《Demons and Candy》Chapter seven


Candy's POV

I groaned, looking around the room, only to realize it wasn't mine! 'What the?' I thought to myself. "Morning," I hear Bakugo grunts, half asleep.

I jumped, not expecting another voice below me, only to see Bakugo, the memories from last night flooding back, "Morning Bakugo."

He chuckled, "did I scare you?" I sat up and nodded, humming, as I stretched. He chuckles at that and holds me close, probably because he didn't want to let me go.

I groaned, "Come on Bakugo, we have to get up," I say, patting his arms, "We have you school."

"No," he groans, and I sigh.

I fell back onto the bed, halfway on the bed, and halfway on Bakugo, "Come on." I whined out, "Or else we'll be late...we can always cuddle again later," I try to bribe him.

He groans and gets out of the bed, "Fucking fine." He chuckled, standing up.

I looked at Bakugo and realized, "I don't even know your first name."


"Cute name, Ka-su-ki-" I smile, emphasizing each syllable.

He chuckled, and shook his head, "Come on, let's just get ready."

I shook my head and sighed, "I don't have clothes here Kat."

"That's why you gotta go to your room and don't call me Kat"

"But it suits you" I whine, giving him my famous puppy dog eyes.



"Fine," he grumbles, giving in, and I smile in victory.

"See ya downstairs Kat," I called out, before heading out of his room. I quickly went to my room, and got dressed, so Kat didn't have to wait on me, then I zipped down the stairs to the common room.

Noya's POV

I smiled, and opened my eyes to see Shoto already awake, and looking at me, still holding me in his arms.

"Morning" Shoto smiles.

"Damn, I haven't had more than three hours of sleep in a while. It felt good, but at the same time, I'm really tired as well."

He smiled sadly at me, "I'm glad you got a good night's rest, you deserve it." he says, sitting up to stretch.

I smiled as well, "It felt nice."

"Come on, let's get ready." I groan, and nod, standing up. He chuckled, "You gonna wait on me to get ready or...?"

"What do you want me to do?" I ask, not really sure what I should do.

He looks at me, tapping his chin, "I'll change first, then we can head to your room, how's that sound?"

"Ok, sure" I shrug, He went to the bathroom and changed quickly, walking out of the bathroom he looked at me, "ready?"

"Yea, I'm ready." He nods, leading me out of his room, and we head towards my room. We arrived in front of my room.

Shoto leaned on the wall, "I'll wait for you here." I nod, walking into my room, changing into my school uniform, and walking back out in under two minutes. Shoto looked at me and chuckled, "That was fast."

"I've learned to dress fast." He nods, and probably already understood why, I had to learn to dress quickly. We then both head downstairs to the common room.

3rd POV

"Hey Candy!" Noya says, as she enters the common room.

Candy walked over to Kat, and greeted him, "Hello again Kat." He then turned around, hearing his name, and spotting Noya. "Morning Noya!"

"Hey Candy" Katuski greets.


"Morning," Noya smiles.

Candy stared at Noya, realizing something was different until it clicked, "you're glowing!"

"What do you mean?" Noya asks, confused.

"You look more refreshed." Candy explains, then see's Shoto and greets him "hey Sho."

"Oh, I got more than my usual three hours of sleep," Noya explains.

Candy smiled, happy for Noya, "Sho helped you, didn't he?"

Noya blushes and looks away, "so how are you and Bakugo?" She asks, trying to change the subject.

Candy blushed and looked down, "he doesn't want me to say it, but he's a cuddle bug," he giggles.

"I am not a fucking cuddle big!" Bakugo growls, and Noya chuckles.

Candy squeaked, "he heard me!" He shouts, running, and hiding, behind Shoto, and Shoto just shook his head, done with his second cousin's antics.

"Don't worry, Bakugo won't hurt you, he loves you." Noya grins, and Candy turns into a tomato, crumpling on the floor, behind Shoto. Bakugo sighed, and Candy whined at Noya. She smirks, "you can't deny it."

Candy whined again, and Shoto smirked. "He's not even trying to Noya."

"He's whining about it through," Noya points out.

Candy just sighs, "it's too early for this." He whined to no one in particular, as he stood up, and headed to the kitchen.

"When does school start again?" Noya asks.

Shoto looked down at his phone, "in about an hour." Noya nods, and flops down on the couch. He looked at her, "want anything to eat?" She shakes her head, and he sighs, "ok, I understand, but I'm gonna bring you something for later." He says, retreating to the kitchen to get him some breakfast.

Noya nodded, and Candy walked out of the kitchen, holding a mug of hot cocoa, he looked at Noya, "want some?" He asks, sitting down beside her.

