《Chaos Wave》Some quick information about The World of The Divine Adventure


System information:

In 'The Divine Adventure' players start as a level one character with forty total statistic points to add to the default randomized statistics and the ability to select any three skills. At each level, you will get one stat and one skill points in addition to a maximum bonus of ten points from constitution and intelligence in a one to ten ratio on the natural score without skill and equipment modifiers. From levels one to fifty you will be able to equip five skills. After that, you can equip a maximum of ten skills.

Starting at Level 50 you can learn 'Classes' which are highly advanced combination skills, allowing you to not need the skills for the class equipped while you have the Class equipped. Classes level up as you gain experience while they are equipped, and go to a maximum of level of 20.

Deities are normally inaccessible to those below Level 75 due to the difficulty of the quests involved to raise the Rank of your Deity branch and the individual skills allotted by the Deity you have joined.

By playing The Divine Adventure in FSDS you accept the probability of Digitization. The Divine Adventure is not affiliated with any of the current Governments of Earth.

The Human Lands of The Divine Adventure:

Fros'bik (Ice Plains) - The home of the Frost Coliseum and where 25% of the Players start.

Gran'igui (Forest Kingdom) - A temperate zone where herbs and potions are common. 65% of all players start here.

Kiblin'ko (Mountain Kingdom) - A rough zone where taking the wrong path can lead you into an area where monsters are much much stronger than you are. 10% of players start here.

The Lands of Allied Races have not been unlocked, thus preventing players from creating characters as anything other than a human.


Defining Statistics:

Strength (STR): Increases Physical Damage and Carrying Capacity. Effects the percentage of damage you can parry.

Dexterity (DEX): Increases Physical Speed, Accuracy, and Technique Points available. Effects the percentage of chance to parry. Increases chance of success with crafting.

Constitution (CON): Increases Maximum Health, available Bonus Stat Points per level (1:10), and Physical Resistance, Increases resistance to poisons and available stamina. Increases amount of HP Regenerated.

Intelligence (INT): Increases Magical Damage and available Skill Points per level (1:10). Increases chance of success with crafting new recipes.

Willpower (WLP): Increases Magical Resistance and Magic Points available. Increases amount of MP Regenerated.

Spirit (SPR): Increases the effect of Divine Abilities, Luck, Drop rates (Cannot apply points until one has selected a Patron Deity)

Levels vs Grades

Normal Monsters can have a Level or a Grade. After a combination of time or player kills, a monster can change from a Overworld Mob into a Miniboss. This transformation occurs after 1 week or 7 player kills. Each player kill shortens the time to upgrade by 24 hours. The highest a Normal monster can obtain is Grade 6, which is equivalent to 64 times the power of the original monster, and has a chance of dropping a Mythic status item.

Boss Monsters have both a Level which determines their maximum health value, but a Grade which determines their stats. Only the most powerful of bosses (Gods, Dragons, and Arch-Demons) can reach Grade 7 and have a chance of dropping the Divine rarity of loot.

Example on Level-> Grade Scaling:

Level 5

Grade 1 (Level 10) 7 days / 7 kills

Grade 2 (Level 20) +10 days / +10 kills

Grade 3 (Level 40) +14 days / +14 kills

Grade 4 (Level 80) +20 days / +20 kills

Grade 5 (Level 160) +30 days / +30 kills (Max for most mobs)


Grade 6 (Level 320) +60 days / +60 kills (Dragons, Angels, Demons)

Grade 7 (Level 640) +90 days / +90 kills (Elder Dragons, Arch-angels, Arch-demons, Gods)


Items, Skills, Classes, and Quests all have a Rarity. The color of the background determines the rarity.

Grey - Ordinary

Silver - Rare

Blue - Meticulous

Green - Unique

Yellow - Epic

Orange - Legendary

Red - Mythic

Gold - Divine

Cash Shop

This is an in-game menu that you attach to your out-of-game bank account. The amount of goodies in the Cash Shop changes weekly, other than the standard bonuses likes extra stats, skill points, in-game gold, etc. Items in the Cash Shop have a chance of dropping off Grade 4+ monsters.

Players can use real life money to purchase extra statistics, skill points, and gold. Players can only buy a million gold each month, at a rate of twenty gold to a dollar. A player can donate up to 20,000,000 gold to a Guild in a single month. You may also buy real life money at a rate of $1 to 25 gold.

Statistics and skills are limited to one point per stat other than Spirit, and one skill points each day, for ten dollars each. You can buy bonus skill slots (max 5) for fifty dollars each. Players can also buy Skill Manuscripts starting at $20. These Skill Manuscripts are used to learn a new skill which is not common in the area. To learn a skill from a manuscript, you still must have a skill point available to put into the initial level.

Example of Cash Shop Exclusive Items:

Equip-Swap - When used swaps all currently equipped gear for another preselected gear set. Can only be used in battle. Cooldown: 1 minute Cost: $15

Insta-Cast - When used the next spell is cast automatically without need to prepare or cooldown. Cost: $25

Wishing Star - Can only be used after killing a monster. Opens the Loot Table, and lets you select 1 item from the list and obtain it. Cost: $100

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