《The Book of The Gods》Chapter 1: The only God: Part 3


The news that a child was to be born unto Lumis and Borea, had gotten to Hades and he knew exactly what he would do. When it was almost time for the child to be born Hades broke down the doors of Heaven and stormed to where his sister resided. With an unfamiliar, dark magical power he chained Borea to the bed and approached. Hades, despite being held back by Lumis, perforated the stomach of his sister and spread a gaping hole in her womb. Light shone brighter than all heaven as her entrails glowed. Then Hades grabbed the child by the throat. "Oh the son of Lumis aye?" He said menacingly while still choking the child. "Hades please! We beg you to spare our son!" Lumis and Borea cried. He laughed. "No!" He said whilst severing the child vertically in two. The couple screamed, and silence followed. The child was not dead. Hades realized "So he's immoral like the rest of us, as I thought." He said. In spontaneous rage Hades placed a curse on all the Gods and the child. Levitating into the air his dark power shook the heavens. "I WILL BE THE ONLY GOD!" He screamed. At that moment the curse was set. All things will come to an end, and everything will be destroyed, inevitably. All cycles will be disrupted and nothing will be eternal. Hades set an end to everything that ever began. Thus the time for the destruction of everything was set, at an unknown time. Ouroboros was no longer just in the past, but also in the future. The child that was born to Lumis was to be hailed as the God of Immortality, however the child was no longer capable of that title. For half of its body was infinite light and half infinite darkness. He was named Auro-darko God of Life.


Clasp* The book closed. "Ok CJ that's enough for one day." Daddy said. "Ok" I smiled.


Just then the phone rings. Who could it be, I wonder. Then he answers the phone. Mommy!? I swear that I'm hearing her soft, frail voice from the telephone. I haven’t heard from her for weeks! I wonder how she's doing?

"Daddy! Daddy! Can I please talk to mommy?" I ask excitedly.

He turns to me in a face of nothing but brokenness and despair. I hear 4 words from the telephone, "I love you both" She says. Followed by the sound of a racket and static. Immediately, a long unceasing beep rings and echoes around the silent house. Noises of doctors and shuffling stands as the backdrop to the endless ringing. Confused, I ask again "Daddy, can I speak to mommy please?" He stares at me, "Mommy is gone now" He says as the ringing continues. The realization hits me after what felt like hours later. The ringing stops, and someone picks up the phone. "I'm terribly sorry but she didn't make it." They say. I stand incredulous. The ringing continues for weeks. Her last words will stay in my heart forever, along with the regret of never saying goodbye.


"Daddy can't we read just a little more?" I desperately asked him. "I'm sorry CJ, but we have to prepare dinner." He replied. Just then the phone rang "I'll get it!" I said as I ran and leaped onto my father's bed. Running back to him with the phone I said "It says unknown." He gently took the phone and answered. Moments later he eagerly said "CJ, a special person wants to speak to you." "Really!?" I questioned in amazement. As I put the phone to my ears I heard a voice I had heard once before.



"Who do you think it is?" He smiles cynically

"You've been reading this, haven't you, but isn't there something missing?"

"A part of time that was redacted? Perhaps it isn't important, who knows? Not everything is as it seems."


The dark unforgettable tone in his voice shook fear into my bones. The room seemed to flash black, as he began to speak. "You're coming to school tomorrow are you?" Lumis said. "CJ?" Mrs. Apate called. "Sorry?" I asked confused, "You're coming to school tomorrow right? Your classmates are eager to meet you." She said politely. Her voice was high pitched and almost soft, soothing like a flute. Nothing sinister like Lumis, I must have been imagining things, I thought. "Yes miss, I'm nervous, but also happy." I said. "Great, looking forward to seeing you." She said "Can you put daddy on the phone?" She asked. I handed him the phone and he went outside to talk with her for a few minutes. "That was strange, I thought I saved Mrs. Apate's number." He said "She must have called from her home phone. " He continued. I remembered that he called her earlier today, after lunch. He said he'd be sure whether or not I'd be happy to go, given I had fainted a few hours before, so I guess she called back later.

We had spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. It was delicious, and by the time I had finished eating, I had already fallen asleep.

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