"No thanks." Noya says, as Bakugo sits down beside Candy.

Candy's POV

I looked at Noya, then at Sho who was in the kitchen, 'he probably knows what to do' I thought, looking back at Noya. "Do you want me to ask Sho to pack you something for later?" She shakes her head, and I tilt my head, "is he already packing you something?"

"I think so," she replies.

I nodded, and smiled at Noya, "ok, you ready for class?" She nods, and I slip my arm around Kat's waist instinctively. Kat pulls me close to him, and I blush.

Shoto walks over to Noya with a mug, "here, it's tea."

"No thanks," I hear Noya reply.

Shoto looked at her, "it's for you. You don't have to drink it now, but it's for today." He says, bringing the mug closer to her.

She sighs, "fine."

Shoto smiled, ruffling her hair a bit, glancing at his phone, he looks back up at us, "come on, we only have twenty minutes left before school starts." Noya nods and stands up, and Bakugo just tch's as he stands up as well.

I stood up as well, bringing Kat closer to me, "let's go." I grin, and we head towards class.


3rd POV

Noya walked into class, and sat in the very back. Bakugo sat in the middle, close to the window, and Candy sat down beside Noya.

Candy walked in, and looked around, not spotting the teacher, "Ai-sensei isn't here yet."

"Maybe he's running late," Noya suggests.

Candy shrugs, looking at Noya, "I wonder what he has planned for today."


"I hope it doesn't have anything to do with quirks, I'm not ready yet."

Candy nodded, giving her a small smile, "i'm sure he'll help you out."

She shakes her head, "I don't want him knowing."

Candy sighs, "he has to know, he's basically your guardian at this point."

Noya sighs, "I'm just not ready for him to know yet."

Candy sighs, not seeing a way to convince her to tell him, "at least let us help you."

"Fine," Noya sighs, and Candy smiles. He was thankful she was somewhat opening up. Aizawa walked in, sleeping bag in hand, and Bakugo groaned.

"Ok, we have something planned today, we're going camping" Aizawa announces

"Ugh again?" Bakugo asks, slightly annoyed. Shoto just looked passively at the front of the room.

Candy looks at Bakugo curiously "Again?"

"Last time we went camping, it was absolute torture. Bakugo explains, and Candy looks at Bakugo, giggling.

"Camping..." Noya frowns, "how does one camp?"

Candy turns to her, "Noya, camping is where we go out somewhere as a class, and do like a team bonding thing."

"Oh...so just sounds like a lot of anxiety waiting to happen," she groans.

Candy chuckled, "don't worry, we're all gonna be their to help you, I'm sure the girls will as well."

Aizawa groans, "First of all language, second, we leave later today." He sighs, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

Shoto nods, raising his hand. "Are we required to bring anything special?"

"No," he says, and Shoto nods, bringing his hand down.

Candy was bouncing in his seat, "I'm excited!"

"What do we do until we leave?" Noya asks.

Aizawa shrugged, "you lot can go back to the dorms to pack, then your free until 16:00."

"Four pm huh?" Candy mutters. Noya nods, and Candy raises his hand. "How long are we staying there?"

"Three days, we come back Saturday night." He replies.

"But we have plans on Saturday," Bakugo complains.

Candy nodded sadly, "guess we have to change our plans huh?" Shoto nods sadly in agreement.

"So we have to redo the plan that includes eight people?" Noya asks, groaning.

Bakugo looks at Candy, "Come on, let's go pack."

Aizawa opened his sleeping bag, "That's all, you're free to go." He says, slipping into his sleeping bag.

Bakugo's POV

I stand up and drag Candy out of the room. "H-huh?" Candy stumbled, "Wher-where are you taking me Kat?"

"To pack, idiot."

"But we have all day," he whines.

I sigh, "We pack, then we can do other stuff."

He sighs, and shakes his head again, "Ok."

I look at him, "So are you really excited to go camping?"

Candy hums, looking at me, "Maybe" I grin.

I chuckle, "Bad idea, stuff always happens on these trips."

He shrugs, "Don't jinx us now Kat!" He says, letting go of my hand, and wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"I'm not, I'm just stating facts," I shrug. Candy sighed, and gave me a small nod. I just sigh as we walk. We get to the dorms and I head to my room to pack, while Candy heads to his room to pack.

Shoto's POV

I shook my head at Bakugo, and walked up to Noya, "Wanna go somewhere?"

"Up to you," she shrugs.

I hum, "wanna pack, then go to the park?"

