《The Modern Domain》Chapter 8


The days passed quickly as they were spent in physical and mental training leaving them exhausted each night. A week before the launch date, the dean addressed them again and said they would be doing an interacademy competition. They will be going up against each class in a tournament to practice their skills which they have learnt so far and the winner will receive $200.

“The goal will be to capture Isabel and bring her to Reander a city to the south. All the teachers will be in the game moderating your movements and making sure there are no illegal plays. You will be limited to the Eagmeareb region and have a day to prepare. Good luck.”

Anticipation hung in the air the next day as the classes came together in the food. Each class had different color armbands connected to their glasses which will reflect in game. Luca and Ana were talking when Carlos joined them.

“You guys ready?” he asked nervously.

“Yep! Ready to rumble!” Ana respond happily.

“Just remember, us three need to stick together no matter what.”

Each class sat in a different corner of the large dinner hall ready to put their glasses on. The dean walked in with loudspeaker and announced.

“Classes, ready up for me, log in to your characters and spawn.”

Luca put his glasses on and activated it. He could feel the sensors on the armbands working, sending signals to his brain. Whirling into a void his mind went blank and when it resurfaced he was standing back in Eagmeareb. He quickly took stock of his inventory and gear. He had a knife and bandage. The Dean spoke into the world, “Alright, it looks like everyone has spawned. This is a test match for $200. You have 8 hours to have everyone eliminated. All items, gear and equipment are unlocked and can be bought with experience points. Good luck and may the best hero win.”

Luca glanced over to his right where he could quickly count over 30 people. To his left he saw the same amount. He searched the crowds for Ana and Carlos, and eventually spotted them ahead of him. He looked past them and saw a small hut and decided that is where he is going to go.

“You may start.” He jumped away at a sprint, heading straight for where he last saw Ana and Carlos, but couldn't find them once he arrived. A bloodbath ensued around him. People thrashing on the ground, hands and fingers cut off, some had deep gashes on their bodies and faces and they were frantically trying to cover it with their bandages.

“Ana! Carlos!” He yelled around him, but the only attention he caught was of scrawny man a few paces in front of him. He looked up from his current victim at Luca with a bloodthirsty smile. Somebody flashed past him and the man was gone. The next moment he felt someone dive into him from the side. He blocked as the unidentified body was hitting him and he tried to hastily remember what they were taught in self defense class. “Get off me!” He could now see the face in the sunlight as he sat back on top of him and started to pummel his face with his fists. Luca kept his arms up trying not to take damage but in the top right corner of his HUD he could see his health depleting slowly.


The man had fearless green eyes, looking down at him in an animalistic rage. Luca tried his best to block with one arm and reached for his knife on his side. He drew the large bowie knife from its sheath, and remembered his training and where vital points are in the body. Holding the knife tightly he drove it into the side of his attacker who howled in pain. Quickly he pulled the knife out and repeated his action. The man started bleeding from his mouth and looked even more insane now. He reached for his own knife and lifted it above his head to go in for the killing blow, but Luca was faster and quickly stuck the knife into his chin, hitting his brain. The blooded man went still for a moment and then fell limply on top of Luca. He pushed him off, jumped up and tried to get his bearings. He saw the man turn into a black smoke and disappear. A notification appeared on his screen.

You have received 400xp for killing a player. Level up!

Current level: 2

Spendable experience: 400

“Have to get to the house.” He thought to himself. He rapidly gained ground as he ran towards the opening and slid in, closing the door skillfully behind him mid slide. Resting his head on the floor, he looked at his surroundings. There was a large bookcase and two wardrobes in the small hut. Jumping to his feet he quickly started searching but the only useful thing he could find was a rope.

He looked at the carnage outside through the window trying to spot Ana or Carlos. There's no way he could survive this without someone watching his back and for his struggling family, $200 would mean a lot.

There. Ana was thrusting her knife into her attacker's stomach repeatedly. His entrails started to fall out in pieces. He didn’t think she could be so violent. Eventually she stopped and stabbed him in the side of his head, killing him instantly and he fell to the side. Disappearing into the air and leaving her knife behind. He ran over to them.

“Ana! Carlos! I’ve been looking for you. Come quickly, I know a place.”

He dragged them across the battlefield into the little hut and they hid below the window.

“We have to hide somewhere until the masses have sorted each other out.”

“We could always try and get out of the city, once this dies down, the stronger groups will search the city first and we are only three.”

“For now…” Said Luca hopefully. “Let's get out of the city, you are right.”

