《Chaos Wave》Volume 1 - Chapter 11 - Cthulu in Your Cup


I ignored everything as I followed my minimap to the location where the sacrifice is going to be held. The time remaining is under an hour when I make it there, but I manage to arrive, where eight Mindflayer Priests are chanting as they draw the memories and emotions from the minds of the drow, dwarves, gnomes, and animals they have captured, with five minutes left on the count down. I cut down the priests, but the countdown immediately goes to all zero as the last priest fell. The cauldron on the altar bubbled and boiled over, rocked, tilted, and spilled out the fluids onto the cavern floor.


You have saved the bodies of the prisoners! Can you save their minds?

Defeat the Mighty One!

As I was reading the prompt that appeared, the puddle of liquid rose into the air, and formed a ring eighty feet in diameter. “Oh fuck... This is going to hurt!”

Out of the ring, an enormous Mindflayer, emerges. This giant must have been at least seventy feet tall, with a seventy-five foot tall staff! How the hell was I supposed to fight something this big? As I was staring at it, it moved with insane speed and hit me with the butt of its staff, sending me flying and crashing into the wall of this enormous cavern, the stone cracking around me. I swore as I noticed all my defensive buffs had been broken with that single hit, and I even lost ten percent of my heath on top of it!

“Okay, you just made it personal. I’m sorry, but now you will have to die. I can no longer forgive your trespass and assault. I hope you are prepared to die, for I shall take no pity on you!”

My speech only caused the damn thing to laugh at me! Seriously!? “PUNY MORTAL! YOU DARE TO CHALLENGE A GOD!”

“You are but a minor god of madness! Do you really think you can kill a Godling born of Luck of Death!?” As I was taunting him, I was also watching my buffs spin up on my bar, restoring themselves. During the time we had been working on mining the damned wall in the goblin tunnel, I had figured out how to set up a macro to restore my buffs, either for when they expire naturally or when I receive damage enough to break through them. I showed him my scythe. “I shall bathe my Primordial Fire in your blood!”

He moved towards me, and I did indeed find out that the old statement of ‘the bigger they are, the harder they fall’ was very true. I could barely scratch his skin with the blade of the scythe. I swore and donated all my donatable points into the Guild Pool, skyrocketing my Karma Points up. I spent a hundred to coat the blade and this time, it cut instead of scraping! I backhanded his incoming staff blow, sending him off balance thanks to the huge boost in strength from my bottomless bag of holding and Executioner status.

I attacked where I thought he was, but my blade went straight through his skin and he vanished like a puff of smoke! Damn it, of course, he’s a Mindflayer type. I can’t rely on my normal senses... I pulled up the Cash Shop, and quickly purchased scrolls of ‘Mind Guard’, ‘Regeneration’, and ‘Sense: Killing Intent’. As soon as they materialized, I activated them, making them crumble into dust.

Mind Guard (Passive) Skill Level MAX


Your mind is protected by against outside influence by barriers as strong as Diamond


Willpower +300%

Immunity to Illusion and Psychic Tricks

Regeneration Skill Level MAX


You have learned how to passively increase your own body’s regenerative process.

When activated, your Health Regeneration increases by 500% and your MP and TP regeneration decreases by 25%

Sense: Killing Intent (Passive) Skill Level MAX


You can now sense when something wants to kill you or someone you are protecting.

You can now SEE the Aura of any being with intent to cause you or yours harm.

With these three skills, I should have evened the fight between this giant monster and myself. I opened my eyes, and found his staff coming down at me from an overhand chop, making me put my full speed to jumping out of the way of the five-foot thick staff! The rock receives a huge crack where he hits, and I roll to absorb the shockwave. I immediately countered with a pair of Deathbolts at him, and check his Analyze Status.


Minor Cthulu

Level 400 - Grade 7

Health 6,800,000 / 7,000,000

This minor deity of insanity has been summoned through the failure of the Mindflayer Priests to finish their ritual with the sacrifice of the Prisoners. If they had succeeded, you would have faced a Greater Madness God.

I blinked in shock, and shook my head. At least I had proven I can damage him. If it can be damaged, it can be killed! A cold smile came to my face. “Not looking so good there, Ali! At this rate, I’ll kill you before you can even break my spell barriers again!”

