《The Not Supposedly King》Chapter 31-First Law of the King


Chapter 31-First Law of the King

After my vomiting in the street, Karylle goes to the mayor headquarter to sleep while I go to the royal castle. A few moments later, I enter the royal castle and rest to my bedroom.

'..I thought I`m gonna score tonight, fuck centipedes, I shouldn't ask her what is the meat of that soup..'


In the next morning after eating breakfast with little Anna, I escort her to the early school, I didn`t see Ms. Dana since morning. When little Anna and I arrived, I see karylle also going inside of the early school. The early school is the first building of the modern world that I built here, it's a rectangular 3 storey building, the height is about 35 ft. tall. I go inside and I`m going to the teacher's room to see both teachers and introduce them to each other.

When I enter the teacher's room, "King Michael." The two of them bowed at me when they see me entered the room.

"Sorry Ms. Marie, I`m a bit late.. I want to introduce the new teacher that will help you out and you will now have four days off a week, sorry for the troubles these past few months.. She is karylle the new teacher of the school.." I said and introduce her new coworker.

"Actually, king Michael, Ms. karylle and I know each other for quite a long time.. and I`m enjoying teaching the kids, I`m happy that you establish this kind of school.. I hope the other cities will have too.. And king Michael, let`s have a seat first." Teacher Marie said while smiling, surprisingly, she doesn`t look haggard. Her hair was a rich shade of mahogany and a bit curly and skin that`s a bit tan color while her eyes are brown that framed by long lashes.

"Then that`s good! You will only teach now the 8 years old child while karylle will teach the 9 years old child.. I know the younger kids are more troublesome and karylle is just new.. sorry about assigning you to a younger children.. And karylle sorry about last night, you must be disgusted.." I said as I sit on the chair in front of them.

"No king michael! I don`t know that you have a weakness on that beast.. I should ask you first before we eat. And Ms. Marie is right, we know each other since we were kids. Little Anna is also 9 years old, I will be teaching her too! " She said in an excited manner, looks like she forgot what happened last night. We continue to discuss things and how should they teach the children.

I told them both that if they know some good people that can teach the children they are welcome and I will be the one who will interview them. We will accept the children that 10 to 12 years old when we have more teachers in the early school.


After we discussed the new curriculum in the early school, I immediately go out, My destination is lower limb city.

When I arrived, outside of the main headquarter, I notice the strongest unit and Rowena doing some sparring to each other or rather more than sparring with each other.

'..I don`t think this is counted as sparring, what`s wrong with these people.. sigh..'

"My king!" all of them bowed after they notice me and stopped on their fighting or sparring.

"Just continue on what you`re doing and captain Rowena where is my uncle?" I asked her, when my eyes roll on her face, I see her face has some changes like it`s more feminine.


‘..Is this weirdo also in love?.. No.. it`s only my imagination.. ’

"My king, General Leon is not here, he went to the royal castle yesterday to see Ms. Dana but he told me that I need to tell you an information when you visit here. And my king, I think it`s better if we talked inside the headquarter" she said in her usual military tone. After a few minutes, we arrived in the meeting room inside of the main army headquarter.

"My king, General Leon said that the black society has completed their task.." she said in a low voice.

"That's good! I`m going to visit them later.. And captain Rowena I want to talk about the behavior of little anna.." I said as my face is frowning and explain to her on how should she approach little anna.


After our discussion, I go quickly to the lower limb city. When I enter the Royal city. I check out karylle on how she`s doing. Using my blink and void hearing image skill, I enter the early school without anyone notices. When I arrived at the room where the 9 years old are students, I see karylle teaching the kids, she is smiling in front of them. This is the first time I see her real self, when she`s in front of me, she has that invisible barrier between us her behavior to the kids is different.

'..I think I`m really in love to this young girl.. Sorry alicia.. Looks like I`m not the one of those stick to one guys..'

After I saw Karylle is doing fine on her first day and she even looks like enjoying it, I continue to travel into the upper limb city. My feeling is quite dejected because I remember that I will marry the princess of the empire.

