《Equations of Dance》Chapter 7
Trevon Carter
Arthur moved beside me. That was what woke me, but I kept my eyes closed. His body stretched out all along me. I could feel his toes pointing against my lower leg, his arms raised in the air above us.
"Mmm," he hummed as he cradled against me, one arm over my stomach, his cheek against my chest.
I wrapped both arms around him and squeezed him tightly. I kissed the top of his head. His naked form curled even more into me.
"You are awake," he said happily.
It made me smile. "Yeah," I said.
His fingers brushed back and forth over the muscles on my lower stomach. We stayed there in silence as sunlight streamed in on us through the white blinds on his windows.
I thought he had fallen back asleep until he said, "Are you hungry?"
"Yes," I said as I thought about his body and last night. My hand caressed his hip, moved to between his legs.
"I didn't mean that kind of hungry," he said. His hand left my stomach to pull my hand away from him. He rolled away from me and off the bed. He found his gray boxer briefs with the pink hearts that we had discarded last night and slipped them on over his legs. My eyes lingered on him as he did so. He slapped my arm playfully when he caught me.
"What do you want for breakfast?" he asked.
"What do you usually have?"
"Eggs and sausage," he said.
I looked purposely at the bulge in his boxer briefs.
"Not that kind of sausage," he smirked. "I mean turkey sausage."
"I'll have the same as you," I said.
He put on a new pair of pants and shirt and left the bedroom. My legs tangled in the blanket as I tried to get out of bed. I tripped and almost fell, but managed to keep my balance. I glanced at the door just to make sure Arthur hadn't seen. He wasn't at the door watching me and I heard movement in the kitchen. He hadn't seen me trip.
I got dressed and went to the guest bathroom to relieve my bladder. He had facial cleanser and lotion in the guest bathroom so I went ahead and used them. When I went into the kitchen, Arthur had a frying pan on the stovetop.
"I forgot to ask how you wanted your eggs so you're just getting scrambled eggs," he said.
"That's fine."
"I have orange juice in the fridge. Glasses are in that cupboard." He pointed with a spatula. "Would you mind pouring us both a glass?"
I did as he asked and placed the glasses on the table. The eggs and sausage didn't take him long. He put a plate full in front of me and sat down across from me with his own plate.
Once again, he waited for me to take the first bite. I wasn't expecting much from scrambled eggs. Scrambled eggs were scrambled eggs, right? I was wrong.
"I didn't know scrambled eggs could be this delicious," I said.
He smiled proudly at that and took a bite himself. "I am a good chef," he said.
"The turkey sausage is good too," I said. "I've never tried the turkey kind before."
"I like sausages," Arthur said and put his sausage in his mouth suggestively.
I laughed at his dirty joke and playfulness. He smiled proud of himself. We had a few more bites in silence.
"How did you come out to your family?" I asked him.
He paused with the glass of orange juice at his lips. He put the glass back down and licked his full lips. Now I wanted to kiss him. I didn't though. He had a thoughtful expression on his face as he studied me.
"Are you asking because you're trying to figure how to come out to your family?"
"Yes," I said a little quieter than I had intended.
"I'll tell you, but I don't know that it will be of much help to you. I was in the second grade..."
"Second grade?" I asked in disbelief. Didn't people usually come out when they were a little older? I knew by the third grade that I liked both girls and boys, but I didn't think I would have been able to express myself clearly to my family to come out. On the other hand, Alex had been able to articulate in the third grade that he liked boys. He had stood up in front of the entire lunchroom and declared he was going to marry a boy.
"Yes," Arthur said. "I knew I liked boys and I had seen something - I'm not sure what or when now - where a teenage boy came out to his family to tell them that he was gay. That he liked boys. So I thought that was what you were supposed to do. So one night I told my parents I wanted a family meeting. They called my brothers and sisters into the living room and they all sat there staring at me waiting for me to say what I wanted to say. They thought it was going to be something a kid would want - like I wanted a family pet or something.
