《Chaos Wave》Volume 1 - Chapter 7 - Class Valedictorians


The moment I get down to the bottom of the ramp, my minimap pops up with ten enemies, both a little bit down each of the two branching corridors, five down each. I dash off into the left corridor and kill all five with powerful heart-strikes, raising me to Level fifty and ten percent.


You have gained a Level! Current Level 50!

Current Available Stats: 143

Current Donatable Stats: 440

Current Available Skills: 126

Current Donatable Skills: 446

You have successfully completed the first 50 Levels!

Title Acquired: Trained in Combat

Effect: Access to Classes, +5 Equipped Skill Slots

Godling Bonus: +1 Class Slot, +5 Equipped Skill Slots!

Achievement Upgrade! You have successfully completed the first 50 Levels WITHOUT DYING ONCE!

Title Upgraded: Combat Valedictorian

Effect: You learn skills by 2 levels at a time!

Godling Bonus: All Currently learned skills Double their level (Up to MAX), all new skills start at Level 2!


The world of The Divine Adventure has a new Combat Valedictorian! All fear the growth of these fifteen players!

Class Alert!

Would you like to learn the Necromancer Class?

Required: Necromancy Level 40

Required: Blood Magic Level 30

Required: Concentration Level 20

Cost: 1 Point

Class Alert!

Would you like to learn the Firemaster Class?

Required: Fire Magic Level 40

Required: Intelligence Up Level 30

Required: Concentration Level 20

Cost: 1 Point

I quickly learn both classes, which automatically equip as I have room in my equipped classes slots for two classes at once. I whistle softly as I review them.

Necromancer Class - Class Level 2


+2% bonus to all subskills of this class.

+1% bonus to damage caused by Undead Pets

Access to Skill: Grasp of the Dead

Firemaster Class - Class Level 2


+2% bonus to Fire Magic Damage

Access to Skill: Imbue

Grasp of the Dead - Skill Level 2

Cost: 10 MP

15% chance to immobilize target with undead hands for 5 seconds.

Imbue - Skill Level 2

Can apply magic to an equipped weapon. Enchanted weapon duration varies from [Skill Level] Minutes to eternal.

I can't help but have an evil grin as I pump twenty-four points into Imbue, maxing it out.

Imbue - Skill Level MAX

Can apply magic to any weapon or armor, raising attack bonuses and defensive values. Can apply the effect multiple times with differing magics.

Enchanted Weapon duration varies from 3 hours to eternal.

Enchanted Armor duration varies from 3 hours to eternal.

I smile and max out Fire magic with five points, granting me access to 'Inferno', the top tier fire spell. I then pull out my Scythe, and try to imbue it with the power of Inferno. The blade glows bright white hot, and I can see steam rising from it as new runes form.


Your Imbuing of 'The Reaper's Scythe - Rank 3' has added a permanent INFERNO BLADE enchantment. +300 Fire Damage, 85% chance to ignite attacked creature dealing another +300 Fire Damage over 6 seconds.


You have altered the properties of a Divine Weapon with a permanent enhancement. Your Deity may not be pleased. Your Deity has been informed.


Your deity has decided to REWARD your permanent enhancement of the Reaper's Scythe!

Reward: +2 Ranks in Deity: Death, +2 Ranks Divine-Weapon 'The Reaper's Scythe', +50 Spirit, +5 Levels, Access to Skill: Greek Fire, Altering of Inferno Blade enchantment: Greek Inferno Blade

The Reaper's Scythe of Primal Flame - Rank 5

Divine Weapon (One-handed / Two-handed)


Weight: 12 lbs

Length 78 inches (Staff) / 48 inches (blade)

Requires: Deity: Death

Requires: Strength 75


Requires: Dexterity 75


Damage 75-100 (Spear One-handed)

Damage 75-100 (Staff Two-handed)

Damage 115-150 (Scythe Two-handed)

Damage 100-125 (Spear Two-handed)

Damage 450 Greek Fire (Non-elemental)

90% chance to ignite attacked creature for 3 hours doing 200 damage every three seconds

+30% Chance to Auto-kill on Crit

+30% Captured Soul drop rate

+10% Damage dealt absorbed as HP

+5% Damage dealt absorbed as MP

+5% Damage dealt absorbed as TP

Blade can be locked at 90 or 180 degrees for Scythe or Spear mode, or stored for use as a Staff.

