《Love and Let Die (사랑해, 처리해줘)》Chapter 21



Da In opened her eyes to Ha Neul's screaming face.

- Will you stop yelling? It's a hospital, for Christ's sake!

Seong Woo threw a judgemental look in Ha Neul's direction and flopped down on the chair next to Da In's bed.

"I can't believe it. They all came."

She was right, all of her friends came to visit her. Ha Neul sat down on her bed and grabbed both of her hands, Dong Hyun was organizing fruits from the fruit basket they brought, Seong Woo was frowning at Ha Neul, and Ji Hoon was just standing awkwardly next to Seong Woo.

- Da In! I was so worried! I couldn't concentrate on my work at all so I just told my manager I felt sick and ordered Dong Hyun to buy you the most expensive fruit basket he could find.

- Gosh, I told you not to worry. Thank you, Dong Hyun, and sorry to inconvenience you.

- It's nothing, I was worried about you too.

Da In looked at Seong Woo's angry face and smiled.

- Hey, I should probably introduce you guys?

- Well, we kinda got acquainted in the hall like 10 minutes ago.

Ha Neul turned around to face Seong Woo and smirked. She then leaned closer to Da In's face and whispered:

- I take my words back. Seong Woo is prettier.

- Geez, Ha Neul, you never change.

They both giggled.

- What are you whispering about? Did she tell you something funny about me?

Da In smiled at Seong Woo.

- Don't be like that. By the way, Seong Woo, thank you for being with me back then and for bringing me here.

Seong Woo suddenly blushed.

- Of course! I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if something happened to you.

Ha Neul laughed and looked at her boyfriend.

- See? If that's not true love, then what is it?


Ji Hoon sighed and started walking towards the door.

- I'll go get some coffee, does anyone need anything?

- Actually... Could you guys give us some time alone? I need to have some girl talk with Da In.

Dong Hyun looked at Ha Neul and then threw a questioning look at Da In.

- It's gonna take a few minutes, I'm sorry.

When the guys left, Ha Neul stared at the door for a bit as if trying to understand whether someone was listening to them.

- Are you really fine now? You gave me quite a scare. Did something happen?

- Ugh, my idiot manager stole my project at work.

- That very same project you worked so hard on? What the hell?! So what's gonna happen now?

- Actually... I'm thinking about leaving.

- Really? Are you sure about this?

- Yeah... That incident was an eye-opener. I have some money in savings and I got a handsome compensation for my overtime, so I should be okay while looking for something new.

- Do you want me to ask Dong Hyun to help you? I'm sure he can secure you something at his company.

- Well, I'm not sure yet. I'll take a couple of weeks to just mull everything over, then I'll probably know.

- Alright. I'm glad you're finally leaving, that job was bleeding you dry. And that manager jerk... I'm gonna knock all of his teeth out if I see him, you just wait!

- Gosh, Ha Neul, you're so energetic. So tell me about YOUR new job, how do you like it?

- Oh, I'm loving it!

Ha Neul smiled and lowered her gaze. She sat quietly for a while before she spoke again.

- Listen, I need you to do me a favor. Remember that album set I got from Min Ki?

- Of course.

- Well, I told Dong Hyun that you gave it to me as a New Year's gift.


- What? Why?

- You know... He can be quite jealous, so I just told him this white lie. If he asks you, can you please PLEASE tell him it was from you? I'm begging you!

Da In looked at her quietly for a while and then let out a tired sigh.

- Alright, I'll confirm it.

- Thanks. You know... I think this Min Ki guy is flirting with me... And I think I am enjoying it.

- Ha Neul?

- I know, I know... But it's just... So new to me. You know, I've been dating Dong Hyun for 6 years already, and everything is just so... dull. This guy makes me feel excited as if I'm still young and full of energy, which I actually am!

- Well, do you like him too?

- I don't know... I think I'm just enjoying the attention.

- Just be careful, okay? I don't want you to regret anything.

- Thanks. You know I love you, right?

- Of course.

Ha Neul hugged Da In tightly and stood up.

- I'm gonna take Dong Hyun and give you and your lovely Seong Woo some quality time. Please eat some fruit, it really was expensive!

- Ugh, just go already!

- Sure, I'll be here tomorrow! Bye!

She disappeared quickly behind the door and the room was once again introduced to silence. Da In examined the fruit basket and grinned.

"Geez, it even has strawberries here. That must have cost him a fortune. Ha Neul... I hope you won't make a terrible mistake."

- Can I come in?

Seong Woo was standing behind the half-opened door holding two paper cups.

- Sure, come in.

- The doctor said you can't have coffee so I scored some herbal tea for you.

- Thanks, you're taking such good care of me. Where is Ji Hoon?

- He got a call from work, he asked me to apologize to you in his stead.

- Oh, it's okay, I can't expect anyone to stick with me all the time.

- Well, you can always count on me, I'll stick with you as long as you need.

Da In was silent for some time, looking at the window and sipping her tea.

- Can you believe it? It's still snowing.

- Yeah... You still like snow that much?

Da In didn't reply.

- Hey. What happened yesterday?

- My project was stolen and I guess I took that hit too hard.

- I'm sorry, it sucks.

- Yeah, it does. I'm gonna leave this job. Will send my resignation letter tomorrow.

- I'm sure you're making the right choice.

- Yeah... Seong Woo, will you stay with me tonight as well?

- Sure, if you want me to. I took some time off work anyway.

- Thank you. You have no idea how much it means to me.

- I have some idea.

Seong Woo smiled and hugged Da In. He kissed the top of her head and brushed his hand over her hair.

That night, despite the doctor's recommendation, Da In didn't get much rest. She spent the whole evening talking to Seong Woo, watching dramas on TV in bed, and cuddling. She didn't want to place labels on the relationship they had, she was okay with whatever it was they were having.

"Right, it's fine. Let's just enjoy the moment here."

When Da In finally fell asleep, it was long past midnight. Seong Woo was holding her close and kissing her head. He looked at the window and sighed.

- Da In... it stopped snowing.

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