《Violet Fear: Diary of a Demon Lord》Chapter 2 - My life as a cleric ( part 2 )


I woke up as the first light of dawn warmed my skin. Slowly opening my eyes, the first thing I see is an old ceiling that seemed to be tumbledown. I grabbed the worn-out blanket covering my body and quickly got up only to see timbered pillars and drafty walls made out of cracks. I guess I shoud find a better place after finishing a quest. I thought as I look around the room. Seeing the whole place, I'm still wondering how I managed to live in this hostel for months. I guess I've gotten used to worse. I thought as I prepared to leave.

Walking along the streets at the eastern district early in the morning, different voices could be heard echoing the streets and making it livelier than ever, they're promoting their products through commercializing. this is of course, the place where most shops and stalls were located, the market place. Weapon shops, armot shops, taverns, and all sorts of hawkers could be seen.

Remembering the conversation Gran and I had yesterday, we're supposed to meet up at the public carriage near the market place. I thought as I Iook at the shops and stalls one by one. Seeing the unending human traffic even though it's early in the morning, I could say this part of the city is the most bustling place. I notice some citizens mingling with merchants and there are even those who walk by wearing armors. I guess they really do take it seriously when getting first dibs on quality products.

After walking for a couple of meters, a sweet and encticing aroma filled my nose as I look into a nearby tavern. This seems to be a nice place, but I should get going since they might be already there. thinking I'll just pass by and leave, a sudden grumbling could be heard.


I guess I'm hungry after all. I thought as I decided to go inside. Upon entering the tavern, I quicky took notice of the ambiance that gave off a warm and cozy vibe. looking around, several people are happily devouring their meal and having a chat as I approach the counter to order some food.

A figure of a man could be seen as I approach the counter near the kitchen.

"Welcome to the best tavern in this city! We serve the best food and drinks here!" the man said.

He had a craggy face and huge build, his shoulders were broad and his muscles were amazing! Looking at his head, I could only notice his hair since the only hair he has is his curly bangs, not to mention that it's only at the middle part of his forehead and the rest can be said bald. If you'd ask me to describe it, I'd say that his hair was akin to a new-born baby, although in a scary, at the same time disturbing kind of way.

"Give me a piece of the cheapest food in your menu." I said.

"Though we do have bread as our cheapest, I suggest you should try our braised spare ribs while it's hot. The difference in price is only a copper." he said as he took out a plate from the kitchen.


The aroma of the dish lingered in my nose after I took a whiff, as if it wanted me to devour it. Although his marketing strategy can be considered good and the item he suggested seemed appealing, I realize I only have 12 coppers to spend for the entire month.

As far as I know, the currency here in the continent were copper, silver, gold, platinum and notes. for example, 5 copper coins can be traded for 1 silver coin, and 5 silver coins can be traded for 1 gold coin, 5 gold coins can be traded to 1 platinum coin. however notes are different. notes have the value of 100 platinum coins. so even for people like me who're used to poverty, having 12 copper coins still isn't enough. life as a cleric sure is tough.

"Although the spareribs seems delicious, I think I'll take the bread" I said.

"You're already skinny but you still want to eat bread? I know carbs would keep you going for the day but you need at least some protein." He said.

As I ponder on what we said, I always criticize others about their looks and frequently forget how I look from their point of view. Well, not that I really care anyway. Although there were a couple of times where I saw my reflection in the mirror, I guess I could describe myself as small and looked like a peasant that haven't had a harvest for half a year.

"We all have problems, also I need to leave and can only eat on the go." I said

"I see then." he said as he nodded in agreement and went inside the kitchen.

He came out carrying a bread inside a brown bag and smiled as he gave it to me.

"That would be 1 copper coin." he said while putting his arms at his waist.

I took out a copper coin from my sack and gave it to him. I could only sigh as I realize that I only have 11 coppers left to spend.

"thanks." I said as I walk away and prepared to leave.

Eating the bread as I headed for the public transportation, I remembered the details of the quest. We're supposed to retrieve the city lord's ring from the rat-monkeys. Rat-monkeys are rank E monsters that are known for stealing shiny objects. They're a ball of grey furr of about 3 feet tall, has huge ears adn two large teeth showing out from their mouth. albeit they are only of low rank, If they are paired with a couple of themselves it would be troublesome as they can synchronize with each others movements, what more if you charge right through their den? that's why the quest became rank B. According to the information we've been given, the ring was stolen from the caravan when it was being delivered from a neighboring town near the eastern district gate. the ring was last seen being carried by rat-monkeys to the entrance of their den near the forest by the guards of the caravan. the ring was said to be gold and embellished with a huge jade on its top that would emit a vivid sea green light when taken to a slightly darker place.