Can double as a Torch in Scythe or Spear mode.

The light of Greek Fire prevents Stealth.

Binds on Equip

Greek Fire - Skill Level 2

This green fire cannot be put out by normal means, and even burns underwater. All is revealed by Greek Fire.

Access to Spell - Greek Fire (Small)

Greek Fire - Small

Cost: 500 MP

Creates a small fireball that sticks to target and spreads. Burns for 1 hour, dealing 50 HP damage every three seconds.

I look up and see that the blade of my scythe is coated in pure green fire. The other members of my party just stare at me in shock. I move the scythe quickly and it leaves a green trail of the fire in the air behind it!

"Well, Dad was pleased when my 'Imbue' usage made a permanent enchantment on the Scythe. He awarded me two ranks, five levels, two extra ranks of the weapon, and access to the Greek Fire skill..."

"So, you're able to teach us Vampiric Weapon now?" Rockenroll smirks as I approach them slowly.

"Yeah... you all want it? Take Luck's Admiration too, you've all leveled up at least once, and have at least two free skill points..."

I proceed to give all five of them the two skills, adding another ten skill points to my pile. 'Excellent, another twenty skill levels! I'll be the most kick ass godly user of magic this game has ever seen by the time I hit Raijin's level!' goes through my mind. I have two hundred and eighty skill points, alowing me to level up eleven skills to maximum and have sixteen skill points remaining.

I proceed to max out Mining, Riding, Lockpick, Thievery, Stealth, Grasp of the Dead, Greek Fire, and Armor of Bones before I do anything else. I also upgrade Armor of Bones into Fortress of Bones and max it out. I review my skill points, and smile. I still have sixty-three. I take twenty of them, and max out Healing Magic, and another twenty-three on Gold Sense, which triggers a prompt asking if I want to purchase the 'Thief Class'.

Class Alert!

Would you like to purchase the Thief Class?

Required: Thievery 40

Required: Stealth 30

Required: Lockpick 20

Required: Traps 10

Cost: 1 Point

"Can I purchase classes at any time after I've made them available?" I ask Oathshield.

"Yes, once you have mastered the requirements, you can unlock it at any time. Is there a specific Class you've unlocked?" he answered me.

"I just unlocked Thief Class, but not purchased it," I tell him, then inform him of the requirements.

"It'll probably be Unique or above... And it will likely grant access to dagger and shortsword proficiencies, as well as light armor."

"Armor Proficiency... I see... So, if I were to get the 'Heavy Armor' Proficiency, do you think I could learn that Mythic Rarity 'Death Knight' class? It would certainly fit, with the fact that I'm Death's son and in his Religious ranks..."


"Sounds reasonable, but it may take more than just the heavy armor proficiency and the Necromancer class... You'll just have to figure out what the requirements are as we go..."

"Alright, so... Foambeard, teach me that Haste spell and its Buffs!"

I spend 3 skill points to get 'Speed Magic', 'Enhanced Magic', and 'Remove Limit' skills. I smile evily and ask them to just remain in the main section while I ripped everything apart, since I didn't want to accidentally scratch them with my scythe. I then took off at a blur down the corridor, and ran along the wall when I cornered, I quickly got the hang of moving at this speed, and proceeded to clear out the goblin mobs on the map, making a full circuit of the dungeon in under ten minutes, having eliminated over two hundred more goblins and received the 'Goblin Slayer' status, a notification of two ranks up in Luck, and a rank up in Death.

When I returned to the party, steam was coming off my gear from the amount of friction I had generated, and I have to kneel and cool down. During this time, I check my status, and smile. another five levels, Deathbolt skill from Dad, and Lucky Loot skill from Mom. Seriously? More loot luck? I check both Execution and Heart Count, and smile. I'm nearing two hundred on each! I have one hundred ninety-eight executions and one hundred ninety-four heart strikes.

I take four hundred of my stat points, and boost my Intellect by it, smiling as I see the power of my magic damage soaring out of control. I take forty-eight skill points and max out both Deathbolt and Lucky Loot, grinning like a maniac. I then take another seventy-two points and max out the Speed Magic, Enahcned Magic, and Remove Limit skills, leaving me with seventy-two points. I confirm learning the Combined Magic skill 'Time Magic' and max it out.

