《The Book of The Gods》Chapter 11: Cleo


"Cleo you know mommy loves you right?" Mommy smiles holding me in the grocery store. I excitedly nod, as my short hair brushes against her face. She kisses me profusely as I scream out in laughter. "Ok ok, I love you too mommy!" I surrender. "Good." She whispers rubbing her nose against mine. We get home and mommy gets a phone call. I can't understand the big words she is saying, but she looks upset. I hug her leg and she looks gently down at me with a plastic smile, as she continues to talk on the phone. "CJ, mommy is going to the doctor tomorrow." She says immediately after hanging up. "I wanna come too!" I pout. "Sure we'll go together." She says, patting my head.

We have dinner at the table together. Then we go to bed. I snuggle under mommy's T-shirt as I always do. I put my cheek onto her stomach. I love to feel the wave of her muscles, it rocks me to sleep. The bumps on her tummy feel funny as well.

The doctor is a nice lady. It scares me the way mommy lies on the bed in front of her. I rub my thumbs on each-other as I wish that mommy doesn't get hurt. I'm even more afraid of my turn… She usually holds my hand and the doctor gives me a lollipop afterwards. As the doctor finishes up mommy helps me put back on my clothes. She stands talking to her behind the curtain as I sit on the bed.

When we get home I play with my doll house in my room when I hear mommy calling.

"Cleo, could you come here please?" Mother calls from the bedroom. She always calls me Cleo when she's in a funny or playful mood. I run into the room. When I fling open the door I see her sitting next to daddy on the bed. She taps her lap for me to sit down on it. "Mommy? Is something wrong?" I ask, slowly walking with my hands together. I glance at daddy sitting on the bed looking intently onto the floor"No no, sweetheart. We're just going to talk about something, ok?" She says gently, bending over to pick me up. I look over to daddy, it's strange that he hasn't said anything yet. "Daddy's going to leave for a minute ok?" She whispers, then looks at him as he leaves. I tense up in uncertainty. "Cleo." She smiles. "You're a very special person, ok? Nobody in the whole world is like you!" She falls back onto the bed, as we both giggle. "Mmhmm, mommy's special too!" I say, but her smile fades. "Mommy is sweet, but mommy isn't different from the other girls." She says, quietly. She pulls up my jersey and blows on my tummy. I laugh as I roll over and do the same to her. "Cleo, you're not like normal girls." She says, quietly, unbuckling my skirt. I laugh as I pull down her sweatpants. Then we both stopped. "See? You're not like mommy." She whispers. "When you were born, they wanted to cut and change parts of your body." She says quietly as I hug her. "You're not going to go through surgery ok? I won't allow it. You may not be like other girls but that's part of what makes you special." She cries. "I'm not going to let the doctors change you!" She raises her voice in frustration. I hug her and wipe her tears. We lie quietly on the bed, I look down to our shameless state as I rub my hair against mommy's white T-shirt. "You're just like mommy and daddy,'' she says, as her breathing rocks my head. "Don't let anyone see your private parts except mommy and daddy, ok CJ?" She sits up. I nod, pressing my hands together. "CJ! Promise me! Not even the doctor!" She yells. "I- ok… I promise. " I mutter. She hugs me."Let's go for ice cream." She says.


I looked at Izzy laughing and remembered what mommy said. "I'm a big girl now." I whispered, pulling down my underwear. Isabel immediately stopped laughing. I looked up at her, and she freezed, as if something was wrong. I cover my face as my knees buckle. "CJ… you're a boy…" she said quietly. "I'm a girl!" My voice cracked. I heard her get up, and I tense up hearing her wet footsteps get closer and closer. When she touched my shoulders I flinched. "It's ok. Let me tie your hair for you." She said kindly. "So, you're not afraid of me? Don't you think I'm weird?" I whispered as she stood behind me. "Not at all, you're beautiful." She said, as she hugged me. We both got into the warm bath. "So, that's why you didn't want to bathe at my house?" She asked. I nodded shyly. "I was born this way." "Wait!" She said, "So how do you pee?" She whispered. I giggled. "Just like any girl would pee." I laughed. We splashed water against each other. "So how did you get all of those scars?" I asked. "Well, I play outside a lot, so I fall off of trees and down hills sometimes." She said, "Well that's what my parents want me to say…" She looked down into the water. "Oh. Well I do naughty stuff too, but daddy puts me in the naughty corner." I assured her. She gently smiled and took my hand. "CJ, my parents brutally abuse me." She smiled. "Every day." She said as her voice began to crack. I held both her hands. "It all started when I was 5. One night both my parents got drunk and beat me." She confessed, "It was every month at first, then every week, then every day." She cried. "They always hurt me in places that nobody will see. They demand that I hide it from everyone." She continued. "That's terrible." I said, squeezing her hands. "Glass, whips, bats, even their bare hands. I got used to it." She said, as I leaned in toward her. She grabbed on to me in a hug, "Don't tell anyone about this ok?" She desperately begged. "Of course, pinky promise." I said, holding out my finger.


After everyone left daddy came to tuck me in bed. "Read more about the Gods." I eagerly requested.

After the war in heaven Hades, the God of Destruction took the power of the perished God and he cast it throughout all of heaven. This birthed many Gods and strange beings. The God of War, Demons and the God of Death. The children devoted themselves entirely to Hades and formed the Evil faction. They formed a dwelling place for themselves, a place that was neither past nor present. They called it Hell. The God of war was quite fond of the Rævën The God of Chaos. She desired Him but knew that she would never be able to be with Him. Dwellers of Hell were forbidden from entering Heaven. So she sent a servant, who went onto Rævën and told him where his brother was. "If you kill your brother, you would gain His power." The servant said. Immediately Rævën rose up in search of Auro-darko. As soon as He saw him He hit Him shattering his throne. The pieces of his throne drifted throughout the universe. Auro-darko The God of Life, fled. Then suddenly the God of War appeared and took him into the depths of Hell where he would never be seen again.

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