"Sure," she says, standing up. I grabbed her hand, and headed out of the classroom with her. She smiled as we walked, and I looked at her.

"You have a pretty smile."

"Oh, t-thanks," she blushes.

I smiled wider, admiring her for a bit, "Yeah, pretty all right."

She blushed even redder, "T-thanks."

I grin, pulling her closer, "Come on, we better pack up if we want to go to the park." She nods and smiles, leaning her head on my shoulder. We get to the dorms, and I go to my room, as Noya goes to her room to pack.


Candy's POV

I went to Kat's room, and landed on his bed. "What do you wanna do now?"

"Not sure," Kat shrugs. I just hummed, and looked around the room, starting to get bored. "We could cuddle some more, or go somewhere."

I looked up at him, "Where you do wanna go?"

"Uh, wanna go eat?"

I hummed, "What did you have in mind?"


I blinked, "What type of food, Kat?"

"Oh, uh...raman?"

"You cooking?" I ask, standing up beside him.

"Sure, I don't mind cooking," he shrugs.

I nodded, grabbing his hand, "To the kitchen!" Kat chuckles, as we head to the kitchen. Once we arrived in the kitchen, I hopped onto a bar stool, looking across to Kat, who was on the other side of the counter. I watched Kat, as he started to cook. I watched amazed as his skills in the kitchen, "wife material." I muttered out by accident.

"Shut up!" He barks, and I giggle.

"Why're you shouting?" I asked, with fake innocence.

"I'm not wife material," he mutters.

I snorted, "yeah sure." I grinned, "I bet it'll taste amazing."

"Shut up," he mutters, again. I giggled, and Kat handed me a bowl, "here."

I looked at the food, "looks delish!" I smiled, grabbing a pair of chopsticks, and started to eat. "Thanks for the food."

"Uh huh," Kat says, as he also begins to eat.

The moment the food touched my taste buds, I couldn't contain the moan of satisfaction that escaped my mouth. I turned to Kat, after swallowing the food, I gave him a big smile. "This is really good Katsuki, have you ever thought of opening a restaurant?"

"No, I wanna be a pro hero."

I nodded, understanding where he was coming from. "But don't you think it's also a good side job?" I asked. "I mean Hawks is also working as a model, while he's a pro hero." I said, eating another mouthful of raman.

He shakes his head, "nah."

"Understable," I said, continuing to eat. I looked up at him, "wanna cuddle until we have to leave?" I ask, and he nods. I nodded, taking both of our bowls, and taking them to the sink. "I'll see you in your room, I just gotta wash these." He nods, walking out of the room. I headed to Kat's room, knocking on the door. "Can I come in?"

"Yea," he answers, and I open the door, walking inside. I stopped dead in my tracks and blinked, "is that my hoodie?" I ask, looking him up and down, noting how he was drowning in it.

"No..." he says, but I can tell he's lying.

I walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his waist. "Uh huh, Kat you're drowning in it" I point out, leaning down a bit, so that we're face to face.

"Get the fuck over it!" He says, pulling me down onto the bed with him.

I giggled, burying my face in his hair once more. "You can have it." I mumble, since my face was in his hair.

"You weren't getting it back anyways," he grumbles, and I laughed, bringing him closer.

Bakugo's POV

I hold Candy in my arms, as he falls asleep. I look at him, playing with his hair, I mumble to myself, "Candy, just what are you doing to me?"

Noya's POV

Shoto picked up my bag, placing it beside his. "Is that all?"

"Yeah, I'm ready."

He smiles, bringing out his hand to me, "let's go?" I smile, and take his hand, following him out. We walked down to the common room, and Shoto grabbed the thermostat with tea in it. He looks at me, grinning, "just in case." I just sigh and nod. We then walked out of the dorms, heading to the park. Once we arrived at the park, I saw a bunch of food, games, and stuff being sold, it was really crowded as well.

"What's all that?" I ask, curiously, as I turn to Sho.

"That's a fair."

"What's a fair?"

Shoto gripped my hand tighter, slowly walking towards the fair. "It's kinda like an outside mall, where families come by to look at hand made items, or food, and they usually last until the night before they close," he explains.

"Oh...ok" I mutter.

Shoto looks down at me, "if you feel uncomfortable, please tell me, and we'll go somewhere else." I just nod, even though I didn't plan on telling him if I wanted to go somewhere else. As we got closer to the fair, Sho looked around, and I guess he saw something, because he pulled me towards a booth, looking at the items. He slowly guided me to the necklace and I giggled, when he pointed at it. "That would look good on you Noya." He says, pointing to a simple pluto shaped necklace.