"I was afraid they were going to hate me, but I thought they couldn't kick me out while I was still a kid. I thought that would be illegal and they wouldn't do anything illegal so I thought I would be safe in that regard. I told them I loved them and hoped they would love me and that I liked boys."
He paused.
"How did they react?" I asked. They obviously hadn't disowned him, but maybe they had been angry with him. Maybe they had tried to change him.
"They laughed at me," Arthur said.
That wasn't what I expected. "They laughed?"
"They said it was obvious since the time I said my first words that I was gay. I think they were exaggerating, but whatever the case, they already knew and accepted me."
I liked his family already.
"Sometimes I wonder if that was the real reason my family left Senegal," he said. Then he shook his head. "Probably not though. My dad had been offered a teaching position here in the states. That's why we moved."
"Why would you think it was because of you?"
"Homosexuality is illegal in Senegal," he said. "If what they said was true, and they already knew by the time I was talking, maybe they moved to protect me. I don't know if my grandparents know that I'm gay. I can't communicate enough with them to tell them and I don't know if my parents have ever told them."
"Do you want them to know?"
We had finished eating while he talked. He shrugged his shoulders and stared down into his empty plate. "I don't know," he said. "They are old and live far away. I haven't seen them in person since I was two. Maybe they don't need to know. Or maybe they already know and don't care. I want to believe the latter. So, did that help you? Do you know how you are going to tell your family?"
"I don't know," I said. "I think I'll call my sisters and tell them first. I doubt they would reject me with all the weird kinks they're into. They might even have some advice on how to come out to my parents and grandpa. And I should really tell my friends, Alex and Vincent. Alex is gay so he'll be understanding and Vincent knows Alex is gay and has stuck by him all this time so I think he'll be understanding too."
"You said your sisters are older, right?"
I nodded. "They are seven years older. They're twins. What about your siblings?"
"I have two brothers and two sisters. I'm the baby." He stood up and took our plates to the kitchen sink. "Do you want to hang out today?"
"Want to? Yes. But I have some school assignments due tomorrow. And I guess I should call my sisters."
"I have some assignments I need to get done too, so I suppose it's for the best. Call me later though and let me know how it goes with your sisters."
He kissed me goodbye at his door. A deep kiss that left me wanting to pick him up and carry him to his bedroom. I didn't though.
By the time I got home, it was almost noon. I called Brittany first. I sat on my couch. My fingers thrummed nervously on my thigh as I waited for her to answer. Several rings went by before there was a tired, "Hello?" on the other end.
"Are you still asleep?" I asked.
"What do you want?" she asked tiredly.
"Who is it?" her fiance, Mark, asked. His voice was muffled, but close enough to her and the phone that I could understand.
"My brother," she said.
"What does he want?"
On second thought, maybe that was Leo's voice. Leo was Kylie's fiance. Mark and Leo were twins too. I couldn't quite discern their voices apart yet, but I could tell them apart if I saw them in person. I had a thing for distinguishing twins when other people couldn't. Probably because Brittany and Kylie used to pretend to be each other all the time. They fooled my parents a couple of times. They always fooled their teachers. I hadn't let them fool me.
They used to fool their boyfriends too. They'd switch places all the time and their boyfriends never knew. Then they met Leo and Mark Tanaka. They started dating and one day decided to switch like they always did, only Leo and Mark had decided to switch too and they ended up with their original partners anyway. After that, they were open with each other when they switched. I was pretty sure I was the only person besides the four of them who knew this. It ended up they were perfect for each other.
"What do you want?" Brittany asked me.
But now I wasn't sure if I should say anything. It sounded like they had just woken up and my sisters were not pleasant when they first woke up. Or maybe I should call Kylie first. She might be awake and had her morning coffee.
"Uh..." I said.
"Just spill it," she said.
"I'm bi," I said quickly before I could chicken out. My heart beat rapidly against my chest my hands went numb. I waited for a response.
"Okay," she said as if she hadn't heard me. Then there was the clear sound of a kiss.
"Brit, I'm trying to have a serious conversation," I said.
"We heard you. You're bi," Leo's/Mark's voice said. Then there was another kiss.