'..I don`t think karylle will agree..'

When I enter the lower limb city, I see the familiar rice field that looks the same back in earth. There are also oranges but different taste when compared to earth`s oranges. There is also grapefruits field that almost the same taste as the earth`s grapes but each grape here is the same size as an apple in the earth.

'..I wonder if I can brew them or something like that and transform it into a tasteful wine, I need to add this to the task of science department..'

After a few moments, finally, I arrived at the black society headquarter or medium size hut to be exact. The black society is founded by me after the war, this organization will investigate and spy all the anomalies in my kingdom, the mastermind behind the last war, who is someone that killed my father and who is that someone that sealed this boy`s element.

When I enter in the hut, I see vice-general Lucas Drend, I assigned him to become the leader of this top secret organization. Only my uncle, Rowena, Lucas and I know all this, even the investigators and spies doesn`t have a clue on who is running the black society.

"My king, you finally arrived." Lucas said, he stopped his writing something on a paper. He stands up and bowed his head.

"How are you vice-general Lucas? Captain Rowena told me that you finished the task.." I said, I signal him to sit and I also sit in front of him.

"Yes my king, I finished some tasks to be exact.. but all the investigations have made a huge progress." He said, his facial expression becomes serious all of a sudden.


"Ok.. tell me all about it." I said in a low voice.

"We know the reason behind the sudden price hike of the foods especially the rice.." He said and explained to me every detail.

Vice-general Lucas Drend informed me that two of my ministers are cautiously buying a large amount of rice and some condiments like salts. They will stock it on some houses after the supply can`t keep up with the demand of the goods, the price of the goods will increase. Right after the price hike, they will sell their goods.

"Do we have some rule that buying and stocking these goods are illegal?" I asked in a curious manner.

"My king, we don`t, As long as they have money and bought it in a legal way there are no consequences for their action." He said while rubbing his forehead.

"Ok, I have some plans to solve this problem.. how about the other tasks? what progress did you make?" I asked him, he explained to me the progress of the other task.

He told me first the investigation of the ministers, all my ministers have their family living here in the kingdom except for minister martin, he`s family is living in the capital city of the Scarlet sun empire. Next is he informed me that the someone behind the war is a high official of the Scarlet sun empire. Still, they don`t have a clue on who did it and what is the purpose of that someone. The last is the death of this boy`s father and the someone who sealed my element. He proudly told me that one of their members infiltrated the assassination guild and we will receive some clues soon.

When I see his face, he is looking strangely at me. "Is there any problem? Don't tell me you want to quit?" I said while my eyes scrunched tight in anticipation of something bad.

"Of course, not My king, this is my duty! I'm just quite amazed when you plan all these things and how you organize it.. You`re not just using some few strong people but instead using the common people to investigate but at the same time they will not endanger their lives.." He said while an awe transforms his face.

"Well.. actually the idea of it does not come from me.. I mean it came from my weird dreams.. You`re also doing a good job.. If I assigned my uncle to lead this.. it will be an instinct investigation and if captain Rowena, it will be a torture investigation type." I said and we both laughed.


After Lucas told me the progress of some confidential information, I go back to the royal castle.

In the next morning while eating breakfast. "Hey, Anna how was your new teacher?" I said as my eyes narrowed while looking at her.

"Uhm.. Mister, I think she`s fine but she only called me occasionally.. she`s beautiful but not strong like sister Rowena! Mister, I think you and sister Rowena are fit to each other! you should marry sister Rowena!" She said, her eyes sparkled while looking at me.

"Cough, Hey, who told you that? I have a fiancee.. and captain Rowena is a beauty.. if only she`s not a weirdo.." I said in low voice and sigh.

"Mister you`re wrong! sister Rowena is beautiful and strong! You should not be picky! If I`m a man, I will marry sister Rowena! Sister Dana told me that it`s okay if you marry a dozen of women.." She said in an excited manner as her eyes went around.

