《The Monsters Inside Me》Chapter 12 - Mysteries





At the sudden sound I jerked awake, tumbling off the bed into an unruly pile of sheets and man.

“I’m up I’m up, calm down.” I yawn, throwing my gaze around the room groggily. Seeing the mud stains my boots had left on the bed I couldn’t help but grimace.


“Hurry up! We gotta go now!” Hearing that I redirected my attention to him.

“What happened? Did I oversleep?”

“Some retired Wraiths came in saying the possessed child had been by their home. The others left already, probably deciding that your lazy ass would be worthless.”

*Retired Wraiths? Here?*

“How old did they look?”

“At least 40 cyc- that doesn’t matter! Go!” I flinched at his sudden volume.

I grab my cloak up off the ground, re-fastening it around my neck before pushing the door. Usually inns were a lively place at night, but with the Revenant and possessed child about the main room was eerily quiet, the main fireplace cold.

I hurried through to the door that led outside, throwing one last longing glance at the kitchen. Throwing open the door I sprinted, trying to ignore the cold bite of the night air. Deciding that the possessed child had posed a greater danger we had already tracked it to the southern road.

I ran, my footsteps echoing dully through the empty night, Thirve following slightly behind me. Finally reaching the gate I slowed down to a jog, recognizing my cloak the guards let me through silently. Past the gate now I slow down even further, carefully scanning my surroundings.

“What are you doing?! Hurry!”

“Calm yourself, if they left as fast as you said they did then it’s unlikely we’ll catch up to them.”

“Well we can’t just sit on our asses like this!”

“I don’t plan to, if we can’t catch up then we might as well look around instead. It might’ve circled back. Who knows, we might find something.”

“Ahhhh fine, whatever, gimme a sec to focus.” Seeing him stop and focus I move off to the side, searching comfortable spot to lay down.

*Now for a nap.*

“It’s here.” I froze mid-step, one foot slightly above the ground.

“Wha..? What do you mea-”

“Shit it’s fast, we gotta get moving now.”

“There’s no wa-”



Currently I was bounding along, parallel to one the roads I had found while circling around the town. I’d have to make it quite the ways from town if I wanted to catch someone while they were sleeping.


With only my blurry view of the forest and the oppressive darkness to keep me company my thoughts quickly wandered to other matters.

*I didn’t even consider this earlier but I got both of their powers. Well, at least Varith’s, I have yet to attempt Cor’s. It seems like that would be the natural outcome, but who knows what could have happened, even with Cor’s memories I don’t claim to be an expert on this.*

*Where did Cor even get what knowledge he has about it. No matter how hard for the source of it just seems as if he always knew about, as if he simply knew it all by instinct. Is it something that all Revenants have? Even if it was knowledge that all Revenants hold I’m still not absolutely sure thats what Cor is.

*He’s definitely similar, no scratch that, everything he’s done so far seems to point to that conclusion. Yet I’m hesitant to declare him as one for one simple reason. The fact that he can feel emotions like a normal human being, albeit a bit warped.*

*Talking about identity Varith too, is up in the air. Where did his strange powers and constitution come from? Was it because both his parents were Wraiths? Then theirs the question of where Cor came from, and why exactly was he in Varith.*

I can’t help but grind my teeth in the darkness.

*ahhhhhhhh damn it all. To many questions so little information. I doubt any random traveler would have this type of information on them. Looking at Varith’s memory Wraith’s are the only ones who would know this type of stuff, not that I’m able to ask them directly. I can only hope theirs some other source of information I don’t know abou-*


Catching the familiar scent I increased my weight, killing my forward momentum. It’s faint, almost non-existent, so much so that I almost disregard it as my imagination. Slowly I circle the surrounding area, making sure to test the air every few feet.


Again, muted and vague, but there. I track it, but only after an hour and several failed attempts am I able to pinpoint it’s source. A child, only about 6-7 cycles old, an older man nearby, his father I presume. Both of them are asleep, the boy on some blankets laid down on the ground while his father is about 10 paces away slumped against a tree, a pack beside him. Dieing embers of a fire lie between them. The older man seems to be sleeping peacefully but the boy jerks around, moaning weakly.



