《The Adonis Mission》Chapter 16 - New Lands
The battle had come to an end then, as bodies lay all over the pirate’s ship, with blood and carnage being everywhere the eye could see.
Bjorn wound his way through dead bodies over to where Rye and Leif were standing. “I owe you one, Rye,” he told the warrior, “for saving me from that sneak attack!”
Leif said, “Good work men! Rye I am bestowing upon you a promotion for your valiant efforts since you have joined my clan. Bjorn is First Mate answerable to none but me and you shall be my Second mate answerable only to Bjorn and myself.
Rye bowed slightly and said, “Thank you my Captain for the honor,” while Bjorn clapped him on the back. He owed the man his life, Bjorn thought, twice now and felt at this point as if he were his blood brother.
He met Rye’s eyes with his own and smiled slightly as Rye said to him, as Leif walked away, “What should I call you then Sir?”
Bjorn said, “When we are in battle, Bjorn will do, but when we are not, how about ‘brother’?”
Rye stared at him then and smiled fully, showing white even teeth, as the men turned to re-join their Captain.
Leif then ordered his men to search the craft for treasures. After a few minutes several of the warriors searched the slave quarters and found at least ten of Blackheart’s men who had been the pirates personal servants and took them up on deck to take them to the Valarian.
Rye and Bjorn however entered the doorway which led below to the Pirate Captain’s quarters.
They found many treasures in a large padlocked box, which Bjorn broke open with a slice of his sword. In it were jewels such as rubies, emeralds, sapphires and gold artifacts. In other parts of the cabin they found fine tapestries, rugs, blankets, drinking cups and other items made of gold as well as swords, knives, rapiers and even clothing.
As they loaded up knapsacks with their booty, they turned to go with Bjorn and Rye walking back up the small staircase. Rye suddenly stopped forgetting that he had removed his helmet and told Bjorn he would be up momentarily. He turned and went back down the stairs.
Setting down his large knapsack, he grabbed his helmet and turned to leave, but suddenly stopped, hearing a noise. It sounded like a woman’s cries. Faint but unmistakable.
The sounds appeared to be coming from the wall at the end of the cabin, upon which a rather ugly tapestry of a representation of Blackheart’s face lay upon.
Setting down his knapsack and helmet, Rye walked over and stood in front of the wall and then heard the unmistakable yet muffled sound of a woman crying. It was coming from behind the tapestry.
With his sword he cut down the tapestry from which it had been hanging by ropes attached to small hooks placed in the ceiling and when he did so, it revealed a good size wooden door facing him.
Turning the almost flat handle then he pulled the door open and blinked his eyes in shock, at what he saw......
Tuesday, July 17th
Cape Neddick, Maine
Alexis had just finished breakfast and was waiting for the limo to take her to the airport. She would be stopping briefly to collect Ronnie and then they both would be picking up Bon and Dane. She so looked forward to seeing Bon as she had missed him like crazy the last couple of days.
As she came downstairs she went over to the hall table and picked up her bag just as the doorbell rang. Marie was out getting groceries so she went over to the door, opening it, expecting to see the limo driver.
Instead she blinked in shock, her smile evaporating quickly to be replaced by dismay.
For Jetrick Van James stood there smiling one of his most charming smiles.
“What the hell are you doing here Jet?” she asked. “How did you find out where I live?”
“Oh it didn’t take much to get Jimmy to spill the beans, Alexis,” he said, and then not waiting for an invitation, he stepped past her into the house.
Tuesday, July 17th
Los Angeles, California
Olivia, Rye and Evie were well inside the San Diego Zoo by 1:00 pm.
They were in the exhibit called Gorilla Tropics and were standing near one of the habitat’s containing several gorillas. With a natural landscape of cascading waterfalls, open meadow and climbing areas it was apparent the gorillas seemed healthy and right at home.
Rye mimicked a large gorilla, making monkey sounds and scratching himself, swinging his arms much to Olivia’s and Evie’s amusement as they then decided to find a bite to eat.