Before Ana could object, Luca bursted out the door scrambling towards the city gate. He only turned to look behind him once and Ana and Carlos were on his tail. Luca was proud of Carlos, thinking about how far he had come. When he reached the city gates he could see other players blocking the exit.

“Oh no!” Ana yelled from behind. Luca assumed she saw it as well.


“We got this Ana, stay close.” He pressed on and barreled into the first defender, knocking him off his feet. Before he could react, Luca had drawn his knife and accurately stabbed him in his heart, sending him off in a shadow. Carlos had done the same while Ana had lost the upperhand and the defender was on top of her. He was driving his knife towards her face and Luca quickly tackled him off of her. Carlos helped Luca hold him down and Ana slit his throat. Watching the life drain from his eyes as he was choking on his own blood. When he stopped struggling he dissipated into a black cloud as well.

They continued out of the northern gate and immediately turned east towards the forest which they scouted out before.

“We can hide in the forest and regather there.”

They ran and ran. He never felt his legs weaken or get tired because there was no stamina in this universe and he loved it.

They arrived in the forest and hid between a thicket and a large tree. Amidst the chaos a giant timer in the sky had appeared counting down the 8 hours.

7:32:39.. 7:32:38.. 7:32:7…

“We gotta stay on the move,” Luca said and motioned towards the timer. “Quick! Check your interfaces for your experience and upgrade as you see fit.”

He focused on the flashing icon on his HUD.

Congratulations you have killed 1 player and assisted in another. You gained 600 exp.

Total spendable experience: 900

He scrolled through his interface and saw all the weapons he unlocked. He grabbed a pistol, Glock 19 for 600 exp, and it fell from the sky in front of him. Huh, they must’ve changed the rules for the training round. He quickly equipped it and its holster appeared on his leather belt. Carlos took a spear and some light armor and Ana opted for a med kit.

“Ready?” They nodded. “Let’s move.”

He stood up and scanned his surroundings and listened for movement. When he felt like it was safe, the trio climbed out of the underbrush and started to move. Ana opened her map.

“It looks like Shater is closer to the east and it will likely be the quickest and quietest compared to the city.”

“Yes, I agreed,” Carlos said.

Luca had spent time on studying the map but it was nowhere near as valuable as experience so he followed their lead.

They pushed through the forest and got onto the road. He felt he was moving quicker on it when running and remembered there was a 10% speed increase on any roads. They made good progress until they heard an engine running and quickly gaining on them.

“Quick, in here!” Carlos pointed to an opening in the brush. They dove after him and hid behind trees as the car came closer. Luca unholstered his pistol and cocked it. The car came to a standstill a few meters in front of them.

“I saw them ran in here!” One of the players yelled out.

“Hello? I saw you Luca, it's Turner. We just want to talk.” He remembered Turner and perceived him as a good person and one who would stay true to his word. But, $200 was on the line. And that was a lot right now. Luca peeked at Ana, she just shrugged her shoulders.

I could trust him now, for $200 and maybe gain two friends, or risk going after $1 000 000 as three.

He walked out from behind the tree raising his gun.

“Whoa, Luca, we just want to talk. Let us work together. I’ve been watching you three put in the work with Emile over here. I would like to offer my full support. I can’t do this alone, you can use four extra hands. Let us work together.”

He thought about it for a minute then quickly looked at Carlos who mimicked Ana’s response.

With a sigh he said, “Okay fine. You are right. And I’d rather have you at my back than a stranger.”

“Well, what are you waiting for? I am assuming you three are on your way to Shater, let’s go!”

The car got them there much quicker than by foot, and they quickly saw the village crawl over the horizon. Turner and Emile had spent their points together on the cheap car so they were still stuck with the base knife.

“Turner, you and Emile stay behind us. Carlos you go in front. Protect the medic at all costs.”

They flanked around the village and entered from the side. Luca found a house with four windows, one on all its sides, and decided it would be the safest.

“Let’s bunker down there and ambush whoever comes in. That way we can farm experience and try to survive until the clock comes down.”

With a player station at each window and Ana sitting in the middle, they started talking and discussing how they all ended up there. Most of them came from factory worker backgrounds except Ana who seemed like the rich kid of the group. The only one who is not doomed by the monotony of a factory worker’s life.

“Are you guys friends with anyone else in the academy? Maybe we could try and build a bigger squad.” Carlos asked.

“No, people at the academy aren't really the social and outgoing type.” They all laughed.

Emile held up his arm for silence. He pointed two fingers to his eyes and then pointed out of the window. Three players were sneaking along the forest line that bordered the village.

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