《The Book of The Gods》Chapter 12: Devil in heaven


In Rævën's absence the war faction dissipated. It's members led quiet lives, like bombs that failed to detonate. In his brother's absence Dövé, The God of Peace, took over heaven. He preached high and low, causing his followers to grow. Dövé desired power. He was always jealous of the God of Gods, who made everything. In his mind the generations showed the hierarchy within heaven, which was correct. Power is a burden that should be given only to those with the shoulders to bear it. His pride and desire drove him to success in his innocent plan. However when he got the status that he wanted, he was corrupted by it.

Rævën's former supporters attended the meetings of the peace faction, aimlessly, and they did so routinely. They were wolves living as sheep for a time, but the shepherd knew their secrets. They had no intention of attack or conflict, they had lost all desire for chaos.

Finally when Dövé had half of the heavens in the palm of his hand he slowly changed his message, to one of immortality and misconduct. He turned the honor of heaven to shame and taught everyone to glorify these shameful things. The God that did the most of these things would be crowned the greatest of all. The humans followed him preaching peace as well but it only brought the fruit of war. Preach love, preach of a God's will and preach peace. Anything unknown to oneself cannot be taught correctly. In that love is hate, in that will is chaos and in that peace is deceit, it's just hiding between the lines.

His devoted followers, both God and man, eventually did whatever he said without question. They all had children in forsaken ways with multiple partners. They fought for status and authority, amongst themselves. They sacrificed their children unto him in an attempt to gain favor. Their children were taught the same disgraceful teachings and eventually, all of heaven was evil. Families formed overtime, and each family conducted themselves differently. Most of the families kept the blood within themselves, procreation from the same womb.


From these activities many of the Gods were very similar, sharing roles, and lessening their power.

The humans formed families as well, creating royalty and prestige, following the same laws.

"Izzy? Did you like the story?" He whispered to Isabel behind me. "Mm-hmm, thank you Mr. CJ." She said, Daddy laughed. "Call me Mr. Lockingham."

"Okay, goodnight." She said, quietly. "Don't stay up too late girls." He said. "Wait, Daddy, Izzy-" I hesitated as her hand gently rested on my shoulder. He turned back, "Is something wrong?" He asked. "No no, Izzy is just shy, she said she is grateful for the accommodations." I said, and he smiled. "Happy to have you, you're always welcome." He said, slowly walking out of the room.

"So your last name is Lockingham?" She asked. "No, I don't know my last name." I whispered. "Oh okay." She whispered. "Let's have a fun day tomorrow." She whispered. "Yeah, too bad we have to go to school…" I grumbled. "Silly CJ, tomorrow is Saturday." She giggled. "Ohhh!" I turned around to her. "That's cool! Let's have fun." I said, she nodded.

"Call me Mr. Lockingham." Daddy says to him, holding me against his chest. "Would that be a ticket for two Sir?" The man asks, smiling at me."Three, first class, and could you add in a few margaritas served by our personal attendant?" He says, boastfully. "Oh, I'm sorry, what was your name again?" He asks, underminingly. Daddy takes out a card from his jacket and gives it to the man. "Oh…" He stands in shock. "I'm Terribly sorry, Mr. Lockingham, I was unaware of your reservations. Please, forgive me and come this way." He said as he showed us upstairs. "What took you so long?" Mommy stands up in excitement. "We had a bit of an issue." Daddy glances at the attendant. "Your flight arrangements will be organized in a few minutes. Please, enjoy your stay." He says handing the card back to daddy. "That's a souvenir, my gift." He smiles, shaking his hand."


"CJ? Do you know your full name?" Mommy asks, looking up at me laying on her tummy. "Is it Cleo J?" I ask. She giggles, "No, it isn't. Want to guess again?" I shake my head. "Aww, that's cute, you don't know that we have the same name?" She tilts her head, playfully. "No, I don't remember your name..." I say quietly, as my high pitched voice sneaks like a mouse. "Oh my, Well let me tell you a story about our names." She says, I look at her hair spread across the pink sheets, flowing over the pillow on the bed. "Let me tell you about the owners of this hotel, and my name, and your father's name." She says sitting up. "The story of kings."

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