《Love and Let Die (사랑해, 처리해줘)》Chapter 9


Da in and Seong Woo were getting ready to head out for breakfast when he noticed something that made him smile.

- Do you still put your shoes on starting with the left one?

- Yeah, you know I would "die" if I put the right one on first. Can't believe I'm still superstitious like that.

"When I think about it again, not a lot of things have actually changed about me... I'm still me, just older and more tired, I guess."

Ji Hoon came to the cafe but did not rush to join his friends right away. He looked through the window and saw Da In sitting there with the menu in her hands.

"That really brings back memories... When was it exactly? Two years ago. I came here, to this very same cafe, I bought Iced Americano and walked out. She walked in and then..."

Ji Hoon was right. He met Da In two years ago by a mere chance. Let us move back in time, almost two years before this day.

Once he bought his coffee and stepped out, he suddenly fainted and fell to the ground. Da In was the first one to come and help him.

- Oh my God, are you okay?! Can you hear me?

The customers started to come outside when they heard Da In scream.

- Someone please call an ambulance!

When she realized that Ji Hoon hit his head and is now bleeding, instead of fainting herself, she actually felt in total control of the situation.

- Can someone bring some cold water and a towel, please?! God, I hope the wound is not deep.

The ambulance arrived quite fast and took both of them to the ER. When Ji Hoon was resting after the medical assistance, Da In had to step out and talk to the doctor.


- Thank you for everything. I’m just a passer-by, I don’t know him or his family but I'll try to see if I can get someone who knows him here. If not, I'll wait until he wakes up.

She came to his bed and sighed loudly.

- Sorry, dude, I’ll have to search you for some aid.

After rummaging for a bit through his backpack and pockets, she took out his phone and put his finger on the screen to try and unblock it.

- Wow, I can't believe it worked! Alright, let's see if we can call somebody for you... Oh, there's a contact called "bro", maybe it's his brother? Looks like he calls him a lot. Okay, let's try it.

- Sup dude, are you on your way already? You're a bit late.

- Uhm, hello, the owner of this phone has collapsed on the street and I brought them to the G hospital. This seems to be his most called contact so I’m letting you know his whereabouts. He is still unconscious but he is fine so if you can please come and deal with the documents, or maybe call his family to do that?

- No, I’ll come, thanks for calling. I’m on my way.

Da In put his phone back in his backpack and zipped it up.

- Alright, mister, I got you covered, your bro is coming for you. I’ll get going then, hope you recover quickly!

Ji Hoon opened his eyes slowly and saw Da In's blurry face. He tried to talk but all he managed to produce was a very quiet "thank you."

- Oh, you’re awake? How are you doing?

- Head is heavy… Who are you?

- My name is Kang Da In, you passed out in front of the cafe, I called an ambulance on you. I called someone from your contacts and he is on his way here so you should be alright.


- ... Thank you.

- Sure. You just rest, I’m gonna go get the doctor.

When she was on her way to tell the doctor that Ji Hoon was awake, she had a phone call and turned around to talk. As she did that, Sung Woo ran past her and disappeared into the patient's room.

- Yeah... Something urgent came up, I'll tell you at the office, sorry again. I'm on my way.

And just like that, the three of them were brought together by unfortunate circumstances and they didn't even know that.

The next day Ji Hoon came back to that very same cafe and the barista greeted him with a happy smile.

- Oh hi, you’re alive! You gave us quite a scare yesterday. Are you okay?

- Yeah, thank you, it was just mere exhaustion. Sorry I've created a commotion.

- Not at all. Good thing Da In was there, she went through the paramedic training once. The way she handled the situation was admirable.

- So that woman’s name is Da in? She introduced herself but I couldn’t remember.

- Yeah, she is a regular here, loves our breakfast menu! If you want to meet her, you should probably come in the morning.

- Ah.. thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.

Ji Hoon did exactly as he was advised. He did come to the cafe in the morning, just before work, and saw Da In having breakfast with another girl. But all he could do back then was just stand in front of the window and watch. Just like he was doing right now, however, this time he confidently opened the door and waved at her with a smile.

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