《MVP》Chapter XIV – Endeavor


Jax is coughing up blood and on his knees. The rebels that he saved were trying their best to fight off the Nation troops, but they were in no shape to do it. At least 20 men were already defeated, but twice as many were ready to engage them. Not to mention the special emissaries from central were among them. Jax hasn’t been directly hit yet but needed to overuse his essentia ability. Lima was still handcuffed, powerless to face off any strong opponent but still manage to beat with effort some of the lower ranks. The resistance was on the brink of collapsing.

-Sorry Jax. You and your brother tried to save us and now you will have the same fate as us. I couldn’t even tell Leo how happy I was to see your faces one more time…

-Save your words to that blonde fool. We will make it.

-How? The others are already unconscious, it’s just you and me Jax.

-He will come once again, believe in Leo. He will not let it end like this.

-Are you done talking? It’s time to close this up.

Peck started gathering essentia on his right hand again, while the other Nation men got closer and closer to the worn out Jax and Lima.

«Ice Burst: Deep Impact»

Unexpectedly, Leo jumped over them and punched the floor, creating a huge wave of ice in a long radius over the place. Several Nation troops were frozen by the attack.

-Leo! I knew you would come.

-Of course, I would come, I needed to save my annoying little brother. Hihihi

-Leo, look at your arm!

Lima pointed out Leo’s darkened arm. That was the downside of using that much power. Leo barely could use his right arm, but he smiled back at them, trying to give them hope.

-No worries, no worries. I still have another arm to—

Before he could finish his sentence, he fell on the ground unconscious. Jax get to him and tear what was left of Leo’s shirt, revealing the severe cold burns spread across his chest and neck.

-Leo, I knew you shouldn’t come back. Look at you.

-You shouldn’t be so worried about him without thinking about you. I commend him for his fighting spirit and to get down all these Nation men. But not even a third of our men you knock out. What will you do now? You are going to die here, for all the time you made us lose.


-I think it’s time to wrap this up.


Before Peck could conjure his essentia ability, rocks were thrown at him. The Nation men looked around trying to look for who had thrown that. Turns out Serpens City citizens were moved by Leo speech, deciding to take their fate to their hands. Even the group that turn Lima in was present, following Jay, Kyle and Stacy.

-What is the meaning of this?

-We can’t let you do this to them.

-Are you joking?

-We are taking control of our fate. We are doing what we must for what is right! We can’t let you kill the ones who were protecting all these years. It’s just sad that the youngers were the ones to make realize it. We will stop you no matter what.

Captain Stumpy loses it and laughs out loud.

-Who the hell do you think we are? I guess you need a reality check. Men let’s show them the harsh truth of what happens when you are against the Nation.


The Nation troops mobilize to suppress the citizens turmoil by force. Unlike before, the Serpens City people had an iron resolve and won’t backdown even standing before the almighty Nation forces. While the clash was happening, Kai and the kids got close to Leo and the others.

-What happen?

-He overused his ability again. He isn’t wake up, but still has a heartbeat.

«Second Partition: Open»

Kai uses his ability and takes a small flask with a light purple liquid. He proceeds to make Leo swallow it.

-I hope this works, it’s a 50/50 chance.

Leo starts convulsing, and Essentia was being released viciously from his body. After a few moments, Leo stopped moving. The dark spots were clearing, and Leo’s breath was getting more regular.


A couple of hours had passed. In the beginning the Nation troops were being pushed back, however the training they had started to make the difference in the conflict. Several town folks were already out, while a few casualties were on the other side. The rebels caught for the hang were taken away to a safe place, just like Leo, Jax and Kai. Lima is still weakened by the special handcuffs on her hands, that denies any essentia circulation on her body. Some of the citizens sacrificed themselves to do it. Leo stabilized, but he wasn’t waking up. Kai places his hand on Jax shoulder.


-We did everything we could for him, Jax. Now we have to wait.

-But we don’t have time to wait, we have to go. They are trying to catch us, and the Serpens City people are fighting for us too. We need to help them but how.

Lima puts her hand on Leo’s face and looks at him with a sad smile.

-It’s my fault you are in this crisis. And is also because of you that the people of this city insurge against the Nation injustice and lit the fire on their heart to stoop for what is right. I know that not even one of them expects for you to come save the day, because you already saved their hearts. Even if I have to lay down my life for you, I’ll gladly do it.

Lima gives a soft kiss to Leo’s face before standing up. Jax believed he saw tears on her face but didn’t mention it. Lima looks decided and storms out the safehouse. Outside she makes in time to see the citizens protecting the vicinities get blown away. The special Nation emissaries Peck and McClay appeared at the doorstep, with dozens of men and in front of them the captain Lodi Stumpy. Peck has the old town councilman grabbed by his neck, who looked all beaten up. Peck proceeds to throw him like a broken doll right to Lima’s feet.

-Finally, we get here. It’s tiring to play chase with rats like you.

The old man who turned Lima in to the Nation crawls to her, with tears in his eyes.

-I’m sorry, I’m so sorry Lima. I sell you out when you were always on our side. It was all in vain, all of it. And now I sold you out again, they tortured and killed Marco, Lenz, Chuck in front of me…I’m sorry, I’m sorry.

-These city folks are so weird… they protect scum like you, someone who doesn’t know the natural order of this world. For years I sharpened my claws and waited for the day to crush you. And you know what? I’m ashamed of myself to take this long to take you out. The rebellion official Lima turn herself in for these low lives just like that old man. That guy didn’t think two times when he heard he could save some of his gold in exchange for your life. And now pleads you for your pardon. It’s so hilarious!

Lima helps the councilman getting up and sitting down. She suddenly looks around and sees nothing but Nation men surrounding the safehouse, however she smiles. Lima looks in Stumpy eyes and trembles in rage. She starts to walk towards him. Stumpy feels uneasy.

-M-m-men, seize her. We will finish what we started today!


Leo continues to not wake up. Jax is worried, as his brother does not show improvements.

-We need a healer. There’s nothing we can do without one. And it’s not only Leo, but also all the rebels there.

-It’s not like one is going to fall on our lap.

-Do you have other idea?! It’s because I don’t have one.

-It’s not like it’s my fault that this is happening. I just wanted your help to do what I had to do, but I guess this is the end.

-Shut up, our journey is not going to end here! Leo is not going to let it happen! We fight for what is right!

-It’s because of fighting for what is right that we got in this situation! You should just have gone along with it, and we were on our way, but no, you had to intervene. You and your damn self-righteous brother.

-Can you keep it down, please? Your vibe is not cool right now. Relax.

In the safehouse, without Jax or anyone notice, a stranger entered the room. A chubby figure, with an open summer flowery shirt revealing a round belly was laying down on the floor next to Leo. He was eating a shrimp skewer without a care in the world. His black round hat tamed his golden locks, while his little round glasses didn’t hide his brown eyes, which were set on an out cold Leo.

-Wow, this guy is really out of it. He sure used everything he had. What a restless fella.

-Who the hell are you?

-Uh, me? I’m the one who will save this guy.

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