《The Book of The Gods》Chapter 5: Innocence


"CJ?! What's wrong?" Both Mrs. Apate and Mr. Alexander rushed into the room, almost falling to the floor. "I- I had a nightmare." I stammered, sitting up. They both sighed with relief. "If you're scared, why don't we read you a story?" Mr. Alexander asked. "Wonderful idea." Mrs. Apate agreed. "Well… I like the story about the Gods. Daddy reads it to me." I said shyly. "Ohhh the Book of The Gods." Mrs. Apate said. "Yes, when I was little I liked that book as well." She continued as she walked across to the bookshelf. "Here it is." She said as she walked toward me. Mr. Alexander sat on the chair next to the bed and Mrs. Apate sat down next to me. "Let's read the story about Death." She said, then she told me all about Death, The God of Existence.

After the story she clapped her hands twice. "Do you feel better now?" She asked kindly. "Yes." I smiled. "Where's Daddy?" I asked. "He's on his way he will be here in a few mi-" She was cut off by the sound of the doorbell. The intercom turned on, I only just then noticed the box by the door. "Lady Wilis, Mr. Ummm, well a man is here to see you." Claudia said. "Alex you go greet him at the door." Mrs. Apate said. "CJ, let's go meet your father." She smiled at me. As she combed my hair again and tied the bow, I looked at the deep orange light stickered onto her skin. "All done." She glowed. Her face was smooth and soft. She kissed my forehead and took me to my father. "Daddy!" I yelled as I ran toward him. "CJ! I missed you so much." He said as he crouched down to catch my hug. He smelled faintly of cologne and dry sweat. His strong arms cradled me like puzzle pieces. "Thank you so much Apate for looking after her in my absence." He said as he released me. "Did you like it here CJ?" He asked me. "I love it here. It's amazing!" I replied glowing with joy. Everyone laughed. "You should come again." She encouraged me. "You're always welcome." She looked at Daddy, her tone was like before, when I was in the bathroom. She sounded ever so soft and alluring. "Well we better get going." Daddy said. "Oh, why don't you stay for dinner?" Mrs. Apate requested. "W-" Daddy muttered but before he could get a word out his tummy grumbled. I looked up at him and smiled. He became red with embarrassment. "I insist." She smiled.


We sat at the bare table and before we knew it the stars were looking at us, blinking and glowing. The food was brought out a few minutes afterwards but idle chatter added a cacophony of bliss that smoked into the atmosphere before it was. Then finally the thump of two almost overflowing pie dishes silenced the table immediately. Then a few men in tuxedos set plates and utensils in front of us. They moved quickly and efficiently. Then another few came and tossed pizza dough over us. We all gasped in awe, but the show was only just beginning. Soon it was tiny boxes and ribbons flying over the table. I sat with sparkling eyes staring at it all. They placed the boxes next to our plates. The sound of classical music softly began to hug the dining room. It echoed from the kitchen and sounded like it was right in front of us. They were playing Vivaldi - Spring. Then the men switched places with a second group of men, some holding pots and others holding baskets of some kind. Then the men with baskets began tossing shrimp to the men with the pots. The sizzling and frying added an exciting ambiance to the beautiful synchronization that was displayed thus far. Two more pairs of men brought out bread, butter, limes, sauces and glasses. Then they all went back into the kitchen. Finally Claudia came out to take our orders. "What may I get for you?" She asked, and as soon as she did the music melted into Tchaikovsky - Waltz of the flowers. I felt so happy. Daddy and I both had a slice of apple pie, a piece of garlic bread, pasta and bacon. With a side of strawberry shortcake. The salt grains were still visible on the torn piece of bread. Along with the clear sugar grains on the apple pie. The apple filling oozed out of the side and the eye shaped hole on the top. It was almost so perfect that I didn't want to eat it. It tasted delicious.


When we arrived home it was already past my bedtime. "CJ, you look beautiful." Daddy said as he opened the door and took me out of the car. I smiled softly, twirling one of the strands of hair hanging in front of my face. Daddy put the golden key into the keyhole and opened the door. "Time for bed ok CJ?" He said. "Okay." I replied. I went into the bathroom and took a bath and brushed my teeth. Then I walked into my room and changed into my PJ- My nightgown. I put that on instead. I lied on my bed and as I was falling asleep, I heard Daddy shouting in his room. It was barely loud enough for me to hear. "I told you she wasn't ready!" He yelled. "What if you weren't there!? What would've happened then!?" He continued… Momentary silence. I crunched and covered myself in the blanket. "Are you absolutely sure that she's ready for school!?" He yelled once more. Then I couldn't hear his voice anymore. "I wish you were still here." I whispered. "So do I." Mommy said, holding a bouquet of dandelions. Her dress was white but stained at the bottom with black mud. The sky was the color of pacific opal and the clouds were like white quartz. Mommy looked sad, she looked like she was holding back from telling me something. Then she began walking away. "Goodb-" she disappeared before I could finish.

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