《Mother of Monsters》Chaoter 11: Xioto City


~ Xioto Academy, 4th floor~

In front of the rows of empty seats, shuffling papers into a neat stack a man stands behind his desk. The professor had jet black hair that fell to his shoulders, his features were sharp and articulate. He looked to be in his late 20s and had an almost snake-like appearance to his face. The man looks up to find a young elven girl standing in front of the open door. The elf stepped forward, her long golden hair swishing behind her.

" What has happened?" She asked, looking at him with concern. She came closer and asked in a hushed voice.

" Did someone see...." She trailed off, letting the question hang in the air. But Arulous shook his head.

" Then what is it?" The girl huffed, a bit exasperated.

" She's back." Arculous murmured.

" What? Whos back?" The elf was beginning to get frustrated. She considered speeding this up. But decided against it.

" Evokdia... Mother of all Monsters." It was barely more than a whisper but the name rang out through the silent room.

"..How?" The girl asked, her breath catching. Arculous just shook his head. Memories flooded him.

A woman, more beautiful than the moon itself, sat watching from the top a hill, as a massacre began at her feet. The humans were fighting, it seemed like that was all that they ever did. Her red eyes staring at nothingness, and then her small smile as she beckoned him forward. How she had held him in her arms as he cried. The screams of the dying filled his head and he cried into Evokdias arms.

Their creator was not one to coddle her children. The first time they cried she would hold them. Console them and would even sing a lullaby for her distressed children. The second time she would merely watch, She would tell them that to survive one must be strong, stronger than what they thought they would ever be. And then she just watched, watched with neither pity nor displeasure. It had been her own way of showing that she cared. However, they would no doubt suffer for there weakness when the sun rose on the morrow.


But, one day She hadn't been there. Their creator had vanished and left them. At that moment Arculous had never felt more useless........

"What do you intend to do?" His mistress asked. And just like that Arculous was back, in the classroom. A wide-eyed elven girl looking up at him.

" Right now, it's only a hunch. I can sense her, but it could be a trick. I'll attempt to find out more, but for now, we can only wait." The snake-like professor said. Slightly clenching his fist. The elf nodded and then smiled widely.

" Oh, wouldn't it be exciting if it was her!" She exclaimed before she swiftly pulled out a sheet of paper. On the paper was a rough sketch of a middle-aged man. And, attached was a piece of cloth. A cold smile spread across the elven princesses beautiful face.

" This rodent had the nerve to fondle me, while intoxicated. He also insulted my family and their honor. Teach him a lesson would you?"

As the order was spoken, a 5 pointed star encased in a circle appeared on Arcuslouses palm. It glowed for a moment before fading back into his skin. The same mark appearing on the elven girl's neck.

Arculous's pupils turned into slits and green scales erupted across his skin. Fangs pointed out of his mouth and a forked tongue protruded from within it.

" Yesss, Misstresss." The demon hissed, before disappearing into the shadows, to obey the will of his contracted master. In the now dark room, the elf girl began to cackle at the thought of her servant ripping apart the filthy human into a thousand pieces.

~ Xioto City ~

The three companions entered the Golden Toe inn. It was a modest establishment, clean and well kept. But, the bar done stairs was supposedly very popular. So, often the loud noise downstairs would scare off anyone who wanted a peaceful sleep. So the rooms were cheaper and the staff was more than happy to help them get settled.


They intended to stay until the entrance exam, which took place in four days. After getting settled in their respective rooms. Adrinae had offered, to show the two were to sign up for the test. As they walked he began to explain the process.

"There are two main parts, that separate the students. The Mages and the Warriors. There are of course classes that vary between the two, but when one is enroled, If they choose mostly martial classes, then they are considered a Warrior. But, if one with magic ability decided to train their magic ability then they are considered a Mage. In the entrance exam, you will go through three trials. If you choose to be a warrior then, the trails will probobly have something to do with weapons and fighting. But if you choose to be a Magic user, the trails will have something to do with magic."

The two girls nodded, showing that they were understanding what he was saying, so he continued.

" There aren't many restrictions. A warrior if they possess magic talent, can take a magic class. But he can't major in one unless he gets permission for the headmaster. And if a Mage, were to decide that they wanted to learn combat, the same rules would apply to them." He said. But paused as he saw the Academy.

Apparently, the palace was supposed to be one of the only standing structure built before the war. And even then it had been considered old. Long ago, a king had built Neuschwanstein castle so he could hide from the world and withdraw from the public eye. The castle looked like something out of a storybook and soon after the king's death had acquired the nickname, ' Castle of the Fairy Tale King'.

This information had been found in Journals found in the palace. Apparently, high mages had gathered at the structure and took refuge inside, during World War III. There they found that large and heavy wards had been placed on Neuschwanstein. Noone knew who had created such powerful protection upon the castle, but they were the main reason it was still standing.

The Castel of the fairy tale king was truly magnificent. The palace was high upon the hill overlooking the town, it's many pointed towers giving it the look of an eccentric crown. The walls were a white stone that glistened in the summer sun and the roof was bright red slate. It was as big as twenty of the ordinary houses and it truly did seem like something out of a Fairy Tale.

Evia was impressed, she had never seen this type of architecture, and she was intrigued by the difference in the Academy and the old colosseums she used to come through. Alexa and Adrinae tow were in silent awe of the place. But, they were quickly pulled out of there trance, when someone shoved into them. Putting Adriane off balance and nearly making him fall. He managed to catch himself just in time though. A large group passed them, They looked to be nobles, wearing finely dressed suits and even a guard or two trailed behind them.

Some laughed, and as they merged back into the crowd, one turned his head and looked back, a smile playing on his face. His bright blue eyes met Evia's and his eyes widened a bit before he was pushed out of sight.

Alexa shook her head and muttered something about uptight little twits. Evia seeing her friends dismay took her hand and smiled at her, assuringly. Alexa smiled back and they slowly made their way into the signing area.

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