《Love and Let Die (사랑해, 처리해줘)》Chapter 7


The dinner seemed like a good idea at first, however, once the three of them sat down to eat, the awkward silence was deafening. Seong Woo was the first to attempt to remedy the situation.

- So what's the deal with that stalker moron? Did he bother you before?

- No, it just happened this week all of a sudden, I dunno what's got into him. I haven't heard from him in a while.

Ji Hoon decided to join the conversation as well.

- Sounds like he's lost it or something. He looked kinda insane.

- Well, I know I'm the kind of a woman that you can't just let go, but that was a bit too much.

Da In laughed softy and it seemed to lighten the mood a bit for all of them. Seong Woo smiled in return.

- That's true, though, it IS difficult to just let you go.

Ji Hoon looked away from both of them and sighed.

- Is it okay if I smoke on the balcony?

- Sure, go ahead.

Seong Woo waited for the balcony door to close and then put his hands on Da In's.

- Are you gonna be okay tonight? Want me to stay over?


A sudden suggestion sure did make Da In turn tomato-red.

- Unclench haha! I don’t mean anything funny. But it’s alright, if you’re sure you’re gonna be fine, then I’ll believe you.

Seong Woo stood up and started gathering the trash from the takeout.

- Ji Hoon, let's go! We'll take the trash with us too!

- Uhm... Actually... Can you really stay tonight?

Seong Woo dropped the paper bag out of surprise.

- S-sure, of course.

Ji Hoon walked into the kitchen, ready to set off.

- I'm ready to go.

- Change of plans, I'm staying here for tonight.


- Yeah, I still feel quite uneasy, I don’t think I can be alone tonight.

Ji Hoon looked at Seong Woo who just shrugged his shoulders with a smiling face.

- Okay then, I'm leaving.

- Well, actually... I want both of you to stay.

Both men looked at Da In with shocked expressions on their faces.

"Yeah, that's it. If both of them stay, no one will have false hopes or something. It's better this way."

Or so she thought. Way past midnight, Da In was lying on her bed, still wide awake, no sign of sleep at all.

"Why the hell did I ask both of them to stay? What was I thinking? What are THEY thinking now?"

The living room couch was too small for both Seong Woo and Ji Hoon, thus, they both were struggling with sleeping too. Not being able to hold it anymore, Seong Woo turned to his friend.

- Why didn't you leave, man?

- I don't know, she asked me to stay, why would I refuse?

- Ugh, never mind.

After another hour of struggle, Seong Woo went to the balcony to have a smoke.

- Damn, I can't sleep on that small couch at all. I wonder if Da In is sleeping already.

As if by magic, Da In opened the balcony door and came closer to him.

- Can't sleep?

- Oh hey, sorry, that couch is kinda small for my frame.

- Yeah, sorry about that, I didn’t expect two big dudes to crash on it when I was buying the couch. But I guess Ji Hoon can sleep anywhere.

- He will fall asleep in his own vomit if needed.

- Ugh, why are you so gross sometimes?!

- Haha, sorry. It's kinda cold here, go inside and try to get some sleep.


Da In was about to follow his recommendation when she paused and turned around.

- Look, it’s not like we are complete strangers and we slept together before… So if you want, you can sleep with me, I don’t want you to stay up all night, especially since I was the one who asked you to stay.

- ... Are you sure?

- Yeah... Just this once.

And just like that, once both of them got into the same bed, they fell asleep almost instantly.

A few hours later, Ji Hoon was the first one to wake up. He noticed that Seong Woo was gone, and checked his phone for the time - it was 6:30.

- Where did he go so early?

He went to the kitchen to see if his friend was there. As he walked past Da In's room, he saw that the door was half-open. When he looked inside the room, he saw something, he really did not want to see - Da In and Seong Woo were sleeping together.

"Well, what did you expect? She knows him far longer than you, did you really think you would take his place?"

Ji Hoon dressed up and left the apartment as quickly as he could without waking them up. When he came outside the building, he looked up at Da In's window, lighted the cigarette, and walked away.

Da In woke up when the sun was already high up in the sky. She looked down at the spare pillow where Seong Woo was sleeping.

"God, I forgot how handsome you are when you are sleeping. I must admit, I missed waking up next to you."

- Are you watching me sleep?

Seong Woo opened his eyes and smiled at her.

Da In jumped off the bed and turned away.

- I just woke up! I'm gonna go wash up first!

He let out a soft chuckle and stretched his body on the bed.

- Haaaaaa, her bed is definitely more comfortable than mine.

- Seong Woo! Ji Hoon is gone!

Da In rushed back to the room with her eyes widened in surprise.

- He is probably at the gym, he works out in the morning almost every day.

They both flinched when Da In's phone started ringing at the full blast. She secretly wished it was Ji Hoon, but to her slight disappointment, it was only Ha Neul.

- Hello? Oh really? Is it bad? Do you need me to get you some medicine?... Alright... Yeah, get well.

- What's up?

- It was my friend Ha Neul, we were supposed to have breakfast together but she got sick. I guess it's an oatmeal day for me then.

- Wanna have breakfast together?

- Alright… We should probably call Ji Hoon too, I feel bad he had to leave like that, he probably also saw us in the bed…

- Oh come on, stop with that blushing. I'll send him a message.

Not so far away from Seong Woo and Da In, Ji Hoon has already finished his workout and was changing in the locker room. His phone buzzed with a message notification.

- Breakfast, huh? Fine, whatever.

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