Olivia looked inside their pamphlet and said, ’Albert’s Restaurant sounds nice.” She read the info to the other two.
“Albert’s offers full service fine dining and includes open-air deck seating overlooking a private waterfall. The menu features a variety of unique dishes: appetizers, gourmet salads, pastas, grilled meat and fresh fish entrees, as well as a full bar with an extensive selection of micro-brewed beers, fine wines, and exotic cocktails,” she finished.
Rye said, “Yes babe, we’ve been there before, right pumpkin?” he looked at his daughter. and then said to her, “What do you think princess, is Albert’s okay?”
Evie said, “Yeah, it’s cool. They have great cheeseburgers and their fries are awesome, right dad?”
Rye laughed and said, “Awesome!”
So just ten minutes later they were there as it was very close by Gorilla Tropics. It was in the Treehouse complex and as they entered, their the host came by and led them to a table.
They looked at the menu then and after a few minutes had decided. Both Rye and Olivia ordered the Santa Fe Chicken Quesadilla with grilled chicken breast and pepper-jack cheese baked in a whole wheat tortilla, garnished with guacamole, salsa, and sour cream. Olivia ordered Ice Tea and Rye ordered a Corona.
But when a waitress walked by with a pepperoni pizza and set it down at a table near them, Evie said, “Dad I changed my mind. Can I have the pizza instead?”
Rye smiled and said of course. So he ordered a small pepperoni pizza for Evie and a coca cola to drink.
Olivia commented that this was the first time she had ever been to the zoo. Evie said, “Oh we’ve been here lots of times right dad?”
Rye said, “Yep, and I never get tired of it. The zoo is so big and there is so much to see and do, it’s a great place to hang out for the day!” he said to them, taking a sip of his beer.
A few minutes later as their food arrived, they then chatted pleasantly as they enjoyed their meal and their table side view of the lovely waterfall.......
Blackheart's Ship,
Labrador Sea
Rye, standing in the doorway of the small hidden room, stared in shock, for inside was a young beauty who looked to be somewhere around the age of twenty. When he opened the door she cowered in fear from him turning her face to the wall. She was wearing very little clothing, just a simple shift which ended mid thighs and was sitting on the floor, her legs curled beside her. Both her hands were manacled to a metal holder above her head as well as her ankles which were bound together with rope. Her long, lustrous, brownish auburn hair had slivers of golden highlights running through it here and there and tumbled down her back to her waist. It made Rye itch suddenly to run his fingers through it.
He said, “Lady, do not be afraid. Blackheart the pirate is dead! I have come to free you!”
She turned her face back and he had a quick intake of breath, for beautiful moss green eyes framed by long dark lashes stared back at him with a tiny flicker of hope dawning. Her full rosy mouth opened slightly to reveal a glimpse of small white even teeth and she said, “What is the name of my rescuer?”
Rye, bowing slightly said, “I am Ryden Sorenson, at your service.” He quickly raised his sword and striking the metal chain above her head released her arms and then with his dagger cut the rope bonds that had been tied around her ankles.
She stood and Rye’s eyes went over her body. She was tall, almost as tall as he, with a slim, curvy body, but more than average sized breasts, small waist and long shapely legs.
After perusing her body his eyes came back up to her face. She was staring at him and a slight smile played around her mouth as her eyes twinkled.
She said “My name is *Gennhwyfar Sundquist, but I am called Genna.” Rye took her hand and raised it to his mouth gently pressing his lips to the back of her long fingered hand.
“I am at your service, Genna,” he said.
Taking her hand he led her through the doorway back into the pirate’s quarters and asked, “How did you come to be here and did that scallywag Blackheart harm you?”
“I would like some water first,” she replied and as Rye immediately undid a small flask of water hanging from his waist belt, he handed it to her and she drank deeply.
She said then, handing back the flask, “I was captured, from my village in Belgium by Blackheart and his pirates, where I had been living with my kin. They are dead because of him,” she said, sounding bitter. “I have lived with him for over a month now, serving him, but strangely enough he has never touched me. I thank the Gods for that,” she said as Rye rummaged around in the cabin looking for something to dress her in.