"You think so?" I ask, looking at the necklace. He nods, pulling me closer.

"How much for the pluto shaped necklace?" He asks, the seller.

"Ten dollars" the seller responds.

Shoto nodded and pulled out his wallet, taking out ten dollars and handing it to the man, "I'll take it."

The man smiles and nods, taking the money, and handing the necklace to Shoto, "here ya go." Shoto then smiles, and leads me out of the fair, and towards a small bench by the lake.

We sat down, and Shoto took the necklace out of the box, wrapping his arms around her neck, clasping the necklace together, before fixing her hair, "there we go." He smiles, sitting up straight again. He smiled, leaning back a bit, resting his arm behind me. "This is nice."

"Yea it is."

Shoto's POV

I was staring at Noya, admiring the way the sun hit her face, when she looked up at me. "Thank you, for everything."

I broke out of my trance, "you don't have to thank me for anything."

"Yea I do. You've done so much and I've done nothing except hurt you" I look down.

I shook my head, "You didn't know better and that natural, you were just putting up your guard cause you were scared, I'm just glad you let me in Noya" I said as, just as a chilly breeze blew through.

She sighed, "maybe you're right."

"Come on, let's go back to the dorms, and cuddle for a bit yeah?" I proposed.

"Yea, sure" she smiles.

I glanced at my watch, an idea forming in my mind, "can we go somewhere else first? I want you to meet someone."

"Uh yea, sure" she says, closing her eyes, and taking deep breaths.

I rubbed her arm, "don't worry, she'll love you." I wanted her to meet my mom, so we were on our way to the hospital. I held her hand, and looked at her, "we're here."

Her smile instantly fades as she sees the building, and I frown, "O-oh ok."

I look down at her worriedly, "are you ok?"


I hesitated, since I wasn't sure if she was telling the truth, but nodded, deciding to trust her, "If you feel scared, just grab onto my arm."

She nodded, "thanks."

We walk into the hospital, and I go over to the receptionist, "we're here to see Todorokie Rei."

The receptionist nods, "room 203." I nod, and pull Noya towards the elevator, as she saw her eyes widening. "Noya? What's wrong?"

"I-I'm fine." She lies, but this doesn't convince me.

"You can tell me what's wrong."

"I-I just have bad memories of hospitals, trust me I'm fine, lets just go see that person."

I nod, squeezing her hand a bit, before knocking on my mother's door, "mom?" I ask, as I peek into the room.

She turns around and smiles, "Shoto."

Noya held onto my arm tightly, as I walked into the room. "Hello mom, I want to meet someone special to me, this is Noya." I say, pushing her forward a bit.

"H-hi Mrs. T-todorokie" She says, quietly.

Mom smiled, "what a beautiful girl Shoto." She says, bringing her hand out for Noya to take. "Come, sit with me," she pats the empty chair beside her, and I blush when she mentions Noya's beauty. Noya dragged me with her, and my mom's eyes sparkled, probably because I blushed. I sit down to the left of Noya, holding her hand tightly.

Noya's POV

I sat down, trying to control my breathing, and Sho's mom looked at me. "So tell me, how did you guys meet?" She asks, her voice very gentle. Shoto squeezed my hand, reminding me to take deep breaths.

"U-uh I just transferred to his class at U.A. And I'm friends with his cousin."

Her eyes lit up, "you saw Candy?" She asks, and Sho nodded.

"Yea, he also transferred to our class."

She smiled, looking at both of us, "how is he now?"

"He's six feet tall," Sho tells her.

She laughed, "damn he grew." I stayed quiet and let them talk, and Rei looked at me "you look troubled dear."

"I-I'm fine," I lie, as I grip onto Shoto's arm tighter.

Rei smiles, a pained one at that, "If I learned one thing marrying the number two hero, I know when someone lies or not" she sighs, squeezing my hand a bit, "You don't have to tell me anything."

I nod and look down "s-sorry for lying, I won't do it again" i look down and automatically out of instinct scoot away flinching a bit.

Rei patted her hand gently, "It's ok, now how about some baby stories of Shoto?" She pulled her hand off, seeing how I flinched.

I chuckled, "sure."

Shoto blushed, "Mother!" He whispered-shout, and I chuckled again.

Rei chuckles, readying herself to tell me a story, "Hmmm I remember one time when Enji and I were out, Fuyumi was in charge of feeding her brothers, but when we came home, Shoto and Touya were caked in oil from the bacons and eggs, it was so funny" Rei giggles as Shoto got redder.

"Mother, please don't," he whines out.

I chuckle "sounds like they had fun."

