《The Adonis Mission》Chapter 24 - A Prophecy Unraveled
Friday, July 20th
Cape Neddick, Maine
That afternoon the four friends after taking a trip to the mall, returned to Bon’s house.
The driver opened the trunk and everyone took out the bags of toys and things that Bon had bought for his children.
They went inside and headed first to James and Peter’s room upstairs. The room was outfitted with bunk beds and other furniture for the boys and had a large toy box on one side of the room. Various toy trucks were taken from bags and placed around as well as other stuffed animals and toys such as action figures and hand held video games. Various clothing was added to their chest of drawers finally.
Then they went to Sherry’s room. The room was beautiful and Bon had checked with the owners and asked if he could have it painted and they said it was fine, so he’d had it painted a beautiful soft pinkish pearl color. The bed was full sized and had a gorgeous deep blue bedspread with several various colored toss pillows of pearl, deep mauve, blues, and purples.
Various posters were on the wall of her music and celeb idols and Bon added some new CDs and DVD movies to her shelf unit next to her t.v. and stereo.
At the last Alexis helped put some new clothing away for his daughter. She had helped Bon shop for the girl and really hoped she would like what they had bought. The very last thing was a pair of silk pajamas he had purchased at an exclusive lingerie shop recently. They were lovely and the same pearl color as the bedroom walls. In addition he provided a pair of matching bedroom slippers.
After they were finished they all headed downstairs and into the family room. Shopping at the mall had been trying and they were all exhausted. At one point Bon and Rye had been besieged by fans who came out of nowhere for autographs and then proceeded to follow the four of them around until they’d left.
Once in the family room, they sat down on the sectional sofa and Bon picked up the remote and turned on the TV.
“So the kids are coming Sunday then?” Alexis asked as he put his arm around her.
“Yep,” Bon said.
Alexis nodded not saying anything and leaned her head on his shoulder.
Olivia watched her sister’s face carefully. She knew that Alexis was rather nervous about meeting Bon’s children as she’d told her so. She didn’t blame her, she too had went through that when she had met Evie for the first time, but it seemed as if Evie had taken a liking to her for which she was very grateful.
Bon had been channel surfing and stopped it on a old classic war movie. He and Rye both perked up but after watching for a couple minutes, Alexis found her eyes closing against her will and soon she was fast asleep.
Olivia yawned and then whispered to Rye that she was going to go up and lay down for awhile until dinner time. Rye bent his head as they kissed and she stood up and left the room then...
Hekate’s Palace
Titania, The Realm
There was a brief silence as Hekate stared at Deianera trying to find the right words. “Olivia? The sister?” she asked her smiling daughter.
Deianera slowly lost her smile. seeing her mother’s face and said, “Yes mother, why do you look so surprised?”
“Daughter do you not realize that if you amalgamate with the sister, this very possibly could cause a strain between the twins? It is said, that Alexandria and her sister had a falling out not too long ago, and just recently put aside their differences,” she told her. “If you choose Olivia for your host and Alexandria finds out that she has seduced the man she loves this could not only jeopardize their relationship but also the Adonis Mission!” her mother said frowning.
Deianera sighed and then stood and walked over to a large vase holding beautiful pink and white roses. She bent and sniffed one and then said, “But Alexandria will never find out about it,” Deianera said, “For after the deed is done I intend to use a memory spell on both my host and on Bon. So you see there is no danger.”
Hekate continued to stare at her daughter thinking how foolish and inexperienced she was. Anything could go wrong with this dangerous plan.
“Sit down Deianera, we are going to talk about this.” Deianera turned her head and seeing the resolute look on her mother’s face walked back over and sat.
“You leave me no choice, Deianera, but to help you,” Hekate told her. “This plan of yours is much too complicated for a Goddess who has just received her powers. With me helping you there is more of a chance for success, but if you attempt this on your own, you will very likely end up being imprisoned once again and me along with you,” she warned. “But daughter, why does your host have to be the sister? Couldn’t you find another?”
“It makes perfect sense,” Deianera replied. “Olivia is close to Alexandria and the four of them are all friends. She will most likely be spending time with Bon, so can you not see the convenience of it all?” She paused and then said, “In addition, Olivia is very beautiful almost as much as myself. It would be a perfect match for me. Besides, it would take me much too long to try and find another host and would mean I would have to go back to Kronos’ estate and study his blocks again at the risk of being caught. It was a very close call earlier,” she told the older woman. Then she said, “By the way, why would it be that the teleportation ability would not work afterwards?”
“What do you mean?” Hekate asked. “You obviously made it here so it had to of worked.”
