《The Book of The Gods》Chapter 9: Little things


The next morning I walked into the classroom and saw all the chairs empty. I would never be the first one in school on a normal day, but daddy had to leave earlier for work that morning. He was going to the gym before work. When mommy was still alive we would both exercise together. Now, every once in a while daddy and I would exercise together. Grandma always said exercise and a healthy diet are the most important things in a healthy lifestyle. Gradually I became the fit young girl I am now, but I always felt as if I was too plain. I wish I was more like Mrs. Apate.

I look at the deep orange light stickered onto her skin. I gently put my hand on her cheek. "I wish I was more beautiful like you, because you look just like her." I whisper to Mrs. Apate. She smiles, "Why, thank you. Your mother was very pretty and endearing, it's an honor to be compared to her." She leans into my hand. Her face is smooth and soft. "Let's go meet your father, now." She kisses my forehead.

The door opened at the front of the classroom. I turned away from the window to see Jeremy. "Good morning." He said, just barely loud enough for me to hear. "Good morning." I replied, my high pitched voice echoed. It was chased after by silence as Jeremy made his way to the back of the classroom to sit. He seemed calm, and at peace, which gave rise to the indifferent mist he emitted. He was cool, I understood what Isabel saw in him. Wait. Where was Isabel? I looked around in confusion because I knew she was usually the first one in class. Then the door opened again, it was Isabella Courtney. I looked away with distaste. Isabella was the popular girl in our grade. She would always grab the attention from everyone and she was rude. She wasn't very smart but she didn't allow anyone to win in anything if she had a say. Isabella was so annoying and overbearing, she acted like she's perfect and superior to everyone else. I didn't like her at all. She flung her brown hair over her shoulder as she sat at the front and center of the classroom. Jeremy was unfazed by her presence, he kept reading the book in his hand.


As person after person walked through the door my anxiety built up. Isabel hadn't arrived and class would start in a few minutes. I looked up at the ceiling fan while shaking my leg, squeezing my fingers together and biting my nails. Every second elongated to a century, as I rested my head down on the desk. The only thing I could hear was the gentle tapping of my damp fingertips on the wooden desk. "Ok class, let's begin." Mrs. Apate said. "A few students would be missing today because they called in sick." She continued, as I leaned up and listened. "Isabel, Candice, James and Vanessa. " She said. Then she rested her phone onto the desk. I sighed with relief, but throughout the day I felt lonely.

At break time I layed down and listened to the cacophony of the classroom and halls. I heard that Daniella likes whales, and that Tommy wanted to do a backflip on the moon. I heard whispering about Isabella doing 'naughty things' but that's as far as the rumor went. All the boys would talk about was race cars, trains and animals. They seemed to have a particular fascination with the great white shark for some reason. I saw the boys talking and running around, but Jeremy never left his seat. I stared intensely at him slouched in his seat. I looked at his brown eyes buried in his book as he continued to shovel them deeper and deeper. His straight hair fashioned together into a comb over. His bushy, curved eyebrows looked painted onto his face.

Unsurprisingly, the bell rang, and Isabella walked into the classroom with at least 3 boys following her. She had a smirk on her face, I hated her stupid face. One of the boys following her was Justin. Justin was like her brother in blood, they were so similar it was as if they were made for eachother. Justin always kept a mischievous smile on his face, and 'his parents were rich' apparently so he was just as proud as her. Justin always sat right next to her, almost under her shoulder. She never showed but it was evident that she wanted to do the same.


Mrs. Apate entered the classroom and sat at her desk, and picked up her phone from where she left it. She went on to teach until the bell rang once more. The horde of boys followed Isabella outside again. A few girls followed as well, but they all acted strange as if they were up to something. I looked at Mrs. Apate's phone, lying helplessly on the desk. I looked out of the window panes, to the children playing on the grass outside. Observing everyone like this, I wondered why Isabel was my only friend. What would I ever do without her sky blue eyes and wonderful smile. I want to be best friends with her forever.

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