《From an Endless Time and a Countless distance》Chapter - 07


Chapter - 07 : The Vorpal Sword

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"...Where am I......"

Add's consciousness slowly awoke. But instead of the forest he was in, before fainting, he found himself in a dark void. All around him was only darkness. So sound, no light, no sense of time or direction. He was unable to even feel himself; It was as if he had no body. He did not know what just happened. The events he just experienced felt like a fleeting dream. There he was dying one moment, and the next he met a strange girl. Then he was fighting an armour-clad giant. It felt like a dream. And the strangest thing was, while all that happened, he had felt as if he was a bystander. As if his body was moving on its own, controlled by some ever so unknown force, while he was like a spectator simply tagging along for a ride.

"......What has happened to me.....am i dead....?...."

Suddenly Add felt an intense force pulling onto his consciousness. Suddenly an extremely bright light filled his vision, turning every thing white. After a few moments, his vision cleared. But what he saw made him stunned. He found himself on a large open field. The sky was covered in dark clouds, while occasionally rays of sunlight passed through. Sparks of lighting often appeared, like huge cracks into the skies. The atmosphere gave a suffocating feeling. Then a particular smell entered his nose, breaking him out of his daze. It was very familiar to him. The scent of blood.

Turning his eyes around he found bodies. Piles of bodies. Strewn all around him were literally mountains of bodies. As far as his eyes could see, only dead bodies lay. Their rotting flesh, blood and innards gave a putrid smell. Some corpses had missing limbs, some were beheaded, some were sliced open, some were shredded, some were reduced to mincemeat. Add walked amidst the corpses. Some of them were human men, some were women, there were also creatures he had never seen or heard of. There were many strange humanoids as well. Some with long ears and very beautiful appearances, while some were short and stout with rough beards and hair, there were even humanoids with Animal ears and tails. Also there were strange creatures which had ghastly appearances, their bodies black and deformed, with deadly horns, spikes, jagged fangs or claws, these looked like demons from hell. There also colossal beasts lying here and there. The only common thing among all these creatures was that they were dead. Add found all of this very strange. There were lots of different weapons lying around. Swords, spears, halberds, pikes, bows, arrows, staffs and what not. Most of the humanoids wore, what seemed primitive armour, to Add. Walking around add was sure that he was in an ancient battlefield. And what he was seeing here must be ow he got here he didn't know. But the scene did remind him of some unpleasant memories. Memories which he had buried deep within his mind. Things he wished to forget yet didn't wish to forget.


Suddenly he heard loud noises and explosions coming from a distance. Gazing into the horizon, he decided to go towards the direction. Walking for some time he arrived at a large cliff, which was well above 200 metres high.. As he looked down he saw a group of 'people' a few hundred metres away from the base of the cliff. Well, to call them people would be an understatement. He saw around five people floating in the air. Two of them were women, while the other three were men. The men were clad in unique armors and had various weapons in their hands. One man had his large full body covered in a firey red full plate armour which covered his entire body other than his face was ruthless and his eyes had a madness in them. A helmet covered his head. His bronze skin and firey red hair glowed giving an opressive feeling of heat. He was holding a large broadsword clad in flames which was as long as him. His entire armour was up in flames, as large crisps of flames swirled around him.


Next to him was another man clad in brown robes. He had an average stature, a calm demeanour and a handsome face. He had brown long hair and deep brown eyes which gave a feeling of strength. In his hand was a large tower shield. The third was a middle aged man who was clad in white robes embroided with gold and silver designs. But even under the robes his taut body and bulging muscles could be seen. His face was solemn but his dull golden eye s were like that of a predator. His body was surrounded by layer of bright golden light. In his hands was a silvery long sword which was also giving a golden glow. His white hair was slowly swaying in the air.

The two women next to him were earth shaking beauties. One of them had a very devilish figure with with long deep blue hair and saphire eyes. In her hand was a long staff with a large gem imbedded on one end giving off a brilliant blue radiance. She had a resolute expression. The other woman beside her had a balanced figure and a gentle expression. She had fluffy deep green hair which went till her back. She had light green eyes which gave a calming feeling. On her head was a crown made of vines and flowers. Unlike the others she had no weapon on her, but small balls of lights of various colours swirled around her continuously.

This group of five people seemed to be fighting someone. Add focused his gaze beyond them and his eyes widened in shock. For some distance away from those people was a familiar face. It was a woman. Long Obsidian hair, blacker than the night sky, as well as eyes of jet black color, her skin paler than white paper. Her Oval shaped face beautiful like a dream, as if sculpted out of pure jade by nature, as if an angel had descended from the heavens. It was undoubtedly the very girl whom he had met in the forest sometime back. He would never forget that face. But Add also noticed some differences. The woman in front of him seemed taller than the mysterious girl whom he contracted. Her figure also had a grace no mortal can achieve. She was clad in a jet black light armour which covered her bountiful chest, shoulders and slender arms.Metal boots and knee guards protected her legs while a short skirt gave her good mobility. She had a jet black saber in her hand and her eyes filled with murderous glint gazed at the five people before her. To Add, her entire being seemed to be surrounded by darkness but strangely he felt it suited her. She lept towards the five people her body shrouded with dark energy and the six people began to battle. Their attacks cleaved the earth, burnt the air, destroyed the very existence around them, yet they kept battling in this barren battlefield.

"....That, is my first contractor.....my mother......the Goddess of darkness Elyssia..."

Suddenly a familiar voice rang beside his ear, to his surprise Add found the mysterious girl standing right beside him. He had never felt her approach. The girl gazed at the people in the distance, her face not showing any emotions. Add opened his mouth to ask her something but she continued in her usual voice which lacked intonation.