'..What the fuck they`re saying to this kid.. even Ms. Dana.. I thought she`s different.. Is this what they called girl`s talk..'

"Ok, forget what they told you and let`s continue eating." I said and eat my food, she looks like not satisfied with my answer.

After we eat and before I escort the little princess, I see Ms. Dana just arrived and go to the side.

"Ms. Dana please tell to the ministers that I will talk to them later after I finished escorting this little monster. Tell them that I will enforce a new rule in the bow kingdom." I said to her while little anna darting her eyes on me. When I`m about to pinch her cheeks, she runs quickly at the back of Ms. Dana.


After a few hours, While sitting on the high ground chair in the throne room, all the ministers are whispering to each other because this is the first time in almost a decade that there will be a new rule in the bow kingdom.

"My king, all the ministers are present here you can tell us the new rule.. And please hear out our opinion before you implement the new rule of the bow kingdom.” Minister Ren said in a bit hoax voice.

"Alright, I know the reason for the sudden increase of the foods price especially the rice! We don`t have rules that buying of excessive goods is illegal.. I know the two of the ministers here are buying the rice and other goods to lower the demand and waiting for the price to increase and you will sell it.." I said to them, some of them are discussing things and saying that they`re not the one who doing it.

"The new rule will be call No Hoarding, if you buy an excessive amount of goods especially the foods that will affect the price of it, the consequence is.. you will be throw in the underworld prison and if you`re official of the bow kingdom, I will behead you on the spot, that`s it, I want to know what are your opinions." I said to them in a loud voice, all them forms a circle and discussing their opinions to each other. After they finished their discussions they immediately form a two straight line in front of me.

"My king, I agree with this new rule, this will also prevent the nobles and merchant to control the market price.." Minister Ren lead and said his opinion, he is standing in the front right side.

"My king the four of us also agree.." The four ministers behind Minister Ren back also said at the same time.

I see minister Martin talking to the other four ministers on his back, looks like he doesn`t have any decision yet.

After a few seconds, "My king, the consequence is a bit too excessive, you should reduce it a bit but I also supporting this new rule." Minister Martin said, he smiled a bit and look up at me like he`s pleading.

"My king, the four of us don`t agree! if you have the money, you should have the right to buy anything you want as long as it`s in a legal way!" Minister Allan Deyn said in a loud voice on my left side as his eyebrow is at their lowest that overshadowing his eyes.

"I know the some of you are the one`s who`s stocking up the goods to some secret house. The six of the ministers agreed.. and I will change the consequences of it, if you found guilty of buying an excessive amount of goods and you`re an official of my bow kingdom. Captain Rowena will slowly torture you, if you come out alive you will be free. And if some of you still don`t agree, I will change it again, if some of you found out that have some history on excessive buying that affected the value of the goods. I will be the one who will torture and kill you!" I said in a loud voice and act quite angry.

"My king, All of your ministers agree to the new rules!" They said at the same time and bowed their head.

'..Sigh, this should reduce the greediness of some officials..'

"Officially the No Hoarding rule will be effective in the day after tomorrow. Tell the new rule now to the public." I said in a loud voice again and still acting a bit angry.

"Yes, our king!" They said at the same time again while minister Ren goes to the long table and write the new rule.


After I announced the new rule, all the nobles, and some ministers go to their secret big house. When I check them, I see the different goods on the different house is huge. They all get a big storage carriage to deliver the most of their goods in the Arrow merchant City way.

A few minutes later, I just traveling to the Arrow Merchant city not too fast. As I pass by, I`m checking the behavior of the other nobles.

'..Sigh.. looks like there are many corrupt nobles than I thought, I need to add again some new law to this kingdom..'

After a few hours, I arrived in the front of the small house of the blacksmith that created the almost pvc pipe, he noticed me immediately when I arrived.

"King Michael, the seven meters plastic in a cylindrical shape is already finished yesterday." He said in modulated tone right after he bowed his head.