In a small cupboard he found a long coat and gave it to her to slip on, saying, “You are fortunate indeed lady, for he is known to have raped many women throughout his reign of terror. But that reign has ended. He is dead, killed by a warrior from my clan.”
She tied the fastenings of the coat which was three sizes too big, but at least it covered her providing a bit of modesty. Rye then took her upstairs to the main deck of the boat.
As they came through the door, Bjorn had been standing a few feet away talking to Leif. They were both waiting for him. When they saw him lead a beautiful woman out from the door, Leif said, “Rye, you have found another of Blackheart’s slaves?”
“She is no slave, my captain,” Rye told him.
He then introduced her to the other two men, who were very chivalrous and each took her hand kissing it lightly. Rye told them how she came to be with the pirates.
“How old are you wench?” Leif asked her.
“I am 22 years of age sir,” she answered.
Leif privately wondered why she had not married, as most women usually married by the age of sixteen. As if she read his mind she said, “I was married when I was but 18, but my husband was killed in a hunting accident. Her face for a moment looked sad. “And afterwards,” she continued, ” I needed to help out my kin as my father was ill and my Mother needed me so I put such thoughts of love and marriage aside, until hopefully my father recovered and I could choose a suitor then.”
Bjorn stared at her thinking she was quite lovely but of course Tasha, in his eyes was by far the most beautiful woman still. He saw Rye looking at the young woman though all the while she talked and his face wore more than a trace of interest.
Leif then said she could stay with them if she’d like as long as she had no objections to helping out their clan. She said she did not and then the four of them quickly left the partially burned and smoking pirate ship.
They climbed down the ropes to the waiting small boat which Rye and Bon using oars steered it the few feet to the Valerian.
Bjorn and Leif climbed the ropes into the boat then and then helped pull up Genna as Rye followed. He climbed into the craft and then turned and smiled shyly at Genna who had been staring at him. He was a handsome man, she thought and she wondered if he had a woman in his life at present.
As the Captain gave orders to the rowers to head for shore, the slaves put their oars down into the water and as the boat began moving, Bjorn went to find Tasha then. Rye followed with Genna as well to where Tasha and the others waited below.
As the slaves continued to row Leif stood on the prow looking at the smoking pirate ship, thanking the Gods that Blackheart would no longer continue his reign of terror ever again. Then he turned and looked at this strange new land he and his men were about to embark upon.
Tasha previously having seen Blackheart destroyed by the man she loved, had went back down below into the small room with the others.
When Bjorn appeared she smiled and raced over to him as he pulled her against him and kissed her. He was still bleeding from his shoulder wound and she pulled him aside and as they kissed again, she caressed his wound.
Bjorn felt a sudden heat come from her hand and he broke the kiss, looking at his injured shoulder. She removed her hand then and Bjorn stared and saw that his wound was totally closed. The cut had been at least 3 inches long and his whole shoulder was bloody from where it had dripped.
Tasha bent then and tore off a part of her dress and walking over to where several flasks of water had been provided for the slaves, she then poured some on the bit of cloth and walking back to him she carefully wiped the blood away as Bjorn said, “What did you do to me?” He had a confused look on his handsome face as he stared at her.“The wound is closed up now, how did you do that?”
She didn’t answer but continued cleaning him up and he said, “Tasha! Answer me!”
She stopped then and looked up and said, “I have the gift of healing my Lord.”
He stared at her and said, “You’re a witch? Or a Goddess?”
Tasha smiled and said neither, but said perhaps her gift came from the Gods as she had possessed it most of her life.
Just then Rye entered and they both turned as Tasha saw a young woman enter with him. She was wearing a coat that was very large on her body and Rye, walking over to a young slave girl who was wearing a modest dress, asked her to change clothing with Genna as the girl stood up to obey.
Then Rye turned to Tasha and said, “Tasha, this is Gennhwyfar Sundquist from your own land of Belgium. He gave Tasha a brief explanation of why Genna had been captured by the pirates.
