《Chaos Wave》Volume 1 - Chapter 9 - Mining for Dwarves


Alright, I'm very sorry for the fact that it has taken me so very long to post this chapter. Let's just say that I've had issues with a self-regenerating Writer's Block, which has finally started to become somewhat gelatinous, allowing thoughts by. Anyways, here's the chapter. Enjoy!


Title Awarded: First Goblin Reaper

You have gained a Level! Current Level: 105!

You have 493 Available Stat Points!

You have 1140 Dontatable Stat Points!

You have 786 Available Skill Points!

You have 1146 Donatable Skill Points!

Quest Completed!

Reach Level 100 without Dying

Reward: Divinity, MAX Rank of both Death and Luck Deities, MAX rank of Crown of the Dead and Reaper's Scythe of Primal Flame

Divinity - Every time you level up, you get +10 to all stats in addition to Available Stat points. Upon Learning a skill it is automatically at MAX rank.

Crown of the Dead - Rank MAX


Weight: 4 lbs

Requires Intelligence 100

Requires Necromancy Skill Level 25


+200 Intelligence

+50% Chance on Auto-raise

+35% Resistance to Darkness and Blood Magic

+25% Power to Darkness, Blood, and Necromancy Spells


The Reaper's Scythe of Primal Flame - Rank MAX

Divine Weapon (One-handed / Two-handed)


Weight: 12 lbs

Length 78 inches (Staff) / 48 inches (blade)

Requires: Strength 150

Requires: Dexterity 100


Damage 400-450 (Spear One-handed)

Damage 400-450 (Staff Two-handed)

Damage 750-1000 (Scythe Two-handed)

Damage 500-750 (Spear Two-handed)

Damage 1500 Greek Fire (Non-elemental)

+99% chance to ignite attacked creature for 3 hours doing 200 damage every three seconds

+80% Chance to Auto-kill on Crit

+55% Captured Soul drop rate

+35% Chance on Auto-raise

+35% Damage dealt absorbed as HP

+25% Damage dealt absorbed as MP

+25% Damage dealt absorbed as TP

Blade can be locked at 90 or 180 degrees for Scythe or Spear mode, or stored for use as a Staff.

Can double as a Torch in Scythe or Spear mode.

The light of Greek Fire prevents Stealth.


Quest Completed!

You have successfully cleared out the Goblins!

Relationship with the Dwarves raised from 'Dislike' to 'Neutral'

Relationship with the Drow raised from 'Eliminate on Sight' to 'Unwelcome'

Fame +1,000

Guild Reputation +500


Reputation with all Good Deities increased from 'Neutral' to 'Favorable'

Reputation with all Evil Deities decreased from 'Neutral' to 'Dislike'

Goblins are now available as a Player Race!

All members of Dwarven Theorum gain 10 levels!

You have gained a Level! Current Level: 115!

You have 793 Available Stat Points!

You have 1280 Dontatable Stat Points!

You have 1086 Available Skill Points!

You have 1286 Donatable Skill Points!

You have been granted the Skill: Reap

You have been granted the Skill: Karma Usage

You have been granted the Skill: Personal Teleport

Reap - Skill (Passive) Level MAX

+500% damage to all enemies when equipped with a Sickle or Scythe.

Karma Usage - Skill Level MAX

Allows you to expend your Karma Credits for attack. Attacks that drain Karma can cut even the Gods.

Personal Teleport - Skill Level MAX

Cost: 500 MP

Allows you to teleport yourself and your belongings to another town you've already visited.


Upon death, your current body will not be able to be reformed. If you die, you will be fully incarnated as a Deity, and lose easy access to the world.

You are the fifth Godling to succeed in unlocking your personal divinity. As such, you will receive +100 to each stat.

As the system messages finished scrolling past, he sighed and looked around, blinking at finding himself infront of the Raid entrance again, the sound of mining picks slamming into the rock, digging a tunnel towards where the Underland Tunnels connect to the Dwarven Network. They've clearly been busy working on the tunnel since I entered the Goblin Conclave over fifteen hours ago, and they've done amazingly well in that time.