"I'm assuming this means you have a boyfriend," Brittany said. "Congratulations. Now leave me alone so I can have sex with our sister's fiance." She hung up.
So it had been Leo. Now I was afraid to call Kylie because my sisters didn't hesitate to answer their phones during sex. I knew this from experience. On the other hand, Kylie did tend to wake a little earlier than Brittany so maybe she and Mark were already through. I debated it a few more minutes, but I was afraid if I didn't call now I would chicken out. And Kylie would be furious if she found out I called Brittany and not her.
I called.
"Hi." At least she didn't sound tired like Brittany had.
"Where are you right now?" I asked because I would call back later if she was still in bed with Mark.
"At a coffee shop. What's up?"
"Who is it?" Mark asked just like his brother had. He sounded close to the phone too so I assumed they sat side by side and not across from each other.
"My brother," she said.
"What does he want?" I often got deja vu when speaking with the twins.
"I'm bi," I said before there could be even more of a copy of the conversation I had just had with Brittany.
"Okay," Kylie said.
"Do you and Brittany share a brain?" I asked. "Do you do this to frustrate me?"
"Do what? I just said okay. Do you want me to say 'Oh no. How horrible that you're bisexual. You can't do this to our family.' Or 'I'm so happy you told me. I support you all the way.' Don't be ridiculous, Trev. Okay is a perfectly valid response."
"Guess that means he has a boyfriend," Mark said. There was the sound of a kiss. Really? At least they couldn't have sex in the coffee shop. Not even my sisters and their fiances were that kinky. I hoped.
"Congratulations," Kylie said to me. "We're going to finish our coffee now." She hung up.
I stared at my phone. I guessed that meant they accepted it. I called Alex next because that was probably going to be the easiest phone call.
"Hi," Alex said brightly in his quiet voice when he answered the phone.
"Hi," I said.
"I was thinking of calling you," Alex said. "I've got some news to share."
"Me too," I said, "but you go first."
"I've started dating someone. I really like him."
A rush of contradicting emotions ran through me. On the one hand, I was happy he found someone new to start over with and he sounded excited. But I couldn't forget what happened with Jason and I didn't want Alex to be hurt like that again.
"Trev?" Alex said at my long pause.
"Congratulations," I said.
"Thanks," Alex said. "You don't need to worry about him. He's a great guy."
There was a time when we had all thought Jason was a great guy too. I didn't say that though.
"What does Vinny think about him?"
Alex paused. "I haven't told him yet," he said. This surprised me because Alex and Vincent had been best friends since they were toddlers. As far as I knew, they never kept secrets from each other.
"Why not?"
"You know how he is. He'll instantly dislike Mateo if he finds out he isn't as rich as we are. Especially after Jason tried to blackmail me. Mateo really isn't like that, but Vincent won't allow him the chance to prove himself. If things get more serious with Mateo, I'll tell him."
"Yeah, when I started dating Alice, Vincent would only ask me about her money and her family."
"How are things going with her?" Alex asked.
"Turns out she is a racist, crazy psycho," I said.
"Oh. Sorry."
"Better to find out now than later," I said.
"That's true."
"I guess there is some merit to what Vincent thinks," I said. "Jason turned out to date you only for money, Alice turned out to be crazy, those girls in highschool only dated Vincent for his money. And then there is your dad and Vincent's mom. I don't have to worry about that with my boyfriend."
"Boyfriend?" Alex squealed as if he had never heard anything more exciting. It was a strange contrast to his usually quiet voice.
"That's why I'm calling," I said. "To tell you I'm bi and started to date this guy I think is really great."
"How long?" he asked.
"How long what? How long have I known I was bi? How long I've been dating Arthur?"
"I've known I was bi since the third grade. I've been dating Arthur for...I guess this is the third day."
"Third grade? Why didn't you say anything before?"
"I guess I was scared. I saw how much the other kids made fun of you. And I wasn't sure how my family would take it. I'm still not sure. Especially how my grandpa will take it. I called my sisters this morning and told them, but they both just said 'okay'. I guess that means they accept it, right?"
