《Equations of Dance》Chapter 3


Arthur Sakho

I changed out of my pajamas into a pair of tight jeans and a tight, pink t-shirt with a rainbow on it. It was obvious, but I wasn't exactly known for being discreet. Luckily I had just finished taking a shower before he called. I brushed my teeth before I grabbed my car keys and left my apartment. This might not have been a great idea because I had only met Trevon tonight and he sent sparks of desire through me so intense I really wasn't sure I could stop myself from jumping on him.

His apartment building ended up being close to mine. So close I could have walked if I wanted to. I didn't want to. Within five minutes, I was in his parking lot and found a spot. I went inside, found his apartment on the top floor and rang the doorbell. The door opened immediately. Stars, skies and bees, he was gorgeous. He had taken off the suit jacket and tie, but he was still in his dress pants and white button shirt. The top few buttons were undone. Peeking behind the white cloth were his pec muscles. My fingers twitched as they wanted to quickly undo the rest of the buttons, but I caught myself before my hands lifted.

"Hi," I said instead.

His smile sent goosebumps - in a good way - along my arms. "Hi," he said. "Come in," he stepped aside so I could enter. I stepped in and he closed the door behind me. I kicked off my shoes inside his entryway.

His apartment was beautiful and clean. Two walls were lined with bookshelves filled with books. He had a dark, oval coffee table set in front of a large, brown leather couch. There was a large screen t.v. mounted on the wall in front of it. The lights in the apartment were set to dim. It felt very manly with the brown leather and woods and romantic with the dim lights. I swallowed and tried to bury the desire to just throw myself at Trevon. I walked into the large kitchen giving myself a tour of his apartment. I walked around his small dining table and chairs. He followed me without saying anything. I could feel his eyes on me and without even looking at him, I knew he was having as hard a time restraining himself as I was.

I walked back into the living room staying near the large windows. I came to the balcony sliding glass door. Next to it was a large telescope.

"Spy on your neighbors?" I teased as I finally turned to face him. He was closer to me than I expected and I forgot to breathe.

"No," he smirked. He placed a hand on the telescope. "I take it to the mountains so I can see the stars."

"Sounds romantic," I said.

"Do you want to go with me sometime?"

"Oh, sweet stars, skies and bees yes."

He laughed warmly. I loved his laugh. I was attracted to his laugh. His laugh was gorgeous.

"What?" he asked.



"What did you just stars...bees?"

"Oh. It's something I made up in the second grade. It's my substitution for when people say Oh God, I say Oh, sweet stars, skies and bees."

"Why?" He moved closer to me even though we were already close standing there next to the telescope.

"Because I don't want to disrespect God, Allah or whoever," I whispered as he got even closer. I wanted him to kiss me.

"You're religious?" he asked. We were really close now. Inches apart with his head starting to dip down towards mine.

"No," I said. "I don't know if God exists, but if there is a chance there is a supreme power, why would I want to offend him or draw attention to myself by saying his name?"

"You're really unique." He smiled. His breath touched my face. His hand cupped my cheek. It was warm, welcoming.

"Are you religious?" I asked right before his lips could meet mine.

He withdrew and took a step back. It wasn't what I wanted, but I still wasn't sure we wouldn't take it too far if he kissed me. I had only met him about an hour earlier. I didn't know anything about him except that he was gorgeous and my lust levels rose to heights I didn't know existed when I saw him.

"I don't know what I believe," he said. "Part of me finds it comforting to think there is a supreme power who created all this, that it didn't happen just by random. But another part of me thinks if there is a supreme power, why would he let all these bad things happen? Why with all our scientific knowledge have we not found evidence of a greater being? I think I lean more on the side that there isn't a God, but I don't know."

I touched the telescope lightly. "Why do you like looking at the stars?"

"I always have," he said. "My grandpa bought me my first telescope and took me to the mountains to look at the stars. They are mesmerizing. So much has been discovered, but so much more has yet to be discovered. That's why I'm studying astrophysics. I want to work for Nasa. Think of all the knowledge there is still to learn and discover."

He had turned to his bookshelves as he spoke and ran his fingers over the spines of several books. I had just discovered a new side to him. One that wasn't filled with lust and sultry eyes. I liked it. I liked his affectious excitement as he spoke about the stars and his grandfather. I trailed behind him as he walked along the bookshelves.

"I thought you'd have some sport trophies or something," I said. "I wasn't expecting a telescope."

He turned around to face me and I stopped where I was. I didn't trust myself to get too close.