I reach my destination as people sitting in a specific area came in to view. There were some who brought huge luggage as they're waiting for the vehicle to come. They said we all should be here early in the morning but... I thought as I started to search for my party around the vicinity only to realize that they still haven't arrived.

Waiting for about an hour, I percieved a silhouette of the two walking at the edge of my view. But looking closely, there seems to be another one behind them. Who's the other guy? I thought as I see them approaching.

"Sorry for the wait! Don't tell me that you missed me already?" Yuri said in a lively but seductive tone.

Who would miss a sly fox like you? If there is, then that would be the idiot beside you. I thought as I put my hand in my face.

"We took a detour and recruited another party member for clearing the den faster. If there's anything we need to apologize to, then that would be you." Gran said

while we were talking a huge figure from their back could be seen as it approached me.

"Nyx." a metallic voice could be heard.

"Ah right I fogot to tell you, this is Nyx. He'll be with us along the journey. though he's big and scary, he's a rank B wizard with 2 elements. I guess you two will get along since you both don't like to talk." Gran said.

"I am Blu, although I'm a cleric I hope we get along." I said as I stared at Nyx

He was startled at first then he nodded.

Looking at Nyx, he really does look scary since he wear a worn-out full plate armor. judging by the size of his armor, his height should be around 6 feet. he wears a grey closed-helmet and carries a meter length weapon that was wrapped in brown cloth. To me, he look like more of a veteran swordsman than a wizard. As I look closely at the gaps of his helmet, I notice that I couldn't see a tad bit of his face, it was all pitch black as if the helmet he wears was hollow.

Weird. I thought.

"If you don't have anything to say then let's go, It'll take an hour traveling from here so we better hurry." Gran said.

We followed gran to the carriage and paid a copper coin to the man that seemed to be the owner of the carriage


We traveled for almost an hour now. thinking as I sat at the back of the carriage. Beside me was Nyx while Yuri and Gran sat at our front. Although there's a cloth dividing us from Gran and Yuri, I could still hear Gran talking and trying to start a converation but the other one seemed to be ignoring him.

Without anything to do, I looked at Nyx. This is the first time I joined a party with a wizard... he's also a high level too. I thought as I started to ask Nyx.

"Hey, why did you choose to become a wizard?" I asked as I look over his shoulders.

Nyx tilted his head as he pointed a finger at himself in confusion.

I nodded.

"Heroes." Nyx said in a metallic voice.

"You believed in that kind of story huh?" I said.

Though I too, believed in that story when I was a kid, to become one of the four heroes who will defeated the demon lord. then after reaching the age of 10, my dream shattered as I came to realize that I couldn't take any other class except being a cleric. My life became a nightmare after that.

Nyx pointed a finger at me as if he was returning the question back, asking why did I become a cleric.

"Level 1. I never get to choose other classes because my conversion level didn't raise." I said as I look down at the wooden floor of the carriage.

I remembered, When reaching the age of 10, the average requirement for picking a class is level 2. Then there's also kinds of classes for geniuses who reached level 3 and wizard class is one of those. But for those who stayed at level 1, cleric is the only option.

"We're here!"

Nyx and I quickly jumped down from the carriage as soon as we heard Gran shout. Regrouping after heading out from the carriage, I notice a thick forest abundant with huge trees, their trunks were only a couple of meters apart from each other as ther roots entwined with one another. Looking slightly from the left, I see a small entrance that seemed to be dug out enough for a single human to fit in. I guess that's their den. I thought as we approached the said entrance.

Upon reaching the entrance of the cave, a sudden problem came and put us to halt.

"It seems the hole is too small for us to enter. Though the cleric and I can, I don't think you two will fit." Yuri said as she examined the entrance.

"Nyx." Gran said.

A huge shadow appeared in front of me as I hear clomping footsteps coming from my rear. It was Nyx. He held his meter-length weapon that was wrapped in cloth and tapped the ground with it.

"«Earth mold»"

As soon as he tapped the ground, the cloth wrapping his weapon became undone and what we saw was a staff with a jewel at it's end giving off a radiant glow. The ground beneath us shook as we see the entrance reform in a rapid manner becoming larger.

"As expected of a level 5 wizard." Gran said in a proud tone.

"It really is amazing, rumors say that wizards who go beyond level 8 can form mountains and lakes instantly. Well then, I guess we can go inside now?" Yuri said as if she was hurrying.

So one of the attritubes he has is earth...I pondered as we went inside the cave.

After a while...

A small shadow stood at the entrance of the cave gleaming with red eyes as it stared at the adventurers who went inside...

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