《Demons and Candy》Chapter three


Noya's POV

"I'm not even allowed to have friends, I'm actually not even supposed to be here..." I mutter and my eyes widen as I realize I had said too much. Todorokie looks at me, his eyes bigger than normal.

"What...what do you mean?" He asks.

"N-nothing, please forget I said anything" I plead as I look at him with a scared look on my face.

He looked reluctant but nodded his head hesitantly "but please do Candy and I a favor"

I sighed in relief and looked at him "what is it?"

"Promise us, that if you end up being able to trust us, that you'll tell us" he says looking me straight in the eyes.

"Y'all really wanna know?" I ask quietly, since I knew telling someone might help me.

Todoroki nodded "we wanna help, even if it's small"

"Fine, go get Candy" I sigh.

Todorokie nodded and stood up, walking over to Candy. "Candy, Noya is calling for us" I hear him say as I watch Candy follow him back.

"Hey..." Candy says hesitantly, "I'm sorry"

"Hey..." I said looking at them, "don't be sorry, it's ok"

"I'm such an idiot, I shouldn't of done that" he says, ignoring me.

"Just shut up and sit down" I say getting a little pissed off.

"I should of took the hint, but I didn't and ok" he says sitting on the ground in front of Todorokie and I.

"If y'all promise not to be scared of me, hate me, or tell anyone anyone...I'll tell the truth." Candy and Todorokie nodded in agreement. I take a deep breath "my parents are villains and are apart of the League of Villains. They keep 'training' me to be a villian, but I refuse to become a villian." I explain while putting air quotes around training. "They train me so hard I have scars from them, I get about three hours of sleep at night, and I only get a little bit of rice to eat, but since I already don't eat a lot, I barely eat the rice they give me." I start shaking slightly "they don't know I'm here, they think I'm at a school for villian, but I secretly came here to become a hero. I have two quirks, and one of them I will never use unless it's too kill my parent. The other one is villainous just like the first one, so I don't use it around people for fear of what they might say. With my second quirk I turn into a demon" I finish as I start shaking more.

Todoroki and Candy looks at each other equally shocked, and Candy opened his mouth "ok, I have three things to say." I look at him, waiting for him to continue. "One, your parents are shit, excuse my language, two that's a really brave thing to do, and if they ever come and get you I'll be there to save you, and I'm sure the class will be too. Three, cool quirks" he says counting off his list on his fingers and grinning at me. "I hope one day in the future, I'll get to see your quirks in action."

"I hate my parents, and I don't plan on using my quirks. If someone if saw it they'll just say I'm a villian like always. Also, I might get kicked out of U.A. for being a demon when I use a quirk. That's actually why my eyes went black earlier, I almost accidently activated my quirk."


Todorokie interjected "I think their cool, and your quirk doesn't define who you are, it's how you use them, that'll define who you are" he says, emphising the last who and looking at me.

"I'm scared through, what if I get expelled?"

"I don't think you will" I grinned "We are here to train our quirks to become a hero, I doubt they'll kick us out because of our quirks." Candy says.

"You never know...and they can't find out my parent are apart of the League of Villain's, they will expel me for that for sure, so please promise me you won't tell anyone" I plead.

I'm sure they won't, but they'll probably put you under protection," Candy says waving his hands around. "I do think we should tell Aizawa-sensei through" he says than shouts "Aizawa-sensei"

My eyes widen "No you can't" I say waving my hands around frantically.

"Noya, we at least need to tell a teacher, if something happens to you we can't back you up." Candy says.

"It's better to tell them while the league hasn't done done anything yet" Todorokie adds.

"I'm scared through" I mutter.

"What is it?" Aizawa-sensei asks from behind us.

Candy turns around "sensei how long have you been there?"

"I just got here" he says. Candy looks at Todorokie and I giving us a look that screams 'what now?'

I sigh and look away "it's too late now, I guess do whatever y'all want" I say, my voice breaking as I was really scared.

"What's going on?" Aizawa-sensei asks.

