《Equations of Dance》Chapter 5


A/N: This chapter contains some more mature content. I will indicate where it starts with ------------------------ and indicate where it ends with ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ so if you want to skip this section you can.

Trevon Carter

"You have the same lotion as I do," Arthur said. He stood in front of the sink with the bottle of lotion in his hands. The mirror was fogged up. He put some lotion on the palm of his hand, rubbed his hands together and turned to me. His hands came to my shoulders, down my arms, over my chest - lingered on my chest - went down my stomach - lingered there too. His hands started to travel lower. I grabbed his wrists as my arousal was definitely returning.

"This is getting dangerous," I said, "and you said you were hungry."

He looked pointedly at my groin and said, "I am hungry," with a smirk that told me he wasn't talking about the food in the kitchen.

I swallowed hard. "That wasn't what I meant," I said. His arms dropped back to his sides as I let his wrists go. "But hey, I'm not going to stop you."

He turned back to the sink and got more lotion. "You can do your legs yourself," he said. "I'm going to eat the food Alice brought." He began to rub the lotion on his arms. I stepped up close behind. I reached around him, grabbed his hands and rubbed the lotion off them onto my own hands. My hands came up to his shoulders and I rubbed the lotion in and went down his back, circled around his waist, massaged the lotion into his stomach and up to his chest. I bent down and kissed his neck.

He quickly stepped away from me. "Finish putting the lotion on yourself," he said to me. He walked out of the bathroom, but poked his head back in. "Can I borrow clean underwear?"

"Top drawer on the right," I said. I sighed as his head disappeared from view. I put more lotion on my hands and covered my legs. By the time I stepped out into the bedroom, Arthur wasn't in the room. I changed into clean clothes. I gathered up the dirty clothes - including Arthur's boxer briefs - and put them in the clothes hamper.

When I went into the kitchen, he had two plates out and silverware and two glasses of orange juice on my little dining table. I sat down across from him and he opened the take out box. He scooped out the scrambled eggs and sausage and put them on his plate. He gave me the pancakes.

"You don't want any of these?" I double checked before I poured on the syrup.

He made a face and shook his head. He took a bite of sausage.

"Is it because you don't like pancakes or do dancers need a special diet."

"Diet," he said.


Alice had been on a diet too, but I assumed that was to watch her weight since she had to be lifted into the air. I didn't know male dancers dieted too. I took a bite of pancake. It would have been better if it were still warm, but I preferred the shower to the pancakes so I would take the cold pancakes.

"Do you want to do something today?" I asked. "Do you need to be anywhere?" I stood up to get some coffee because I was not about to drink orange juice with syrupy pancakes.

"I don't have to be anywhere," he said as he watched me.

I raised the coffee to see if he wanted any, but he shook his head so I only got some for me.

"I do want to go to the gym at some point today though," he said.

"I imagine you need to be strong to lift Alice into the air like you did. Is she heavy?"

He smirked as he scooped up some scrambled eggs onto his fork.

"You would know the answer to that," he said.

My cheeks heated. "Oh," I said. Yeah, I did know. Although now that I knew she was crazy I'd rather forget our intimate moments too. "Still," I said, "that's different than you lifting her in the air above your head."

"She's not heavy," he said. He took another bite of scrambled eggs.

"Are you always paired with her?" I asked.

"Not always, but most of the time," he said.

"I hope she doesn't cause you trouble now that you and I are dating." I took a bite of pancakes.

He shrugged. "It doesn't matter to me if she accuses me of stealing her boyfriend. She already did that last year and it didn't work out for her like she thought it would. The other dancers know me well enough to know I wouldn't steal her boyfriend. Or anyone else's boyfriend."

I hoped she didn't give him trouble. It wasn't his fault. We finished breakfast. I downed the orange juice after I had finished the pancakes. I quickly washed the dishes. He looked out the large windows.

"I like your view of the city," he said.

"Me too," I said. I finished the dishes and turned to face him. "So what do you want to do today besides work out?"

"Let's go to an early movie," he said. "Then we can go to my apartment gym to work out. After that we can hang out at my apartment. Actually, since my car is here too, why don't you follow me to my apartment building and I'll leave my car there and ride with you in your car to the movie theater."

"Okay," I said.

