《Flash Step》Chapter 14: Reaching the last boss


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Chapter 14: Reaching the last boss

When everybody heard the shout, they instinctively dodged to the sides. They got a glimpse of the long corridor that led underground. When the bullets started flying, everyone swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Hadn't that person shouted to rain bullets down on them, they would not have been able to dodge in time and would have been turned into swiss cheese already. Everyone looked towards Jack, he only looked at Alex before nodding. Alex's cold eyes flashed as 4 dagger like crystals manifested around him. He let out a deep breath before activating his time acceleration.

As time accelerated for him, he could see the bullets in slow motion. He dodged past the bullets heading straight for the soldiers in the long corridor. The corridor was white in color and had lights every 2 meters. The people who were shooting were in soldier camo. This made Alex raise his eyebrow, he didn't dwell on it any longer and dashed towards them.

The soldiers were 10 meters away from the door so reaching them wasn't very hard. With a flick of his hand, the four daggers by Alex's side flew forward and pierced through the throats of the shooters. As there were 6 shooters standing side by side, some of the daggers had to go for another throat when they were returning. This all took time to describe but from the activation to emerging in front of the captain like person, less than half a second had passed in real time.

He undid the time acceleration, when he had reached the captain and was holding one of the daggers on the mans throat. Withing seconds, the people who had their throats pierced through, went limp. The captain had no idea what had just happened when suddenly Alex had appeared in front of him. When the shots stopped, Alex yelled, “Clear!” and everyone started popping their heads out and rushing towards Alex to subdue the captain.

When the captain was pinned down. Alex took a closer look at him. The man had a crew cut brown hair and brown eyes. He also had a built body and was just like a soldier. When they had made sure that the surrounding area was safe, Jack started interrogating the man, “Who are you, who do you answer to and what the flying fuck is beyond these doors?” The man just shut grit his teeth and refused to answer. It was obvious that he was trying to break his poison capsule. Seeing this, Alex walked towards his left pinky and cut it off. “AAARGH!” When the miserable shout echoed out, everyone knew what Alex had done. Jack started using his ability to increase gravity on the mans balls as he continued his interrogation.


Alex on the other hand, had sat with his back against the wall. He was breathing heavily as fatigue was starting to take over. Although dual ability users were strong, they were also very vulnerable. The amount of energy that was needed to keep both of the abilities active was very taxing. Fiddling around with time like he was, was very tiring by itself but to add the crystal manifestation and controlling on the list as well, the end result was that he needed to rest for a bit. 10 minutes passed as Jack interrogated the man and then approached Alex and the rest.

When he came back, he had a grim look on his face as he opened his mouth, “This is worse than I thought. There are professional soldiers stationed here as well. The only exit is through this passage way, so we do not need to fear about them running away from another exit. The lab itself is not as big as the mansion and they have only 4 hostages here so this is a bit better scenario than we thought.” When everyone heard that, their faces were also grim. They might be ESP-ers but they most certainly were not randomly bulletproof.

This place was their territory as well and only god knows how many booby traps they have set up. Hearing the lab was a small one was a good news as well. If the lab had been a genuinely big, they would become a laughing stock of the world. Alex stood up and stretched a bit, he had recovered enough to go on.

Seeing this, Jack started talking again, “Now then, from the information that I have gotten, this lab is like a maze. After the next door, it disperses into 5 more passage ways. We will assign the teams and after passing through the next door everyone goes down their respective passages. Should the need arise, you can split your team up more. I will say it again, this is their territory and we have no damn idea, what they have up their sleeves.”

Everyone present nodded and Jack started dividing everyone into teams. There were 14 people present so, 4 three man cells were created and 1 two man cell. The ones in the two man cell were Alex and Jack. When everyone had been divided, they started moving towards the next door. As they entered they swiftly took care of the guards on the other side. When that was done, they started rushing through their respective passages, taking care of the guards along the way.


Since they had no idea, where what passage led, it was up to luck to who ended up where. When Jack and Alex had reached the final door, they took in a deep breath before breaking down the door and entering. Jack nodded to Alex and on Alex's arm red crystals started appearing. When his whole hand was covered he took another deep breath before swinging widely towards the door. As Alex started swinging his fist, Jack manipulated gravity to make it pull towards the door. With the added inertia, when the fist hit the door, it just got blasted to pieces.

As the hole in the door was opened, a lot of coughing could be heard from the other side of the door. Alex and Jack glanced at each other before rushing in. As the door broke, a lot of dust was also created, so their visibility was low. That however worked in Jack and Alex's favour as they rushed in through the smoke and killed the people guarding there. As the smoke settled down, Alex and Jack took a look around.

The room they were currently in looked like a prison row, on each side of the long passage, there were holding cells. The lights were also a lot dimmer here than in the hallway they came in from. As their eyes got more used to darkness they started going further in. Just as they were going to reach the end, laughter echoed out in hallway and as they looked towards the door, their faces turned serious. There were now two people at the door leading to the hallway.

One was an old man who was rather short and a bit plump. He had white, short hair and reminded you of puff cake. The other was a youth who was about as tall as Alex and had black medium hair, and a thin build. At the moment he had an extremely crazy expression on.

These two people were not strangers to Alex and Jack. Jack just looked at them and said in a cold tone, “So it's Lunatic and Gourmet. Seems like we really lost our luck this time.” This wasn't the first time they had fought against these two. Every match ended in both sides retreating, the youth called Lunatic looked at Alex with a maniacal face and said, “Heheheh, we meet again. Do not think, that this time will be like last time. Hahhaah, this time I'm going to carve you into work of art.”

As the words rang out, Alex grit his teeth. He never liked this guy, he was as mad as a person can get. His ability was that if he established a link to a person, then they would suffer all the damage done to him. In a fight against him, there couldn't be a bigger handicap. All he needed to do was taste his opponents blood and he could establish the link.

Alex took a glance at Jack's face and saw, he took had an ugly face on. To run into these two, it was currently the worst case scenario. Jack opened his mouth and said, “Seems like we have seriously pissed of some God who is in charge of distributing luck.” Alex looked at the two on the other side of the hallway and nodded, “Or we fucked up big time in our past lives to earn the shittiest karma there is.” They were talking like that only due to having to face these two as their opponents so close to the mission finish line.

Suddenly, Lunatic grabbed a knife from behind his back and yelled in an angry tone, “Stop ignoring me, I am going to carve you this time!” As he said that, he started dashing towards Alex.

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