’s the nearest gym?”

Wong woke up in a daze. He focused on Ashner and Alex. He still wore his eye-patch.

“What are you doing here?”

"Wong, I need you to help me patch up a few elf girls." Alex ogled the room. Everything in the hospital was confusing to him. "And this is Alex."

Both the guys waved at him.

"Where are these elf girls?" Wong yawned. "And thanks for the eye. But you didn't stop to think what would happen to me if I suddenly regrew an eye. I'm going to have to quit this job, or the wrong people are going to start asking questions I have no answers for."

Ashner took the key off his neck and tapped it against the bathroom inside Gio’s room. The magical door slowly appeared. Gio and Wong’s eyes widened in disbelief.

“Come on.” Ashner urged as he opened the door.

Gio and Wong stared at each other in complete silence.

“Are they thick?” Gio asked before Ashner stepped into the room. “Are they?”

Gio glanced at Wong. "Alright, let's check it out, bud."

Alex followed Ashner, and behind them, Gio and Wong entered the room. With a dozen and a half people, the room was getting crowded.

The elves coward against one side of the wall.

Wong's attention came to the girls who were wounded.

He rushed towards them and started talking. The elf girl's eyebrow raised.

"Ashner, what did she say?"

"She said to be gentle. When you sat on the bed, it made her wound pulse." Ashner replied.

“You can understand her?”


That’s right, menu, language proficiency for Gio and Wong.

Language Proficiency – 5 XP per Dialect



Wong comprehended the elf mid-sentence. He glanced back at Ashner.

Ashner just shrugged.

That's odd. I didn't have to buy the share XP with those two. Menu, why is that?

The menu opened up and replied.

XP Share is Only Required on Slaves. This Insures You Gain XP for their Kills.

What if I buy it for them? Will that make them Travelers as well?

No. One Key, One Traveler. XP Share will work on Allies. This Insures You Gain XP for their Kills.

So only one key exists. Why did I find the key?

J(&E&S%E&SJEI E(ISKKEIS ))(**&&^^^&&**(((()))))

That’s new. Menu, why did I find the key?


Fine, is there anything you can tell me?


Chosen by who?



The menu disappeared.

Who chose me?

"Ashner?" Wong was examining the two elves' wounds. "I can stitch up these girls. But the others are sick. I can't give them any medicine without knowing for certain that we have similar bodies. I need a sample of their blood."

Wong rushed out of the room, Gio was keeping his distance from the girls. He was short, but he was built like a bodybuilder. "They're real elves."

Gio took a step towards them, but the girls covered their faces. "Why are they scared?"

“Those girls don't recognize greatness." The busty elf spoke. Gio glanced at her. Out of all the elves, she was the only one that was at ease. "They shy away from violence. That's why my kin was so easily pursued and slaughtered."

"What's your name?" Ashner asked as he stepped towards her. Lina smiled as he closed the distance. "You also protected me… Why?"

“My name is Lina." She stood, Ashner grasped that she was short but still a little taller than Risa. Unaware, Risa walked closer to the two. Ready to kill her if she tried to harm Ashner. The elf was very aware. She showed Risa her hands, proving to her that she was unarmed. "The men you killed slaughtered thirty of our best warriors… Yet you... You ended them so casually… Why are you so intriguing?”

Risa's eyes became daggers as Lina walked closer to Ashner. Her fingers ran down his chest.

“My kin are attracted to magic users. But I’m a little different… I like dangerous and righteous men.”

She’s doing the same thing Risa did.

Ashner grabbed her hand and moved it away from him. “You don’t have to force yourself… I won’t abandon you or any of your friends.”

Lina bit her lip. "A man is refusing an elf… Now that's a first…"

Gio giggled to himself and spoke low, where only he listened to himself.. “Ashner… You have no game. She’s actually into you.”

Wong returned with a handful of medical supplies. Including a needle meant to draw out blood.

First, he went to the girls, but they skittered away from him.

"I just need your blood." He insisted, which only freaked the girls out more.

Ashner grabbed Wong’s arm. “They don’t know what that is.”

"Catch me up. If these girls are slaves, then you went on a shopping spree. You even ruined my nap."

"It's more complicated than that," Ashner reassured. "They were given to me right before I beat their slaver to death."

Wong raised his eyebrow then inspected Ashner's fists. They still had dried blood on them.

“Alright then.”

“You’re not upset?”

“Why would I be? Ashner, whenever you kill someone, you have a good reason for it. And you should know by now. Regardless of whatever stupid decisions you make, I have your back.”

"Me too." Gio butted in. He was still appraising the girls.

"If you're their master." Wong handed Ashner the needle. "I need to draw their blood. If they're sick, with something treatable, then I can help them."

