《Insignia》"The Tenyi" Ch 38. Jet of three


Sunna giggles again. On top of this building Stands Astra, Sunna sitting on the edge of the building, Barron behind Astra at attention, in the shadows behind them stands a person in a kimono with a mask on, and next to him, another expressionless kid but with an eyepatch. Them and Nero, are the elite of the Tenyi Kill Squad.

--- Chapter 38 ---

3 of the nine run towards each other on a “T” shaped intersection. Mave, Sasha, and the girl in the leather jacket. They look at each other nervously.

???: I've been hearing explosions all around, are you two ok.

Sasha: Yup! I'm a-o-k!

Mave: Yah I'm fine, I haven't seen anyone. What about you two, Sasha, Akiza?

Sasha: Nope.

Akiza: No, not good or bad guys before you two.

Akiza takes her cup out and drinks water through the straw. The three of them in unison look up in the same direction, and jump back. A man slams down into the ground they were, punching the floor creating a crater followed by a dust storm. Mave, Sasha and Akiza cover their faces and cough. The dust begins to clear with Jet standing in the crater.

Jet: So, three girls huh? So be it, a good first step to take out the people rubbing are names in the DIRT!

The girls take a more defensive stance. Jet looks from side to side. He gets ready and jumps at incredible speeds at Sasha. She puts her arms up to block, as Jet connects however, the air bursts around her as she starts to fly back.

Jet: Obliterate.

Sasha bursts back disintegrating to nothing. Akiza and Mave look momentarily surprised. Mave throws her teddy bear into the air. The bear twitches as it grows in size. Jet runs up to the bear and punches, the bear somehow matches Jets speed and intensity, it punches Jets fist, releasing a shockwave. The bear's fist starts to split a bit, before a thread comes out, closing the seams.


Jet: Heh. Never thought I’d see something I'd have to obliterate twice!

The two explode into a flurry of blows, punching each other, jet unscathed and the bear constantly healing. Jet pulls an unexpected move and punches it right in the chest. Obliterating the fur and reaching inside. He grabs a wispy blue orb from the bear's chest. He squeezes the orb, causing it to crack, and turn to dust. The bear begins to shrink, until it's only a small stuffed animal. Akiza closes in on him from behind, still drinking her water. Jet turns his head, eyeing her with an evil glare.

Jet: Wait your turn, trash.

Jet leaps forward to punch Mave. His fist is just about to hit her, but her torso starts to move around and her chest morphs into a large mouth and lunges forward. Jets eyes widen as it chomps down on his arm. He pulls away now missing a hand.

Jet: You bitch!

He swings his right foot to kick. She throws a small rabbit doll towards his foot, it punches his foot away, before getting obliterated. He runs up to punch with his remaining fist but is restrained.

Jet: What?!

Formed around him is Sasha. Her body both combined, with arms and legs sticking out restraining him.

Jet: How?! I obliterated you!

Sasha: My arcana allows me to separate my body into atoms, and I did that before I was obliterated.

Jet: No!

Akiza walks up behind him, she raises her right hand, and it starts to bubble. Blood rockets out making a blood lance with her arm. She stabs it through his heart.

Jet: Nononononono! I cant! I have to get out of here or else!

Jet struggles, but Sasha doesn't let go. Mave walks over to the heartless bear.

Mave: Deserved.

Jets eyes widen as he bleeds out. Sasha separates herself and reforms her normal body.

Akiza: I don't think this guy realized how many villains we beat just like him.

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