《Flash Step》Chapter 11: The evening before a calamity


One chapter today, had palnned on releasing two but have a change of plans atm. Also a big round of applause to thank Fabulous Stranger for the Cover Art.


Chapter 11: The evening before a calamity

As Alex stood up, everyone's eyes immediately turned sharp. The moment they heard the name “Sandra”, they all went into extreme concentration mode. Jack however picked up his desk phone and yelled into the speaker, “Run a trace on where Alex is currently receiving the call from now. I immediately want the location, from where the call was made!” Alex was kind of baffled by Jack's quick judgement.

From the other side of Alex's call however came a weak voice, “I don't know where this is, I've been locked here in the underground for months now.” Just as Alex was about to say something a door creaking open could be heard from the other side of the phone and a hurried voice echoed out, “They are coming, I have to end the call now.” With that the call ended. For a second everyone froze but that was soon broken by Alex, who started storming towards the door.

Jack immediately increased gravity weighing down on Alex and yelled, “Don't be rash and storm out like a headless chicken! I already made a request to get the trace of that call, we will wait for the location and then go there with the four of us. For now sit down and wait for the report!” That yell brought Alex back to reality and he just said, “Fine! I'll wait for it but once the report comes in, I do not give a flying fuck as to where that place is or who I have to fight. I am going.”

Jack released the gravity and Alex went to sit down again. The report came in 5 minutes after the conversation had ended and those 5 minutes seemed like an eternity to Alex. For three years, there had not been any sign of Sandra, now that he had found one lead to it, he as sure as hell would not let this slip by him. Daniel and Clare had not said a word since the phone call but they too were ready to storm in alongside Alex.


The Dragoncross was unlike any other organization, it was more than coworkers, they were like family. Ever since Alex joined at the age of 11, they had seen how the two treated each other. Sandra was always tailing Alex as well so they had had chances to talk to Sandra as well and considered her a friend of theirs. Had it not been for Jack's cool head, they would have stormed the businessman's home before Alex could. They quietly made preparations to go practically anywhere to bust her out. As the report came in, Jack frowned as he read it.

Clare immediately asked him, “What's the matter, did they not find the location or what?” Impatience was also evident in her voice. Jack just said with cold eyes, “It is not that they didn't find her, it is that the call came from the house of a person, who is under investigation of having a connection to Nirvana. He is also deeply involved in politics.” He took a deep breath before continuing, “If we storm that house and can not find her, we will be in some seriously deep shit.”

Everyone looked at Alex, even he knew what the consequences of fucking up here would be. Alex had the lead on this, so they would follow his order on this. Alex thought for a second and just as he was about to open his mouth, a phone rang out again. Everyone jolted for a second when the silence was broken by the ringing. This time however the phone that rang was Jack's. When he looked at the number he frowned.

He picked up the phone with a serious face and said, “Hello…” Just as he was about to continue, shock came onto his face and it was soon replaced by a sinister smile. He put down the phone and looked at Alex before saying, “That was Elun, she just said Sandra was indeed in that house as her divination showed her us breaking in and getting her. She told me to say this to you: “When you get her back, I want her to study under me as she has the same ability as me, her compatibility is even stronger than mine.” She also told me that we have exactly 24 hours to get her out of there before she sends in the Dragon Reserve.”


When everyone heard that, their questioning attitude turned into full of confidence one. If Elun saw it in he divination that she truly was there, then it was practically set in stone that she was. What made a shiver run down everyone's spine was that she thought so highly of her to even send in the Dragon Reserve if they did not go.

The Dragon Reserve was made up of retired Dragoncross members. Currently they numbered around thirty people and they were the last and strongest defense line of the country. The only person who could call the Dragon Reserve was the Head Dragon aka the leader of Dragoncross. Currently that position was held by Elun.

Everyone felt relieved that they could go without a problem. Jack immediately started making preparations for transport, Clare went to gather some food and medical supplies because they did not know what Sandra's current condition was. She may be in an immediate need of medical attention. Daniel gathered his best and most trusted subordinates and Alex was left without a duty.

In half an hours worth of time, there were 50 people fully armed from Daniel's side. Clare had also brought some of her subordinates with her to treat other people. They did not know exactly, how many people were locked there. Jack had prepared 10 helicopters. They did a headcount and a quick briefing on the importance and objective of this mission.

Alex stood a little farther back and was currently looking at a slightly burnt picture. This picture was made when they were ten years old and this was currently the only one that he had left. When the people came to take Sandra away, they had also burnt down the apartment the they had been living in with Jack.

The two of them came from the same countryside small town, where ESP-ers were deeply hated. When Alex's ability manifested, he was beaten the crap out of by his family and thrown on the streets. He lived on the streets for half a year. After he was thrown on the streets, the people of that town constantly harassed and beat him up. He survived that period of time in his life solely due to Sandra bringing him food and patching up his wounds as best as she could.

That all changed when Sandra's ability manifested itself. She too was thrown on the streets and beaten up daily. When Alex discovered that, his “Blood Crystal Manifestation” ability ran berserk and in his blind rage, he killed nearly half of the people from that town. The rest survived only thanks to blind luck.

Jack was just passing by, returning from a mission, when he passed through the town and stopped Alex. Half the scars on Jack's body came from Alex that night. After he had managed to suppress him and found out why he went on a rampage, he had a strong urge to annihilate that town himself. He took Alex in as his disciple and forbid him from using the “Blood Crystal Manifestation” again before he gave him permission to do so.

From that day onwards, Alex started walking alongside death every day as he fought ESP-ers and Mutated Beasts alike. In his mind, he didn't give a shit about anyone else, he only wanted to give Sandra a good life, where she would not be discriminated against or hurt ever again. A small act of kindness on Sandra's behalf ignited eternal gratitude in Alex.

Alex quietly murmured, “Wait for a little while longer and I will bring you home. When that happens, I will never let anyone lay a hand on you again.” With that his eyes turned completely cold and he had entered merciless killing mode.

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