Ashner studied the girls. They were petrified. He imagined this was similar to a human being abducted by aliens. This whole world was new. None of these girls trusted him.

"I need your blood." Ashner knelt in front of the girls. "That'll help me cure you of your illnesses."

None of the girls spoke.

"You can have my blood." Lina stepped up and walked next to her sisters. She grabbed the only chair in the room and sat on it, putting herself between Ashner and the girls. "Sisters, stop cowering. We're elves. Blessed by light and nature. Show some resolve. Even if death is a blink away."

Those girls just went through something traumatic, especially Lina… She’s a strong girl.

Wong dabbed her arm with alcohol and brought the needle into her body. Lina gave her attention to her sisters. The girls studied the needle and scanned the blood drain into the vial.

“Done.” Wong took it and wrote Lina on it. “I need blood from all the girls.”

Lina turned to her sisters. “Don’t belittle yourselves in front of anyone. Losing blood is better than losing our lives.”

Lina sat up, and another elf took a seat. Ready for her blood to be drawn.

Lina walked towards Ashner, he tried not to, but he glimpsed down at her chest. She had a seductive figure. With a thin waist, nice hips, and a large chest.

She tilted her head at Ashner. Fully aware that he took a peek. "They'll listen to you now, Master."

“Call me Ashner.” He corrected.

She smiled. “Very well. Ashner. Do you plan on releasing us after you’ve cured our ailments?”

"Yes. I don't need this many slaves. I can't provide them a home in my world. This is the least I can do."

“You didn’t have to do anything. We’re yours.”

"Not anymore." Ashner pitied the girls. They were shaking, and Wong had his work cut out for him as he took their blood.

Gio had to hold her down one elf who feared the needle while Wong drew her blood.

Lina spoke to her in what Ashner only presumed was an elven language. Her tone was enough to grasp that Lina was insulting her.

Alex was helping Gio and talking to the girls, trying to calm their nerves. And Risa kept her weapon ready. She wasn't letting her guard down. Not for a second.

"You're more confident than the rest of your people," Ashner stated the obvious.

“That’s because I’ve always been different.”

Wong finished with the girls and started stitching up the wounded elves.

"Ashner. I want you and your friends to meet my clan." Lina didn't sound like she was asking. Out of all the slaves Ashner had run across, none of them had a drop to her confidence. Except maybe Alex. "We repay kindness."

“I’m going to have to refuse.” Ashner studied the elf. “From my understanding, demi-humans are at war with humans. And after my last order, who’s going to stop your people from killing me?”

“I will.”

She doesn't seem to be plotting anything. Maybe she's looking for an escort since her people are wounded.

“I’ll go.” Gio had been eavesdropping. “If you’ll let me.”

“A human asking for permission?” Lina’s ears wiggled up. “You surround yourself with humble people.”

“Don't get too eager, Gio," Ashner warned his friend. Gio had a habit of jumping in first and asking questions later. "It's too risky."

“Humm.” Lina brought her eyes up and to her left. “Judging by that pile of gold coins.”

Gio and Ashner glanced at a portion of the room. Gold coins were stacked on top of each other. The white room was the safest place to put them. But he hadn't brought anything to hold them in other than two buckets. They were overflowing with the coins.

“And those odd weapons.” She referred to the dozens of weapons Ashner had locked in place in weapon racks. “And the odd contraptions used to take my blood without destroying my flesh… And the door no elf can walk towards. You two are not from our world. Even if you are human.”

She’s putting things together rather quickly.

“We’re from a world without magic and without demi's," Ashner admitted, accepting that this girl would detect every lie. "That's why my buddy here can't stop ogling your ears."

Gio glanced away and blushed.

“We’re not like the humans in your world. But I do have two slaves, both of which are behind me. They’re allowed to enter and leave my world freely.”

“And why not me?”

"I have to kill a large number of monsters from your side." Ashner studied Wong, who was working on the second elf's leg. "So far, I can only take one with me. But I don't plan on doing it."

Her ears looped down. "In my world, your kin pay thousands of mythril for an elf slave. Since we live for thousands of years, our beauty never fades, and we have low birth rates, so humans and elves have little to no chance of having a child together." Her eyes and head moved towards Risa.

“But demi’s with animal features have zero chance of producing a child… But they age like humans.” Her finger came up to Ashner’s chin. “Are we not to your liking?”

Is she flirting with me? No, don't be fooled, she wants something.

Lina pushed forward, pressing against Ashner's chest. Her eyes lit up, and she pressed her arms into her breasts.

"Enough." Ashner grabbed her shoulders, casually lifted her up, and put her down where her warmth no longer mixed with his. Her ears came down more. This time her face showed clear signs of depression. "If you want our help, then pay us in gold."

“Gold?” Her eyebrow raised.

