《The Not Supposedly King》Chapter 30-Disguised


Chapter 30-Disguised

In the next morning while eating breakfast, I ask, "Hey little Anna, how was school?"

"I`m happy mister! Most of teacher Marie`s questioned are all answer by me and actually I can answer all of them but teacher Marie.. sometimes don`t call me.. and all the nobles child can`t compete with me! At first, they are so arrogant but now they can`t even look me in the eyes.. I always raising my eyebrows when I see them.." she said as she held her head high.

'..My purpose for creating the early school is to make the kids happy and just play around, I even plan to make a playground the same back in the earth..at the same time they will learn.. why the fuck they`re competing against each other and I think this is influence of rowena.. I need to change some curriculum in this kid school.. And a good teachers is hard to come by..Sigh..'

"little Anna, I think you need to stop seeing captain Rowena.." I said, I see her swallow the food fast and look at me.

"What! sister Rowena is very very good to me.. She is teaching me how to become strong and beautiful like her!" She said while her eyebrows are furrowing.

'..Even the way she talk.. looks like I need to do some serious talk with rowena..'

"Ok, Ok, I got it..you can still see captain rowena.. let`s continue eating.." I said, she smiles again after I rescind my decision.

After we finished eating our breakfast, we escort our little princess to her school. For now, there is only one teacher in the early school that teaching this 8 and 9 years old child in alternate days, her day off is only one day a week.

While walking back to the royal castle, "Ms. Dana, I need a detailed map of the whole kingdom that included all the house and building in it.. even the trees.. And do you know some makeup artist here?" We stopped for a moment and I asked.

"My king, for the map that including the structures in it, it will take a lot of time, we have a complete map but only the roads and districts are only in it.. But my king, I don`t know what is a makeup artist? Is this name came from your weird dreams too?" She explained and asked while giving me a questionable look.

"Yes it came from that weird dream too, how about the people that can paint your face and transform it into something else?" I asked, her normal looks came back again.

"My king, I think you`re handsome enough, you don`t need to put some paint in your face.. but if you`re not satisfied with your looks, the circus group can paint your face.. They are really good at copying other faces and sometimes, make it look hilarious.." She said and sigh.

"Thank you, Where is their location? and I just want to clarify.. I'm satisfied with my looks." I said and smile to her.


Ms. Dana Evergreen don`t care where I go as long as I`m inside of the bow kingdom. After our talk, I change my clothes to a black hooded long sleeve shirt. Using my blink skill, I quickly arrived in the performer district in the Arrow Merchant City.

While walking on the street, the people didn`t recognize my face, I put some handkerchief on my face to cover my lower half face.

There are some people that I see sparring in a thin rope at 20 ft. high and because of the mana, they`re slashing and dodging each other at incredible speed. As I walk on the performer district, I seeing some other crazy stunts.


'..I think the circus performance here is crazier than the earth.. Oh Fuck! Is that scripted?'

One of the circus performer eaten by a big mouth of some beast, the face of the beast looks like a shark but the body looks like a gorilla. When I`m about to take actions and planning to kill the beast, I notice that the beast only ate the human in front of him or her but the beast is ignoring the other people around him or her.

After a few minutes, the shark gorilla spits a person that full of his or her saliva, I feel gross after I see the person that eaten. The person is alive and his whole body is intact, all the people impressed and clapping their hands even me.

'..There is no doubt now.. these performers are crazier than the earth..'

From a far distance, Using my blink skill, I put five gold coins on their big donation cup. After a few seconds, the performer assistance checks it and her eyes got wide. She rolls her eyes to the people and looks like she is searching for the one who gave them the gold.

Finally, I see the people that have some paints on their face and body, I approach them.

"Excuse me, I want to put some paint on my face and I`m willing to pay.." I said to the one that painting at the back of a man.

He looks at me and says, "Looks like you`re a wanted man.. I will not paint your face and don`t worry we won`t tell anyone.."

I removed my hood and handkerchief on my face. "This should satisfy you.." I said to them, they look shocked and their mouth agape when they see my face.