Of course, as I taunted him, I had begun circling around him. I ordered my undead rats from the mines to attack him. Of course, I knew the rats were only going to be a minor hindrance, but I was hoping to use them to build up a greater Primordial Flame attack. In fact, it worked. I managed to charge and condense five thousand MP worth of Primordial Flame into a tiny ball, which I launched at his face.

The staff came down, and crushed a rat, just barely missing the tennis ball sized orb of green fire, which kept on track, and slammed into his eye, making him screech as it then exploded, taking off half of his tentacles, coating his entire face in green fire, and burning the left side of his face completely to the bone. The fires continuing to burn as he roared and thrashed around in obvious pain, killing the remnants of my zombie rats in his thrashing.


Minor Cthulu

Level 400 - Grade 7

Health 1,750,00 / 7,000,000

Skill Activate: Regeneration

Skill Activate: Mind Control (300m)

Skill Activate: Mind Burst

Skill Activate: Mind Crush

Skill Activate: Mind Absorption

Skill Activate: Psychic Spear

“Oh fuck...” I muttered as I barely managed to dodge a lance made of psychic energy, and then had to dodge around it again. I ran over to his body, where he is laying on the ground, panting, trying to regenerate the damage that happened. I dodge, and he cries in pain as his Psychic Spear slams into the side of his own skull, which I had been running towards. Thankfully, I was immune to his direct mind attacks thanks to the Mind Guard skill I had bought.

As I charged forward, a large group of mindflayers from their nearby city all came over in lock-step, making me sweat as I realized that the monster I was fighting was going to feed on them to refuel his regeneration! I dodged another Psychic Spear and leaped up onto the skull portion of the boss. I dove through the empty eye socket, and landed on the brain, screaming as I swung wildly with my scythe.


I had not fully considered what I was doing when I jumped on a BRAIN of a madness demon... The Brain grew tentacles and attacked me! Meanwhile, the boss started to regenerate all the damage I was doing thanks to absorbing the mindflayers whom he had summoned with his Mind Control ability. The boss started to stand up and walk towards the city, intent on restoring himself to full health, and I managed to snag a part of the skull so I wasn’t just sliding around inside him.

I watched my MP ticking upward towards maximum. If there was going to be any way out of this situation, it would need to be done soon, especially if I wanted to spare the mindflayers in the city whom might be interested in peace. The likelihood of peace was small, considering they were the ones who summoned this beast of a divine class monster, but did that really mean he should let this monster kill them?

He took another look at the warehouse sized brain, and his scythe. “I’ll have to use multiple Death Spirals in order to try to cut through this thing...” I tried to cut through the brain with my scythe and blinked in shock as it dented in and sprung back, pushing my scythe back. “Shit, that thing’s resilient.”

I dodged a tentacle that was attacking towards me from the brain! “Fuck! The brain has its own tentacles!?” I dodged around the wild strikes as I attacked the brain again. I grunted as one wrapped around me. I resulted to a Deathbolt to sever the tentacle, which made a huge shriek echo from the boss I was inside, and deafened me for a full minute! I sighed weakly as I started to channel my power into the attack I was building up, pulling in my MP, TP, and even the special Karma Points, knowing Karmic damage was my best shot at damaging this creature.

“KARMIC SPIRAL!” I swung the scythe in a large spiral as I watched waves of flickering black and white waves come off my scythe, bouncing off the inside of the skull, and slicing cleanly into the grey matter in front of him. The roar of pain from the Minor Cthulu renewed my deafened status, as well as inflicted some actual physical damage upon me, but not very much.

Ali’is’oi’ack’rhu’gha fell to its knees, and started draining all the minds within the mindflayer city to try to restore its own health and power. I looked at my current KP, and sighed weakly. “Well, at least its being used for a good cause...” I drained all of my KP and channeled it through a Deathbolt directly at the center of the brain. “KARMA BURST!”

The light of the bolt was so vast, I ended up receiving the ‘Blind’ debuff for a full 2 minutes! Meanwhile, I could feel the world tilt, drop, and bounce as the skull cracked into the ground. When my sight returned, I pushed my way through the brain, and found that it had burned the brain away from a large, glowing golden energy core. I inspected it.

Supreme Summoning Core



Weight: 10 lbs

This core is the focal point of great power. It can be used in either crafting or summoning to bring forth the greatest result.

Required Crafting Skill Level: MAX

Required Summoning Skill Level: MAX

I quickly put the core into my Bag, and watched as several other pop-ups appeared.