"I've never been good at sports," he said. It surprised me because it seemed like he had the build for it. "I don't have any hand-eye coordination. My older sisters got all that talent I guess," he said. "Brittany is a great volleyball player and Kylie is a great basketball player. My grandpa never cared that I didn't play sports, but I think my dad was always secretly disappointed. It turned out alright though as neither of my two best friends were into sports either."


"Your voice changes when you speak of your grandpa," I said. "I can tell you love him a lot." Somehow we ended up closer to each other, but I wasn't sure which one of us had moved. Maybe we both had.

"He took a small business from nothing to one of the most powerful in the state," he said. "All that I have wouldn't have been possible without him."

"I don't know much about my grandparents," I said.

"Why not?" he asked.

"They live in Senegal. We moved here when I was 2. I don't remember it."

"Your family hasn't been back?" he asked.

"No. I talk to my grandparents over the phone, but I don't speak much Wolof so usually my dad or mom end up translating. I did learn French, but they only know a few phrases in French so my dad or mom still end up translating."

He sat on his couch and said, "I'm sorry I called you here so late. You're probably tired after the performance. I just..." His voice trailed off and he didn't offer anything more.

I went to him, but instead of sitting beside him on the couch I sat on his lap. My hands rested on his shoulders. My knees settled on either side of him and his hands rested on my hips. He didn't make any further moves so I leaned forward and connected our lips. That first kiss was innocent and sweet. I pulled away so I could look into his beautiful eyes - dark and wanting more.

He leaned forward this time and our lips met again. My hands moved from his shoulders to his jawline. He moved his lips with mine. Warm and wet and shooting desire through me. His hands moved from my hips as one arm grasped my back desperately and the other curved around my waist. The kiss became more heated. I was glad I was sitting because my legs were suddenly weak. I shifted on his lap. A groan left his lips and met mine.

He lifted me as he stood up from the couch. I wrapped my legs around his waist. My lips never left his as if he was life itself and I needed it. The light darkened and he placed me on my back on something soft. He crawled over me, hovered there a moment before he kissed me again. My legs were still wrapped around his waist. I tightened them to pull him even closer to me and he moaned. It was the sweetest sound.

His lips left mine and brushed down my neck until he got to the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tightened both my arms and my legs around him. This was ecstacy. My eyes opened briefly to the ceiling above. I closed them again as his touch drove me close to madness. But that was the moment I realized we were on his bed.

"Wait, wait, wait." I pushed him slightly away, but I still had my legs wrapped around him. I was out of breath.

He smiled gently at me. "I said we wouldn't have sex on the first date and I meant it," he said.

His voice was low and soft and it melted me. Whatever, I wanted him. I tried to kiss him, but he pulled away slightly with a smirk on his yummy lips.

"Can you say it to me again?" he asked.

"Say what?" but then I remembered our phone conversation. "Sweetie?"

And I could feel his body respond. "You like it that much?" I asked.

He buried his face in my neck and trailed kisses all over my skin. "Yes," his voice was husky. "I like it very much."

My arms and legs tightened around him reveling in the kisses he placed on my neck. I was about to say, 'let's just do it' and forget my rule about no sex on the first date, but he pulled away and tried to roll off me. My legs tightened around him briefly before I decided to let him go and he rolled onto the bed beside me.

"No sex tonight," he reiterated, "but will you stay with me?"

I nodded.

"I usually sleep in boxers," he said. "Would that be okay?"

I nodded again, but this time it was because my voice was gone at the thought of seeing him almost naked. He got off the bed and unbuttoned his shirt. He took it off and I swallowed hard suddenly thirsty as the shirt slipped from his shoulders onto the floor. When he began to take off his pants, I looked away not trusting myself to just not jump on him. The bed shifted as he got on it. I turned to look at him. I expected him to be under the covers, but he wasn't and I saw his strong legs and his sculpted stomach, his nice chest, his luscious lips...

"Are you going to wear your jeans to bed?" he asked. "Isn't that uncomfortable?"

"I'm wearing boxer briefs, are you fine with that?"

He smirked and indicated with a tilt of his head that it was fine. I didn't get off the bed, but instead unzipped my pants and pulled them off while I was still lying down. I dropped them to the floor beside the bed.

"You're going to leave your shirt on?" he asked.

"I think it's safer that way," I said.

He finally moved to go under the covers so I followed his lead. He slid closer and wrapped one strong arm around my waist. I was disappointed when he settled onto his pillow instead of trying to kiss me again.

"Goodnight, Beautiful Art," he said.

"Goodnight, sweetie."

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