《Witchwork (Updates Thursdays)》"Fire" on 22nd and Market


Tweet from @DPD - Nov 2

Investigators responding to apartment fire at 22nd and Market. PIO Wilkes is en route. Additional details will be provided as soon as they are available. Please expect delays if you are planning to drive through the area.


Reply from @DPD - Nov 6

Investigation of the 22nd St fire is still ongoing. Out of respect for the current residents, please do not linger on the property.

Ensure your building has an up to date fire plan! Find more information on the DPD website.

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Posted by Varig967 at 14:21 on 11/06

Definitely occult.

I know a "fire" when I see one. I went and analyzed the scorch marks on the buildings across the street. Fire goes up, not out. Do an experiment - go look at your stove. See what I'm talking about. Have these people ever seen a fire? Super sloppy.

Yet another cover up by the DPD. I shouldn't even be surprised at this point. They keep expecting there won't be people paying attention, but we are.

(Edit - 11/07) Also, the fire was on 22nd street. Yeah, okay, that's convenient. Twenty-two. Two two. Which actually makes three twos.

Do you know what a significant number "two" is throughout mythology? Odin had two ravens. Freya's carriage was pulled by two cats. Janus, the god who we named January after, had two heads. The explosion happened two months before January. Strange. Very strange. And everyone knows 11:11 is for witchwork. 11:11? 22? Hello?

Anyone else not buying this BS?


You realize there are a lot of apartments on 22nd street, right? And only one of them exploded? I think you might be reaching.

- Reply by TheYounger on 11/07


@TheYounger Um?? Troll, much? Take it to the Contrarian board.

- Reply by Varig967 on 11/07


In that one Jay-Z song, he rhymes 2 a lot.

- Reply by ThomasWhaley on 11/09


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