"My world treats gold the way yours treats mythril… Actually, my world values it more… Much more…"

She giggled and aligned her back, giving herself a more dominant stance. “Very well. Under the condition that you vow to keep your word. We have no intention of being dominated by humans… As long as your master crest remains on us, no one else can claim us.”

"So you want to reassure your people are never tamed by another human? You're putting a lot of trust in me. Why are you so certain I won't take what I want from your kin?"

"Them." Lina motioned to Risa and Alex. "Both of them are your slaves, and they both know that if you die, they'll be free from that life… Yet the moment I touched you, That Neku readied her sword for a jab, and that incubus reached for that odd weapon on his side."

This elf may be my slave, but she's holding all the power in this conversation, using her words, beauty, and the resolve of everyone around me to judge my character.

"We need another thing," Ashner added. "I don't know much about magic, but do you use light magic?"

“That’s my affinity.”

"We're on a mission to cleanse the bodies of a fallen Neku tribe." Behind them, Risa's ears shot straight up. Up until now, they were darted back. "If you help us, then I'll personally reward you."

Lina studied Risa, who was terrible at hiding her anxiety. She held her breath.

"My people have been hiding from the humans. We lack clean water, medicine, food, and clothes. But we're hiding in a place no human can enter. At the cost of safety, we're slowly withering away."

That’s why she was disappointed when I rejected the idea of taking her people into my world.

"If you can provide these things for my people, we will repay you in gold." Lina's hand went across her green hair. Her eyes went to Risa. "And we will prevent your kin from being devoured by the Dead God. Where were they slain?"

“Past the border of Desteria. Alongside the Weeping River."

“That’s further than my camp.” The elf was satisfied. “We can drop my people off first and save your kin next.”

“That’s impossible.” Risa corrected the elf. “We’ll never make it in time carrying your wounded and sick.”

“That does cause a problem.” Lina sighed.

“Not entirely.” Gio butted in. “Ashner, your key works on any door in this world. Does it do the same in theirs?”

“Actually… I’ve never tested that.”

"If it does, then we can leave the wounded in this room. It'll allow us to move faster."

Menu is that possible?

A blue menu popped up in front of Ashner.


"It will work." Ashner focused on the elf girls. "We can head out as soon as Wong gets the blood results back. You should choose which girls you want to travel with us. Preferably warriors who won’t hold us back.”

“Hold you back?” She studied their gear. “With all that armor you wear.”

“Yes. Don’t underestimate us.”

“Very well.” She focused on her people. “I’ll go alone. They don’t have the strength to move as they are now.”

"Neither do you," Ashner recalled what his menu had told him. All these girls were malnourished and close to dehydration. He observed their feet, they were barefoot, and some had blisters. Oddly Lina didn't have any. Her shoes more than likely wore out last. Or maybe these girls were purposely giving her theirs. Ashner didn't know for sure. "We leave tomorrow at first light. When you and your people are fed and properly clothed."

"As you command." Lina took a bow. She reached out like she was wearing a dress but stopped midway when Lina recalled she was wearing pants.

Ashner stepped away from her and whispered to Risa. "Your people are going to have to wait. We have a light user, but if she collapses on the way, then we can never purify your people."

"I understand." Ashner took a step towards the hospital, Wong had taken off, and he was going to chase after him. Risa returned her sword to its sheath. As Ashner left, she whispered. "Thank you, master."

Lina observed it all.


Ashner found Wong in a medical closet. He was messing around with the products. He muttered the name of the medicine under his breath as he grabbed them.

“You pissed?” Ashner asked as he stopped next to the door. Alex had followed him out. But he had left his handgun in the white room.

“Am I mad that you brought me patients? No, I took an oath to help people. Sure it's more work, and it's going to require me stealing medical supplies. But those girls need help, and I'm currently the only one who can provide them that. But after today, I'm quitting my job here."


“I'm tired of this city, and with Gio back, I plan on leaving it." Wong handed Ashner and Alex a handful of medical supplies. "I haven't decided where we're going yet. But you should come with us."

“I want to… But my son lives here.”

“Have you seen him?”

“Once… But after what happened in the military, Iris hasn't let me see him again. The only time she comes around is when she's looking for money. It's kind of hard being a father when I can't even see him…"

“Staying here will only destroy you." Wong was just as tall as Ashner. "That woman will never let you see your son. She took away your ability to be in his life. So stop bending to her will and start living your own life."

“I don’t know.”

“Listen to me, Ashner… You deserve to be happy.”

“But my son.”

“Your son will understand one day. Women like her think it's okay to push you away from him. But when that child becomes older, he'll be able to catch the lies. So stop using him as an excuse."

Ashner nodded. Alex just studied them both.


A few hours passed.

Ashner returned with a duffle bag and a medical cart. On it, he brought two dozen cups of ramen and twice as much water.