Tasha looking at the lovely woman said, “Welcome Genna.” The two women smiled at each other.
Then Bjorn pulled Tasha close and kissed her again, telling her he would return later and then he and Rye left as the slave girl and Genna exchanged clothing then.
Afterwards Tasha said, “Would you like some food or some water, Genna?”
Genna said she was a bit hungry and Tasha said she would return momentarily. She came back with some dried meat, smoked fish, nuts and flat bread taken from the food box which was stored outside the slaves quarters.
Genna then sat down on the bench and while she ate, Tasha sat too as the two women began conversing.
Tuesday, July 17th
Cape Neddick, Maine
“Get out of my house Jet!” Alexis turned on him furious.
“Aww c’mon Lex, I just want to talk to you for a bit!” Jet said wandering over to her bouquet of roses that Bon had given her, which were starting to droop now. “Hmm, rather sad looking roses,” Jet commented. “So who’s your admirer?” he asked poking his fingers in between the branches looking for the card.
Alexis was so glad she had removed the card from the bouquet after her sister had snatched it out and read it before and said, “None of your fucking business! Now are you going to leave?”
He turned and said, “I bet I know who they’re from. I heard you were shacking up with the old rocker, Bon Vincent.”
“He’s only eight years older than you Jet and we’re not shacking up together!” she said and immediately wished she hadn’t said anything about Bon to him.
“From what the rag papers say, you and Bon are an item, so you two must be sleeping together then,” he said a smug look on his face.
Alexis didn’t reply but instead walked over to the house phone on the hall table. She picked up the receiver and as she pressed the button for her contacts, he said, “Who’re you callin?”
“The police,” she answered. ’I am going to tell them there is an intruder in my house.”
“Fine,” he said, ’I’m going,” and sauntered slowly to the door as she sat the phone back down.
He turned before he went out the door and said, “Ya know Alexis, the man is almost old enough to be your daddy and has a house full of rugrats and has probably fucked every piece of ass this side of the East Coast, oh and by the way his music sucks! I thought you had better taste than that!”
Then he went out the door as Alexis stood there fuming.
Ronnie and Alexis arrived at the airport and ten minutes later had located the gate where Bon and Rye would be arriving.
They looked around the waiting area but didn’t see them, but then their flight was announced as having just come in and soon both Bon and Rye came through the door with the other passengers. Both girls waved and Bon seeing Alexis made his way over to her and picked her up spinning her around. They kissed briefly as there were tons of people around, many of whom were staring at the couple.
Dane greeted Ronnie and bent his head as they also kissed briefly and then they all headed for Baggage. Not long after having picked up the men’s luggage they went outside to the waiting limo and piled inside. The driver then headed back to Bon’s estate.
Once away from the airport, Bon pulled Alexis close and really kissed her this time as his hands began roaming. His hand was heading for her breast and she gently pushed it away as Ronnie and Dane watched, both smiling.
Alexis broke the kiss then and turned to the other couple with a rather embarrassed grin on her face as Bon not feeling deterred at all, bent his head and nibbled at her ear. Then he gently bit and tongued her lobe as darts of pleasure invaded her body and she started becoming warm from his love play.
She pulled her ear away, saying, “Stop it.”
“I can’t,” he said. “I missed you woman.”
“I gathered that,” Alexis replied and then said, “And I missed you too, sweetie.” They moved towards each other as they kissed again, this time a bit longer.
Then Alexis once again broke the kiss and turned looking out the window.
“Babe?” Bon said. “Is anything wrong?”
She turned back to him seeing a slight look of concern in his vivid blue eyes. She hadn’t told him about Jet’s visit when she had talked to him earlier on the way to the airport. But she’d told Ronnie and Ronnie’s reply had been to call Jet a lousy miserable bastard, with no scruples.
She said, “I’ll tell you about it later,” and reached out and caressed his jaw line. Then she turned and saw that Dane was kissing Ronnie and she slid down a bit and then laid her head on Bon’s chest as he began stroking her hair. She gently caressed his abdomen feeling so glad he was back again.
