《The Book of The Gods》Chapter 13: Name


Once upon a time there was a king in a land far different from ours but very rich. There were no cars, no trains, no boats, but there was food for all and more. The king and his only wife, the queen, had many children. Over time the kingdom was in disarray, and the justice system was corrupted by the rich throughout the land. This corruption spread like a disease, soon even the soldiers stopped training. There was no honor or order in the land. The entire kingdom lived wastefully and carelessly. The king saw this and commanded everyone to change their ways, but even when he pleaded as he did, nothing changed. Then suddenly a rival kingdom appeared and attacked.

The king was overthrown and killed. Before he died however he cried out unto the Gods.

The kingdom was reformed, its new ruler had many wives and many daughters. The 12 eldest daughters were the princesses of the kingdom. They were named The Daughters of the Sun. They separated into 12 sections of the kingdom all becoming queens. They respected and cared for each other, and they all had one husband. The daughters had families, and the families expanded. Then suddenly a great threat rose up against the nation. The queens feared that their kingdom would be destroyed, but were more fearful to escape with their lives, so they all changed their names and took on new names. When the kingdom was attacked and the civilians enslaved, the 12 sisters seduced the soldiers. They soon were the wives of the King and they were the most beautiful in all the land. Their children followed them and soon the kingdom was filled with their blood. The families gathered together once more and the kingdom was in their control. They worked as ministers, assassins, soldiers and many other jobs throughout the land. They disguised themselves and made peace with the invaders for decades. Slowly the beliefs, ideas and ways of the daughters were adopted. After the king's death, they took their place as the rightful queens.


"Mommy? What were the sisters' names?" I ask. "I don't know dear, but they all took on a mysterious surname. Lockingham." She says with scary eyes. My mouth opens widely like my eyes and pupils. "So daddy is the king!?" I ask loudly. "Shhhhh!" She giggles. "And mommy is the Queen!" I giggle in glee. Her eyes softly diverge as she uncomfortably smiles. "No, mommy is a princess. My name isn't Lockingham and neither is yours." She says. "Your name is-"

"CJ. CJ, wake up." Isabel whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes and saw her standing in front of me all dressed up. "I'm leaving now. See you at school on monday." She smiled. "Byee byee." I whispered as my eyes slipped together.

When I woke up I walked into the kitchen where daddy was cooking. "You're finally up sweetheart, are you ready for lunch?" He stared gently. My heart sank. I looked at my hands confused as to why they were shaking. My heart started beating really fast and my face contorted from calm into sorrow. I helplessly worried as I couldn't control myself, my hands instinctively went up to cover my face. Click* The stove turned off as daddy's footsteps approached. Tap*... Tap* The darkness finally swallowed my eyes, and it hugged my face. I saw Borea The God of Creation. She was so beautiful, and her eyes were absolutely captivating. "Naughty girl." She pointed. I was ashamed. Tap*... Tap* his bare feet crawled across the wooden floor, and he hugged me. "It's ok CJ." I heard him whisper. "Tell me what's wrong." He said whilst lifting me off of the ground. "Everything's ok." We sat down.

"I don't want to talk about it." I said tearfully wiping my drenched face."Sweety, if you continue to whelve your emotions in yourself, you will hurt not only yourself, but me as well. I won't be able to help you feel better, if I don't know what's wrong." He said kindly. Then I broke, as my tears poured profusely. "I did a bad thing daddy…" I cried into his T-shirt. "What did you do?" He asked gently. "I showed Izzy-" I choked on the sentence. "What did you show Isabel?" He whispered. "I showed her- my- my body…" I muttered as I hid my head in his shirt shamefully. "Oh- what did she do?" He asked. "She said I was a boy." I cried. "I'm not a boy, I am a girl! I was just born with-" I stopped… "You are a girl CJ. Your genes confirm it. You were born with both your and your brother's reproductive organs. He didn't make it." He whispered in the sobbing silence. I looked up at him. "You'll be a big girl one day, with a family and friends." He whispered with a smile. "And boobies?!" I playfully asked. He laughed, "Yes, and boobies." I just realized the warmth that I felt on daddy's lap. My arms wrapped around him and his white T-shirt. It was always so nice to be this close to him.


When we ate lunch we had orange cheesecake for dessert. Then toast with pasta and salad. It was strange, but just the way I liked it. I really enjoyed the weekend, but little did I know, Monday would be the worst day of my life.

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