While creeping forward the aroma of fear seems to strengthen, enticing me. Recalling the pleasurable feelings from when Cor had devoured the Revenant I couldn’t help but shiver.

*Would a human be even better?*

Realizing that I’m already standing over him I stop, shaking myself. Trying to ignore the growing feeling of hunger in my gut. Slowly I tear my eyes from the boys pale sweating face and make my way over to the man.

Luckily the packs about an arm length away from him, so I don’t have to get to close. It's large, with plenty of pockets, and seems to be filled to the brim with all kinds of necessities.

*I’ll need this and more if I do plan on traveling but......*

Looking at the bulky pack I couldn’t help but doubt my ability to lift such a thing. Not to mention doing so soundlessly.

*I wish I could get the rest but I’ll have to settle for only a map like I’d originally planned, that is if they even have one.*

Silently I search the pack, pulling out items one at a time for easier access. I plan to be long gone by the time they wake up so hiding the burglary is not a huge worry. At first I focus on collecting anything made of paper, figuring that they may provide useful knowledge.

After searching the insides for almost 5 minutes I sheepishly realize that the map is more likely in one the side pockets for easier access. Like I’d thought I only had to search one or two before finding it.

Double checking it’s contents I fold it and the rest of the papers up and put them into my trouser pockets. Standing up from the hunched over position I had adopted to search the back. I turn to survey the younger boy.

The hunger had continued to grow, turning into a feeling of want that seemed to pull my whole body towards him, only held back by one simple thought.

*Could I sate my appetite without killing him?*

Regardless of my hesitation the feeling of want continued to grow, edging into the territory of a need. Even now I struggled to hold my place, my consciousness warring with itself.

*A small taste....... No, I won’t be able to stop.*

*It’s dangerous to suppress it...... more so to follow it blindly.*

*I’m not Cor...... but neither am I Varith.*

No matter how many times I denied the thought it kept resurfacing, grabbing my attention, putting me a step closer each time. Now standing above him, shadows creeping up my body I have to admit it.

That this is something I have to do.

Something I will do.

Something that I can’t stop from happening.

Something that I won’t stop.


Having already merged with Thirve power overflowed from inside me. Using it I was able to run significantly faster, but somehow our quarry was even faster. If it wasn’t for Thirve’s tracking we would have lost him long ago.

“Thirve, you sure it’s him?”

“No doubt about it, matches the residual energy left in the square.”

“Couldn’t he be someone a bit, you know, slower.”

‘’Shit! Stop! Stop!” Alarmed I stop, skidding for a good distance before I’m able to stop completely.

“What now?”

“He stopped, at this rate we’ll never catch him if he runs. So lets try sneaking up on him, and for fucks sake cut your power, can’t sneak up on him with you glowing like that.”

With that he detached from me, leaving me creep forward in the dark. In the dark without any spiritual energy coursing through me I’m as blind as any normal human.

Relying on Thirve to guide me, I silently creep through the darkness, straining my meager senses in the darkness.

“Stop, he’s about 50 paces ahead of us.”

“Close enough.”

Signaling him that I’m ready he floats over and merges with me. Feeling the familiar energy blossoming in my breast I waste no time. Near instantly I throw myself into a dead sprint, towards our quarry. Joined with Thirve as I am right now I have no problem sensing him in the inky night.

The distance disappears rapidly, putting me within 10 paces of our target before he even notices our approach. Close enough now that the dense forestry doesn’t block my sight I catch sight of our target, a vaguely human shaped shadow, seemingly intent on the little boy before it.

5 paces from contact I kick off the ground with my left foot, spinning me clockwise. I bring my right foot out and focus nearly all of my spiritual energy into my heel, smashing it into the thing’s temple with full force. It drops, not even making a sound of protest.

Flushed with adrenaline and watching it lay on the ground as the shadows covering it dissipate I can’t help but feel disappointed.

“Are you absolutely sure Thirve?”


Hey guys, hope you liked it. By the way can some tell me how to do the chapter link boxes?

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