As the limo slowly pulled into the driveway of Bon’s estate, Bon gently shook Alexis awake. She had fallen asleep and had slept most of the 45 minutes it took on the ride from the airport.
She yawned and said, “Oh I fell asleep.”
Ronnie said, “Yeah and you were snoring too girl!”
“I so was not!” Alexis exclaimed indignantly. She looked at Bon, “Was I hon?”
He raised his brows but didn’t say anything. “I don’t snore!!” she said and then Ronnie said, “I was kidding Lex.” Alexis glared at her friend and stuck out her tongue.
“Hey watch that,” Bon said she grabbed her bag. “Stop giving me ideas,” he whispered into her ear as she giggled, and climbed out of the limo.
They headed into the house following Ronnie and Dane who had already entered.
Before they went through the door though Bon pulled her up against him as he covered her mouth in a searing kiss. She tongued his mouth fiercely and then felt his hardness pressing against her belly as her hands caressed his tight ass.
Breaking the kiss finally the couple walked inside and headed upstairs seeing not a glimpse of Ronnie and Dane.
They entered the master bedroom, and Bon without further ado, picked Alexis up bodily as her legs wrapped around his waist and carried her over to the bed.
He sat her down and then removed his shirt, as she took off her top and then reached down and removed her shorts. Bon in the meantime had removed his jeans and sat down and reached behind her to undo her bra, as she slid her thong off. He slid the straps over her shoulder and then bent his head kissing a mark where the strap had been as she pulled the bra away then and tossed it aside.
They both laid down as he kissed her, his hands pinching and pulling at her erect nipples. He trailed his tongue all the way down from her mouth then and started sucking her nipple caressing her other breast with his hand, playing and rubbing the nipple with his fingers. She moaned as he continued and felt his tongue leave her breast and then work it’s way down her ribcage towards her belly, and then pausing over her mons, he quickly flicked his tongue onto her clit.
Her legs opened as he lay between her thighs then and he started nibbling at her clit, alternating that with slow circles around the tiny button and then quickly working the head of it back and forth with his stiffened tongue. Alexis gasped and made little mewing cries and thrust her hips against his face. He dipped his tongue down to her hole then, and quickly tongued fucked her and Alexis felt like she would burst into flames soon. Her pussy was aching and she desperately needed him inside of her.
As if sensing this, He quickly got up on his knees. Gently he pulled her left leg around to the side and turned her so that she was laying on her right side. Laying next to her, his front to her back, he lifted her leg up pushing it towards her chest, which opened up her pussy more and guiding his throbbing cock he placed it against her hole and then quickly thrust inside all the way to his balls.
She cried out loud from the intense pleasure of the abrupt deep penetration and Bon braced himself with his arm as he began thrusting in and out of her tight pussy. He went fairly slow at first, trying to contain his lust as he wanted this to last and build up little by little. After working at her pussy for a bit, he gently pulled out and then slid up against the headboard of the bed sitting back against the pillows. She knew what he had in mind so she quickly crawled over and straddled his body with her back to him and as he put his hands on her waist she slowly lowered herself, placing herself on her knees on both sides of him. then he guided his cock to her hole and she slowly slid down on top of his pole as they both gasped from the sensations that evoked.
She then brought her knees up and leaned back against him. He started thrusting as one hand reached around her, his fingers teasing her clit as his other hand kneaded her breast and nipple. She was making animal sounds and he whispered, “put your tongue in my mouth.”
She turned her upper body slightly as his mouth covered her own mouth which was open, her tongue poised and in attack mode, as she pillaged his own mouth. He moaned at the assault and sped up his own attack from his lower body.
Soon she tore her mouth away as her head went back and she started moaning loudly. Bon knew she was near the brink and he started ramming and slamming her violently hard as she pulled her knees up high and wide so he could penetrate even deeper. Their bodies made loud squishing slapping sounds as flesh met flesh as he fucked her.. She moaned then, yelling “Oh fuck, Bon... I’m coming babe...Ohhhhhhh!