As soon as he entered the room, the elves lit up, the aroma of the noodles caught their attention.

Ashner handed the first one to Risa and the second to Lina, who gave him an odd gaze. He handed her a plastic fork and showed her how to eat it. After the first bite, the elf's ears shot up.

She spoke in her elven language, and her sisters each grabbed one and ate. The next thing he showed the girls were the water bottles, they struggled to open the caps, but they gobbled them down.

Ashner used one bottle and a rag. He went to Lina, who was sitting on the floor. "Show me your feet." She slurped her noodle with a smirk.

“Is that something you enjoy, master?”

“Not a kink I'm into," Ashner replied sharply. "Just obey."

Lina moved one foot towards Ashner. He cleaned her feet.

This was to judge the girl. If she had to walk, he wasn't going to have her bleeding out on the path. But despite the usual wear, it was fine.

Ashner reached into his duffle bag, pulling out socks and shoes. He put them on Lina. Ashner had the suspicion that she knew how but the elf was amusing herself with Ashner.

“Master, you pamper me." She giggled along with the rest of her sisters. After the meal, they had relaxed. They even stopped covering their faces.

“I’m checking your health.”

“Are you sure you're not just looking for an excuse to touch me, master?"

Ashner gave her a bored glare.

“I’m just teasing.” Lina smiled.

After he finished with her, he went to the next elf. This one had blisters that had popped. Ashner had to clean off the dirt and dried blood. After he was done, he applied ointment. While he did, Lina walked around in her shoes.

“Your world has amazing food and clothing.” She commented.

Some of the girls were uncomfortable with Ashner and Gio cleaning their feet, but they had to do it. After he was done, only three were strong enough to move on.

But when Wong returned, he gave a few of the girl's shots and forced others to take pills.

Giving them instructions not to leave the room. He even brought in bed covers, which the girls gladly used.

After a few hours, it was dark outside, and the three soldiers, along with Risa and Alex, stepped outside the white room.

“How does it feel being the father to a dozen girls?” Wong teased.

“It feels like we’re making allies in that world.”

“Your plan might backfire," Wong warned.

“Don’t be so cynical.” Gio wrapped his arm around his medic friend. “Those girls are gorgeous. Not thick how I like them… But maybe that’s because they’re malnourished. Now we have to help them out.”

“You’re too optimistic.” Wong sighed. “This is a new world. Elves in that world might be sadistic and cannibals for all we know. That’s why I’m going. You two are too careless.”

Gio gave him a big bear hug. "Don't lie. You're trying to snatch up a girl in there too."

“Lay off!" Wong broke away. "I want to see this world. The closest thing I've ever had to an adventure was fighting in a war that left most of our platoon in body bags. Honestly… I'm kind of hoping I can learn magic."

“You geek.” Gio teased.

“Zip it, if I can heal people with my hands, then I’ll risk it."

“Yeah, yeah. You two already know why I’m going.”

“Blue haired, one-horned, thick demi-girl." Both Wong and Ashner spoke in unison, and it creeped Gio out.

“I can’t be that easy to read.”

“You are." Wong glanced at Ashner. "You're the only one here with true power with that XP system of yours. And you're the only one that's been on that side of the world. So you're going to have to lead us."

“I can do that.”

Gio grabbed his friends and forced a bear hug on them both. “This is amazing!”

“And dangerous." Ashner and Wong tried fighting out of his bear hug, but it was pointless.

Another one joined in the hug.

Alex hugged Ashner and Wong.

“What are you doing?” Ashner asked.

“I just want to be included.”

Gio laughed and hugged him tightly. "Of course you're included. Consider yourself my little brother."

Wong composed himself and adjusted his medical coat. He nodded at Ashner and took his leave. He was the most tired of the group.

Ashner turned to Risa, who just peered at the guys. Little did he rationalize that she had also joined in the hug.


Ashner donned his armor. Wong and Gio did the same.

Ashner had gotten his hands on multiple weapons and armor. Wong hadn't worn any in years, so he struggled to put it on. Gio hadn't but in his mind. It was just the other day that he was in the heat of the war.

Neither of them asked him how he had acquired all those weapons and armor. It is evident that he had broken the law.

Before they put their armor on, Risa had gone in and given Lina and her two elves clothes. They wore cargo pants and long-sleeve button-up shirts, which did nothing to hide Lina’s busty figure. They hadn't bought them any underwear since none of the guys had a clue what to get at an underwear store.

The elf carried a sidearm. Same as Alex.

Risa carried a sword. The two elves that accompanied Lina were both carrying combat knives.

Wong took an assault rifle and a smaller medical bag.

Gio carried a SAW. He wrapped extra ammo around his body.

"Ready to head out?" Ashner asked the group. One by one, they gave their replies of approval. "Let's go."

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