《Flash Step》Chapter 3: Director


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Chapter 3: Director

As Alex stood, up everyone were on high alert, the words the person on the phone said started to bug them. The leader was hesitant, he had gotten cold feet from the description of what he had heard. When he sized up Alex however that nervousness faded, he couldn't see how that boy would be as strong as the man on the phone made him out to be. He was about to let out a cold “humph” when the voice sounded again, “Well then, do you honestly think that you can run from me? I let you have your peaceful vacation in the prison for 2 years, now it's time to get back in the game, don't ya think, Flash Step?”

This time the voice didn't sound out from the phone, but came from the doorway. When everyone turned their eyes there thy saw a man in his fifties leaning against the doorway with a smile on his face. The man had a built body, grey hair and brown eyes, numerous scars could also be seen on him. He had a smile on his face as he looked towards Alex, Alex however let out a wry smile when he saw the man. “Yo, you look good for someone who is one foot in the grave don't you think?” When the man heard that, he let out a laugh. “And you seem to be out of shape, for a few people of this level to even make you sit down and actually listen to them.” No one knew how to squeeze into their conversation. They had a hard time understanding their relationship, it seemed good but the venom hidden in their words was something that made them feel unsure.

When the ESP-ers saw him, everyone rose to their feet and said, at the first moment they could, “Hello Director.” When everyone heard that, there were mixed expressions, the ones of students and faculty were of joy, the ones on the terrorists, well on the faces of those who could be seen, was fear and dread. Alex looked at the man in disbelief and said with wide eyes, “You have become the Director now? I thought the last Director said, that Hell would freeze over, Heaven would become a purgatory and Yama would become a flower sniffer before he would let you succeed him.” The man only smiled to that. The leader of the terrorists lost his patience and howled at the man, “You, do not think that we are afraid of you, our cause-” His speech got cut short as he suddenly felt gravity multiply by many times, he fell onto one knee, barely keeping himself from from lying flat on the ground.


“Shush, I'm talking to my favourite disciple at the moment, I'll get back to you later.” As the words were said by the man, all of the terrorists suddenly felt gravity multiply as well. They all had trouble keeping themselves from spreading out on the floor. When the students and teachers saw that, they immediately rejoiced and started storming out of the exit. In but a few minutes, the only people left in the room were the terrorists that were nearly nailed to the ground, Alex, the Director, Alex's guards and a few faculty members alongside all of the ESP-ers.

The Director looked at Alex and said with a nostalgic gaze, “I picked you up when you were 4, I didn't expect for you to have an ESP ability at the time but as time flew by, your ability manifested. I trained you on how to use your ability and survive in a fight. Looking back at it, it was nearly 12 years ago, that we first met, now you are already grown up and have gotten yourself in prison as well.” As the final sentence fell, the man looked at the terrorists and said, “Well, I guess I have to thank you. If you guys hadn't shown up today, I would have never gotten the chance to meet this little guy again.” With that, the police stormed in and started taking the terrorists outside.

“Well, your ability is still broken as Fuck. To be able to control gravity to a perfect degree in one kilometer radius. You can make the gravity nonexistent or make a feather turn into a frigging mountain.” Alex said, as he looked at the old man. The old man only smiled and asked, “Now then, I will ask of you. Why didn't you kill the businessman but let him live after what he had done to Sandra. That girl was a friend of yours for a long time, wasn't she? I know what happened to her, what I do not understand is how you could let that son of a bitch still live?” Rage was evident in both the old mans eyes and tone. Alex looked at him in surprise for a second before saying in a wicked smile, “There are worse things in life than death. You should know very well, what his current situation really is like.”


Hearing those words, the old man calmed down a bit before nodding his head and saying, “Castrated, all of his fingers are cut off, arm joints are broken beyond repair, legs are broken in so many places, it is easier to tell where they will be normal, not disfigured. But the man is a millionaire, do you honestly expect that he can't do anything anymore?” Hearing that everyone were shocked, when Alex was convicted, the only charge against him was castrating the man, nothing in the charges about him turning the man into a complete cripple. Alex just smiled and asked, “Can I borrow your phone for a second?” The old man wondering what he is up to, lent him his phone. Alex just dialed a number and after some ringing, it connected. They could only hear Alex's side of the conversation, “Hey, it's me. Regarding that plan, it's time to set it into motion. Yea, okey. See ya then.”

When the call ended Alex gave the Director his phone back and with a smile and said, “Well, you should check the news soon, I'm willing to bet that it will be all over the news.” People started inquiring that what he had just done but Alex just smiled and told them to wait for the news. Half an hour passed and the Warden from Alex's prison arrived. After having gotten a briefing from the guards, the Warden looked at Alex with a complicated gaze. The prison had no legal grounds what so ever to hold an ESP-er. He talked for a few minutes with the Director of the ESP Department and then Alex was released. Alex was both annoyed and confused about the situation.

The Director just smiled at Alex and said, “Now then, you are a free man again and now comes the part, where I will offer you a job at the Department.” Alex just pursed his lips and mumbled, “But I liked it in prison, you get a warm room, three meals a day and no obligations what so ever. I would honestly prefer to go back there.” When everyone heard that, they burst out laughing, he was the first person they had heard of that wanted to stay in prison. No one could refute his logic though. The place was a free logging and had three warm meals a day, the prisoners lived better off than some of the families that were financial straits. “Well, you can't go back to prison anymore, so you are going to be stuck outside.” As the Director finally got over his laughing fit, he said with a smile. Alex just shrugged his shoulders and asked him, “What kind of a job are we talking about then?” Everyone's gazes were focused on the Director, they were also curious about that.

The old man opened his mouth and said with a smile, “As an instructor for newly admitted Combat Division people.” When everyone heard that, they were shocked, silence started reigning over the now practically empty gym.

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