《The Book of The Gods》Chapter 7: The Gods


Auro-darko was a very peculiar boy. He admired plants and animals, and the intelligence they displayed. His power stretched throughout the galaxies, just like Borea the God of Creation. Unlike the other Gods, Auro-darko was treated like a pitiful child and a disgrace to the Gods' Infinite power. He was scorned and mocked even by his own parents. Despite all of this He was undeterred, and marveled by the life that he gave to all. After centuries of painstaking tolerance, Auro-darko left the heavens and ventured into the universe. He made a throne of impure gold. He sat and admired life in all its forms. As time went on, He grew up to be quite the adonis, but he was not the only one to leave the heavens.

After Auro-darko left Borea the God of Creation felt lonely without her only son. Despite His frail figure and laughable imperfection, She still felt as if a part of herself was lost. At the same time, Lumis the God of Time lost His humility and stepped above the other Gods. For what is Time without Pride? He exalted himself not being born but created. Borea the God of Creation despised Him for this, so She went unto Death. For Borea The God of Creation was fair. Her figure was young and her skin supple. She was the most beautiful God ever created. Her eyes were the incomplete blend of many colors. The universe could be seen in her eyes that was constantly transforming. She bore twins unto him, Dövé the God of Peace and Rævën the God of Chaos. This was the beginning of the war in heaven.

Dövé the God of Peace pleaded with the Gods. He persuaded them to forgive, and encouraged them to keep heaven in one piece. This was directly contrary to His brother however, He preached words of discord and encouraged the Gods to fight. These different beliefs divided Heaven into three parts. The first, the peace faction led by Dövé. Second the war faction, led by Rævën and finally the neutral faction without a leader. These divisions birthed The God of Order Iustus.


The God of Gods sat at the pinnacle of the heavens, having never spoken a word throughout His entire life. Lumis, placed His throne right next to Him, declaring The God of Gods as His brother. Having nothing to say and no resistance, The God of Gods was presumed to hold Lumis' beliefs. Overtime as more and more Gods were born, the tension only grew. Finally the war faction enough, they all rose up in anger to war with The God of Time and The God of Gods. The war in heaven lasted moments, but to humans it was millenia. The God of Gods sat in his throne drinking indifference. After taking a beating, Lumis ran in fear. The God of Gods did no such thing. He allowed them to take his life. The entire Congregation was satisfied with this. All factions were happy the war had ended. The peace faction were relieved the animosity was put to an end. The neutral faction was happy heaven could go back to normal and of course the war faction was happy that they won. They murdered their creator.

Heaven was silent for a moment followed by a rave. The entire universe bloomed with chaos and creativity. Stars collapsed and nebulas formed all as an expression of the Gods' celebration. This celebration happened over millions of years and created the worlds we know today.

There are 4 generations of Gods. The first generation was not born of a God but created or formed. The second was born of a single God. The third generation was born of more than one God. Finally the fourth.

Auro-darko The God of Life was the first third generation God. Soon after His birth, Borea defiled and begat His twin brothers, Dövé the God of Peace and Rævën the God of Chaos. The brothers of the first generation then looked down on the other Gods as subordinate. This built animosity between Them and the other Gods. Eventually the hate built up and they all banded together and killed The God of Gods.

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