《Chaos Wave》Volume 1 - Chapter 12 - Grand Rewards


Part 3 - Rage and Chaos

Of the greatest dangers in the world are two powers, that of Rage and Chaos.

Chapter 12 - Grand Rewards

When I finished climbing out of the dead mindflayer deity's ear, the body vanished in a burst of smoke, pixels, and a plethora of one of the most iconic fanfares in gaming history. I couldn't help but smile as I watched the smoke and pixels swirl and collapse in upon themselves into the form of a large treasure chest.

"Well, this is interesting... I end up getting even more goodies upon exiting the dead god?"

A smile crossed his face as he shook his head and just shoved the treasure chest into the Ultimate Bag of Holding. "We'll sort that out later. I need to see if those mentally drained offerings are still alive... and if they are, I need to help them get home."

He turned towards the pavilion that the summoning had occured at and slowly made his way back there, limping at first from the strain he had put on his body, but as the timer on the various debuffs he had been forcing himself to ignore ended, his body healed itself and he was able to take full and graceful strides as he arrived.

He looked over the dead mindflayers he had killed and sighs, shaking his head. "Damn squid-heads. Why can't they just let peace have a chance, even if it is under the rule of someone else?" he grumbled and then went over to the prisoners, inspecting them closely this time.

There are twenty-four humanoid prisoners, all of which were starting to stir and wake up. Of the twenty-four, there were fifteen dwarves, seven gnomes, and a pair of gorgeous dark elven ladies in stunning spidersilk gowns which radiated magic. If I didn't know better, I would have said that they had been Heads of their Houses. Proving themselves to have been the strongest of the bunch, the drow ladies are the first to awaken from their slumber as I am going through the Cash Shop, and choose to quickly purchase the 'Divine Dallah's Discounters', a pair of lockpicks blessed by one of the many gods and goddesses in control of the thieves of the multiverse.


Divine Dallah's Discounters



Weight: 1 lb


Requires: Divine Blessing from Dallah or Personal Divinity

Requires: Lockpicking Skill 45

Requires: Dexterity 100

Lockpick speed +100%

Lockpick silence +100%

Likelyhood of Success +50%

If held by someone without the requirements, -100 Health per second until released.

I started in on unlocking the drow women's chains, beginning with their ankles. "Can you understand Common?" I ask them while I work, only to receive blank looks back. I sighed and puchased the Drow Language skill book and immediately used it.

"Can you understand me now?" The ladies nodded. "I'm going to release you. Are you able to make it home on your own? I expect the mindflayers are a bit busy getting their minds back from their dead deity."

They nodded again and left as soon as I had them completely free, taking off with that traditional elven grace. Afterwards, I quickly freed the dwarves and gnomes and proceeded to lead them out of the Mindflayer cavern and through the mines back to the Dwarven Halls, where we arrived with a large cheer of the gathered citizens and guards. The dwarves and gnomes were shown to their homes and an inn while I was taken before the King.

"Your majesty," I started, "it is with great concern that I inform you of the information I obtained and the events that have occurred this day."

"Speak, young Godling. Let us know of the threats to our lands," the Dwarven King answered.

So I told the tale of encountering the three mindflayers in the mining tunnels, and the fact that the quest automatically updated to rescue the captives. I then went on to encountering the mindflayers summoning a deity, interrupting the ritual, and killing the result of their ritual. To prove my statement true, I removed the generated chest from my Bag, as well as showing off the Core I removed from the middle of the monster's brain to kill it.


"If your majesty would summon the rest of my Guild, I think that opening these rewards should include all of them."

"Aye, since ye did this on their behalf, they should indeed be here. Guards, fetch the rest of the Dwarven Theorum!" the King agreed, summoning them.

The Guard looked at the chest with envy, considering it was as big as he himself was! After about a half hour of waiting, the guards lead Oathshield and the rest of our original crew in, and I can see the gleam of greed in Oathshield's eyes as he gazes at the Core in my hand. I tossed the core to him and chuckle as he juggles it before craddling it close like a baby. I then open up the treasure chest and look inside.

In the chest was well over a thousand gold, a lot of beautiful jewels, plenty of high quality materials for a tailor, a large grapling hook attached to what appears a short rope of supreme quality, and a trophy in the image of the Mindslayer deity I killed. I reached in and picked up the grapling hook, only to receive a huge fanfare as I pulled it out.

Hero's Indestructable Grappler

Artifact - Legendary - Elven Origin

15 Lbs

Rope can be increased or decreased by infusing it with mana.

Maximum Length: 1,000 feet.

This Grappler was once owned by an Elven Hero who was known for his gadgetry, stupidity of going unarmored, and his sword-and-board style.

All of the Players in the room burst into laughter at the description. The King just sighed and shook his head. "Elven trinkets from an Illithid deity..."

"Well, there were two drow ladies, but I let them return home on their own. Your majesty, if I may ask, can you please confirm the quest complete?"

"Oh, aye, aye, thank ye for fulfilling your promise," the King chuckled.

Quest Completed!

You have diligently purged the Dwarven Mines of the mindflayers who were in the area, followed them back to their home, and wiped out the majority of their priesthood and population along with their summoned deity!

Reward: Dwarven Reputation Maxed, Dwarves unlocked as a Player Race!


The Dwarven Theorum has unlocked Dwarves as a Player Race. All current players wishing to change their races to Dwarves must submit a request within the next 48 hours. All players who change to dwarves will be teleported to the Undermountain Home.


Oathshield is the first player to switch to a Dwarf!

AN: Sorry for taking so long to give this update. I have already finished the majority of the Epilogue, as well as developing the Game System behind the world the Chaos Wave will be imprisoned on which will be the Primary World for the majority of the rest of the series. I have also started on the Prologue for Volume 2, and almost completely finished it.

There are about 5 Chapters remaining in this Volume, and then I will need to decide between fleshing it out or immediately moving into writing Volume 2. If you want to give me your opinion on the Timeline / Rules I've worked out, that's up to you, but I decided to attach a link below to them for those who are interested in the World Building elements...

Chaos Wave System Rules for Volume 2 and Beyond.

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