"King Michael, I`m sorry. I didn`t know. Please forgive my rudeness.." He said and hit the back of the head of the man that he`s painting. They both kneel instead of bowing their heads.

"I don`t mind, can we please enter to your house and talk inside?" I said and help lift up both of them. They smile and they both look happy when I touched them.

"Thank you, King Michael.. Welcome to our small home.." He said, After he opened the door, we enter inside and sit to discuss the things that I want.

Inside, I told them that I want to change my face to an old beggar man. Surprisingly, they didn`t ask me the reason for doing my disguising.


While walking around as an old beggar, I`m holding a small cup for the people with good heart coin donations. After half an hour of sitting in the market district, the people are just ignoring me, my small cup is still empty.

'..Sigh, I just want to search for some good people that have potential to be a good influence on the kids in the early school, the people in the Royal city are quite an arrogant type but even in this city I think it will be hard to find a good teacher..'

Before, I recruited 12 teachers and secretly surveying their works. Eleven of them are not showing any signs of improving, they really teaching the children literally in a boring way and I see the children faces look like they`re just forcing themselves to enter the early school. The teacher that I recruited just want to teach the children because of the money, they don`t care what the children feels, I fired the eleven of them after a week.


After a few minutes, my small cup is still empty. While strolling around, I see the Mayor Headquarter. I sit nearby on the outside of their headquarter. From a distance, I see the humblest man, mayor Arthuro jez on the window of his carriage. After he exits on his simple carriage, he notices me on the side and slowly approaching me. I put my head downward as he approaches me, After a few seconds, he throws a coin in my small cup.

'..As expected from arthuro.. he is really a good and generous man..' Still, I pretended to be sleeping.

Using my void hearing image skill, I see him in quite a far distance now.

As I check my cup, '..Fuck you Arthuro! generous fucker.. only one old damaged copper coin.. I should not agree to our 60-40 split profit.. This greedy fucker!..'

After I see the damaged copper coin, I almost go mad. When I`m about to stand, someone donated again to my cup as I check my cup, there are 7 silver coins.

"Thank you.." I said as I look up, I`m quite astonished my eyes got widened a bit and look downward again.

'..Beautiful, kind and smart.. I think she`s one of those dream girl..'

I see Karrylle Jez smiling and her face frown.

"King Michael?" She said, She put her face near at me and checking it out.

"Sorry.. you're wrong.. I`m just an old beggar..." I said as I tilt my head on different sides.

"You`re really king Michael? Why are you pretending as an old beggar?" She said, She distances herself a bit and bowed her head.

"how did you know?" I said after seeing her certain of my identity.

"King Michael, the way you talk is unique.. It`s easy to identify you when you speak.." She said and smile a bit.

After I know that I`m busted, I told her the reason of my old beggar looks, that I need to recruit some teachers in the early school.

"Actually, King Michael.. I`m not really doing anything right now.. I`m just designing some new clothes that inspired by you and teaching some new employees. I think teaching kids is quite enjoyable.." She said while still distancing herself.

After our little chat with my beggar get up, she agrees to become a teacher even without a payment.

While walking, I say, "Hey, Karylle you are really a good kind hearted girl.."

"King Michael, I feel your an old man when you said that and I think I`m not that kind.. king Michael can you please change your clothes and remove the paints on your face? All the people are looking at us in an odd way.." She said while rolling her eyes on the surrounding people.

"By the way.. Why didn`t you visited me? That guy always saying that he represents you and told me that you are busy at the moment.." I said as I saddened my face a bit.

"Actually, king Michael, I want to apologize to you.. and I thought that you`re angry on what I said before.. I`m sorry.." She said and bowed her head again.

"Well, I don`t really mind that.. and I think your reaction is just right.. that designs are quite..you know.. wait here, I will change my clothes let`s eat dinner here in the merchant city. Take me to the most delicious food house here.." I said and blink to the top of the trees nearby and change my clothes to the hooded shirt again.