".....What you are seeing here ......my contractor....is a scene from my memories....the last memory i have of my mother....."

For a moment Add felt as if her eyes flashed with a myriad of emotions, but he chose to ignore it for the moment. To others this situation may seem very strange and they may even become paranoid but Add, who had lived for over 200 years and trained in the most cruelest of ways, he was very calm.


"So you mean....all of this is an.....illusion...a dream....?"

"....You may take it as that, however these events did happen in the distant past, but now, it is only a memory of mine...." She closed her eyes and stopped speaking.

"So thats your mother.....But who are those people whom she is fighting ?" Add asked gazing at the battle. It was clear that Her mother, the Goddess of darkness Elyssia was being pushed back by the others.

"...they are the other five gods of this world. The red one is the fire god Grannus, The brown robed one is the Wind god Ventrus, The blue woman is the water goddess Cerridwen, the green haired woman is the earth goddess Nerthus. While the white robed man is their leader, the light god Apollo....."

Once again a mix of emotions flashed in her eyes which were noticed my Add, one in very particular, Hate. He once again gazed at the battle. By now the scenes had changed many times. Elyssia was badly wounded. Her armour was broken and pierced in many places and she was bleeding all over. Yet she stood her ground, refusing to back down. The other gods too were not in good shapes. Grannus's sword was chipped at many places and his armour too had been pierced and slashed badly. Ventrus had serious wound on both of his arms and his back, Nerthus had her left eye injured and a deep gash now adored her waist. While Cerridwen was not hurt it was clear she had used too much power and was panting, the divine energy around her was also violently fluctuating. Apollo was the most badly wounded of them all. His left hand was chopped off from below the wrist and a deep cut showing bone was gouged into his chest. But even so Elyssia was but one goddess and against five powers equal to her own she could not hold on forever. And she knew it as well. The six again clashed and Add saw Elyssia taking a defensive stance. She endured the attacks of the other gods, it appeared as if she had given up, but Add could see that she was waiting. And he was right. Finding her chance she suddenly pounced at Apollo, ser saber aimed at his heart. The light god understood her intentions and violently stabbed his sword towards her, but to his horror Elyssia smile and got stabbed, her sword however wad still on its target. The other gods hurriedly attacked her and four beams of energies pierced her body, but they were too late. The black saber pierced Apollo right in his heart Shattering his god-soul, and like a poison black lines spread all over his body. Elyssia fell on the earth her blood now soaking the dirt. His expression pale Apollo sighed. His eyes looked at Elyssia who was still smiling despite knowing her fate. He then looked at his companions and gave a small smile as his eyes as his body turned to dust and was scattered by the wind. The other gods watched in silence. Soon Elyssia too closed her eyes but her smile showed that she was content. And her body too turned into a pile of dust.

Back at the cliff Add who was watching all this felt awe. So this was a battle of gods. A battle in which mortals died by the millions, mountains turned to dust and plains were gouged into valleys. The sheer power displayed by these beings made one terrified. The scene once again changed and add was back in the not-so-familiar abyss, where they had contracted. In front of him was the girl with her ever-so-expressionless face.

"Why did these gods fight...?"

"...The exact reason i myself don't know. Yet from the moment i came into existence my mother, was already at war with the other gods. She never told me why....."

Add could only guess why these deities would fight to death like that. Causing so much death and destruction. No! There must be a reason. He then turned to face the girl who innocently tilted her head.

"By the way why did I not see you around......in this memory...?"

"But you always saw me.....look there....." She pointed at the saber which now lay stabbed into the ground. Streaks of golden blood still dripping from it, "Thats me...."

Add felt a chill run down his spine. He gazed at this girl who innocently looked at him and said.

"Let me introduce myself properly then, my master. I am the cursed blade that reaped the gods, I am the weapon which was made only and only to slay a god, I am the Vorpal Sword. My name is......MISTELTEINN".

* * * * *

Add sighed. His back was drenched in cold sweat. Her identity was that terrifying. He wouldn't have been so bothered if he had not seen the battle himself. To kill a god. To kill a being of such epic standards and powers, just what kind of weapon was this little girl ?

"As you can see, my mother lost the battle, though she managed to kill Apollo. My very existence was deemed a heresy by the other four gods. They wanted to destroy me but an unknown force protected me. Since their powers had weakened after the great battle, they could only seal me for an eternity. But the very power which protected me then, also provided a way to break this seal....."

She then deeply gazed into Add's eyes, making him feel dazed. He felt as if her dark pupils were trying to suck his soul into them but he didn't feel any danger to his surprise.

".....And the way was...?" He asked half knowing the answer

"......To find a soul, who would be able to wield me. Harness my true power. And bring out the full potential of my existence. That was the way. For eons i waited and waited, stuck in the darkness of my eternal prison. But never did i find one soul which could hold me. Until 'you' came into this world. My shackles freed me and i knew that my second contractor had appeared. And so i began searching for you in the direction my instinct told me to and then we made the contract....."

"Ah....I see...but why me....I...I am not from this world even...I came from a very....far of place....."

"....That i cant say....but all i know is that from now on to all eternity, I am your sword and you are my master. Your wish will be my command. I will solely exist to fulfill your wishes, so...."

She approached him and gently held his face in her hands and pulled down. Then standing on her tiptoes she kissed him on his lips making his mind go blank. A small tongue entered his mouth and explored every nook and cranny. After dozens of minutes passed the lips finally separated, still joined by a silvery strand of nectar.

".....Please take care of me forever.....Master...."

And his world turned dark.

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