Rei nodded, "Oh you had no idea" she smiles at them, "So how's UA so far? Any trips? Or events?"

"We have a camping trip tonight."

Rei looked worried all of a sudden, "Again?"

"What do you mean again?" I ask.

Rei sighed, "Last year when they had a training camp, villains attacked the camp site, and successfully kidnapped one of the students." She explains before gripping both mine and Shoto's hands, "Promise me that you'll look after each other?"

I freeze "Which villians?" I ask.

Rei shook her head, "No one told me who they were, I was just informed that they were able to save the kidnapped student after a day I think" Rei thought tapping her chin lightly.

I look at shoto "which villains was it?"

Shoto looked at her, hesitant, clear in his eyes, "The League." I'm guessing she sensed the atmosphere, because she tried to dispel it.

"Not now," she says, softly.

My breathing quickens "you don't think it'll happen again do you?" I ask tears in my eyes, and they both shake their heads. I nod but my breathing was still really fast.

"Don't worry Noya-san, I'm sure UA won't let that happen again." She said, giving me a smile.

I grab shoto's arm "if they do, and THEY come with, i'm so screwed, their searching for me still" I mutter.

Shoto held the small of my back, glancing at his watch, he stood up "Let's go Noya, we'll continue this outside ok?" He looks at his mom, "we'll be going now."

"Im s-sorry, I didn't mean to ruin this."

He shakes his head, "you didn't, now come on, say goodbye."

Rei waved softly to them, she smiles, "Stay safe you two, and have fun!" Her smile grew a tad bit bigger.

I nod and follow shoto out "bye mrs. Todorokie."

Once outside and away from the door of Rei, Shoto grabbed onto my shoulders, "Listen to me Noya, if you said that they don't know you're here, then they don't know, plus they wouldn't have been able to get in the school anymore with last year's incident." He held my face tenderly, "Don't worry, if they do come for us, we'll give them a hard time, Candy, Bakugo, Mina, and I even the rest of the class, we will be there to help and protect you, ok?" Shoto said, pushing some of my hair behind my ear.

"Do you really think everything will be ok while we're camping?" I ask tears falling down my face.

Shoto nodded, using his thumb to wipe the tears away, "We'll be fine, you'll be fine" he said, pecking your forehead.

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry."

Shoto shook his head, "Don't say sorry, you have nothing to say sorry about" He whispers, pecking my forehead once more

"I ruined everything."

Shoto shook his head, "You didn't ruin anything"

"I ruinied the visit with your mother because of my stupid fears."

He lifts up my face, "Hey, nothing is stupid, you have the right to be afraid, but you also have the right to know the truth, I don't want to shelter you from anything that happened in last year, that's why I told you, I knew you were gonna be afraid, and that's ok, do you know why?" He asked, wiping the remaining tears, "Because they have tormented you nearly your whole life, and I will do everything in my power to protect you" he promised, pecking my forehead once more.

My eyes widen as I realize something "the league knows who I am.....if your mom is right and they attack us at camp.....they know who I am" I whisper shaking.

Shoto looks at me, "We can't do anything with that can?" He muttered to himself, "So please, we have to tell Aizawa-sensei" he pleaded, "So that he can up the security at the camp"

I sigh and look down "do you think i'll get kicked out since my parents are associated with them and i've been associated with them before?"

Shoto shook his head, "They won't do anything of that but put you under watching" he said, pulling me into a hug, nuzzling his nose on the crook of my neck.

"Alright...will you at least help me tell him?"

Shoto nodded, "sure."


Shoto smiles, "No problem, I'm glad to help" he let's go of one of his arms around you, but keeps the other locked in place, "Let's head back?"

I nodded, "alright."

3rd POV

And with that Shoto and Noya walked back to their dorms, still in each other's holds.


Aizawa-sensei walked into the common room with Shoto and Noya behind him, and Bakugo had an arm around Candy. "Alright class, currently it's 3:30 pm, the bus will arrive in 5 minutes, so go get your stuff." Candy was still half asleep, and had most of his weight on Bakugo. Shoto nodded, pulling Noya into his room.

Candy nodded, dragging Kat to his room, he turned to Noya, "see ya on the bus?" She nodded and smiled.

TodoNoya and BakuCan went up to their rooms, collecting their baggage and going down to the common room once more, facing Ai-sensei.

Ai-sensei nodded, seeing that everyone was there, "Good, let's go out, the bus will be here any minute now" and he walked out.

Stepping on the bus, Candy ran to the back, claiming the four seats that connected. Shoto took the window seat, Noya sat beside him, and Bakugo sat beside Candy.

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