You are the first player to have defeated a Minor Deity!

You have acquired the title: Godslayer!

Title: Godslayer - You are no longer able to be affected by the attacking powers of gods. +10% damage against Deity class creatures.


You have gained a Level! Current Level: 117!

You have gained a Level! Current Level: 118!

You have gained a Level! Current Level: 119!

You have gained a Level! Current Level: 120!


You have gained a Level! Current Level: 135!

You have 1393 Available Stat Points!

You have 266 Dontatable Stat Points!

You have 1683 Available Skill Points!

You have 266 Donatable Skill Points!

“Okay, so now to find a way out of this damned squid,” I muttered as I looked around. “Probably the nose or mouth would be the best, unless I can find the ear...”

Hidden's Stats

Spoiler : Name: Hidden

Level: 135 [30%]

HP: 7560/7560

MP: 6000/6000

TP: 6840/6840

Avaliable Stats: 1693

Donatable Stats: 266

STR: 450 + 90 + 100 + ??? + 500

DEX: 450

+ 90 + 100 + 500

CON: 550 + 110 + 100 + 500

INT: 750 + 150 + 100 + 200

WLP: 750 + 150 + 100

SPR: 700 + 70 + 100 + 500

Deity: Lady Luck [MAX]

Luck's Blessing [MAX]

Unlucky Foes [MAX]

Lucky Crafter [MAX]

Lucky Loot [MAX]

Skill Reset [MAX]

Coin Toss [MAX]

Bonus Trigger [MAX]

Stat Gamble [MAX]

Deity: Death [MAX]

Necromancy [MAX]

Fortress of Bones [MAX]

Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Scythe [MAX]

Vampiric Weapon [MAX]

Greek Fire [MAX]

Deathbolt [MAX]

Deathwave [MAX]

Spirit Devourer [MAX]

Soul Absorption [MAX]

Deity: Self [??]

Death Spiral [MAX]

Reap [MAX]

Personal Teleport [MAX]

Karma Usage [MAX]

Class: Necromancer [MAX]

-Necromancy [MAX]

-Blood Magic [MAX]

-Concentration [MAX]

-Grasp of the Dead [MAX]

-Weapon Proficiency: Staff [MAX]

-Armor Proficiency: Robes [MAX]

-Fortress of Bones [MAX]

-Lich [MAX]

-Intelligence Up [MAX]

-Dark Vision [MAX]

-Vampiric Weapon [MAX]

-Enhanced Magic [MAX]

Class: Firemaster [MAX]

-Fire Magic [MAX]

-Armored Mind [MAX]

--Concentration [MAX]

--Willpower Up [MAX]

-Intelligence Up [MAX]

-Imbue [MAX]

-Enhanced Magic [MAX]

-Armor Proficiency: Robes [MAX]

-Weapon Proficiency: Staff [MAX]

-Quench [MAX]

Unequipped Classes:

Thief [MAX]

Weapon Proficiency: Dagger [MAX]

Stealth [MAX]

Thievery [MAX]

Lockpicking [MAX]

Traps [MAX]

Armor Proficiency: Light [MAX]

Weapon Proficiency: Short Sword [MAX]

Sneak Attack [MAX]

Gold Sense [MAX]

Dexterity Up [MAX]

Blademaster [MAX]

Weapon Proficiency: Dagger [MAX]

Weapon Proficiency: Shortsword [MAX]

Weapon Proficiency: Longsword [MAX]

Weapon Proficiency: Greatsword [MAX]

Armor Proficiency: Light [MAX]

Armor Proficiency: Medium [MAX]

Armor Proficiency: Heavy [MAX]

Durable Body [MAX]

-Strength Up [MAX]

-Constitution Up [MAX]

Agile Body [MAX]

-Dexterity Up [MAX]

-Evasion [MAX]

Agile Mind [MAX]

-Intelligence Up [MAX]

-Willpower Up [MAX]

Available Skills: 1086

Donatable Skills: 1286


Gold Sense [MAX]

Weapon Proficiency: Longsword [MAX]

Trainer [MAX]

Healing Magic [MAX]

Executioner's Aura [MAX]

Hyper Speed [MAX]

Evasion [MAX]

Enhanced Speed [MAX]

Goldsmith [MAX]

Stealth [MAX]

Thievery [MAX]