I max out my Necromancer Class, and take twenty points and put them into Longsword Proficiency to max it out as well, leaving me with three skill points.

Lucky Loot - Skill Level MAX


All loot durability is restored to maximum.

All loot magical charages are restored to maximum.

+100% chance of Double Loot

+50% chance on Triple Loot

+40% chance on turning all coins dropped by enemies to Mythril

+30% chance on turning all metal objects into Mythril

+30% chance on turning all cloth objects into Alicorn Cloth

Deathbolt - Skill Level MAX


Cost: 1000 TP

Inflicts (Spirit + Intellect) x Skill Level damage to target.

If target is killed, restores 50% of used TP.

Enemies killed with Deathbolt are immediately raised as Undead Pets (No Captured Soul crystal required).

Speed Magic - Skill Level MAX


Access to Spell: 'Haste' maximized

Access to Spell: 'Slow' maximized

Access to Spell: 'Freeze' maximized

Enhanced Magic - Skill Level MAX


Enhances the power of all Magic spells, doubling their potency without increasing MP.

Remove Limit - Skill Level MAX


You are without limits.

Your Stat points can exceed 999 base (new maximum base: 9,999)

Your spell and skill effects are doubled.

Time Magic - Skill Level MAX


The True form of Speed Magic. The Effects of Speed Magic are magnified tenfold.

Necromancer Class - Class Level MAX


+50% bonus to all subskills of this class.

+25% bonus to damage caused by Undead Pets.

Raised monsters retain ALL of their Skills.

Access to Skill: Grasp of the Dead

Access to Skill: Weapon Proficiency: Staff

Access to Skill: Armor Proficiency: Robes

Access to Skill: Bone Shield -> Armor of Bones -> Fortress of Bones

Access to Skill: Lich

Access to Skill: Intelligence Up

Access to Skill: Night Vision -> Dark Vision

Access to Skill: Vampiric Weapon

Access to Skill: Enhanced Magic

Lich - Skill Level 2

+2% chance to learn a skill from a dead creature.

Fortress of Bones - Skill Level MAX

Cost: None

Recast: 5 Minutes

Applies an absorbing field of bones around self and party every five minutes. Absorbed amount of damage equals (Intellect + Spirit) x either Skill Level or (Skill Level + Class Level) if a Class with this skill is equipped. Lasts until destroyed.

I'm extremely pleased with the new build, and laugh as everyone jumps when Fortress of Bones cools down, and envelops us all in our own little 'castles'. "Shall we go see what clan we will face in the Boss Chamber? I'd actually like to try doing this boss room solo, if you don't mind... I have a quest from Death to do an entire bossroom solo to level up my Death Rank again... And Mother wants me to get another another fifty critical hits..." I mutter as I quickly exit the group.

I open up the Cash Shop and buy a Mythic Elixir of Experience Boost plus forty percent for one hour, which cost me a whopping five thousand dollars, then I discarded my light armor and bought the mythic rarity 'Robe of the Damned' for another fifty thousand dollars.

The Robe of the Damned



3 lb

Requires Level 50

Requires Intellect 100

Requires Willpower 100

Requires Class: Necromancer

Durability 50/50

AC +100

Grants 1 skill point for every enemy your Undead Pet kills.

Grants immunity to blood magic

I pop the cork, and down the experience elixir, then push open the door, letting the rest of the party see that before me awaits an even larger clan than the first room. There are two hundred small goblin 'grunts' on the walls, surrounding a hundred goblin warriors, who are protecting fifty goblin mages. The mages are gathered around a 'Goblin Archmage - Level 100 Grade 3', then there are fifty goblin priests, and fifty goblin shaman all surrounding the Goblin Chief, 'Klikito - Level 150 Grade 4', quite the big wig! Upon my entering the chamber, there's a huge war cry which suddenly stops as all the goblins are frozen by my Executioner's Aura.

I use Deathbolt on a Goblin Mage, a Goblin Priest, and a Goblin Shaman, killing all three, and instantly ressurecting them as my pets and they start attacking those frozen around them. I cut my way through instantly dying goblin warriors, incinerating them with a single strike of the The Reaper's Scythe of Primal Flame. I manage another twenty each heart-shots and executions before I make it to the Archmage who is trying to throw off my aura, but fails. I take his head in a Lucky Strike critical, then head towards the Chief who is still struggling against the Aura, and does manage to break it before I use a Large Greek Fireball on him, and charge forward.