"Noya, I think you should be the one to explain" Candy says.

Todorokie has got up and walked over to Aizawa-sensei, "sensei we have to inform you about something concerning Noya"

"F-fine" I turn to our teacher and told him everything I had told Candy and Todorokie while shaking like crazy and crying. I felt Candy put a hand on my shoulder as they look at Aizawa-sensei's face.

"Sensei?" I heard Todorokie whisper as Candy's grip on my shoulder tightened.

"Well Yuu, why don't you come live with me and my husband, son, and daughter" Aizawa-sensei suggests. Candy, Todorokie, and I stared at him wide eyed.

"Noya...?" I heard Candy say.

"My parents will find me and kill me if I don't go home"

"I don't think they'll find you that fast" Aizawa-sensei says while glancing at his phone.


"I'll have to inform Nezu about this through, can you come with me for now?" He asks than turns to Candy and Todorokie "both of you are in charge, be sure to watch the class"

"Yes sensei" Candy and Todorokie said in unison.

"Let's go problem child" Aizawa-sensei says to me as he heads towards principle Nezu's office. I nodded and followed him out. My legs were shaking as I followed.


3rd person POV

Class 2-A was now back in class and some of the class noticed that one of their new class mates were missing. "Where's Noya?" some of the class mutters. Moments later Noya walked into class and sat down in the back of the class while shaking.

Candy turned around and spotted Noya, "Noya!" he whisper-shouted.

"Yea?" Noya asks looking up.

"How'd it go?" He asks.

"It went fine" Noya mutters.

Candy nodded "did they say anything about your stay with Aizawa-sensei?" He asks tilting his head to the side.


"They thought it was a good idea"

"That's good" Candy grins.

"Hey what are you extra's whispering about?" Bakugo asks, looking over at us.

"Huh?" Candy turned around to face him "hello there Mr. Porcupine, and we weren't talking about anything" Candy says looking at Noya and winking at her.

"I'm not a fucking Porcupine" Bakugo shouts.

"He's right, he's a pomerium" Noya says to Candy.

"Well what am I supposed to call you Mr. Porcupine, you never told me your name," Candy says giving a cheeky grin, than laughing at Noya's comment.

"Bakugo growls, "it's Bakugo Katsuki idiot"

Candy looked back at him and stood up effectively towering above him. "Well nice to finally meet you Baku," he grins at him and spots Todorokie waving him over. "Hey Sho"

Bakugo growls "what's half n half doing over here?"

"Oh him? He's my second cousin silly" Candy says poking Bakugo on the cheek. Bakugo slaps Candy's hand away with a very slight blush.

Candy pointed at his hand "meanie" he says, giving his famous pouting face.

"Shut up extra!" Bakugo shouts.

"Sure Baku" Candy grins, and turns towards Noya to see her chatting with Todorokie.

Todorokie looked at Noya "Hello again Noya."

"Hey Todorokie" Noya said, with a small smile.

"How are you?" Todorkie asks, walking towards her.

"I'm good...for one" Noya responds, but mutters the last part.

"That's nice to know" Todorokie nods.

"Hey don't ignore me!" Bakugo shouts, at candy.

"But you told me to shut up Mr. Porcupine" I sassed back. Bakugo just looks at candy and tch's. Candy gave Bakugo a curious look, tilting his head subconsciously. Bakugo just rolls his eyes. Candy gave him an offended look "did you just roll your eyes at me Mr. Porcupine?" He asks, with a small smile on his lips.

"It doesn't matter extra, just-just sit at my table at lunch" Bakugo mutters.

Todorokie looks at Noya "wanna sit with us for lunch?" Noya nods, with a small smile on her face.

Candy look dumbfounded and looked at Noya and Todorokie too see them chatting, so he went over to them. "Did you just see that?"

"See what?" Noya asks, clearly confused.

"He-I-" I stuttered for once completely speechless.

"Candy, you ok?" Todorokie asks. Seeing as Candy can't reply, he just covered his face with his hands.