Lockpick [MAX]

Mind Guard [MAX]

Regenration [MAX]

Sense: Killing Intent [MAX]

Riding [MAX]

Creature Analysis [MAX]

Literature [MAX]

Remove Limit [MAX]

Time Magic [MAX]

Speed Magic [MAX]

Enhanced Magic [MAX]

Dexterity Up [MAX]

Armor Proficiency: Light [MAX]

Reserve Skills:

Mining [MAX]

Sneak Attack [MAX]

Traps [MAX]

Weapon Proficiency: Shortsword [MAX]

Weapon Proficiency: Dagger [MAX]

Earth Magic [MAX]

Dark Magic [MAX]

Scrying Magic [MAX]

Durable Body [MAX]

Strength Up [MAX]

Constitution Up [MAX]

Agile Body [MAX]

Dexterity Up [MAX]

Evasion [MAX]


Donate Stat

Donate Skill

Lucky Strike


Luck's Star II

Lucky Wish





Fire Wall



Greek Fire (Small)

Greek Fire Wall

Greek Fire (Large)


Summon (Living Monster - Pet)

Summon (Living Monster - Mount)

Summon (Undead Monster - Pet)

Control (Undead Monster - Pet)

Fortress of Bones (Automatic)

Cure (Light)

Cure (Poison)

Cure (Medium)

Cure (Large)

Cure (Full)


Drain (HP)

Drain (MP)

Drain (TP)



Disarm Trap

Build Trap

Craft - Jewelry





Reserve Abilities:


Passive Bonuses:


Auto-Ressurect (50%)

AUto-Map Dungeons (Loot, Traps, and Mobs)

Dark Vision

Automatically Detect Traps (300 yards)

Disabled Party Penalty: Totem

Disabled Party Penalty: Captured Soul

Double Loot Drop (Party - Doubled)

Triple Loot on Boss Execution (Doubled)

Boss Trophy on Boss Execution

Dexterity +2 per Execution

Strength +2 per Execution

Constitution +2 per Execution

Spirit +2 per Execution

+200% Experience per Execution

+100% Damage against Bandits

+50% Sneak Attack damage

6x Damage on Heart Attacks

Heart Sight

Skills Start at Level 2

Skills increase by 2 Levels per point

Strength +1 per item in UBH

Can resume cast after being interrupted (H/S/E Spells not included)

Intelligence (Base) +20%

Constitution (Base) +20%

Strength (Base) +20%

Dexterity (Base) +20%

Willpower (Base) +20%

+5 Stat Points each level

+5 Skill Point each level

Spirit (Base) +10%

+50% Rare Loot (Party)

+50% Experience Gain (Party)

+50% Chance to Crit (Party)

+25% Chance to Evade (Party)

-25% Enemy Crit Rate (Party)

Loot Grade +2 (Party)

+30% Chance to obtain rare loot

+90% Chance to not be interrupted when casting

+10% Chance to Parry

+10% Chance to Evade

+5% Chance to Parry (Projectile)

+26% Chance to Crit

+25% Experience Gain

+120% On Double Loot

+50% on Triple Loot

+40% chance on all Looted coins turning to Mythril

+30% chance on turning all metal dropped to Mythril

+30% chance on turning all cloth dropped to Alicorn Cloth

+25% Chance to acquire monster 'Totem' on kill

Pet Grade +1

Mount Grade +1

+25% Pet Experience

+25% Mount Experience

+50% Single Handed Longsword Damage

+75% Two-handed Longsword Damage

+50% Scythe Damage

+25% Spear Damage

+25% Staff Damage

+50% Damage dealt restored as HP

+25% Damage dealt restored as MP

+25% Damage dealt restored as TP

+10% Damage dealt gained as Experience



Lucky Bastard

Apprentice Executioner

Elite Executioner

Execution Count: 250

Trophy Hunter

Trophy Count: 5



1st Goblin Reaper

No Longer a Noob


Bandit Slayer

Goblin Killer

Hidden Attacker

Single Hit Execution


Heart-shot Counts: 214


Dungeon Master

Dungeon King

Trained in Combat

Combat Valedictorian

Immortal One

Divine One



CC: 243,788

SC: 325,580

GC: 15,532

PC: 1,500,000

MC: 1,380,029

KC: 0

Author's Note:

There were many ways I could have written this battle, but I think this served the best way. I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter!

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