His shrieks of terror and pain continue as he tries to put himself out, his HP dropping quickly as he flails around, catching his priests and shamans on fire, the fire spreading viciously. I plant my foot on his back, pinning him down, and slice off his head when he hits five percent life. I turn around, and blink as I see the fires spreading from goblin to goblin, ignoring my three zombies, who are casting their spells and curses, which mow down the majority of the goblins on the walls and start on the warriors.

With my TP having been refilled by Executions, I use Deathbolt three more times, on Goblin Warriors this time, then wade back into the see of fire. The goblins are starting to come around now, my aura wearing off, and they are flailing and screaming, begging for mercy in their goblin tongue. I execute another shaman, and use the refreshed TP on three more deathbolts, repeating this until I have a total of twenty-four pets.

I then sat down, and relaxed, letting the experience and skill points roll in. I sighed softly as I ended up with sixteen levels, a new Title 'Immortal One', and an extra two hundred skill points by the time the doors opened again, revealing myself and my twenty-four pets. At that point, I got a message saying Death approved of the way I handled the challenge, and confirming completion of the task. I acquired Rank 8 in death, Rank 7 on my weapon, and a new skill 'Deathwave', which seemed to be an AoE version of Deathbolt!

Title Acquired:

Immortal One - By surviving for seventy-five consecutive Levels, you have become one of the Immortals. Immortal Characters have a 25% chance of immediate ressurection without loss of experience upon being killed.

Godling Bonus - You will immediately ressurect without loss of experience 50% of the time. The other 50% of the time you will suffer an experience loss proportional to the difference in levels between yourself and the creature you were fighting.

Deathwave - Skill Level 2

Cost: 2000 TP

Inflicts AoE damage equal to 25% of Intelligence in a circle around self until stopped by a wall or reaches Spirit feet in distance from caster. Has a 5% chance of raising any creature killed by this effect.

Quest Alert!

You have been assigned a Divine Quest!

Deity: Death

Quest: Army of the Dead I

Raise a total of 50 Undead.

Reward: Rank Upgrade, Divine Armor: Crown of the Dead (Rank 1)

From the Archmage I had killed, I obtained scrolls with Earth, and Dark magic skills, the Chief gave me a Constitution Up, and Strength Up skill scrolls, meanwhile one of the priests had dropped a Scrying magic skill scroll. While the doors were creaking open, I quickly pulled up the Thief Class, and learned it, as well as maxing it out for a total of twenty-five points, making me smile at all the different skills it automatically gave me.

Seeing as Thief was just a 'Rare' class, it didn't provide nearly as interesting or as many buffs as Necromancer had. I quickly learned the five skills from the scrolls, maxing them out as well, and smiling as I received a pop up offering me 'Durable Body', which I purchased and maxed. I spent twenty-four points each in all five of the Thief's Class skills, which triggered pop ups for 'Agile Body' and 'Blademaster Class', which cost me another fifty skill points, which net me another three new skills.

I decided to max out Firemaster to see what it would add to the cookpot. Indeed, it added two new skills for me to use: Willpower Up and Quench. I maxed out Lich, Willpower Up, and Quench, as well as my Robe armor proficiency. As soon as Willpower Up was maxed, a pop up asked to purchase 'Agile Mind' and 'Armored Mind', which I spent another fifty points maxing out. Last thing I did for the moment was max out Deathwave, raising the damage done by a lot, and making it an even chance of raising the killed monster as a pet.

For the stat points, I took four hundred, and increased my Willpower, then I spent another hundred into my Constitution. I was really enjoying the way this life was turning out.


Author's Note:

I'm very sorry with how long this chapter has taken to get posted, but I've been busy with work (as well as other things in life) and my mind keeps throwing things up for the start of book 2 and nearing the end of book 1. It's looking like Book 1 will be more than the initially planned 11-12 chapters, and closer to 15 or 16.

I've decided to put off publishing Chaos Wave Book 1 in parts, and only publish the finished book. Thank you very much for your support and I hope that everyone's days are going well.

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