《The Book of The Gods》Chapter 3: Ridicule


The God of Existence was a very diligent God. He took up the mantle of order after Hades cursed both the heavens and the earth. The moment that Hades cast the curse he dissipated into all of Creation, even the Gods themselves. His power was immense and almost unstoppable. As the universes began to collapse and all existence began fading, the God of Existence knew what he had to do. The lack of order caused Ouroboros to begin immediately. For what is Time without order?

Taking up the mantle meant that he would have to control existence for everything that was ever created, and a cycle for its recreation. He would be the valve between creation and destruction. The God of both death and life.

As time went on he cherished human life as it was so intriguing. One day he took on a disguise as a human by changing his form. Even as a God he was not fully knowledgeable of the human body, and thus was not capable of replicating a perfect figure. Darkness drenched most of his face, and his body as floating glass of ash.

He wore a cloak to conceal his poor excuse for an impersonation, and lived around the humans for what they perceived as centuries. He roamed around the world walking and observing everything in the villages and the landscapes. He observed as civilization and inventions advanced. Then the eras of plagues and pandemics came. Knowing that the humans were dying he went into the towns and villages to find out why. As he roamed and observed rumors went around saying that he was the God of Death. That he had come to collect the souls of the living. Soon the humans began cursing, ridiculing and throwing trash unto him. He was disappointed that the humans treated him like this even when he was trying to help. Walking down the street it screamed. The roads yelled curses and threw waste on him. Dripping, as he staggered over garbage scattered throughout the street. He walked, without lungs to breathe or a heart to beat. Suddenly a blade ran through his spine and out his chest. Then several men held his arms and legs tearing off his covering. The sound of breathing was the only thing to be heard throughout the entire village. "The God of Death!" A woman screamed. "He'll kill us all!" A man screamed. He bowed his head in acceptance as the sword fell out his black bones. "Death." He said, then disappeared. From that moment the God of Existence was called Death.


"Hello? Oh, that sounds inconvenient. Perhaps I can take her to my house, because she can't stay here." Mrs. Apate said as she held the cellphone against her ear. "Oh, well even more reason for her to come over to my place. I will be happy to accommodate her as long as I have to." She smiled as she looked at me. "Ok," She said.

"Your father wouldn't be able to pick you up on time because he got held up at work." She said to me, "So he allowed me to take you to my house to stay for the evening until he arrives." I nodded slowly, hesitant and anxious.

Before I knew it, school was over and we were both heading to her white car. I looked out the window in awe as we pulled up to her house. It was larger than the big home we lived in. The driveway was huge and featured a lot of beautiful cars. I stepped out onto tiles to my surprise. I noticed the dancing and singing of the wind chimes near the door we were approaching. She took out a shiny rainbow key attached to a butterfly and unlocked the door. Her husband was standing at the door smiling. She closed the door behind me. My eyes dashed to the floor as they leaned in to kiss each other. I uncomfortably rubbed my fingers together as the gentle sound of succulent lips suctioning and releasing between each other sneaked through the air.

She slowly drapes herself onto him, and my face ripens like cherry season. As they continue I turn away so that I'm no longer seeing their embrace, and I begin twirling, the single platt hanging down from my head.

She giggles "Stop, CJ's watching." She whispers, leaning back onto the sideways serpentine wall of air. "I love you." Daddy giggles. "I love you t-" Mommy whispers only to be interrupted by what sounds like another kiss. My pink T-shirt looks like a nice thing to distract me I think to myself. I untuck a tiny piece from my skirt. Then suddenly both Mommy and Daddy are hugging me. My face becomes parallel to theirs in an almost suffocating cuddle. "We love you CJ." Lumis whispers.


I snapped out of my daydream. "Oh, please forgive my rudeness, little miss. My name is Alexander. Make yourself at home." The man took off his hat resting it unto his chest, with an arm outstretched to shake mine. I looked at his face and saw nothing but black terror. He was the spitting image of Lumis The God of Time that appeared to me yesterday. I knew that if I tried to scream I wouldn't be able to. So I hurried behind Mrs. Apate, and peaked at his featureless face in anxiety. My hand rested on her lower waist, unto the fabric that her tube skirt was made of. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you." He said.

"She's just shy and uncomfortable, she'll warm up to you eventually." She smiled. "I'm going to change. Do you want to change too, CJ?" She asked, "I- I don't have any clothes." I muttered with my eyes on the floor. She turned around and stooped down to me. "I can have Claudia prepare some new clothes for you." She whispered. "Or do you want me to get your clothes at home?" I looked at her, my mouth slightly awry and pupils wide. My fingertips kissed and my knees touched. "Can I go to the bathroom?" I politely requested. "Sure." She smiled, holding my hand as we briskly walked away.

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