《My Life As A Creator》S5: Companion


The rainfall continued for about a week total. I had checked the crops and the storage each day, but on the third day, the inside of the storage started to get muddy, and the pots of water and fertilizer were pouring out onto the rice I had stored. This is what I got for not putting down any flooring. Fine, if it was going to be this way then I was going to make flooring now. I set up a temporary shelter outside of the storage to put everything on, while I turned the inside flooring into a more tiled surface with a mud-clay mixture, having to be careful to bake it by not setting fire to the wooden walls or warping them with high heat. Now that problem should be solved along with any beasts trying to dig its way into the storage as well. By the time I got back to my home after all that, there was the beast again. This small smoky coloured fuzzy canine. On closer inspection of it, it appeared to be a fox. "Have you been the one plaguing me all this time, little one?" A little harsh I'll admit, but it appeared to be cold and seeking shelter. Holding out my hand, I gathered rain and attempted to wash the mud off of its paws, but it struggled when I grabbed hold of it even if it was brief. "Look, if you want in, you'll have to deal with this." Through the struggle, I did get it cleaned and then let it inside. It jumped to my bed and made a nest on the blanket. Seeing that it didn't seem like it was about to get warmer, I added more wood to my furnace to keep it warm. I don't know why I decided to take in this beast nor why it came back. I had shooed it away twice already, why would it assume that I wouldn't a third time? Well, I guess it didn't really have much to lose. I haven't taken care of any animals before that weren't the ones I killed, well that's not really care as a mercy killing. Hmm. I didn't know how often this thing eats, or what it eats besides meat as it took that rodent I tossed at it before. I guess I'll have to keep a couple more fish on hand or maybe it'll just hunt for its own food and I won't have to worry about it. Regardless, it's here now. I'll have to start leaving my door open by a crack so it can slide it open when it comes.


The next midday, it was still raining. Still, I did the usual. Check crops, harvest a few that were ready and replant. Fish, instead of 2 every 4 days, I decided to do 3 every 3. Checked the storage, some of the rain started to drip through. So I shaped an underside to the roof made of metal. That should keep water from dripping in now. I decided I'll search for more metal when the rain passes. The next day goes by with the rain still going. I was starting to get a bit bored. The fox returned covered in mud trying to get in. "Hey! I said if you want in, you go in washed, now hold still." Still a struggle to get the mud off of it. I should set aside a basin for washing it. I sat on the deck this day. Wondered what Yè would think if he saw me now. Living in such a small home. Taking care of a beast, well loosely anyways. Avoiding the use of unnecessary Shaping. Living on a strict diet of rice and fish once a day. Yè... I wonder what you're up to. Have you been taking care of yourself? How have you been? Anything exciting happen? Did you move up sectors yet? Did you ever like beasts Yè? I can't say I really gave them much thought till living here for a month, or what I assumed was a month that passed. The fox came out and nested in my lap. I was confused by this notion. It had to assume I was friendly for I let it into my home without hurting it. But why my lap? Perplexing. Hahaha. How about now Yè? Could you have ever pictured me: sitting with a friendly beast in my lap, petting it? Not something I would have thought to have happened in my life. There was something about its smoky fur I liked. Spots that were pitch black and others snow white, and all shades of grey throughout its coat. I guess if I ever lost sight of my life goal, I'd have you to remind me. True Light and Dark.


After the rain had finally stopped, I was ready to try again. Though I had a few things to do first before then. I needed metal again and I had to remake my fire pit as some of the bricks were loose and fell apart on top of itself. Instead of layers of bricks, I was just going to make it into a single mass. I laid out my shape for it once again, but covered it in the mud-clay mixture I used before and cooked it. Imperfect but serves its use. Now for the metal search. I spent a few days searching for metal back along the mountain once again. The journey there and searching felt much quicker than when I first landed all those months ago. I guess being less reliant on Shaping and training my physique has helped me. The trip to the Agriculture sector always took me an hour to walk there. I wonder how long it'd take me now to make it there. In my search I found some hazy white crystals that I initially thought were Tugillby. So I chipped some off and took it with me, as I figured it would prove beneficial to serve as a catalyst of sorts. Now if I could find some Suloxyhyte, I could use them as catalysts for Light & Dark. Stepping out of the cave, I could barely make out my homestead in the distance. The only thing that gave it away was the fact that it was a different colour than the surrounding green, just a tiny speck of brown-red. The thought of walking together with Yè had me thinking of a faster method of transportation. I could hurl myself near my home, but that was incredibly far away and extremely dangerous to my person. Then a follow up idea, what if I Shaped a bowl to slide down the mountain, almost like the time I did with the beast. And I did just that. I found a patch of dirt along a flat part of the mountain and formed my bowl, and threw it down the mountain. I nearly gave myself a heart attack, haha. I've never moved that fast before either, and was worried that the bowl was going to flip over and tumble out. Once it came to stop I had to sit down and rest for a bit. Pretty much collect myself before continuing back home. Then back to the usual of farm checking, storage checking, and eating a planned meal. Along with seeing the beast once more. I should give it a name to make it different than any other beast I encounter. A combination of the Higher Deities Antande & Bysenrk would do well, as to me this beast represents Light & Dark. Hmm... Aytenre? Though this goes against how we name people and things. Any Fenzoshu higher ups would also be displeased by such a name. Maybe Yè. Ah, I guess considering naming it means I've grown attached to it. How silly.

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