I grabbed my keys and my phone. The phone battery was only at about 30%. I should have charged it earlier. Oh well. I could charge it in the car.


"And, Trevon?" Arthur stood at the door slipping on his shoes.


"This will count as a second date."

A rush of desire shot through me. I knew what that meant.

"Bring condoms," he said. "I have lube at my apartment."

I would be lying if I said I didn't run to my bedroom to get the condoms. My knuckles knocked hard on the doorframe in my urgency. I shook my hand vigorously in an effort to get rid of the pain. I hoped he hadn't seen my clumsiness. I grabbed a couple of condoms from my drawer and stuck them in my pocket.

The amused look on Arthur's face told me he had seen my clumsiness. He took the hand I had bumped on the doorframe and rubbed the knuckles lightly. His fingers were soft and smooth as they ran over the back of mine. He brought my knuckles up to his mouth and kissed them lightly before he released my hand.

"Let's go, sweetie," he patted my cheek before he turned to the door.

It took everything in me to not grab him and carry him to my bed right then.

I followed him down to his car before I got into my own. His apartment building was surprisingly close to mine. Close enough I could walk. I liked that idea - walking out under the stars to my boyfriend's apartment. It sounded nice. He parked his car and then jumped into mine.

It was late enough that breakfast earlier could have counted as an early lunch. We got to the movie theater. He wanted to go to a horror movie. I agreed. I didn't tell him I didn't like horror movies. I got scared easily. He didn't need to know that. I could fake my way through the movie...I hoped. He chose the seats. Usually when I went to the movies with Alex and Vincent, we would sit in the middle. It was my favorite spot. But Arthur chose the top right in the far corner.

"Do you want popcorn or anything?" I asked him.

"No," he said. "I need to watch what I eat."

"Right," I said.

"You can get something for yourself though if you like. I don't mind."

"No. I'm good." It was weird not getting popcorn and a drink. I always had with my friends, but it would be weirder to get it while he was empty handed.

We went in and found our seats. Arthur lifted the arm rest between us and curled into my side. I put my arm around his shoulder and he settled in next to me even more. There were other movie goers in the theater, but none near us.

The lights dimmed and the previews played. The movie started. The first half hour was slow which I liked because it meant I didn't need to get scared and pretend I wasn't. But right when I had completely relaxed there was a jump scare. It was a good thing I didn't have popcorn because I would have spilled it.

Don't be scared, I told myself. Ghosts aren't real. You're a man of science. You don't believe in ghosts. Except I did think ghosts were real and I was extremely afraid of them. There was some part of me that feared just watching movies of them would summon them and they would follow me home to my apartment or wherever I went and they would haunt my dreams and cause strange noises and...Arthur kissed my cheek.

I turned to look at him. The light from the movie illuminated his face in strange colors. He was oddly comforting. He kissed my mouth now that I was turned to him. My arm around his shoulder tightened. I kissed him back. For a moment I was so immersed in the kiss that I forgot we were in a theater with other people.

I pulled back from the kiss to look at the other patrons, but they were all consumed with the movie and not what was happening in the back of the theater.

I turned back to Arthur expecting to kiss some more, but his focus was back on the movie. I sighed and turned my attention back to the screen as well. The movie was getting more frightening. There were a few times I closed my eyes so I wouldn't have to deal with jump scares or ghosts.

Arthur placed a warm, comforting hand on my thigh. It eased me enough where I could open my eyes. His hand squeezed and slowly drifted up my thigh. Even though there was a ghost on the screen, the only thing I could focus on was his hand. He moved it upward and then shifted it so it was directly over my crotch.


My breathing changed as he began to rub. I glanced again at the other people in the movie theater, but no one was paying attention to us. It was thrilling. My pants were getting tighter and tighter. Arthur turned more fully to me. He unzipped my pants and slipped his hand underneath my underwear. He stroked and tugged and a low moan escaped me.

Arthur didn't look away from my face as if my expressions were as captivating to him as his hand on my hard on was to me. I didn't try to stop him. I just reveled in his touch. He continued to stroke and caress. He pumped me completely ignoring the other people in the dark room. I melted and released over his hand. He withdrew his hand and wiped it on napkins I didn't know he had. He left it to me to zip my own pants.


When the movie was over and we left the theater, one thing was clear to me. I wasn't afraid of horror movies anymore. At least if Arthur was with me.

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