“No before that,” Deianera said. “I had just left Kronos’s house and tried to think myself back to the sea, and it didn’t work.”
“Perhaps because you already had the invisibility spell going my dear,” Hekate replied. “I have known for thousands of years that Teleporting which is a basic power us deities use here in the realm, can be rendered useless if there is a major spell being used at the same time. The same is said to be true, if you ever attempt to use two major spells at the same time. One of them would fail. You were not aware of that?”
Deianera admitted she wasn’t. So that’s why it didn’t work, she thought and why it did a moment later. The invisibility spell had worn off, so the power was then generated for teleportation.
But then she said, “But I was able to use a spell to make the controls of the video block visible though. Why was I able to do that then?”
Hekate said, “You can use magic daughter such as you just described. Something like that is not considered a major spell, so of course it would work. There is so much you do not know yet,” she said looking uncomfortable.
“But I am learning quickly,” Deianera replied, her expression a bit defensive. “Now please, can we find the proper spells that we need?”
Hekate sighed, realizing her daughter’s mind was made up and she stood and walked over to her table and picked her large book of magic . She walked back to the settee and sat, placing the book on her lap as Deianera inched closer to her a smile on her face.
“Alright....the first thing we need,” Hekate told her, “is the spell for seduction.” She then started leafing through its pages.
Kronos had just finished supper with his wife Rhea and was entering his study again, when he saw his hourglass which was resting in its normal place on the side table, rise into the air and start humming.
He quickly changed into his work clothes and then checked the video block to get the coordinates.
A moment later he entered the portal room and went up the stairs and stepped through the doorway, on his way.
Arriving at Bon’s estate he stopped time and then entered the wall and appeared in Bon’s family room. Bon and Rye had pleasant though fixed expressions on their faces as they stared at the television set. Alexis however whose head had been on Bon’s shoulder raised it, as she said, “Kronos! I need to tell you something important!”
“I assumed that Goddess, otherwise you would not have called me,” he replied. “Is something wrong?”
“Yes,” Thalia answered. “I found out this morning that a few days ago Alexis lost her contraceptive packet. She has since had the pills replaced.”
Kronos blinked and said, “She replaced the pills?” He thought for a second and then said, his face excited, “Well my dear, you just provided the answer to one of the newest prophecies.”
When she asked him what he meant he explained about the two new prophecies that had Heaven concerned, so much so, he was considering closing down the mission.
“The prophecy said, ‘Due to an oversight, the host may not produce a child’,” he told her. “This has to be what it was referring to.
Kronos was elated, that meant he had solved the meaning behind one of the prophecies and this could easily be changed. Yet that left the more difficult one.
“Do not be concerned Goddess, for I will return tonight when Alexandria takes her next pill and will have the substitutes at hand,” he told her. “When you become aware that Alexis is near to taking the pill however, you must alert me immediately.”
Thalia said she would do so and after Kronos asked her if there was anything else to which she replied no, he left then. Thalia laid her head back on Bon’s shoulder as time began again.
Friday, July 20th
London, England
At 8 p.m., Dane and Ronnie had just picked up their rental car and were on their way to Ronnie’s Aunt’s. They would be staying with the elderly woman for a couple of days as she had more than enough room.
Aunt Sara owned a large bed and breakfast in Whitstable Kent called Windy Ridge. It had 6 double rooms, 2 single rooms and 2 suites. She and Ronnie’s Uncle had owned it for ten years before her Uncle passed away, and Sara had been running it alone ever since. It was situated near the sea and quite picturesque and lovely.
It would take them approximately an hours drive to reach the small town, and as Dane drove on, Ronnie pulled one of her cd’s from her tote bag which was Dane’s own first solo effort and popped it into the cd player.
He smiled at her lovingly and said, “So tell me, is it true that your Aunt’s place really has a room called “The Musician’s Room?”
“Absolutely hon, and you’re gonna love it! I actually stayed in it once the last time I visited her,” Ronnie told him.
Dane quickly looked back at the road, wrenching the steering wheel as he had nearly drove off into a field. Not only was it pitch dark, but he was not used to driving on the left side of the road and he needed to concentrate on his driving he told her.
Ronnie chuckled at his sheepish look and put her head back listening to the tinkling tones of Dane’s piano.
Over on the other side of the world, Alexis suddenly woke to find Bon gently shaking her. “Hey beautiful,” he said, “Frannie just announced dinner.”
Alexis sat up and then looked over at the side part of the sectional, not seeing Rye or Olivia and asked where they were.
“Olivia went upstairs earlier for a nap and Rye just went to fetch her,” he told her.
Alexis then said she had to go the bathroom and freshen up and afterwards came out just as Olivia and Rye came downstairs.