“Well, guys, I’m officially a Godling, and when I die, I’ll be incarnated as a Deity of this ‘game’. Looks like you guys have been busy while I was becoming death incarnate. Let me help,” I hold up my hand and smirk as I use the Scythe as a pick, burning through the wall and melting the stone, making everyone else back up to avoid the horrible stench created from the liquefied stone.

There’s a bunch of coughing and swearing behind me as they also laugh up a storm about my making such a stench. “Damn it boy, if you’re gonna befoul the air like that, at least give us some warning,” Oathshield bellows with a laugh.


“Understandable, just thought we’d like to get through this today, rather than in a week or more,” I called back to him as I kept working.

“Nah, we ain’t in a hurry, so grab a pick for yer minin’, no need to melt the ore we may get with that heat!”

“Ahhhh... so that’s the purpose. We’ve got the food, I take it?”

“Yup! We’ve got it all sorted!”


Over the course of the next weeks, I passed out bonus attributes and skill points to the party while we worked each day, growing my Karma Point count. It took about two and a half weeks for us to get through the wall and tunnel into the main tunnel system.

You have discovered Underworld Tunnel Network Alpha.

As the first players who have entered this area you gain:

+50 Fame

+2% Experience for all Clan Members

Underworld Tunnel Explorer Title

“So! There were rumors of Clan Bonuses for finding new areas, and we all got the title of ‘Underworld Tunnel Explorer’ it seems,” Oathshield stated.

“According to the map I got from the Bandit Chief, we need to head ... that way,” I said, pointing off to the right. “From there, it should be about ten miles, which if we hike it, we could do before evening. Man, I love these augmented reality settings that lets us have a clock in our vision when we want it.”

We headed down the tunnel, encountering some minor underworld monsters, including a single dimension distorting cavern rat the size of a small horse! It was a named mob, Ric’hioli, Level 218 Grade 4. When we saw the cavern rat, we all backed away slowly, and they looked at me. I shrugged. “I’ll go clear it out...”

I walked forward, swinging the scythe into its scythe mode. I raised my other hand, and hit it twice with Deathbolt, watching it fall down to almost ten percent health remaining, stunning it thanks to the massive amount of instant damage. I then charged forward and Executed it with the scythe. Everyone gained two levels from the kill, and I actually got a totem of the Distortion Rat King - Grade 4. Ever since I had hit two hundred and fifty Executions, the bonus to my stats refused to climb further, having maxed out at a basic +500 to Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Spirit.

I looked around after killing Ric’hioli, and saw a glimmering portal in the corner of the cave. “Guys, we need to avoid the far corner, and keep an eye on it as we pass by this cave. There is a Portal in the far corner, but I don’t know where it goes, but I get a very, very bad feeling from it. We should mark it down on the map and report it to the Dwarves when we get to their city,” I call to them as I gesture for them to follow me through the cave.

After two more hours, we ended up in a mineshaft, as we could see glimmers of silvery metal coursing through the walls. We could now start hearing the echoing ‘tink’ of picks hitting the walls from further down the tunnel or one of the many, many side passages. About another hour later, we came across a Dwarven guard unit.


The Dwarven Theorum has just discovered the home of the Dwarves, and will shortly begin building Relationship between Players and Dwarves, unlocking them as a Playable Race.


“Greetings, honorable dwarves. We would like to speak with your king and the council. We have gifts and desire to set up trade between humans and dwarves,” Oathshield steps forward, bowing deeply.

“Ach, ye be Oathshield of the Guild known as ‘Dwarven Theorum?’ We have received word of you from the Tavernmaster, Rolak Stonefist. He has said you and yours are trustworthy. We welcome thee to Our Home.

Attention! You have received access to the Undermountain Halls.

Attention! You have received access to the Undermountain Mines.

Attention! You have received access to the Undermountain Smithy.

Attention! You have received access to the Undermountain Tavern.

Attention! You have received access to the Undermountain Throne.

“Rolak Stonefist, the Tavernmaster? So I was right, thinking he was of Dwarven blood!”

“Aye, ye were!”

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