After a few moments, Karylle and I feel more comfortable to each other while on our way to the most delicious food house in the merchant city. When we arrived, the place is not what I anticipated. I see a two storey house, the place is not that stylish and it looks quite simple. When we enter Inside, I`m quite surprised, I see some nobles and commoners are eating the same soup.

'..I think the nobles and commoners are equal here.. they don`t mind and even sitting next to each others.. there is still some hope that I can make this kingdom a democratic.. maybe make this a republic too, they will elect someone to become their president and I`m free!.. '

"Commoner shit! Leave here now! you`re smelly! Can`t you smell yourself? I`m losing my appetite!" A young nobleman shouted in the right corner of the restaurant.

"Sorry! please forgive me! The water is too expensive.." A commoner looking man said that wearing untidy clothes and barefooted, he leaves immediately.

'..Looks like my plans won`t happen anytime soon.. And I need to make the water and sewer system as soon as possible the common people still can`t afford the water..'

Using my void hearing image and blink skill, I transfer my 5 golds to the commoner looking man in his pocket as he passes by.

"King Michael, let`s sit over there.." She whispered and pointed out the left corner side of the restaurant.

After she ordered to some waiter that just wearing a plain t-shirt and pants, I`m feeling quite excited to taste the food that karylle ordered.

'.. This is definitely a dinner date! I`m gonna try it tonight.. I will not disappoint the man`s earth!.. Sorry alicia.. I`m really lonely here.. I didn`t use my thing here in more than 2 years now..'

After a few moments, the soup, rice and some vegetables arrived. I immediately taste the soup.

'..I now know why the commoner and nobles are eating here. I tasted this before.. Its almost the same or even more delicious than the earth beef shank soup! it`s a bit salty though..'

After a few moments, I finished eating most of the dish while I notice karylle face has a forced smile on it as she looks at me.

"Ahh.. I feel like, I came back on earth.. That was a good food!" I said as I rubbing my belly.

"King Michael, I don`t know that you have such a big appetite.. but from the way you eat is the same as commoners or even a bit worse.. I`m sorry!.. And what are you saying that you came back from earth?.." She said and asked while the forced smile on her face is still there.

"Hehe.. Sorry about that, this food here is really delicious, well, that is what they saying when the food is delicious on my weird dreams .." I said and her forced smile look like became a genuine smile.

"King Michael, you`re right.. I heard that your ideas on your weird designs have come from your weird dreams.." She said as her face is having a serious look.

"You don`t need to call me King, just call me by my name.. By the way, what meat is in that delicious soup?" I asked in a curious manner.

"King Michael, I`m sorry, I can`t do that.. And you don`t know what meat is in that soup? I thought it`s quite famous.. the meat came from the B-rank giant desert centipede beast. " She said and I feel my stomach turn upside down.

"Wait.. you mean centipede that looks like a worm?" I asked to confirm my suspicious.

"King Michael, yes you`re right, it`s a giant worm that living in the desert and has many feet.. is there any problem on that?"

"What!" I shouted, I immediately go outside and started puking.

I see karylle witnessing my puking and she looks disgusted while looking at me. ‘..Looks like I`m not gonna score a home run tonight.. Fuck!..’ And I started puking again.


Arrow Merchant City, In front of the Mayor Headquarter (P.O.V Arthuro Jez)

After I got the payment of the merchant that importing my goods especially the new design clothes to another kingdom or even empires, I arrived at my headquarter. When I open the door and exit from my carriage, I see an old beggar in the front of my headquarter.

'..Strange.. The beggar in this city can be counted on two hands, most of them should be slaves..'

When I check my purse, there`s a bit of gold in it. Then I see my lucky damaged coin, I remember when I started my business. I`m also once a beggar and a man who gave me this coin told me that this is a lucky coin that may help me to my financial situations.

"My lucky coin.. I think you helped me a lot and there is someone that needed your help again.. I hope you will give him some luck too.." I said in a low voice while holding the damaged coin. I approach slowly to the old beggar man that looks sleeping, I throw my lucky coin to his cup.

'..Beggar old man.. I hope that lucky coin will help you..'

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