《Love and Let Die (사랑해, 처리해줘)》Chapter 23


- Ji Hoon, do you have plans for Christmas?

Ji Hoon looked surprised, her question was definitely out of the blue.

- No, any suggestions?

- I was thinking... Maybe you, Seong Woo, Ha Neul, Dong Hyun, and I can do something together? I mean, we probably won't be able to book something fancy since we only have a week, but maybe we can go see the tree at least?

- Sure. It's been forever since the last time I celebrated Christmas so I'm in.

- Great! Now I just need to confirm it with others and maybe try and book something! Haaa... It feels nice. You know, I usually spend Christmas alone, or with Ha Neul and Dong Hyun, so having more people around is kind of refreshing.

- I'm glad you feel this way... Oh, what about the presents?

Da In froze.

- Oh noooo! I forgot to buy presents! Ugh, that stupid job took all of my time and energy! Okay, since we came up with this celebration thingy just now, I say we skip the gift part this year? Plus if we gonna spend most of the time outside anyway, carrying the gifts around would be inconvenient.

- Makes sense. Okay, no presents then.

Da In returned home in a very good mood. She texted Seong Woo about the Christmas celebration and he was unexpectedly enthusiastic about it, however, he was definitely upset about the no gifts policy.

"He has probably bought me something already, he never skipped the gifts, I guess that hasn't changed about him. Alright, let's call Ha Neul, I haven't spoken to her in ages."

- Da In, how are you doing?

- I'm fine, I'm finally jobless now.

- Right, today was your last day. How are you feeling?

- Feeling good, no worries. And that's not why I called you. Will you join me for the Christmas celebration this year? Dong Hyun too.

- Oh, Da In, sorry... Dong Hyun and I booked a hotel room for the night, if only you mentioned it earlier.

- That's okay! Seong Woo and Ji Hoon will be with me anyway, so don't worry. What is that noise, are you out somewhere?


- Ah yes, I'm out with my colleagues from work, our manager gave us his card, so we are celebrating early Christmas.

- Sounds like fun! Okay, enjoy your evening, bye!

Ha Neul put her phone into the bag and closed it.

- Who was that?

- My best friend. She asked me about my plans for Christmas.

- Oh. If you want to spend time with your friend, then it's okay, we can move our date to a different time.

- No, it's fine. I made plans with you, so I'm gonna stick to them.

She put her hand on Min Ki's and smiled.

- So, you were telling me about your friend from college.


"Finally, Christmas! I wonder if guys will be here on time."

Right after that thought Da In heard her doorbell ring.

- Wow, I just thought about you guys and here you are! Come on in, I just need to get some things and put my coat on.

- Wait a second! We have something for you.

Seong Woo handed over a paper bag and grinned.

- What is it? I thought we agreed to not prepare gifts?

- Well, it's not really a gift, rather a uniform.

Ji Hoon unzipped his jacket and exposed a Christmas sweater with a very ugly reindeer on it. Seong Woo did the same, showing off exactly the same sweater.

- See? Yours is the same!

They both started laughing like idiots.

- Oh God, I didn't expect you both to be so silly. Alright, I'm gonna put this on then, wait a minute.

When Da In came out of her bedroom, both of her friends started laughing again.

- Da In, you look amazing! Who knew ugly sweaters were your thing!

- Come on, Seong Woo, I used to wear ugly sweaters all the time while growing up.

Somehow, this statement made Da In feel a little insecure.

- Okay, let's go!

The Christmas festival was loud and sparkly. The whole street was decorated with big lights and glitter snowflakes, each stall had a variety of foods and snacks to offer, people were laughing, singing, holding hands, couples were kissing and taking pictures together.


- It brings back memories... Remember, Seong Woo? We came here once, someone even took a polaroid picture of us in front of the Christmas tree. It's a shame, I think I lost it.

- No you didn't, I have it.

Da In looked at him, surprised.

- What? I thought I had it!

- Well, I kinda stole it, heh.

He smiled awkwardly and looked at Ji Hoon. Ji Hoon sighed.

- How about we make a new one then? I'll take it with my phone and both of you will be able to keep it this way.

Da In shook her head.

- No, let's take a picture of the three of us, we came here today together, so we'll do everything together!

They asked a random couple to take their picture, stood in front of the Christmas tree, took their jackets off to showcase their sweaters, and grinned.

- How about we make one decent picture and another one with a stupid face?

- Sounds good!

Da In took her phone from the girl who took their pictures and looked at it.

"Who would have thought it would make me so happy? So many things have happened in the last three months, but I don't regret anything."

She looked at Seong Woo and Ji Hoon who were looking back at her with smiling faces.

"Yeah, no regrets at all."

- Ahhh, I'm getting cold! Let's see if we can find any place to crash.

The three of them were walking away from the festival, looking around at the restaurant windows to see if there was anything available when Da In suddenly froze.

- Huh? What's wrong? Did you see empty seats?

Ji Hoon came closer to her and waved at Seong Woo to join them.

Da In couldn't believe what she saw - it was Ha Neul, in the restaurant, with a man who was not Dong Hyun.

- Da In, are you okay? Did you see someone you know?

- Yeah, it's Ha Neul.

Seong Woo noticed her too and understood why Da In behaved like that.

- She told me she had plans with Dong Hyun, but she's here. And it looks like she's on a date. I need to check something.

She pulled out her phone and called Dong Hyun.

- Hey, Da In! How is everything? Is Ha Neul drunk already?

- What?

- Are you girls having fun? Please don't let Ha Neul drink like the last time, I'm not making her throw up again, haha!

- Uhm... No, I just wanted to call and wish you Merry Christmas...

- Oh, Merry Christmas! Alright, enjoy your girl night, call me if anything!

- Yeah, bye...

"What is happening? She told him she was with me? Okay, let's call her."

- Da In! Merry Christmas! Are you having fun with your boys?

- Ha Neul... Can I talk to Dong Hyun?

- Uhm... He is in the shower now. Is it something urgent?

- No, I just wanted to wish him Merry Christmas...

- Aww, so nice of you. I'll tell him you called.

- Okay, bye then...

Seong Woo and Ji Hoon exchanged glances. They both realized what was happening too.

- Da In, are you okay?

- I don't understand. Why did she lie?

- Maybe it's not what you think? You should ask her tomorrow, I'm sure she'll explain everything.

- Yeah... I guess.

They went ahead but the festive mood was completely gone. No one said anything for at least 15 minutes so they were just wandering around until they found themselves back at the festival.

- I think it's time we go home, I don't think we should stay here any longer unless we wanna freeze to death.

- I agree, let's go.

When Da In got home, it was already past midnight. She forgot all about Christmas, all she wanted to do was to face Ha Neul and ask her what was going on with her.

She stood in front of the mirror and stared at her ugly sweater for a while.

"And just when I thought things were finally getting better... Right, I need to send the pictures to guys."

She took her phone and rounded her eyes.

"Dong Hyun is... here?"

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