Bon’s own orgasm was about to hit and Alexis knew it by his sounds and she quickly put her knees down and pulled herself off of him and turning she bent down, covering his cock with her mouth sliding all the way down then until lips met pubic hair and sucked for all she was worth just as Bon’s orgasm erupted then, his hands holding her head as his hips continued to thrust his cock into her throat.
As his load was released, she backed her mouth off a bit so she could swallow every drop. Then she went all the way down again. His sounds were hoarse as he cried “JESUS!!! FUCK.... ALEX!!!His hips continued to thrust his cock into her throat until little by little his movement subsided and she then pulled her mouth from him and lay her head on his belly as they both slowly began to recover.
Captain Eriksson sailed the Valerian down the side of the coast staring at the wall of trees, looking for a break in them. There was a forest of trees, all different sizes and different shades of green and their beauty was a sight to behold, Leif thought.
The ship continued on until he found a section of the land that had a beach and shore. It was fairly large sized and he ordered his men to drop the anchor as they were close enough now.
Soon the small boat was lowered and Leif, Bjorn, Rye and then Tasha and Genna climbed down the ropes and entered the boat. Many of the other warriors and several of the slaves swam the distance to the beach which was not far away, only a matter of a few meters.
As the small boat made the beach. Bjorn, Leif and Rye all jumped out and then helped both of the women out as several of the slaves took the boat back to the Valarian to bring back much needed supplies.
Bodies turned as all eyes looked at the land they had found. They were facing a group of tall trees which were set back at least fifty feet from the sandy beach and after Leif made sure all his warriors were with them the men set about gathering wood to make a large fire.
When the slaves returned with the food box and other supplies including tents, the men set about setting up all of the various tents. Leif’s was the largest and had a white flag on the top.
Then Bjorn’s and Rye’s was the next size tent and carried a red flag which signaled that they were both warriors. The men then set up a smaller tent for Genna and Tasha near their own.
The warriors continued and two hours later all the tents were constructed. Four very large tents were for the slaves, among them the rowers and Leif’s and Bjorn’s personal servants. Many of the other tents held at least five warriors each and the warriors tents numbered 8.
The tents were arranged in a semicircle, with the slaves tents on either end and in the center of the area was the beginnings of large pile of wood, which the slaves were rapidly adding more, which would be used as the main bonfire at nightfall.
Oil lamps, which consisted of iron bowls with a wick and those that were attached to long spikes were pounded into the ground with mallets or the back of the warriors axe heads.
Each lamp was placed in between the tents and then other oil lamps made of similar simple iron flat based bowls which were not attached to poles or stakes were simply placed inside the tents.
The men then created an eating table from woven small tree trunks, stripped of their branches and tied together with leather and rope fastenings. Several short pieces of wood chopped from other small trees and widdled with a knife to make their bottoms even were fastened to the underside of the table top at each corner and in the middle. The table which stood two feet from the ground was then placed several feet away from the growing wood pile in the center of the area.
Tasha and Genna were placing fur skins inside each of the various tents and then finished, both of them armed with bows and arrows set off through the woods to look for a small stream or lake where they could find some fresh fish or other game. Both Tasha and Genna were trained in the use of the bow and arrow and Genna was also skilled with knife throwing as her Father had taught her this art.
Several of the warriors too, went off taking their spears, bows and arrows, to find meat for their dinner.
Bjorn with Rye following, headed off in the direction the women had went as Bjorn’s plan was to try and get Tasha alone if only for a few minutes.
As they both wound their way through the trees, Rye looked sidelong at Bjorn and said, “We follow the women.”
Bjorn turned his head and said, “Yes.”
“Was that intentional?” Rye asked the slightly shorter man, with a small grin.
“Of course my friend,” Bjorn stated. “It is my hope that along with finding meat to satisfy my belly, I will also find something else to satisfy the ache in my loins.” He then smiled too as Rye laughed shortly and they both continued onward.
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