"What's wrong?" Noya asks.

"Someone has a crush" Mina sings from behind Candy. Candy just sighed, not realizing his cheeks were turning bright red.

"H-huh?" Candy asks.

"You have a crush on Bakugo, don't you?" Mina asks, smirking.

"No I-I don't" Candy stutters.

"Yes you do" she says, and Candy just shook his head. "Yep!" Todorkie was chuckling at Candy's misery, and Candy continued to deny the fact that he had a crush on Bakugo, while his cheeks continued to get red. "Deny it all you want, but we all know the truth."

"I don't have a crush on Mr. Porcupine, pinky" Candy mutters, fiddling with his fingers.

"Yes you do!" She squeals.

Candy shook his head, and looked at Noya "Noya!" He whisper-shouts. He gives her a pleading look.

"I'm sorry, but I agree with her" Noya grins.

"Noya..." Candy gave her a sad, betrayed look.

She chuckles "sorry Candy." Candy than turned to Todorokie.

"Uh, I agree with Noya and Mina" Todorkie says. Candy's jaw just drops, as he stares in disbelief, and Todorkie just chuckled.

"I feel so betrayed right now" Candy says, dramatically placing a hand on his chest.

"Who here thinks Candy has a crush on Bakugo, raise your hand!" Mina shouts.

Candy's POV

"Mina!" I shout. Everyone in the class but Bakugo raised their hands, even Mr. Aizawa. My eyes widen "even you sensei?" Aizawa just nods his head.

I just looked down, hands covering his now very red cheeks. "Look" Todorokie says, "his cheeks are red" Hearing this, I crumpled to the floor.

"Oi! Don't fucking make fun of him half n half" Bakugo growls, "You've already embarrassed him enough"

Hearing his voice, I wanted the floor to eat me. "Noyyyyyaaaaa" I whined at her, looking up to give her puppy eyes.

"What?" I hear Noya ask. I saw Mina silently squealing, probably because of what Bakugo said to me.

"Help meeee" I whined again, and I felt the blush going halfway down my neck.

"Nope, Bakugo can help you" she says, pushing me onto Bakugo. Bakugo blushed and caught me.

"Noya!" I exclaim, gaining my balance back, my blush worsening. She chuckled, and I smirked as I thought of something. "Don't pretend you weren't eyeing Sho a while ago during the quirk test."

Noya chokes on air and blushes "I have no idea what your talking about."

"Don't you dare!" I exclaimed, not realizing I was still in Bakugo's hold. "I saw you eyeing him, and I told him about you, and I gotta say your eyes sparkled."

"All I asked was who he was, that doesn't mean I like him."

"The blush says otherwise" I countered, looking at Sho to see a pink hue on his cheeks. I than glanced at Mina, a smirk forming on my lips.

"I think your delusional, I don't like him, and I doubt I ever will."

"You can't hide it from me sweet cheeks, I saw it with my own two eyes."

"Hey Mina!" I shout.

"Yes?" She asks.

"Look,'' I say, pointing at Sho. Mina looked at shoto and grinned, and I saw Shoto gulp.

"I don't like him, he's so emotionless and monotone" Noya hisses, and it didn't look like she realized what she was saying. I finally realize I was in Bakugo's hold, I decided to do a little test and take a small step forward to see if he would let me go, but he didn't he held me tightly. I blushed, and looked at Sho who looked offended.

"You gonna let me go?" I ask, Bakugo.

"No," he grumbles.

I blushed harder "are you ok with this through?"

Noya's POV

"You...you didn't mean that right?" Todorokie asks, the pink gone from his cheeks.

I blinked and looked at him, "didn't mean what?"

"That I was emotionless and monotone" Todorokie says, looking me in the eyes.

"yes, I meant it." I said, while shaking my head no, hoping he took the hint. Shoto looked hurt, he took a small step back and walked off. Knowing he didn't take the hint, I just looked down at the ground and sighed.

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