《The Book of The Gods》Chapter 20: The End


"Oh she was at the school at this hour? I'm very sorry for the trouble. " Ms. Campbell said. "It's okay, I'm just glad she's okay." Mrs. Apate said kindly. I tugged her hand, I didn't want her to leave. "See you soon, okay?" She smiled at me as she walked away. "So you did it again you little brat!" Ms. Campbell threw me inside. "No food until lunchtime! Go to bed!" She yelled. I hurried into the girls room. I wished this wasn't real. The next morning Carl took me to the psychiatrist. "There's something wrong with you." He said under his breath. I squeezed my fingers together.

"Onera, wake up." I heard in my mind.

>>Present time.

"Onera, you've been running away from the orphanage." She says "Tom told me that you snuck into the grocery store last year." She continues. "No, I was with mommy." I smile. She looks down into her notebook. "I heard a little girl laughing loudly. She said 'I love you too mommy' but when I looked into the aisle the little girl was there alone." She looks up at me with pity. "Onera, your mommy is gone ok?" She says quietly, touching my hand. "Mommy?" I ask. "She died when you were in the hospital, remember?"

I sat on the chair next to her bed. I listened to her soft, frail voice next to me. I hadn't seen her in weeks, and I struggled to understand what she was saying.

"Onera. Come over here." She whispered. I go toward her and listen carefully.

She turns to me in a face of nothing but brokenness and despair. I heard her last words loud and clear, "I wish you were never born!" She said, followed by the sound of a long unceasing beep ringing and echoing throughout the room. The doctor and nurses rushed in and took me out of the room. After a few moments the ringing stops. "I'm terribly sorry but she didn't make it." They said, as I stood incredulous. Her last words stayed in my heart forever, along with the regret of never saying goodbye.


"Yeah I remember." I begin crying.

"You were at the school last night as well." She continues unfazed. "Yeah daddy was-" I mutter "Onera your father is dead." She said loudly. "No!" I cry. He died in war before you were born!" She continued. "No!" I screamed. "What is your name Onera!?" She asks with a yell. "Cleopatra Jasmine Onera Xander!" I scream. She stands up in frustration. "You are Onera Xander! Both your mother and father are dead, that's why you live in an orphanage!" She continues. I curl up in a ball and cry on the seat.

"Onera? It's ok, I'm here for you to cry, ok?" She says kindly. "Why were you yelling?" I cry. "Yelling? I wasn't yelling." She says in confusion. I look up at her and then Carl in the back of the room. Carl shakes his head. "You've been through alot. Why don't you stay in the hospital for a day where we can monitor your condition?" She asks kindly. "I'll take her to pack her bags." Carl says.

When I arrive at the orphanage, Ms. Campbell dresses me up in the best clothes. The yellow dress was beautiful and frizzy. I look like a flower and the perfume makes me smell like one too. Then she puts a special necklace on my neck. "This was from your mother." She whispers to me. While eating lunch I was so hungry that the food tasted like it was from heaven. I squeeze my fingers together under the table. When they open the car door to take me back to the mental hospital I run away. I hide behind Jerald's Candy store as I cry. "Isabel's really dead? And so is mommy and daddy. Why is everyone so mean to me? I guess I really am a burden." I say to myself. "You should go back." Sapphire says, stooping to comfort me. "You're not real." I whisper. "Of course I am mistress. Are you afraid?" She asks kindly. I stand up and dust off my dress. I begin walking and get caught up in a daydream of flowers and birds. As I waltz into the woods a feeling of unease drafts over me.


"Don't be scared, daddy is here to protect you. " Daddy says as he holds my hand. "I've found you!" Hades whispers and the scenery suddenly changes to the back of an alleyway. I look up at his tall dark figure. "You've been too much trouble you little brat!" He says in a dark captivating voice. "Leave her alone!" Daddy steps in front of me. He laughs and walks straight through him like a ghost. As he gets closer I look at his hand, it is as sharp as a sword. I start running away as fast as I can. Moments later he grabs my shoulder and turns me around. In an instant he drives his hand through my chest. "That should put an end to you." He whispers. I look down at my yellow dress and the gaping wound. The blood slowly turns my dress black and I fall backwards as I lose all my strength. The dirty water splashes as I fall into it. I feel no pain for the first minute. I am just covered in blood, sweat and water. Then I feel my stomach turning inside out as the pain begins. I start screaming and crying profusely, as the blood drains from me.

"Your time has come." Chance says as she descends upon me. "You can now become a God." She continues. "The Xander family made a bet with me concerning the birth of their queen" She states. "Since both your mother and father are siblings it was highly unlikely that you would survive to be 8 years old." She giggles. "So we gambled with a few human lives and came to the conclusion that when you die you would have the opportunity to switch places with me." She says, "Cleopatra Jasmine Onera Xander, do you wish to keep your human life or become a God?" She asks. "I don't wanna die." I cry. "Well you need to die to take my place." She says, "Do you wish to remain human?" She asks… I lay down in the bloody water and think to myself. "I want to stay alive." I whisper.

I wake up in a hospital bed with a doctor standing over me. He is holding my diary. "The book of the gods, quite the imagination." He smiles. "That is my life." I struggle to speak. "I wish it were all real. I wish it wasn't just the bad parts." I whisper as a tear drops from my eye.

"Onera Xander suffers from serious mental health disorders. She's been through a lot." The psychiatrist says to the doctor. "Everything will be ok now." She smiles as she gently rests her hand on mine.

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