The four them headed into the main dining room then.
Alexis was so hungry she could have eaten a full grown grizzly, she thought, smelling various wonderful aromas.
Fran had the dining room table decked out beautifully with china and crystal, with flowers and candles in the middle.
“It looks so beautiful,” Alexis commented.
“Yeah and so does that roast sitting at the end of the table,” Olivia commented as everyone chuckled and Olivia suddenly realized how famished she was as she eyed the succulent meat.
It was a large Rib roast and as the four sat down, Fran came out of the kitchen and carved a good size portion as everyone held out their plates. She then placed a large dish of mashed potatoes on the table, a large salad bowl full of various greens and finally added a bowl of tiny new peas, and a platter of steaming hot Italian home made bread, which was sliced into thick slices. She set down a tiny dish of creamery butter as well.
Everyone passed the dishes around, each helping themselves and Fran then brought in at Bon’s request a good dinner wine and proceeded to pour some into each of their glasses.
As the four of them were about to eat, Rye raised his glass and said, “Let’s have a toast!”
Everyone picked up their glasses as he said, “To great friends, great food, and great times! May there be many more to come!”
Everyone said, “Here here!” and clicked glasses as they each took a sip of their wine.
In Titania Kronos was on his way to visit his son and reaching Zeus’ grand estate after having played various games to get there, he walked into the house and headed for his son’s study.
As he entered he saw the High God sitting behind his desk playing with some kind of odd toy.
As Kronos drew closer he realized it was a device consisting of a line of six chrome balls each separately suspended by chrome wires from a chrome frame. He watched as the balls swung back and forth hitting the other balls in a rhythmic fashion.
Kronos had seen one of these devices once when he’d visited earth a few years ago. They were called Newton’s Balls. Mostly used by bored executives in the business world, titillating these men to no end he’d heard. Apparently even his son found some pleasure in watching the balls swing back and forth.
As Kronos made his way closer, Zeus reached out and stilled the balls with his hand. “So?” he said. “What news have you father?”
Kronos told him what he’d discovered of the first of the new prophecies.
Zeus smiled broadly at that and said, “Nice work! So that leaves the second prophecy then. Do you have any leads on that one?”
Kronos admitted he had none but he and Eos were concentrating all their efforts he told his son, to find out who the prophecy could be referring to.
“Good. You’d better get back on it then,” Zeus said as he picked up a metal ball and swung it sharply against another, “for time is running out!”
Kronos left his son’s estate then and headed back to his own. Once there he traveled to earth and made a stop at a pharmaceutical company, picking up some additional sugar pills.
By tonight that at least, was one prophecy which would be erased, he thought.
A short time later at Hekate’s estate, having finished and finding the various spells that her and mother would need, Deianera bid her mother farewell and headed back to her own palace.
Once there she headed for the Sea of Tranquility once again. Although she had relayed to her mother the danger of her visiting Kronos’ estate again she had only used that as a way of stilling her mother’s objections to her choosing Olivia as her host. She had every intention of visiting the Time keeper’s home. She yearned to see some images of her beloved Bon again. She craved watching him and listening to him, for until she and her mother were ready to put their plan into effect, even though it was only hours away, she needed what Bon’s followers on earth quite often referred to as a ‘BonBon fix.’
Once Deianera got to Kronos’ home, she planned on using a very special spell which was known as shape shifting. It would allow her to take on whatever persona she desired and was a very ancient but effective bit of magic.
She had heard that Kronos and Rhea had a cat that had been given to him by Kronos’s brother Minos and so Kronos in gratitude had named the cat after him as well.
Minos was a large feline. Standing 6 hands tall and was the color of night with a broad round face and huge golden eyes.
As Deianera reached the sea shore she used the invisibility spell again and walked through the mist. Then hiding behind some shrubbery in one of the many gardens, she looked around trying to catch a view of the cat.
However after a while it became evident that the cat was most likely indoors. Hurrying then she quickly ran towards the front of the house and went through a wall finding herself in Kronos’ library.
Going from room to room she finally ended up in their large kitchen. Rhea was there and as Deianera watched, Rhea pressed a button on the wall and then slid up a small clear panel and removed a plate of tiny muffins and scones.
She set the plate on a tray and then picked up a teapot and two cups and placed those on the platter as well. Then she left the room.
Deianera looked around and was just about to leave when suddenly her eye caught a movement behind the large kitchen’s island. She saw a very furry black tail.
Walking quickly around the island, she saw a large cat drinking some cream from his dish. Deianera felt relieved. She had to time this just right. She needed the other spell to wear off before she could invoke the shape shifter spell, so she patiently waited, although nervously, hoping that Rhea would not return to the kitchen.