"Ok, let me see.” I said, he enters in his small house and exit immediately while holding the gray color pipe. "This is not bad!, I will run some test on this and if this plastic is the one that I searching for. I will recruit you and you don`t need to live in this house, I will give you a house in the royal city for you and your family." I immediately put the pipe to my storage ring and give him 10 gold coins.

"My king, thank you for your generosity.. I hope that plastic is the one you`researching for. If not, I will try again my best to meet the requirements you needed." He said as his eyes is a bit watery.

"Of course, I will leave for now to run some test on this plastic and thank you for your hard work.." I said and quickly leave. My destination is in the science department to test this pipe.

While on my way to the lower limb city, I notice that the different merchants are quite busy, and most of them have beads of sweat running on their forehead.

'..Looks like they know the new rule..'


When I arrived at the lower limb city, I see the strongest unit again sparring each other or rather fighting each other.

"Captain Rowena! why do they look like killing each other?" I asked in an angry tone as my eyebrows furrowed.

"My king!" All of them stopped for a moment after they saw me.

"My king, because you said that I can only include twenty of them, they all want to see the empire. The strongest twenty will be the one who will escort you." She said in her military manner and smiled at me. I go to the side and pick up a wood branch nearby.

"Sigh, how about this I will attack you using this wooden stick. If you avoid my attack, you will be included in my trip to the scarlet empire." After I said to them, Using my void presence, blink and lightning feet skill, I quickly appear in front of one of the strongest unit soldier and hack the wooden stick to his forehead.

"Ahh.." He said as his eyes widened, I see his forehead is a bit red.

"You`re out!" I said as he hold his forehead. I quickly appear to them in random directions. After a few moments, seventy two of them successfully avoided my attack.

"These guys are quite good." I said in a low voice while panting. "The Seventy two of you who avoided my attack is going to the scarlet empire to escort me.. Not to stroll around!" I said in a loud voice, the seventy two of them laugh creepily and mock the others who got hit by my stick.

'..I guess they are happy?.. I can`t really read the emotion of these guys..'

"Captain Rowena, that should do it, Is my uncle is in the headquarter?" I asked and drink some water.

"My king, earlier he`s here but he said that he will visit Vice-general damascus, he will discuss some very important things to general damascus but I think he will sleep here tonight." she said in her usual military tone.

"Is that so? what is that important? I will go to the science department, I will check him out tonight.. and I need some water user in your strongest unit." I said to her and pondering things what is that very important.

"My king, General Leon didn`t tell me but looks like it is quite important. Lin! come here our king needs you!" She said to me in a low voice but shouted as he called the water user soldier of her unit.

“Let`s go Lin, I need some of your water skills.”


After a few moments, we arrived at the science department building. It is only a three storey building. For now, there are only four curious members of the science department. My plan is to test the quality of the pipe and if the water is clean right after it runs through the gray pipe.


Inside of Alehouse. (P.O.V Damascus Ion)

"Cheers for your upcoming baby! Congratulation Damascus. I wish your second child will be a man like you!" General Leon said and lift his mug.

"Yes General, I also want a son! Cheers!" I said in a loud voice and also lift my mug.

"This kingdom is too busy, there is even a new rule that will be implemented tomorrow. I miss this ale! but I`m a bit sad Damascus because when I reach S-rank I can`t get drunk!" He said and looks like the alcoholic drinks have no effect on him.

"Our king is really serious to prevent another war again.. And general if you`re not getting drunk that`s cheating! you should pay all this!" I said and feel a bit angry.

"What? this is a celebration for your upcoming son! you should pay this.." He said and drink again.

After a few moments, I see the waitress near at me. "Miss, how much is our bill? And just whisper the price to me." I whispered to her ears.

"If General Leon drinks at that pace it will reach 20 gold coins before midnight.." she whispered back at me.

A few hours later, "Damascus where are you going?" He said after drinking some of the other man tables drink.

"I just need to pee, I will be right back.." I said and exit from the ale house.

I immediately leave and heard the voice of the general shouting my name. '..Sorry general, I don`t have a gold in my pocket.. I thought earlier that you will be the one who will treat me..'

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