《The Book of The Gods》Chapter 6: A New Friend


"Hey, CJ. Wake up." Daddy whispered, brushing his hand against my face. I rolled over in tiredness and groaned. "You have school today." He continued. "Ok." I whispered, as if I was at peace with the idea.

My tiredness spills over into everything I do. I feel so tired, my body hurts. I roll off the bed and slowly walk upstairs to the dining room. Every step I take is a surge of pain. The dark oak spiral stairwell connecting my room and the dining room is beautiful. I grasp onto the rails looking at the open space through the holes. The gloss of the rails catches my attention and I stop. I breathe heavily as I sit down, listlessly staring at the light oak floor, my white bed and colourful decorations around my room below. "Is everything alright?" Grandma whispers behind me. Her voice is ever fading and the way she suddenly appears behind me would've been scary, but it strangely isn't. "Yes Grandma, I'm fine." I whisper, "It just hurts from yesterday that's all." We both smile.

"CJ? Can you hear me?" Mrs. Apate asked loudly, making a silly face in front of the class. Everyone laughed. "Can you tell us what the fire department does for us?" She asks. "Sure, the fire department saves people from fires, and protects our homes and lives." I stood up and said. Everyone seemed amazed by my answer, they must not have known. "You really shouldn't be sleeping in class." A girl behind me whispers to me. "Oh I'm sorry." I politely said. "You know you shouldn't be talking in class either. " I continued. I glanced at the grey clock above the chalkboard. She was silent for the remainder of the class until break time. I thought she didn't like me, because I was rude. I tapped my feet together and twirled my hair. The colors and ribbons of the small classroom became the angler that I admired. The ceiling fan spun round and round with blue and red ribbons. "CJ!" Mrs. Apate yelled. I quickly look at her as my heart gallops. "If you have better things to do than pay attention, I would have to put in a word with your father." She continued. "Ooohh!" The entire class teased. I squeeze the hair between my fingers and my face contorts slowly. I tried my best to stop but I couldn't, so I covered my face as I began crying. "I'm sorry." I pleaded in muffled disarray, and just then a silence devoured the entire room. It was only for a moment however, the bell rang, and when it did everybody ignored me.


"I'm Isabel." The girl from before said touching my shoulder. I looked up at her smiling with sympathy. "Isabel Arora." She continued. "Do you want to be friends?" She asked. I was confused by the gesture but reluctantly agreed. She was ecstatic and pulled her chair closer to mine. "Can I… hug you?" She asked, shyly. I stood up and looked at her. She was wearing a blue ribbon to her ponytail, I was surprised that I only just noticed it. She was barely shorter than me, and her smile was like a picture. Her eyes were blue. I hugged her, and she was quite warm. She smelled of expensive perfume and cosmetics. "Do you feel better now?" She asked me, while letting go. "Yeah! Thank you." I glowed. From that day Izzy and I were best friends.

It was the second semester, and we all sat in class awaiting the bell for lunchtime. "Hey, CC." Isabel called me. "Mm-hmm" I hummed. "I know you like dogs, my dad brought a puppy for me yesterday." She said as the bell rang. I spun around, "Really!?" I screeched in excitement. "I bet he's adorable! Oh wait- Is it a he or a she?" I rambled. "I don't know yet." Izzy replied. Her knees pressed together. "Woww!" I giggled. "I wish my daddy would get me a puppy." I pouted. "Yeah." She smiled uncomfortably. "Hey, would you like to come over to my place, to play with him?" She asked. My eyes lit up in glee. "I would love to!" I said. "I'd have to ask Daddy first, so maybe tomorrow. Ok?" I continued. "Sure, I will ask my parents too." She stated.

The moment I saw daddy I rushed and gave him a big hug. He laughed, and patted my head. "Can I go to Isabel's house tomorrow?" I asked him. He looked down slightly concerned. "Sure, but I'm going with you ok?" When I heard his approval I jumped for joy.

That night in my dreams, I saw a God for the first time in months. This time it was Dövé the God of Peace. He didn't say anything, he just whistled. The sound was one of drastic receding tides. A calm before calamity.

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