After a few moments suddenly she realized she could now see her body. It was time.
She quickly said a few words and then abruptly her body changed and she was on all fours lapping up cream from the bowl.
Whenever a shape shifter spell was invoked the personage or in this case the animal that the God or Goddess had chosen, disappeared until the spell had run it’s course. Deianera now looked exactly like Minos and the real Minos was sleeping somewhere safe..
Deianera quickly padded out of the room and headed for Kronos’s study. As she poked her head in she saw that he was not there for which she was relieved to discover.
She walked over to the block she had viewed before and stared up at the screen. Suddenly she saw Bon and the other three sitting around a large dining table. They were laughing and joking and eating a large meal she saw.
Unfortunately being a cat now, she had no way to reach the controls so she couldn’t use the close up feature. But each time the viewer stopped on Bon’s face, Deianera felt excited and a raging desire coursed through her feline body. She HAD to have him and soon, she thought. Otherwise she would simply go mad.
Late that night as Alexis and Bon prepared for bed, Alexis finished brushing her hair and then setting her brush down she reached for her birth control packet unaware of Kronos’ visit and that she had just lost a minute in time.. Removing that night’s pill she popped it in her mouth, washing it down with water and then padded naked to the bed where Bon waited with a lusting look on his face, his body naked and ready.
Without a word she straddled his body and reached down taking his raging hard on which she placed at the entrance of her pussy and then slowly sat down on him till he was buried in her to his balls. Bon shifted slightly, opening his legs more and grabbed her waist as she began to move, the two of them never breaking eye contact. She leaned forward as she continued to move her ass up and down and her tongue met his as they dueled briefly then his tongue did an excellent fencing move bypassing her own tongue to plunge into her mouth. She sucked hard, moaning in the back of her throat.
His hands reached and cupped her ass as she continued to thrust and after a moment he broke the kiss and with a move that would have been the envy of Casanova himself, he expertly rolled her over onto her back. Raising her legs and draping them over his shoulders he then took control. His thrusts increased in speed, and Alexis reached down and rubbed her tiny throbbing clit as he slammed into her, his balls smacking against her tiny asshole.
She was panting and moaning, and Bon suddenly said low, his tone sexy, “You like that baby? You like me fucking your pussy like this?” He leaned forward then bracing his elbows on the bed as he continued to whisper in her ear between licks of his tongue. “Do you like it like this? Hm?” he asked as he continued to slam into her. “Raise your ass baby girl so my dick can get all the way into your sweet hot little hole.”
His voice sounded nasty and Alexis almost went over the edge at this very explicit talk. She raised her ass as he pounded her, the both of them moaning and gasping. Her cries suddenly got loud and urgent and he covered her mouth with his as she screamed, her hips rising and falling to meet his thrusts as her orgasm hit.
She tore her mouth from his and said, “Sweet fuck! Bon!!!! Ohhhhh!”
Bon felt his cum burst from him as her vaginal muscles contracted around his hot pummeling pole. He gasped, and moaned hoarsely, “Alex! Oh FUCK!!!” as wave after wave of pure pleasure convulsed his entire body.
Slowly his hips slowed until finally he collapsed upon her body, her arms around his neck lightly stroking his back as he pressed hot open mouth kisses onto her neck and ear.
After a moment his mouth found her own where they continued to kiss and lick and suck each other’s tongues for several moments. Then spent he turned over on his back, but his hand continued to caress her thigh as they both lay there recovering from the intense and torrid love making.
Deianera having had her Bon Bon fix finally left Kronos’s estate and headed back to her palace. She had just seen a brief glimpse of the lovemaking Bon and Alexandria had indulged in, and watching the couple just for even a few seconds had not only filled her with intense jealousy, but also hot lust, seeing the way Bon had made love to her.
She was only able to see these visuals because of Kronos himself who had come in and walked to the block. He suddenly fast forwarded the time sequences for reasons unknown to her and then went backwards and stopped it at a scene which showed Alexandria standing at the dresser holding a packet of pills in her hand. He turned the block off after that and walked to the doorway at the end the room and exited.
Deianera wondered what that scene could have been about, but after a moment she’d put it out of her head. Tonight was the night at exactly 3 a.m. EST Earth time, that she would amalgamate with her host.
Now as she ran up the stairs to her palace her body throbbed with anticipation to know that what she had waited for, all these hundreds of years was finally going to happen...
She and Bon would be together at last.
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@loisblight: might fuck around and fall in love with you idk ↳@milliebrown: okaythere will be typos(millie bobby brown x oc)(social media)(all rights reserved)
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