"I would assume so, but your sisters are weird. Vincent's brother is weird too. I'm glad I'm an only child." Except he wasn't exactly an only child. If he was on better terms with his father, he might accept the fact that he had a baby half sister. I couldn't blame him though. If my father had done what his had, I'd have nothing to do with him too.
"I should call Vincent and tell him I'm bisexual too. He'll accept it, right?"
"Definitely," Alex said. "Don't tell him about Mateo. I'll tell him when I'm ready."
I still couldn't believe there was actually something he was keeping from Vincent.
"I won't tell him," I reassured Alex. We hung up and I immediately called Vincent.
He answered after a few rings. "Hi," he said.
"Hi," I said. "So, I have something to tell you and please don't get mad that I didn't tell you earlier."
"What is it?" Vincent asked. He sounded hesitant.
"I'm bi."
There was an extremely long pause that made me uncomfortable. He wasn't really about to reject me for that was he?
"I...I'm glad you told me. Is there a specific reason you chose this moment to tell me?"
"I've started dating a man," I said.
"What happened to your girlfriend?"
"She turned out to be a racist, crazy psycho."
"See," he said. "I told you not to date anyone poor."
"That has nothing to do with her being racist and cray," I said.
"From what I've seen it does," he said. "What is your boyfriend's economic situation like?"
"It doesn't really matter, Vinny."
"Yes, it does, Trev."
"And what if he's poor? Are you going to drive all the way down here and force me to break up with him?"
"Maybe," he said.
I rolled my eyes but of course he couldn't see that. "You don't have to worry," I said. "I've seen his car and where he lives. He's rich."
"Okay, then I don't have to drive down there and force you to break up." I could hear the tease in his voice now that he knew Arthur wasn't poor. "What's his major?"
"He's a ballet dancer," I said. "He is exquisite when he dances. I've never seen anything as beautiful. And he's funny and friendly. He's not afraid to stick up for himself. He kind of reminds me of Alex in that way."
"Then I'm happy for you," Vincent said.
"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"
"You hesitated when I first told you I was bisexual," I pointed out.
"I...it wasn't because of that. It doesn't bother me or anything. I just want you to be happy."
"I am," I said.
"Then good," he said.
"I've told my sisters, but any advice on how to come out to my parents and grandpa?"
"I'm not the best person to be asking," he said. "I've never had to do that with my family."
And that was a good thing because his family was not tolerant and would definitely disown him if he was anything other than straight.
"And Alex never really had to come out," Vincent went on, "because he was always expressive about who he was. Did you ask your boyfriend for advice?"
"I asked him how he came out, but he was kind of like Alex. His family already knew before he said anything."
"Well, I'm not the best to give you advice, but the one thing I will say is I think you should tell them in person. Especially your grandpa."
"I guess I need to make a trip home soon then," I said because I also thought it was best to tell my grandpa in person.
Love Still Finds A Way.
"I...I...was just....."I stuttered and he grabbed my jaws with his thumb and index finger,squeezing my cheeks."Look at me when I'm talking to you."He demanded."O....ok."I was trembling because his face was a few inches away from me and his masculine scent was jumbling my senses. When his eyes flickered to my lips,I bit them.He let go of my jaw and gripped my wrist harshly."So what do you do now? ..seduce boys?"He asked."I wasn't seducing him."I muttered."What was that you said?" He asked."Uhh...no...nothing.""I never want to see you around him understand?"He declared.***He loves her, but due to arrogance, he denies it to himself and tries to deflate the feeling by being mean to Pamela but that makes the love grow even stronger.She loves him, but due to fear and how intimidated she always felt, she kept her feelings to her self.So will these two find a way in their love? Come and find out!Previously called : The Bad Boy And The Nerd Fall For Each Other.Highest Rankings.# 1 in Jealousy # 1 in love-hate#1 in Innocent #3 in Possessive #2 in Badboy#3 in Nerd#4 in Love#1 in Hard love #1 in Hot#1 in High school romance #4 in TeenFictionStarted : 8th March 2019.Finished : 18th May 2019
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