《The Book of The Gods》Chapter 14: Mature



There is a girl you have heard of in this story before. She is quite a beautiful young lady, and she always smiles with her friends, even when she's sad. This second grader is very responsible. She goes home by taking the bus every day, all alone. And every day she gets home she does the chores, makes a meal and does her homework all by herself. She uses her smartphone to watch videos so she can understand what to do.

Her father is unknown, and she almost lives alone if not for her mother. Even so, her mother is never home at night. So, she tucks herself in. She sleeps alone in an apartment. The fridge would always be filled with beer and snacks. Her mother wouldn't even leave groceries for her. No cereal, milk, bread or rice. Without anything to eat she often goes next door with a bright smile. "May I have two cups of rice please? Mommy forgot to buy." She asks, every day, a different door.

She makes all of her meals, and carries lunch to school in a tiny pink panda bowl. She dresses up and goes to school, making sure to look her best. The few times she sees her mother, it's never in a good way. She changed after she walked in on her with some guy. She never felt the same since that day.

She knew that her mother did a dirty job. The first grade teachers always said it's wrong to show yourself to others… Especially boys. Her mother did it, and she was paid for it.

Despite the challenges she refused to give up. Overtime she just got used to it. She would see her mother sleeping naked on the floor with a black eye and a bottle of beer in her hand and nonchalantly go about her day. Her mother never spoke to her. Her face was forever concreted with a stare. She always talks to herself when she's drunk. Never smiling.


The one time she did talk to her was with a scream. She had taken one hundred dollars from her mother’s drawer to buy groceries. When her mother found out she called her a dirty thief. She screamed at the top of her lungs that she wished her daughter was never born. No need for bad words, after that she stopped listening. Her tears never fell, they soaked into her heart.

She always fantasized of having a father. Daddy daughter time, she would dream and envy the girls in the shows. Just like she would look at delicious food in surrow. All she could eat was rice and an occasional can of beans. She always wanted to make meals but never had the money.

She never told anyone about how she was living because she was comfortable. She knew that life could be better, but never wanted to complain. She keeps a smile for everyone to see. "Adults don't complain about their life."


"Good morning class I would like to introduce our new student." Mrs. Apate said standing in the front of the class. "Diana Lockingham." She said, as Diana gracefully entered the classroom. "It's a pleasure to meet you all." She said with a British accent. Then she walked over and sat in a seat next to Isabella. I scoffed "Another pretty girl." She turned back toward me. Then she smiled and waved. At break time she came over to talk to me. "I like your hair, it's very cute." She said, looking at my platt. "Thank you, but I don't want to be friends with Isabella." I said. "Oh, you don't like her. It's ok, I don't know her." She said kindly. "Oh… I'm sorry." I looked down. "It's okay." She laughed, "We can be friends." Isabel stepped in playfully. "I'm Isabel, you can call me Izzy. And this is CJ, you can call her CC. " She continued. I smiled shyly. "Where are you from?" I asked. "Oh I'm a foreign exchange student from London. I'm living with my aunt and uncle. " She said. "Wow!" We both were amazed. "What is it like in London?" Izzy asked. "Well there are huge buildings, lots of cars and pretty lights." She replied. "Why didn't you go to school there?" I asked. "W- well I-" She muttered. "I just wanted to try somewhere new." She said, then the bell rang. "All teachers report to the staff room at lunch. I repeat that all teachers are to report to the staff room at lunch." The principal said through the intercom.


When it was lunchtime Diana left to go to the bathroom. I looked around and realized Izzy, Jeremy and the 5 other girls in the class were the only people in the classroom. Sofia was sitting alone in the back of the classroom. "This is weird isn't it?" Izzy whispered. Suddenly the front door flung open as Justin and all the other boys entered. "Alright, who's paying to see first?" He said. They all began giving him money as they surrounded him. "I'm scared." Izzy whispered, putting her head down. "Hey time is up!" One boy said. "No!" Another replied. Then they began to fight, but it only lasted moments. Then A smartphone fell onto the floor. Justin hurried to pick it up. "It's broken." He said in disappointment. The other boys sighed as they went to their seats.

"Hey, hey we can get a glimpse of the real thing." He said to two other boys. They all giggled together, then Justin looked at Izzy with a perverted face. Suddenly they started approaching. "Hey Izzy let's leave." I whispered to her holding her hand. As we both stood up they stood in front of us. "Why the rush?" Justin asked. "We need to go to the washroom." I said, squeezing her hand a little tighter. "Isabel would be right behind you. I just want to talk to her for a second." He said, stepping closer to her. Isabel looked down uncomfortably. "I- Go…with her." She muttered. Then he reached for her skirt. "Get away from her!" I pushed him with my two hands. "Ohhhh!" The two boys laughed. Isabel hid behind me. "I don't like to hit girls." He said. I got so angry I punched him in the face. He grabbed onto my shirt and pushed me into a desk. Everyone watched silently but Jeremy stood up. "Leave her alone!" He yelled. "Lock the door." He said to one of the boys. Jeremy went to the door but the boy stood in front of it. "Grab her." Justin said, holding the side of his face. The two boys grabbed onto my arms. I tugged and pulled but I wasn't able to break free."I'm going to embarrass you." He said as they dragged me to the front of the class. Then suddenly Jeremy pushed the boy and ran out the door. The boy ran after him. I looked across to Isabel curled up in the back corner of the classroom. I smiled.

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